IDE Locks up in infinite loop

When I try to open a certain java file it locks up the IDE and spits out an infinite number of the following error messages:
at oracle.javatools.editor.BasicView$LineRowMap.rebuildRowMap(
at oracle.javatools.editor.BasicView$LineRowMap.recalculateRows(
at oracle.javatools.editor.BasicView$LineRowMap.handleInsert(
It just keeps repeating these 3 lines over and over. And this only happens when I open one certain java file and all the rest are fine. I've opened that java file in several different IDE's and text editors and see nothing wrong with. It also compiles and runs just fine - I just can't open it in the IDE. I have even tried deleting the file and then restoring it but that doesn't help. Any ideas? Thanks.

Can you send the specific file to me?
shay. shmeltzer @ oracle. com
(remove spaces).

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    System Center 2012 SP1 CU2 (5.0.7804.1300)
    Diagnosis details
    SQL connection details
    program name = SC DAL--GroomingWriteModule
    set quoted_identifier on
    set arithabort off
    set numeric_roundabort off
    set ansi_warnings on
    set ansi_padding on
    set ansi_nulls on
    set concat_null_yields_null on
    set cursor_close_on_commit off
    set implicit_transactions off
    set language us_english
    set dateformat mdy
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    set transaction isolation level read committed
    Store procedures executed
    1. dbo.p_GetDwStagingGroomingConfig (executes immediately)
    2. Staging.GroomDwStagingData (this is the procedure that executes in 2 hours before being cancelled)
    The 1st stored procedure seems to return a table with the "xml" / required parameters to execute Staging.GroomDwStagingData
    Sample xml below (cut right down)
    If you look carefully you will see that the 1st <target> is missing the ManagedTypeViewName, which when "shredded" by the Staging.GroomDwStagingData returns the following result set
    DECLARE @Config xml
    DECLARE @GroomingCriteria NVARCHAR(MAX)
    SET @GroomingCriteria = '<Config><Target><ModuleName>TransformActivityDim</ModuleName><WarehouseEntityName>ActivityDim</WarehouseEntityName><RequiredWarehouseEntityName>MTV_System$WorkItem$Activity</RequiredWarehouseEntityName><Watermark>2015-01-30T08:59:14.397</Watermark></Target><Target><ModuleName>TransformActivityDim</ModuleName><WarehouseEntityName>ActivityDim</WarehouseEntityName><RequiredWarehouseEntityName>MTV_System$WorkItem$Activity</RequiredWarehouseEntityName><ManagedTypeViewName>MTV_Microsoft$SystemCenter$Orchestrator$RunbookAutomationActivity</ManagedTypeViewName><Watermark>2015-01-30T08:59:14.397</Watermark></Target></Config>'
    SET @Config = CONVERT(xml, @GroomingCriteria)
    ModuleName = p.value(N'child::ModuleName[1]', N'nvarchar(255)')
    ,WarehouseEntityName = p.value(N'child::WarehouseEntityName[1]', N'nvarchar(255)')
    ,RequiredWarehouseEntityName =p.value(N'child::RequiredWarehouseEntityName[1]', N'nvarchar(255)')
    ,ManagedTypeViewName = p.value(N'child::ManagedTypeViewName[1]', N'nvarchar(255)')
    ,Watermark = p.value(N'child::Watermark[1]', N'datetime')
    FROM @Config.nodes(N'/Config/*') Elem(p)
    /* RESULTS - NOTE THE NULL VALUE FOR ManagedTypeViewName
    ModuleName WarehouseEntityName RequiredWarehouseEntityName ManagedTypeViewName Watermark
    TransformActivityDim ActivityDim MTV_System$WorkItem$Activity NULL 2015-01-30 08:59:14.397
    TransformActivityDim ActivityDim MTV_System$WorkItem$Activity MTV_Microsoft$SystemCenter$Orchestrator$RunbookAutomationActivity 2015-01-30 08:59:14.397
    When the procedure enters the loop to build its dynamic SQL to delete relevant rows from the inbound schema tables it concatenates various options / variables into an executable string. However when adding a NULL value to a string the entire string becomes
    NULL which then gets executed.
    Whilst executing "EXEC(NULL)" would cause SQL to throw an error and be caught, executing the following doesnt
    DECLARE @null_string VARCHAR(100)
    SET @null_string = 'hello world ' + NULL
    SELECT @null_string
    So as it hasnt caused an error the next part of the procedure is to move to the next record and this is why its caught in an infinite loop
    DELETE @items WHERE ManagedTypeViewName = @View
    The value for the variable @View is the ManagedTypeViewName which is NULL, as ANSI_NULLS are set to ON in the connection and not overridded in the procedure then the above statement wont delete anything as it needs to handle NULL values differently (IS NULL),
    so we are now stuck in an infinite loop executing NULL for 2 hours until cancelled.
    I amended the stored procedure and added the following line before the loop statement which had the desired effect and "fixed" the performance issue for the time being
    DELETE @items WHERE ManagedTypeViewName IS NULL
    I also noticed that the following line in dbo.p_GetDwStagingGroomingConfig is commented out (no idea why as no notes in the procedure)
    --AND COALESCE(i.ManagedTypeViewName, j.RelationshipTypeViewName) IS NOT NULL
    There are obviously other ways to mitigate the dynamic SQL string being NULL, there's more than one way to skin a cat and thats not why I am asking this question, but what I am concerned about is that is there a reason that the xml / @GroomingCriteria is incomplete
    and / or that the procedures dont handle potential NULL values.
    I cant find any documentation, KBs, forum posts of anyone else having this issue which somewhat surprises me.
    Would be grateful of any help / advice that anyone can provide or if someone can look at their 2 stored procedures on a later version to see if it has already been fixed. Or is it simply that we have orphaned data, this is the bit that concerns most as I dont
    really want to be deleting / updating data when I have no idea what the knock on effect might be
    Many many thanks

    First thing I would do is upgrade to 2012 R2 UR5. If you are running non-US dates you need the UR5 hotfix also.
    Rob Ford
    For a free SCSM 2012 Notify Analyst app click

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    Try these links if you are still having the issue: ue-column-header-overflow-exception

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    You should try a divide and conquer for the InDesign file.
    That is split it in two and then try export to IDML
    Whichever sides hangs is where the problem lies. You can keep halving this document until you find the problematic page/pages.

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    the less obvious is whos session exactly.
    I had the same problem - wrong thinking, wrong loop , visible effects of infinitive loop (statistics of the db) . I was trying to kill sessions of the : user , who owns DAD and a user in who's schema runs nasty plsql code - without efect. Kill was confirmed but there was no change. I was made to reboot my server. Probably there is more efective way to do solve this (in my case - I have solved loop-problem after reebot).
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    Based on other messages in the forum, these are some of the things that I've tried, to no avail:
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    2. I don't specify a port in my codebase in either the application jnlp or the extension jnlp.
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    Anyone have any suggestions?

    The funny thing is that with you it seems to happen
    one JWS launch session.
    So I wonder why JWS will run k instances of your
    You don't have an <extension> tag in the jnlp file of
    your extension
    installer, creating an infinite recursion?
    Yes, I wonder why I get multiple instances of the Extension Installer. And also that it works fine if everything is running on my local computer. If I just change the codebase and run everything over the internet is when I get it an infinite loop. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
    If it will help, here are my .jnlp files:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- JNLP File for SpellChecker Installer -->
    <jnlp     spec="1.0 1.0+"
         codebase="" >
              <title>NGS SpellChecker Installer</title>
              <homepage href="docs/help.html"/>
              <description>SpellChecker Installer</description>
              <description kind="short">Install the SpellChecker files</description>
    <all-permissions />
              <j2se version="1.2"/>
              <property name="ngs.root" value="NGS"/>
              <property name="spellchecker.home" value="SpellChecker"/>
              <jar href="SpellChecker/SpellCheckerInstaller.jar"/>
         <installer-desc main-class="com.ngs.spellcheckerinstaller.SpellCheckerInstaller" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- JNLP File for test application -->
    <jnlp     spec="1.0 1.0+"
         codebase="" >
              <title>NGS Application</title>
              <homepage href="docs/help.html"/>
              <description kind="short">NGS</description>
              <icon href="images/ngs.jpg"/>
              <j2se version="1.2" initial-heap-size="64m" max-heap-size="64m"/>
              <property name="ngs.root" value="NGS"/>
              <property name="spellchecker.home" value="SpellChecker"/>
              <jar href="jars/NGSMainForm.jar"/>
    <snip... lots of other jars>
              <nativelib href="jars/bridge2java.jar" />
              <extension href="Third_Party_Jars.jnlp" />
         <application-desc main-class="NGSMainForm"/>

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    AKA: Hero Hog, Dr. Speed, "The Brass Mangler" and "That fat, old, balding, Grey-bearded gimpy guy"
    Go to Solution.

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    %^&* YOU SKYPE! Your "support" is a JOKE!
    AKA: Hero Hog, Dr. Speed, "The Brass Mangler" and "That fat, old, balding, Grey-bearded gimpy guy"

  • Mail step in workflow is in infinite loop.

    Dear All,
           I have created a workflow with deadline monitoring feature.In the workflow created,I have defined a mail step in a loop with loop condition priority = 8 and three minute for deadline.When the workflow gets triggered , the mail step is in infinite loop and as a result the recipient is receiving the mail every three minutes once.
          Now I want to stop the workflow from infinite loop.Please provide me the solution for which I will be grateful.
    Thanks and regards,

    Maybe you should check the thread you created unde the user Vijay Kumar [here.|need to kill the dead line menotoring;
    Edited by: Martin Nooteboom on Jul 7, 2008 3:43 PM
    I see Mike also noticed and locked the other thread. Thanks Mike.

  • Update failed, phone is in infinite loop

    Selected to install update, now my phone is in an infinite loop. Start screen -> boot from recovery -> install update -> errors out. Odin Mode can be accessed. Is there a boot.img available to fix this issue?

    I grabbed a newer Samsung image from the internet and was able to flash it to the phone. But android crashed at the lock screen due to the failed update, adb wasn't responsive. Took it to the Verizon store in hopes that they had a back door method of fixing my phone...should have known better...after an hour and a half the Verizon kid handed me my phone and acted like I should be grateful..they flashed userdata, they completely waisted my time. Moral of the story, flash userdata and start over because the there is nothing more that Verizon will do for you.

  • Stopping a Thread in Infinite Loop

    I've read several articles on how to stop Threads, and all of them point to using Thread.interrupt(). The problem right now is what happens when the thread is in an infinite loop. For example:
    class A implements Runnable
        public void run()
    //in other class's main method:
    Thread a = new Thread(new A());
    a.interrupt();The a.interrupt() call only sets the isInterrupted flag in Thread, but it does not terminate the thread as a.stop() would. However, stop() throws a ThreadDeath exception that I would not want to have to deal with. Is there any way to stop this infinite loop thread safely?
    Thanks in advance!

    No need to get snitty. You certainly did not make clear that you are not a newbie at programming. Plenty of newbies who barely have a grasp of the language fundamentals post thread questions here. I thought I did address the question at hand. It seems I misunderstood what you were asking.
    The only way to safely stop that inner loop is like so: while (...) {
       while (!done) {
    }where done is volatile, or all access to it is sychronized on the same lock (meaning you'd sync the !done check above as well).
    If you can't do that, and it's stuck at while (true) and you can't modify the body of the inner loop to check done, then you're SOL.
    (I suppose it's conceivable that 1.6 or 6.0 or whatever it's called will introduce some new safe way to stop that thread, but I haven't heard anything about it.)

  • REDO scanning goes in infinite loop and Too much ARCHIVE LOG

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    No idea whats going on.... otherwise basic streams functionality working fine.

    What's your DB version

  • How to find infinite loop?

    Dear Oracle Gurus,
    I have one (some?) problem and no idea what to do.
    Our platform is IBM xSeries 234, RHEL3, 10g (version ...0.2). Database has only Oracle Application Repository shemas.
    Here is output from OS:
    #ps aux
    ... oracleandja (LOCAL=NO) -More then 200 lines
    ... /d2/oradb/andja/bin/emagent
    ... oracleandja (LOCAL=NO)
    ... ora_pmon_andja
    ... ora_mman_andja
    ... ora_dbw0_andja
    ... ora_lgwr_andja
    ... ora_ckpt_andja
    ... ora_smon_andja
    ... ora_reco_andja
    ... ora_cjq0_andja
    ... ora_d000_andja
    ... ora_s000_andja
    ... ora_qmnc_andja
    ... ora_mmnl_andja
    216 processes: 214 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
    1st CPU: 100%
    2nd CPU: 25%
    When I try to shutdown DB from SQL+, I got this:
    ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
    ORA-24323: value not allowed
    ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (%s) exceeded
    The most interesting error has written in .trc file:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kksfbc-reparse-infinite-loop], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    Can you give me some advice how to find this infinite loop? And how to deal with this?
    Is there anything that I can do to solve this without reinstalling whole DB and AS?

    If you cannot shut Oracle down using a shutdown immediate then you will need to get a new /nolog session and issue a "shutdown abort".
    From the error messages you listed it would appear you ran intot your maximum number of proceess limit and you will need to fix that.
    However the bug report for bug 3411348.8 makes it appear you would only get this error when performing DDL like alter table .. upgrade, ?
    What exactly was being done on your system when the problem started?
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Firefox has no problems and IE has no problems if:
    - I doesn't set any doctype (quirks mode)
    - or set a docype and open my iViews in a seperate Window
    I have no idea to solve this problem. I have to set a doctype. The cause of the problem lies in include iframes in the page and in the exclusive IE javascript file: sapUrMapi_ie6.js, where in the codelines 2643 - 2646 is an infinite loop because of some errors.
    What are the reasons for this javascript errors? How can I solve my problems?
    Thank you for every tip. Buy

    Hi Saeed.
    Thanks for your reply. As it turns out, the problem was how I was accessing the server, which was blocking display of some windows. I was using an IP address and once I used the name of the server instead, the access became a more approved level and I could access all the windows. Just FYI in case anyone else runs into this!

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    A few selection of websites after fully loading become blank and start an infinite loop of loading. I reinstalled firefox once already and the problem persists. What can I do?

    Sorry I do not know what the problem may be. <br />
    If no-one comes up with better ideas of what causes this then my questions and suggestions:
    What do you mean by an infinite loop ? <br />
    The page loads and then goes blank. What exactly happens next, does the page fully load and fully display again before going blank, and repeat this cycle endlessly in the same tab.
    You do say the problem persisted in safe-mode and you had looked at the basic troubleshooting article. Buy that you can stop the problem by disabling javascript.
    * did you disable all plugins - and did you still get the problem then ?
    As you mention disabling javascript stops the problem, have you tried with<br /> Java script enabled but
    * block popups ON
    * load images automatically OFF
    * advanced options - ALL OFF<br /> What happens do you get the problem then or not.
    While on this firefox site if I look at the error console Ctrl+Sift+J or Tools -> Error console If I clear the console content and reload the webpage the error console shows only a couple of messages. YouTube home page give a lot of yellow triangle warnings about 200, but no red warnings, do you get red warnings.
    You could also try on the problem sites eg YouTube changing the permissions with tools -> Page Info | Permissions
    Did you try the Basic Troubeshooting suggestion of making a new profile. (Heeding the warning not to delete settings, otherwise you loose all bookmarks etc) did that help ?

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    A week ago i bought the RX3870-T2D512E-OC and now i have problems with it, sometimes while playing games i get a BSOD saying that the ati driver got in a infinite loop, sometimes the image just freezes and i have to restart the PC, and sometimes the VPUrecovery restarts the driver. I have tried different versions of the catalyst driver, reinstalled windows but the results are the same.
    Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

    Quote from: Frankenputer on 23-April-08, 11:51:41
    Which Chieftec PSU is that? What specific model?
    It's the GPS-550AB A, here is the chieftec page
    I dont think that something's wrong with the PSU because sometimes i can play games for hours without any crashes, they occur randomly

Maybe you are looking for

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