IDVD Burn rejecting DVD's

Having just created my first iDVD slideshow, with audio track, and playing it on the Mac, I want to make a DVD that will play on a DVD player. When I click BURN, it asks to inserrt a blank DVD. It then rejects the disk and asks for another.
I have used brand new DVD+R's from imation (8x) and TDK DVD+r at 4x with no luck. It just keeps asking for another blank disc.
Calling support led to two unproductive hours. Suggestions included making another show in another user space and calling back another day.
Wow! Some help.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.

What model G5 do you have & when was it made?
Go to "About this Mac" then "more info" choose "hardware" and "disk burning" on the menus on the left. What do you see?
FYI, mine shows this:
Firmware Revision:     A606
Interconnect:     ATAPI
Burn Support:     Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
Cache:     2000 KB
Reads DVD:     Yes
CD-Write:     -R, -RW
DVD-Write:     -R, -RW, +R, +RW
Burn Underrun Protection CD:     Yes
Burn Underrun Protection DVD:     Yes
Write Strategies:     CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
Media:     No
Also you might try making a data DVD using the finder. Look in the Mac help for "Creating CDs and DVDs using the Finder"
John B.

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    The DVD drives on some PCs will have trouble with DVD-R, but should be fine with +R. You might want to try reducing errors by slowing down the burning process and using the highest quality media (Verbatim is often recommended; I also use Sony). To burn slowly, you'll need to create a disc image from iDVD, and with older versions of iDVD, I've read that Patchburn software is needed. Search this forum for details.

  • IDVD burning blank dvds

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    Macbook Pro
    Mac OSX (10.6.5)
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    Every time I try to burn a DVD it always says that the file exceeds max content. I then go to Project Info and change the encoding setting to either High Quality or Professional Quality. It goes through the process and then when I go to preview the DVD it plays, but there is no video file - its just all black. I've tried different files, different file types, and even tried to switch to a different user account. When I either burn or preview the movie, it is all black (and sometimes there is sound from the movie playing - but no picture). I only actually burned 2 DVDs because I didn't want to use up all my DVDs. I have plenty of hard drive space and the files are all saved on my comp. I never had this problem before - I used to be able to burn DVDs no problem. I did a system restore because my Mac was acting up and ever since, I can not burn DVDs.

    You may need to reinstall iDVD. If you are not getting video even in preview, there is something wrong with the iDVD application. Also, were the iLife apps included on your computer's restore disks? If so, you may need to update iDVD.
    First, though, try trashing the preference file:
    Close iDVD, go to your Home File(YourUserName)/Library/Preferences/
    Drag this plist file to the trash.
    Reopen iDVD.
    Open a new iDVD project. Delete encoded assets just to be sure no stray files from another project are causing problems.
    The settings of High or Professional Quality are for projects that are 60 minutes in length or more (single-layer DVDs; dual layer is twice that). Best Performance is the setting for projects of less than 60 minutes. iDVD is not concerned with the GB size of the project, only the time-length.
    What is the source of your videos? What format are they? Are you using iMovie? What version?

  • IDVD, Burning a dvd

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    The dvd I burnt onto is an imation times 8 speed

    a computer and a TV have very different concepts of displaying video, TV has less resolution and interlace, a computer higher res, no interlace etc...
    final pic quality, as we claim here all the times, can only be judged on a TV - iM and iDVD are meant for tape/DVD delivery, for tellys...
    if you want a more "movies-ish" look, search forum...
    main principles:
    video has no "grain" => have a look at et al for plug-ins
    and/or, de-interlace your projects BEFORE import into iDVD and AFTER finishing edit in iM...
    use for free JES Deinterlacer
    PS: next time, you can do me a personal favor: posting a thread subject as "iDVD" in the iDVD section....? and iDVD is for authoring, encoding and burning... so "Burning a DVD"...? so, try a more... discriptive title ... next time ... ;-)))

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    Power Mac G5 quad 2.5 and Mini duo 1.66   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hey don't get me wrong, dolby digital surround is way
    better than ProLogic, but give the dudes credit that
    came up with ProLogic in the pre-dolby digital days
    some credit, it is "true" surround.
    Sure, it is surround, but it's not the same as having four separate channels. There are limitations to what you can encode, and you can end up with unintended issues on both stereo and surround material. It was a cool invention that was a big improvement on stereo, but it just isn't the same as actually having the channels. It just isn't "four true distinct signals" - it simply can't reproduce everything four true distinct signals can.
    I should have said I need actual discrete channels.

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    If someone uses Camtasia and iDVD that would be ideal. But at this point, I'd also be willing to try another program just to get the job done.

    Hi Vicadea
    Welcome to apple discussions. I've never tried Camtasia for Mac. Apparently it's not working very well for you even when you export as a QuickTime movie. I don't know what to say other than it seems like fairly pricey screen capture software ($299) just to have it not work as you expected on multiple attempts.
    For much less money and much more reliable results I'd recommend the following for screen capture instead:
    Hope this helps but if not just come on back. Good luck.
    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software / products that may be mentioned in this topic. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information above at your own discretion.
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

  • IDVD burning to DVD media versus Image file subsequently written to DVD

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    I have tried the slowest burn speed and use TDK discs. I have wondered if it might be the drive itself. Oddly enough, when the DVD is written from iDVD there are lead in and lead out processes which may not be associated with an image file, though I'm not sure about the latter.

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    I didn't work from a disc image which I wish now I would have done and will try next, is this happening because of the size of the files?
    I think the dv files are a total of 40-50 gigs.
    I had trouble copying the original in toast, so I thought maybe it was the superdrive but I've gotten 2 good dvds.
    Any ideas? Thanks!
    I am using x.4.8 so it's not the 4.9 problem, and 4 gigs of ram.

    iDVD does not ask how many copies you want to burn at the start. When it has burnt the first copy, it then asks if you want to burn another one. Toast, at the start, asks how many copies you want to make. Thanks for replying

  • IDVD Burning then not burning

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    I tried re-creating the DVD again and exactly the same thing happened again. After 2 discs thet don't play. Am I doing something wrong?

    I can burn about 2 disks then I start to get a message saying 'burn cannot be verifyed'
    It sounds like something in your drive is heating up - I guess the drives in our computers may not be designed for 'production' use. You may have to adjust your disc burning duty cycle to something like do a burn, wait 15 minutes, do another burn, wait 15 minutes, etc. This should give your drive a chance to cool down.

  • Sound problems with film made in iMovie when burned to DVD in iDVD

    I have upgraded to iLife 09 and for all the bad that people have to say, I actually like it a lot. Anyway, it gave me the encouragement I needed to play with some old home movies I had stored with the aim of producing DVDs to give to my friends, and hopefully showing off the slick production values I have come up with.
    So after spending a week getting to grips with iMovie and editing an old holiday film with all the cuts, transitions, chapter markers and music etc that I wanted, I ended up with an hour long movie that I was happy with.
    Then to iDVD. After trying out all sorts of ways to go from iMovie to iDVD to ensure the best quality, I have finally given up trying to replicate the on screen quality of the movie in iMovie with the finished DVD, and just opted for the easy to use 'share to iDVD' option. The quality is not great, but then the footage is old anyway so not too much of an issue.
    Then I spend another few days playing with and learning iDVD and again end up with a finished product that I am happy with, with nice looking menu's and a slideshow etc.
    So I come to burn the final DVD, for which I pick the 'Professional burn' option which takes 4 hours but I am happy to wait if it means the best quality possible, and my DVD is done.
    I then play the DVD to discover my problem - the sound in the movie is not right. To explain further, in my movie I have reduced the sound of some of the film clips to nothing and placed music over the top. When played and previewed in iMovie it works fine - the music plays and the sound that is attached the the video does not. When previewed in iDVD it works fine - just as I had edited it in iMovie. But then when I burn the DVD, some of these sounds are present again which completely wastes all my hard work at the editing stage.
    I have searched and searched for help on this but am unable to find any.
    Sorry for the very long description and story behind my issue, but it is massively frustrating. Basically, at some point during the 'burn to DVD' stage in iDVD it decides to completely ignore most of the sound edits I have made on the movie in iMovie.
    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Many thanks. Looking at that thread it looks like there are a few others having the same issue as me. Might be to do with not using the predetermined rates for clip slowdown and inputting my own.
    The frustrating thing is that I have only done this once right at the start of my hour long movie and if I change it now it with though the timing of my whole film out.
    Not much else I can do though I suppose.

  • I have created a movie in 16:9 format. I have created an iDVD pane in 16:9 but when I preview the movie that pane changes to 4:3 and burns the DVD as a 4:3 movie. How can I stop that, please I am in Snow Leopard, using FCE4.0.1?

    I am using Snow Leopard and have created a movie in 16:9 format (SD not HDV) I created a movie which stays in the 16:9 format in fcp file, .mov fiule and MP4 file. I created an iDVD pane in 16:9 but when I play the movie in the iDVD preview window the iDVD pane switches to 4:3 and it burns the DVD in 4:3. How can I stop this so I get a16:9 DVD. Thanks for any help offered
    James Bowman

    As I see this I see two parts
    • Howto go from FinalCut to iDVD
    • Howto set iDVD right
    In FinalCut Express (to 4) or Pro (to 6 - most probably 7 too)
    • One has to set Anamorphic in the Browser window - menu columns
    • Export as QuickTime movie .mov - NO QUICKTIME CONVERSION
    In iDVD there are TWO places to set - WideScreen
    - Start a NEW iDVD project - AND HERE SELECT WideScreen 16:9
    - in Project - select Projectinfo
    - now set WideScreen 16:9 - Here too
    This use to work for me.
    FOR FinalCut Pro-X - I have not a Clue - as I don't use it. SORRY
    BTW - There is a good practice to before BURNING the DVD do
    • Save as a DiskImage
    • Test this by using DVD-Player tool
    And if it is OK Size and All - then burn it by using
    • Disk Util tool
    • here set down burn speed to x4 or less (less burn errors = plays on more devices and better)
    • Not using Memorex or NoName etc cheap media - as they usually DO NOT WORK as Video-DVDs
    • I use Verbatim DVD-R as they play on more and even older DVD-players
    Yours Bengt W

  • Does iDVD work with Maverick? This is the first time I tried to burn a DVD using iDVD after upgrading to Maverick. It seems to get stuck at encoding menu stage and not doing anything.

    I tried to burn a DVD using iDVD after upgrading to Maverick, first time I tried after upgrading to Maverick a few weeks ago. It seems to get stuck at encoding menu stage and not doing anything. Does anyone else have the same problem?

    I did not have a DVD handy to burn but I have just created a small 2 minute video and created a Disk Image and also a VIDEO_TS folder, the encoding worked correctly, so it works with some items.
    You may get a better responce in the iDVD forum.

  • HT1583 When burning a DVD of photos and music from iDVD, the photos blur right before the transitions and the music has about 5 second glitches here and there before the music starts again. Is there any way to burn the DVD without this happening?

    Each year I am in charge of making a slideshow of photos and music for my annual company meeting. I always use iDVD to set up my photos and music and then burn the DVD to play at the meeting. Every time I burn the DVD, it blurs right before the transition of the photo. It has always done this and I'm not sure why. It will also make the music glitch in a few spots for about 5 seconds or more. If I burn another DVD to try it again, the glitches will still be there, but in different spots. I've tried the highest quality of DVD's possible and this still happens. What can I do to fix this problem?

    Try disabling transitions altogether!
    There is a technical reason that this breakup happens - it is to do with how slideshows can be saved within the DVD specification, they can either be recorded as 'video streams' or as a collection of 'still images'.
    When you add transitions iDVD has no option but to use a video stream, this can result in terrible 'breakup' because the mpeg 2 encoder isn't designed to handle scenes that are static with a sudden short change. You can see 'artefacts' in the video stream…
    'Still image slideshows' avoid the issue altogether by only showing a static image, no video compression is used & because the scene doesn't transition so it shouldn't breakup.
    NOTE: Music on the slideshow is irrelevant, both types can use a soundtrack.
    I cannot remember if it is possible to force iDVD to only make still image slideshows, I always use DVD Studio Pro to correctly setup DVD's. I'd suggest you use the option to save the DVD to a disk image & then open that disk image so that DVD Player can preview it, that should save on the number of test disks you burn.
    If you cannot make it avoid using video streams you may be ether off making your own video slideshow in iMovie & then import that into iDVD. It may eventually look better despite being a video stream!
    iDVD isn't really condusive to professional levels of control.

  • Hello,  I am have problems with coruption of the photos in a slide show after burning the DVD in iDVD.  This coruption does not always appear when you preview the project.  I have slowed down the burn rate to 1X and kept the quality to professional.

    I am having a great deal of problems with Data coruption in slide shows after I have burned a DVD in iDVD.  I have changed burn rate from best to 1X with no difference in the coruption.  I have the quality set to professional with no improvement.  The size of the project is near 3.95, so it should fit on a single layer burn.  Should I use either iMovie to create the slide show or "Photo to Movie"?  Also, can anyone comment on how I preserve the highest quality picture resolution with a slide show?  If I do use iMovie or Photo to Movie,  the file size should exceed the 4.2 size so, will I have to buy new DVD's which are capable to handle the double layer burn and upto 8 GB?  What DVD's are recommended?  Any preferred brand?  Are there problems with burning with double layer?  I read on this blog of numerous problems.

    DVDs are LOW resolution by today's standards - only about 0.3 megapixels - so there is no way they your images on a TV set will look "High Definition".  See Preparing images for iDVD slideshows at for recommendations on image sizes to use.  Using larger images won't give you better  quality, andf in some cases, will lower you image quality because  the Quicktime resizing that occurs isn't the best.

  • After burning a successful DVD in iDVD out of FCPX, how can I see the settings it used?   So I finally burned a DVD out of a Apple Pro Res file into iDVD in PAL format. My question now is how can I find out what the exact burn properties were so that I ca

    After burning a successful DVD in iDVD out of FCPX, how can I see the settings it used?
    So I finally burned a DVD out of a Apple Pro Res file into iDVD in PAL format. My question now is how can I find out what the exact burn properties were so that I can apply the same burn properties to a project in Compressor 4?
    Is it possible to see what iDVD did?

    I don't know any way you can interrogate iDVD to reveal settings to the extent that you can in a Compressor project. What you could do is open up the show's VOB in MPEG STreamclip, go to File and Reveal Stream Information; that will at least give you some rudimentary info like average bit rate. Perhaps someone, with more iDVD experience, can chime in here.
    The broader question is why use Compressor at all if your current workflow is doing the job to your satisfaction?
    The value of Compressor is that it gives you control over the many parameters that affect size quality.  and playability. The Compressor presets can give you a starting point for DVD delivery, Web, etc. From those presets, people typically experiment by adjusting the parameters until they get the desired results for their specific show. It's a little bit science and a little bit art. After experimenting, you may be able to get slightly better quality for the project you've successfully burned in iDVD by using Compressor and something likeToast…or maybe not.
    Good luck.

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