IDVD slideshow of photos...anyone notice this?

Hello there! I just put together a slideshow of pictures from a recent vacation. On the transitions I used the raindrop pattern. When I played it on my dvd, I noticed that the picture pixelation would change and (get worse) and then go back to normal just before transitioning to the next picture. The pictures are set to change every 3 seconds.
Anyone else notice this? I just hand selected pictures from the album to create the slideshow...i didn't create the slideshow in iphoto.
Any clue how to prevent it?
I did a video and had no issues with the same transitionpattern. Thanks
imac g5    

Not all of the transitions work smoothly - some even show a slight jump as the image changes. Sorry, but there isn't anything you can do in iDVD.
You might try creating your slideshows as movies in iPhoto or iMovie to see if you get better transitions.

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    Why are you making a HD project if you then burn it as standard definition DVD via iDVD?
    iDVD has to downsample the HD to SD. I haven't experimented how well iDVD manages to do that.
    Have you tried to do a standard definition iMovie PAL project and feed that to a PAL iDVD project? Yes, I strongly recommend using Photo To Movie's High Quality PAL DV export for the slideshows because iMovie's slideshows are, erm, suboptimal in quality.

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    SlideShow in iDVD has a 99 photo limit - more than this and all sorts of error occures.
    One can have more than one SlideShow on a DVD = X times 99 photos.
    or assemble SlideShows in a movie editor (no limit at least not under 650 photos)
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    Yours Bengt W

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    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    From previous posts, it seems that iDVD photo resolution is always less than viewing a iPhoto slideshow while in that application.
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    When I use the option of sharing the photos, iDVD creates a "slideshow" folder with the photos in .JPG,on the DVD. If I copy the folder to my desktop, open, then the resolution is great when viewing on my G5. So if the iDVD app and my verbatim media can create/support these images, why is the iDVD slideshow resolution so poopy?
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    OK, but why so lousy even when viewing the DVD using
    my G5?
    An NTSC TV set has less than 640x480 pixel
    - you computer monitor has more than 4 times this
    You are looking at an image with less than 640x480 pixel quality displayed on a much larger pixel count monitor.
    Sorry, but what you see is what you get.
    DVDs produced by iDVD are best viewed on a TV set. If you are viewing them on a computer - DO NOT set the playback display to 'Full Screen' - use 'Normal' size (which will display the video in a 640x480 window).

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    Lots of work, but there is no Lion disks.

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