IE 7 mutilates my markup ...

In IE7 I use their bastardized version of a developers
when I "view->original source" of my page I get:
<DIV class="box_attach" id="box_register" style="DISPLAY:
none; LEFT:
75px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -150px"
What is "oldblock"? In other places an errant height=1% is
added. Why?
In general I wouldn't care so much except that one block of
my markup is
changed in such a way that its appearance changes
FF2 (using view->generated source):
<div id="box_wrap" style="width: 500px; height: auto;">
IE7 (using view->DOM Page):
<div id="box_wrap" style="width: auto; height: auto;">
You can see how this can be problematic.
some notes: I am using some AJAX to load in the content in
however, using firebug I can see the the requested markup is
returned in the manner in which it finally appears in FF2.
site in question: (click on create account,
then check
the resulting source)

Welcome to the Apple Discussions. I can't give you a specific answer but can list some tips that I've learned from this forum about maximizing the compatibility of iWeb sites with the darkside. Maybe one of them will help.
1 - do not use and frames or borders, etc. around photos.
2 - don't use any reflections.
3 - create your own navigation bar with linked text* and turn of the iWeb Navigation bar. The nav bar is all png based.
4 - use only the web safe fonts from the Font pane.
5 - do not use drop shadow on fonts.
6 - turn off smart quotes.
The above will reduce the number and size of files associated with a web page quite a bit. Photos with fancy frames and reflections can generate a thumbnail png of around 110KB whereas the plain version will be a jpg of only 28KB. Although it doesn't sound like a lot, it will speed up loading of the page and be more darkside (i.e. PC) friendly.
Run a test with a test site and publish to a folder. Then follow the hints above and publish to another folder and compare folders.
*Put your linked text directly under the Navigation bar. Then turn off the nav bar in the Inspector window. The nav bar will disappear and the linked text will move up to the top of the page.
Do you Twango?

Similar Messages

  • Is it possible to add markups to a PDF that I am not the author of

    Most of the PDFs I generate are from other applications (like Autocad) where I "print to PDF" to create the file.   Most of the PDFs I recevie are generated the same way.   Prior to Acrobat Reader 8, it was simple for me and my collueges to exchange information on these PDFs by using markup tools and resending them with markups.   Since Acrobat 8 has come along, I now find it impossible to markup a drawing (no matter if I have created it using Print to PDF or if someone has sent it to me).  I went to the knowledge base and see that the drawing has to be enabled for markup in one of 2 ways
    In an open PDF, choose Comments > Enable For Commenting In Adobe Reader, and then save the PDF.  
    Start the wizard to initiate a shared review or an email-based review and follow the on-screen instructions. When you’re finished, commenting is enabled in the PDF that you specify for the review. 
    Well, there is no Comments selection in my toolbar.   Second method is given by
    Quickstart: Start an email review
    An email-based review lets you track review status and merge received comments into the PDF.
    Click Review & Comment and choose Attach For Email Review.
    If prompted, enter your identity information to create a reviewer profile.
    Follow the on-screen instructions to select the PDF, invite reviewers, and send the email invitation.
      If your email application doesn’t send email automatically, you may need to answer alert messages and switch to your email application to finish sending the message
    But there is no Review & Comment button to click.
    So, can someone tell me, can I still do a simple markup of any PDF?   Even if I have to jump through hoops can I?    I guess I can understand Why Adobe has done away with this feature in their free tool, as they were not getting any revenue off of it, but it greatly diminishes the usefulness of Acrobat Reader and therefore all PDFs for me.
    Thanks in advance for your response.

    To enable this right you need Acrobat, not the free Reader.
    However, starting from Reader X it is possible to add simple markups to any file, unless it has been specifically disallowed by the creator of the file.

  • What is it about this markup that breaks DW CS3 Design View Editing?

    I'm attaching very simple --and apparently completely valid-- markup that generates the text shown between the markers below:
    yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda badda.
    As you can see by examining the file, it contains only an span enclosing text and spaces, and some following breaks.  This file passes DW validation: no errors or warnings.
    If I open this file in DW CS3 Design View, select and delete the last word, "badda", the entire text --every "yadda"--  is also deleted.  All that text is really gone -- if I immediately save the file and re-open it, there is no text content at all, just the span pair,  spaces, and the trailing breaks.  This is completely repeatable.
    When you edit this file, do you get the same result?
    The attached file is a cut-down, simplified version of a production file that exhibits this issue. (That file also passes validation.)   When I delete single  words,  entire content paragraphs disappear.   So this is not just a point of curiosity.  I need to figure out how to fix the production code and avoid this problem in the future.
    What is it about the attached markup that causes this issue?  I've fooled around with this code quite a bit and the best I can figure out is that DW is confused when both the start- and end- span tags are followed immediately by a line break.  Inserting a space in either place makes the issue go away.   But the production code doesn't have any occurances of this pattern. And, anyway, line-breaks have no significance to html, just for source-code formatting, right?
    Am I missing something incredibly obvious?

    Nancy O:
    Thank you for your response, which gave me  valuable clues to understanding the issues.   (Specifically, it led me to re-read and understand better the nitty-gritty of the HTML4 specs,  section 7, "The global structure of an HTML Document", especially 7.5.1 The BODY element.)
    I believe you are saying --in sum--  that to be reliably edited in DW, each source file must comprise a syntactically correct and complete HTML Document. 
    I am attaching a second file, "badcode2.html", modified substantially as you suggest.  It passes the DW validator, the test, and the test.    No errors or warnings. 
    I do this:   Launch DW, open this file, choose Design View if necessary, select the final word of text, "badda", and activate Edit-->Cut (or Delete).   As before, all the other text is deleted as well. This is repeatable. 
    It seems to me this sample code satisfies your general principle.  Could I be misapplying the three validation tests?  Or that passing these tests does not assure the document  is syntactically correct and complete?   Can you recommend other tests? 
    I'd like to add the following two points as a matter of background and a bit of niggling: 
    --I'm aware  that complete HTML pages must contain <html> , <head>,  and <body> tags, although the HTML4 specification seems to say <body> tags are optional.   All my production pages, as served, contain these tags.   My underlying design is a php template with individual content files incorporated by inclusion.   There may be only one set of <html> , <head>,  and <body> in  a  page. The  "outer" template code provides these tags, and individual content files cannot contain a nested set -- so they must be "bare" markup.   Is DW able to support this design, in which "bare markup" files are seemingly unavoidable?    Is there a mechanism analogous to DW Design-Time Style Sheets to provide virtual existence of these tags so "bare markup" files can be successfully edited?  I've looked for such a mechanism but not found one.    Or some completely different method?   
    --You specify the inclusion of <p> or <h1> tags within the  body.    Is there some special significance of <p> or <h1>  with respect to stable editing in DW?  My reading of the HTML4 spec indicates that a single block element is the minimal requirement for body content. Either of these tags qualify, right?   But so does <div>, and that's what I use in my current example.    Am I misunderstanding something? 
    Bottom line,  I'm looking for a pragmatic solution for my problem:   Once in a while, among hundreds of  structurally similar "bare markup" pages I edit in DW without any problem,  I lose data.   If inserting an additional tag into all my content include files eliminates these occasional problems, I'm  willing to do that, as long as:  (1) There is an arguable technical basis for the addition,  (2) the added tag does not  produce anything visible on the served page, and (3) the validators don't flag the extra tag.     
    Suggestions, please! 

  • Can not use all the tools in my drawing markups any ideas on getting them to work?

    Can not use all the tools in my drawing markups any ideas on getting them to work?

    Hi tonys60181,
    Could you please let me know what version of Adobe Acrobat are you using.
    What all drawing tools are you unable to access?
    Is this issue specific to one PDF file or all?
    What exactly happens when you try to use any drawing markup?
    Please let me know.

  • Is the Markup Mail feature available on iOS 8.1?

    I had heard that the Markup feature in Mail that was released as part of the Yosimete OS upgrade last week was going to also be included in the iOS 8.1 release that occurred yesterday...  Can anyone confirm or deny this?
    I it was, how does someone access / use it on their iPad or iPhone?
    If it was not, does anyone know why it was not included and/or if it will be added at a later date?
    I could see this being a big help to certain businesses that require documents to be signed and returned.
    Thanks in advance!

    I downloaded 8.1 today on my iPad and iPhone.  I attempted to use the Markup feature but was unable to locate it on those devices.  Any suggestions on how to access this in iOS?

  • Printing Documents w/ Markups & Stamps

    Is there a way to set my documents so that when another person views them they will print the way I want regardless of the print setting the receiving party has?
    Example, I may have numerous markups and/or stamps on a contract. My client, doesn't know how to properly use the print with Markups or Stamps setting in the printer properties. They open the document and print it without paying close attention to the screen version and what they see on paper doesn't show any of my work.
    Another issue related to this is that I will create a pdf and then send it through a service that I have which allows me to fax online, but has not printer property settings. The party on the other end does not see any of my Markups or stamps because the software sending the fax doesn't have a setting for how it is sent.
    Additionally, let's say that I cover over something like an old price or dated policy by creating a white box over it with no visible lines. How do I lock down the edits so that someone on the receiving end is not able to click on my white box and delete it or even know it is there for that matter?
    The only way I have found so far is to print out and scan the document back into my hard drive and then send it to them. This is a lot of extra seemingly unnecessary work. Surely there is a way to lock in my edits.
    Brad Brusenhan

    Try the links below. John TeSelle has written a tutorial, and includes a javascript to add the "flatten" command to Acrobat's drop down menu.
    His website:

  • OCR rotates markups relative to annotation and rest of page

    Using Adobe Acrobat X Pro 10.1.13.
    I have read may posts about similar content, but not one that seems to address my issue in such a way that it fixes the problem for me.  That's probably because i am a novice user.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
    I have scanned a printout of an automated report into PDF.  I added Drawing Markups - Text Boxes as well as Annotations - Sticky Notes.
    To do a search for an error ("HIGH" condition), i used CTRL+F, and allowed the text recognition to proceed.  I then saved the doc before closing.  When i re-opened, the Comments i made are now rotated.
    Is there a way to get them to rotate back?  I would require step by step direction since i know little about this.  When i read about user spaces, java script, etc. I am over my head.
    See attached reference pictures.  I note that the Comments are rotated as if the coordinate system has shifted/rotated 90 degrees from bottom right to bottom left.
    Thanks anyone who can help!

    I really don't think Adobe ever imagined people would first add comments, then OCR. If OCR is to be done it would normally follow import/scanning immediately.

  • Any way to make markup on pdf file with optical pen

    I am looking for some way to make markups on pdf files by using a optical pen to avoid printing and then making markup with normal pen or by making them onscreen using a regular mouse.
    there are optical pens in market which can make markups on new documents but i am looking to work on pdf files.

    I have exactly the same quesiton. 

  • XML Problem - Markup not well-formed? (kinda long)

    Hello, I'm working on my first AIR app and I've run into a bit of a snag.  The app is intended to allow users of our system to create a Word document, save it as XML, and then load it into the AIR app and have some manipulation performed to extract data, and finally store the data in a database.  The reasons for this app to exist are pretty irrelevant for the particular problem that I'm having, but a little background on my development efforts might help shed light on my situation, and with luck one of you might be able to help me figure this out.
    I started on this app using the URLLoader and URLRequest objects to load a Word document saved as XML from a server.  This worked fine, I created logic to distinguish between Word 2007 and Word 2003 XML formats and using the E4X XML and XMLList objects I was able to load that XML into an XML object, change it to a string, grab the document body, strip out namespaces and such (formatting is mostly irrelevant here too, only the actual data is of importance) amd eventually get a much simpler XML object or list that contained just the data relevant to the purpose at hand.  This was all working fine, I managed to get both Word XML formats to process as I wished and spit out new XML that will serve as the basis for another application that we run.  Great! 
    The problem was that in order to use this method in a distributed way I needed to have the original Word documents accessible to the code, which meant having the user upload their Word file (saved as XML) and then retrieving it with the URLLoader and URLRequest.  I actually implemented this method using the FileReference object in AS3 and using some simple PHP code to store the file in a server directory that was accessible to the client.  Unfortunately, this lead me to thinking about the security issues involved and how allowing PHP to write to a directory would open it to potential malicious attacks, yada yada yada, you all know the issues.  So I thought that I might be able to read the file before uploading it in the kind of circular logic that sometimes happens.  When I started into the AS3 docs to check on classes to help, I realized that my initial suspicions were correct and that in order to load and read the file locally, I could use AIR, have the user load up their XML file, process it and then send the resulting XML and info to the database directly (eliminating the need to send files to the server AND preventing the need to allow PHP to write to the server in this instance).
    So after a bit of reading and testing, I managed to modify my FLA to publish an AIR file, and started debugging.  My Word 2007 document worked fine - I create a File object and a FileStream object and they are easily able to access the file the user selects via the File.browseForOpen method.  I then run the processing code, which begins by creating an XML object from the data read from the file.  What's happening now is that while the Word 2007 document loads and processes without an issue, the Word 2003 document is causing a 1088 error: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
    I don't understand why this is happening since the same document in the same format was able to be loaded into an XML object when I used the URLLoader to grab the file.  The only thing I can conclude is that somehow the FileStream.readUTFBytes() method is somehow causing an issue.  I am able to trace out what is being read, but the file is lengthy and I haven't completed my analysis to see if and where the changes are occuring.
    If anyone has any experience with this type of situation, I'd really appreciate hearing about it.  Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    OK, it turns out that for some reason the Word 2003 XML document was being read with an extra character preceding the actual markup.  By dumping the stream into a string and then clipping the first character I was able to get the app running again.  Thanks for taking the time to read this thread! 

  • Acrobat Pro 8.1.2 crash when editing markup-heavy documents.

    Some of our users are having problems with Acrobat Professional 8.1.2, mostly while they are adding revisions notes to documents. We receive those documents and add text,pages, corrections,highlight and files(.docx,.xlsx,...) and then send them back to our clients to be approved. There's lot of copy and paste involved. When the documents are sent back, they're usually 3 or 4 time the size they where without all the markups.
    The application logs show some random of failure on "acrobat.dll" and then the program close.
    Here are my main questions :
    Is there a limitation to size or number of markup you can add  to a single file ?
    Could the Windows clipboard (or Adobe clipboard) become so full it'll crash the program ?
    Is there any means that I can use to diagnose further the problem ?

    Thanks for the imput on the "Save As" fonction, I didn't know that.
    As for using the same version, we're able to enforce it at our office, however many of our clients use dated Acrobat version
    and we can't really force them to use a newer version. I'm still going to recommend it though.
    Thanks for the input.

  • How do I best perform ctx_doc.markup for a batch/set of documents?

    I'm are working on a system that stores chat messages in a table where the message body is stored in a CLOB column. I'm starting to implement a full text message search using Oracle Text and am looking to use the ctx_doc.markup feature to markup the search terms. The message table is pretty much like:
    CREATE TABLE message (
      id NUMBER(19,0),
      sender NUMBER(19,0),
      recipient NUMBER(19,0),
      received_at TIMESTAMP (6),
      data CLOB,
    and we have a context text index on the 'data' column and 'contains' queries against it work just fine. When I was looking to add the ability to markup the search terms, I was a bit surprised that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to markup a whole set of results.
    What I'm planning doing is basically:
      ctx_doc.markup(index_name => 'MESSAGE_DATA_TXT_IDX',
                          textkey => '2523992',
                          text_query => 'test"',
                          restab => 'message_search_result_markup',
                          query_id => '4',
                          tagset => 'TEXT_DEFAULT');
    So in my case, a search could result in hundreds of messages being returned. Now in order to mark all of them up, I have to do a 'ctx_doc.markup' for each one, i.e. hundreds of times which seems horribly inefficient. Also keep in mind that all of this is done in a Java web service.
    So my first question is, why doesn't 'markup' allow a list of ids to be passed in for the 'textkey'? That would make things much simpler like:
      ctx_doc.markup(index_name => 'MESSAGE_DATA_TXT_IDX',
                          textkey => '2523992,2523993,2523994,2523995',
                          text_query => 'test"',
                          restab => 'message_search_result_markup',
                          query_id => '4',
                          tagset => 'TEXT_DEFAULT');
    which would then end up with 4 rows with query_id 4 in the message_search_result_markup table.
    I then figured well since I generate the SQL in Java, I can just add a whole bunch of these calls into the begin/end block like
    basically one for each found message. However now I have the problem of tying a marked up result back to the actual message since the marked up result doesn't store the message primary key that's passed in as the 'textkey'. If the schema of the restab table would be something like
        create table message_search_result_markup (query_id  number, textkey varchar2, document  clob);
    Then I could have a unique query_id for each query and be able to easily retrieve all the markup results and return them along with other data from the matched messages like the sender, recipient, timestamp, etc.
    So now what I'm thinking is that for each 'textkey' I have, I have to create a unique query_id which isn't that straight forward since everything is multithreaded and multiprocess and different queries can return the same messages, so I couldn't just use the textkey as the query_id.
    Does anybody have any better suggestions/ideas?
    Keep in mind that I want to minimize the number of SQL queries I have to make from Java, ideally only having to make 1 query for the message search, 1 query to markup the found messages and 1 more query to get the marked up results.

    You could write a user-defined wrapper function for the ctx_doc.markup procedure, so that you could use it in a SQL query.  Please see the demonstration below.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> -- table, data, and index for testing:
    SCOTT@orcl12c> CREATE TABLE message
      2    (id         NUMBER(19,0),
      3      sender         NUMBER(19,0),
      4      recipient    NUMBER(19,0),
      5      received_at  TIMESTAMP (6),
      6      data         CLOB)
      7  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> INSERT ALL
      2  INTO message (id, data) VALUES
      3    (1, 'I''m are working on a system that stores chat messages in a table where the message body is
      4       stored in a CLOB column. I''m starting to implement a full text message search using Oracle
      5       Text and am looking to use the ctx_doc.markup feature to markup the search terms.
      6       The message table is pretty much like:')
      7  INTO message (id, data) VALUES
      8    (2, 'and we have a context text index on the ''data'' column and ''contains'' queries against it
      9      work just fine. When I was looking to add the ability to markup the search terms, I was a bit
    10      surprised that there doesn''t seem to be an easy way to markup a whole set of results. ')
    12  /
    2 rows created.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> CREATE INDEX message_data_idx ON message (data) INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT
      2  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> -- user-defined wrapper function for ctx_doc.markup procedure:
    SCOTT@orcl12c> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION your_markup
      2    (p_index_name IN VARCHAR2,
      3      p_textkey    IN VARCHAR2,
      4      p_text_query IN VARCHAR2,
      5      p_plaintext  IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
      6      p_starttag   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '<<<',
      7      p_endtag     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '>>>',
      8      p_key_type   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ROWID')
      9    RETURN        CLOB
    10  AS
    11    v_clob        CLOB;
    12  BEGIN
    13    CTX_DOC.SET_KEY_TYPE (p_key_type);
    14    CTX_DOC.MARKUP
    15       (index_name => p_index_name,
    16        textkey    => p_textkey,
    17        text_query => p_text_query,
    18        restab     => v_clob,
    19        plaintext  => p_plaintext,
    20        starttag   => p_starttag,
    21        endtag     => p_endtag);
    22    RETURN v_clob;
    23  END your_markup;
    24  /
    Function created.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> SHOW ERRORS
    No errors.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> -- query:
    SCOTT@orcl12c> SELECT id,
      2          your_markup
      3            ('message_data_idx',
      4             ROWID,
      5             'column') kwic
      6  FROM   message
      7  WHERE  CONTAINS (data, 'column') > 0
      8  /
            ID KWIC
             1 I'm are working on a system that stores chat messages in a
               table where the message body is
               stored in a CLOB <<<column>>>. I'm starting to implement a
               full text message search using Oracle
               Text and am looking to use the ctx_doc.markup feature to
               markup the search terms.
               The message table is pretty much like:
             2 and we have a context text index on the 'data' <<<column>>>
               and 'contains' queries against it
               work just fine. When I was looking to add the ability to
               markup the search terms, I was a bit
               surprised that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to
               markup a whole set of results.
    2 rows selected.

  • How can I add a Drawing Markup/Annotation to my stamp while it's being stamped?

    I have created Dynamic Stamp and works perfect and its located in my user profile:
    And this works just fine...
    Now I want to add a line to the stamp.
    I want the user to introduce the length of the line using a response box (app.response)
    For some reason when I try to add the line using:
    var new_line = this.addAnnot({
      style:"S ",,
    After this, the variable "new_line" is NULL, can somebody help me here?
    So I cant add the line using JavaScript
    Ironically when I try to create a field (text box) using JavaScript it works perfectly ....
    var oField=this.addField({
    cName: "info",
    cFieldType: "text",
    nPageNum: 6,
    oCoords: [ 20, 20, 1, 1 ]
    oField.value = "Hello World !!!";
    I am able to insert the line manually when I open the stamp file in Acrobat and add the line under Comment->Drawing Markups->Draw Line. However I want the length of the line to be inserted by the user when the user applies the stamp... Can anybody help me here?

    I added 4 annotations to the stamps (2 Lines, 1 Circle and 1 text box)
    Then I tried to get the Annotation properties and still no good luck.
    The variable is NULL
    I used this script:
    var aAnnots = this.getAnnots(6);
    app.alert("There are: " + aAnnots.length + " annots");
    Note: The scrip is in the "calculate" section of one of the field text of the stamp (Custom Calculation script)
    Do you want me to send the stamp?

  • Org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document preceding the roo

    Below is the XML we are using to parse:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ead><archdesc level="class">desc</archdesc><eadheader audience="internal"><eadid>eadid23456</eadid></eadheader></ead>
    The application throws the exception:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.
         at weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(
         at weblogic.xml.jaxp.WebLogicXMLReader.parse(
         at weblogic.xml.jaxp.RegistryXMLReader.parse(
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
         at gov.nysed.vrc.xml.FAHandler.parse(
         at gov.nysed.vrc.web.actions.FAEditorDispatchAction.validateFA(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)...
    I tried using several editors and online XML syntax checkers. None of them complained. Also I tried removing the newline character or any spaces in the document. Didn't help either. I read in some of the forums that Xerces could be picky about spaces but even without any spaces, I am getting this exception.
    We are using Weblogic 8.1 and the default parsers... Any help is appreciated. - Thanks...

    The Java API documentation (the bit about character encodings) mentions "ISO-8859-1" but not "ISO8859-1". Try that instead?

  • How to minimize the file size of a file with drawing markups

    I need to turn a sample of a report into a report template, so I am deleting as many objects as I can with the Tools>Content>Edit Object.  For text that I cannot delete that way, I am covering it up with a white box (Comment>Drawing Markups>square and setting outline = white and fill = white).  On this particular PDF, there are about 20 of these white boxes.  I'm then using Preflight>Flatten annotations and form fields to flatten all of the markups.
    Unfortunately, even after using Preflight and Save As>Reduced Size PDF, the file size is still over 900 kb.  The original file size before I make any changes is less than 150 kb.  I need the final file size to be 200-300 kb.
    Windows 7
    Adobe Acrobat X Pro
    I may be going about this all wrong, so any advice you have is much appreciated!  The only other thing I can think of to do (since I can't get a blank sample report), is to recreate the report in Word and then PDF it.  I'm hoping there's a better solution.  I tried Photoshop first and the file sizes were in the MBs, so I switched to Acrobat.  Maybe a different program would work even better?

    Basically that is what Bill is telling you. The best method is to:
    create the design of the form in Word.
    Save as a PDF (on a Mac the best method is to go to print menu click pdf and hold mouse or track pad button down, and Chose Adobe PDF) .
    Then open PDF in Acrobat
    Click on Tools
    Click on Forms and create form. Either letting acrobat create the fields and add or take away fields as need.  Or create fields manually.
    This way should you need to make correction you can open the original Word Document, Make chages save as PDF The in open original in PDF. Click on Tools > Pages and choose replace pages and replace desired page(s) as needed. Then readjust fields if needed or add or take fields as needed.

  • Why doesn't markup in Mail app work on screen captures or pasted images?

    When in Mail app, If i right click and choose Capture selection from Screen I can take a screenshot which is inserted into the email.   The markup icon in the top right of the image never appears.  This is also true for images I copy and paste into the email.  It seems to me that being able to markup a screen capture is one of the most important use cases for this type of feature. 

    When I right click and choose Capture selection. The image it places in the email will not show up on the recipients side. However if I use the Grab shortcuts on my Mac to take a screenshot then drag them in off the Desktop they not only show up on the recipients side, but Markup seems to work on them as well.
    I have no idea what would cause this. I think it would be something important to provide feedback to Apple about.
    You can find the Grab app in Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities
    Or you can use the keyboard shortcuts to take a screenshot. They will place them on your desktop.
    For a selection - ( Command ) ( Shift ) ( 4 )
    To select a whole window - ( Command ) ( Shift ) ( 4 ) > ( Spacebar ) > Click Window you want
    For whole display - ( Command ) ( Shift ) ( 3 )
    Hope that helps,

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