IE refresh bug

I'm becoming crazy here. I cant figure out why my movie hangs
after refreshing on IE. It worked under any other browser I have
test it.
On my first frame I have a simple preload function that work
the fist time you load the site, but if you refresh the page, it
wont pass the first frame.
Maybe it could be something with linkaged classes, exported
on the first frame, but even if I uncheck this option, the problem
It looks like that the PROGRESS event is never dispatched
because the movie is all ready on cahe.
Checkit out at:
Here my code:

I found a solution ironically on the same page that provided
me the preloader in the first place.
I felt really dumb for it having taken me 10 hours searching
to find that the solution was there all along, I just had to
revisit a bookmark!

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    Hi Alexandros
    I believe this could help:

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    var dlg = new Window('dialog', 'test');
    w = dlg.add('button', undefined, 'cm1',{name:'ok'});
    var docRef = app.activeDocument;
    w.onClick = run;;
    function run()
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    I will take a look at the mac crasher but it is a problem on windws and a problem in CS4 as far as I can tell. I would recommend you disable your button so the user can only press it once. Here is a modified script to show more of what is going on. On windows I am getting the script to stop for no apparent reason (the actual reason is a stack overflow). On mac my suspssion is that the stack overflow is crashing us instead of erroring out semi correctly! You can try all combinations of the two flags at the top to see the behavior differences. And you can really see how long waitForRefresh is taking so use it wisely!
    // {
    #target photoshop
    var buttonDisable = true;
    var blockingOn = false;
    var redraws = 0;
    var blocked = 0;
    if (documents.length == 0) {
    var dlg = new Window('dialog', 'Test');
    var docRef = app.activeDocument;
    dlg.b= dlg.add('button', undefined, 'test',{name:'ok'});
    dlg.b.onClick = test;;
    function test()
       if (buttonDisable) {
          dlg.b.enabled = false;
         // comment this to make the script work.
       var n =;
       if (blockingOn) {
          if ($'waitForRedraw()') == -1) {
          } else {
       } else {
       if (buttonDisable) {
         dlg.b.enabled = true;
    function waitForRedraw() {
      function cTID(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
      var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
      desc.putEnumerated(cTID("Stte"), cTID("Stte"), cTID("RdCm"));
      executeAction(cTID("Wait"), desc, DialogModes.NO);
    catch(e) {
        alert(e + ":" + e.line);
    alert(blocked + ":" + redraws);

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    "nathan boyes" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:bmj215$qq3$[email protected]..
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    public class Child {
    public var name : String = “foo”;
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    public var isSelected : Boolean = false;
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    public var disabledChildren : ArrayCollection = …;
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    <mx:Repeater id="childRepeater" dataProvider="{
    <mx:CheckBox label="{}"
    click="optionClicked(event);" />
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    "Its impossible to use a two-dimensions Array with a
    Repeater. " that is not correct. It is true that you should avoid
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    arrayCollection, which is good. What are (dataType) the child
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    what you have is close, I don't see an obvious problem. How
    are you updating the dataProvider? You must be using the Collection
    API, and never the low-level array[] notation.

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    Thank you

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    Hi I can confirm this is not a bug limited to you guys only, I have also tried to do a manual refresh but nothing works over mobile network. It does seem to work over wifi, so just for clarity with sync interval on any account set to manual upon hitting refresh nothing happens (confirmed as not syncing to point of checking exchange account logs and no syncing is occuring with the server), changing this from manual sync interval to set time interval ie. 15min produces desired result of sync. Needs to get fixed for a top end communication device this is a bug which users with heavy email mailbox best stay clear of as right now you only have automated time sync interval so your inbox will continue to fill whilst you have no control over fix the manual refresh bug.

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  • MSA 4.0 SP8 : Campaign description not updated in real time while saving?

    with reference to this thread : refresh/update a list , I prefered creating my own instead of upping the older one
    So the problem deals with data refreshing, or data updating into the objects :
    When creating a campaign, after saving, the campaign description seems not to be updated. While we can see the right value we just entered,
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    - we have a Crystal report based on the campaign details (among other things), and the Description field (linked to the same datasource) is either empty or has the old value.
    All is back to normal if we go to the Search menu, search the Campaign and open it.
    Also, when creating a new campaign, and after saving (so there would be the Description bug), right-clicking on the tile and selecting the "Refresh All" option, it displays the campaign displayed before choosing to create a new one.
    What is happening ? The controls involved are still standard, so is the "Refresh bug" a known one ? (I am comforting in this idea since i found the thread linked at the beginning)
    Thanks and Regards,

    this is a well-known issue of 4.0 (I remember that I have read that this should be changed in 5.0 by defining a specific relation type for BO relations).
    The detail tile is based on business object data but the search list is based on a record set retrieved by the search.
    For all linked fields/properties there is an automatic refresh but NOT for data which is stored in a dependent object.
    In your example campaigns are stored in BO BOCAMPAIGN with underlying IDES table smopccampn but the campaign short texts are stored in a separate object using table smopccamna.
    Unfortunately this is a very technical explanation but at least it is one...:-))

  • Catalog items visible to everyone, purchaseable only for some users

    Hello everybody
    Me again trying to find a solution to the following problem:
    We need to have some items in our catalog that are visible for every user but only purchaseable via shopping cart / SRM for some authorized users. I couldn't find any possibility in the customizing. So my attempt would be to add an additional attribute in CCM where I can put some kind of flag and then to construct an authorization check based on that flag and on a authorization profile. In case the authorization check fails, the catalog item may not be put in the shopping cart. Preferabily the shopping cart icon should be disabled for such items.
    Did somebody out there already think about something similar or already implemented something like that?
    It would also be a good basis for offering a publicly viewable, browseable catalog for "window shopping", because I also didn't find a way until now to publish the catalog as a standalone web application without shopping cart functionality.
    What do you out there think about it?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Christophe
    Thanks a bunch for your great help! I could solved the problem and am now able to have some catalog items visible but only purchaseable for authorized users. This is what I've done:
    1. Create a new authorization class (SU21)
    2. Create a new authorization object within this class
    3. Create a new authorization field within this object
    Don't forget to save and quit the SU21 transaction and then reenter it (/nsu21) because only then you'll see your changes / additions... seems to be a "refresh-bug" in SU21.
    4. Create a new role (PFCG) and an authorization profile containing the new authorization object. Assign the values needed.
    5. Create a new attribute in CCM and assigned it to OCI cust_field5 (because this one is of type TEXT50)
    6. Implemented some code in BAdI BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER:
    DATA: wa_et_sc_item_data  TYPE BBP_PDS_SC_ITEM_D.
    DATA: wa_catalog_content  TYPE BBP_WS_OCI_ITEM_S.
    DATA: lv_authorized       TYPE c.
    DATA: lt_limtab           TYPE TABLE OF string.
    DATA: wa_limtab(10)       TYPE C.
    DATA: lv_message_v1       LIKE SY-MSGV1.
    DATA: lv_message_v2       LIKE SY-MSGV2.
    DATA: lv_message_v3       LIKE SY-MSGV3.
    DATA: lv_message_v4       LIKE SY-MSGV4.
    LOOP AT et_sc_item_data INTO wa_et_sc_item_data.
    * Get corresponding line from transferred catalog data
      READ TABLE catalog_content INTO wa_catalog_content
                                 WITH KEY line = wa_et_sc_item_data-number_int
                                 BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *   If field content for checking authority against is not empty...
        IF NOT wa_catalog_content-cust_field5 IS INITIAL.
    *     Perform authority check
          AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT '<your auth.object here>'
                          ID     '<your auth.field here>'
                          FIELD  wa_tab.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MOVE wa_catalog_content-cust_field5  TO lv_message_v1.
            MOVE wa_et_sc_item_data-ordered_prod TO lv_message_v2.
    *       Eliminate leading zeroes from product number
            WHILE lv_message_v2+0(1) = '0'.
              SHIFT lv_message_v2.
    *       Output message
            MESSAGE ID     'ZXXX'
                    TYPE   'W'
                    NUMBER '000'
                    WITH   lv_message_v1
    *       Remove item from SC
            DELETE et_sc_item_data.
    Interesting observation is, that when issueing the message with type = 'I' it does not condense the message text. With type = 'W' it does...
    I also found out the reason, why the way via ET_SC_MESSAGES will not work: SAP <b>has hard coded</b> somewhere after the BAdI call the message id and message number... so no way to bypass this without a modification.
    Kind regards,

  • Mac OS X Lion Server screen freezes frequently

    I have recently purchased the Mac Mini Server with 8GB RAM Upgrade and have been experiencing screen freezes frequently. The Mac Mini is connected to a ViewSonic LED Monitor via an HDMI cable and is running Mac OS X Lion Server.
    It all started a month ago and I suspected it was due to an external hard disk I had. When I removed it the problem didn't crop up for a few weeks. So I thought the issue was resolved.
    Over the past week the problem re-surfaced again and nearly everyday I am experiencing screen freezing about five times a day and the only option is to power down my Mac Mini Server from the power button. This is becoming increasingly frustrating. When screen freezing occurs, everything freezes and I get some small rectangular boxes on screen moving.
    The only things that have changed over the past week was that I installed the latest Safari fix and connected the Harman Kardon Sounsticks II to the Mac Mini.
    Can't understand what is happening. From various threads I read, many mac users are experiencing screen freezes. If anyone has any resolutions please let me know.

    Lion has a screen refresh bug it is just the screen going to sleep and the the screen updating only where the curser moves.


    Hi guys,
    i'm trying to use this DBMS_CRYPTO to crypt. I don't know if it works or not.
    i've found an oracle security guide dated 2003 and tried as well to use the procedure DBMS_CRYPTO with no success.
    My goal is to cript file as pdf / doc and so on. Now i'm very confused with this DBMS_CRYPTO library.
    How can i achieve this without having to study 50 pages or more of documentation?
    Thanx a lot

    Hi to all,
    My blob encryption procedure work smooth: PL /SQL DEVELOPER tricked me with a one of his refresh bugs......
    1 day and 1/2 lost....
    Thanx a lot to all of you trying to help

  • E71 - SUDDENLY: No Caller Name Displays!

    Sometime, within a day or so following my first first sync (using Nokia PC Sync) between my E71and Lotus Organizer, I noticed that NAMES for incoming and missed calls from callers already in my contacts no longer display. Only the numbers. Names (per my contacts list) did display before I did the sync to Organizer. Calls dialed from the contact list still show up as names in the log -- however, the same number dialed from the missed calls list or directly from the screen does not resolve to a name. Only a number shows.
    I'm really perplexed about this, and highly annoyed.
    1) The numbers are NOT/NOT duplicated anywhere in my contacts, and I have NO contacts saved to my SIM card. NONE.
    2) Deleting an entry and then creating a new one from the missed call list (using the same number and name for the new entry) doesn't help. Still no name displayed.
    3) I've noticed VOICE TAGS which I don't ever recall seeing before I synced - maybe they were there, but I don't recall them. And those little pacman icons do rather catch one's eye.
    4) Numbers are not oddly formatted, and in any event, they've not been changed. But something has certainly changed.
    I've read the postings on this problem, and the only hope seems to be a complete deletion of my phone-based contacts, with a restore via PC--> Phone from my Organizer contacts list. I'm reluctant to try this, as the problem began with the sync between the two.
    This is really pretty absurd.
    Any help here, please?

    I agree - it certainly looks like some sort of refresh bug or perhaps some sort of bug linking names for contacts from a particular account.
    I was having problems resetting my password for my Exchange account so I finally just deleted the whole account and re-added it. When I re-added it, I left my Exchange contacts disabled. A few hours later, I was switching back & forth between my Recent Calls and Favorites (accidentally) and suddenly the names for my Favs were replaced by #'s only. Ditto with my Recents.
    After reading your post, I re-enabled the Contacts for my Exchange account and let them sync. Switching back & forth from my Favs & Recents over the next few minutes I began to see my names come back.
    I suppose y'all who are having problems could try to delete your account that many of your contacts are linked to and then re-add and allow sync to happen. No guarantees, but it seemed to work for me.

Maybe you are looking for