If I purchased a new 3GS, would you recommend NOT to update to iOS4 ?

Just wondering what your folks' opinions are on this.
Almost seems like the better choice with all the problems the iOS4 is experiencing, no?

Thanks for the input, everybody.
Yes, it would certainly be risky (and probably too much so for my own taste ), I just have to take one look at this forum and everything seems to scream out "do not update!". I'm curious for the supposed update-to-the-update to see if it really irons out some of the bugs.
This would be my first ever smartphone too and I would very much like it to be an iPhone.... but not the 4. I am not going to go down that route anytime soon

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    They are not bad - just unsuitable for FCE and all good editing programs.
    There are several totally different kinds of Digital Video - many people mistakenly think all "digital" is the same.
    DVD, Flash Memory or Hard Disk camcorders produce video in a version of the MPEG format.
    FCE etc. only handles video in the DV or QT format which is totally different from MPEG.
    One analogy would be to buy a diesel powered car and then find that all the filling stations in your area only had petrol (gasolene) pumps. Your car would be pretty useless !
    The only way MPEG can be used in FCE is by converting it to DV or QT which wastes time or money and results in slightly reduced quality.
    All these cameras are produced for the mass market (where the money is), to be used by people with no knowledge or interest in film-making or editing.

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    iBook Dual USB/ G3 500   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   'Airmac = Airport'

    artfart (Josh):
    My reply may be a little late but I thought I'd throw it in just the same. There are some very good replies here, especially those from Digital Dude and cgerrells. My apologies for what will likely be a lengthy reply because I have yet to share my story with this community. Perhaps now is the time.
    I would certainly recommend a Macbook Pro to anybody that had the budget, was looking for a near-desktop replacement computer, and was into prosumer-level capability for an audio and video editing (and similar duty) workhorse. This could be for anything from a hobby-level to professional level or both. Mine is a 15-incher with 1GB (needs to bump to 2) and the 7200RPM 100GB HDD. I tried BootCamp, which was very good, but I hated restarting. I decided to run with the Parallels Beta, purchased the pre-release license, and now that it is released, I haven't looked back. I absolutely LOVE it. My XP-only stuff is great. Some people still have issues with Parallels and some people have some lingering problems with the MBP itself. But I am fortunate, I guess. For now, this is my second MBP (first one was DoA), and I am very, very happy with it.
    My very, very long story. Skip it, if you like:
    I too was once a hardcore PC-only user. Never would an Apple grace the insides of my home or office. I could never consider the artsy-fartsy-ness of a Mac, no matter how well they were made or how good the customer service was supposed to be. They were just too expensive and too exclusive. I was basically a PC snob, much like many Mac users are Mac snobs, you know? I was/am not a PC novice, either. IT Pro doesn't exactly describe my profession; it's not exactly that simple. I have more than a decade of experience in MIS and a graduate degree but I'm more on the high end of my company's IT shop. MS SQL and management and stuff like that. So I was a Windows guy through and through. I do audio and video editing both for a hobby and semi-professionally. Digital photography is the same kind of deal for me. But I did all that on the PC just fine. My house was like a server farm. I had 4 or 5 PCs at any one time. There were even a few Linux distros just for fun. Windows 2003 domain for testing with Exchange 2003 in there for good measure. I guess there was a Toshiba laptop or two.
    Then one day last year (some time before they announced the plans for the switch to Intel CPUs) I got a wild hair to buy a Mini. They were so cheap, I just wanted to try out the audio softwares and such. And with a simple KVM switch, I could add it to my desk here at home.
    I had trouble at first. It just didn't make sense to me. After a while, I let the Mini just sit. Maybe six weeks went by. I got back into it and learned how integrate the Mini into my production studio. Things were looking up. I began to like OS X.
    Then I began to need a new laptop. Back then I didn't know Apple had changed the meaning of the word.
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    When was that? February?
    So I started to figure out if I could buy one.
    By April, they announced Boot Camp. This sort of (un)officially supporting dual-booting XP sealed the deal. I ordered the sucker.
    Aside from the terrible ordeal of spending the $$$ and then having to return the DoA and waiting for the replacement (and dealing with the scumbags I had to deal with at Apple Care) I am very happy with my laptop.
    If you chose to read this terribly long story, thank you very much.
    MBP & Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Just Google "convert hi8 to dvd" and you'll find a number of software/hardware combinations that will allow you to do what you want. One important piece of the puzzle is whether or not you still have access to the video recorder(s) that the movies were shot on.
    Good luck,

  • ITunes stops updating podcasts / iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently. Would you like to resume updating this podcast?

    My iTunes is set to automatically update podcasts and keep the last five episodes of each podcast.
    However, iTunes appears to stop updating podcasts after several (five?) unwatched episodes and gives me an exclamation mark in the podcast overview. Clicking on that, I get the message: "iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently. Would you like to resume updating this podcast?"
    This is not what I intend... and not  what I  told iTunes to do... (at least this my reading of the below settings)
    This stopping is rather less then ideal: (1) if I am going away for two weeks, which I often do, I would still like to have the last five days of news, not the last five days of news back from the date I left, (2) I need to click update for approx. 20 podcast on regular basis, (3) my iPhone is synced to iTunes as soon as I come home, if iTunes does not have the podcasts downloaded, they are not copied over to the iPhone, and the iPhone will attempt to download the episodes via 3G next time I play the podcast on the go, (4) I am mainly using iTunes functions, such as smart playlists and podcasts, through another app (Plex, a fullscreen media player) and it is a pain to have to go to iTunes to manually do things. That is why this bothering me...
    How can I get iTunes to behave as intended? (From reading through old posts I know that there is a Doug script adressing this problem, which I have just set up, but I would prefer to use internal settings if possible... maybe I am just missing a setting)
    Thank you for your ideas!

    Thank you for the response, Roger!
    OK, that's how it is then.
    The iTunes podcasts settings should be reworded in that case because it suggest something different from what it does. And, of course, it would be ideal for Apple to make this more flexible and allow users to set up their podcast downloads in their way and not be so motherly (c'mon, Apple, your users are not as dumb as you think, and they have uncapped Internet connections these days anyway)...
    Btw., for anyone interested, this is external script I am using now:
    Including the "cron job" setup here:
    http://dougscripts.com/itunes/2011/12/updated-update-expired-podcasts-v2-2-and-l aunchd-project/
    Cannot tell how well it works because I have just set it up, other members of the forum say it works for them...
    If anyone knows of in-app solutions, please share...

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    Does anyone have any experience with using the AppleCare plan, or getting support for a broken iPad without the plan? Would you recommend getting it?

    In the past, with computers that could be opened and fixed by replacing parts, a service plan was not particularly advantageous for those who could swap out a dead HD and put in a new one. When laptops arrived, many thought that since it was a "closed system", it would be best to get a contract. I'd say with the iPad, it's really a closed system for most of us, and buying a plan may be as prudent as for laptops - but then there's the price to consider, given the price of the iPad. I think you can buy a plan anytime before the original warranty expires, so you could hold off.

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    Would you recommend a friend or girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife to rush out first thing in the morning and buy a MBP ?? Be honest...
    I wil start: From what I am reading on here and other places on the web, my answer is emphatically NO !

    Syntrak, I believe you don't own one so you only know
    about the MBP by reading.
    I do own one, and my answer is an emphatic YES, but
    only IF the person asking really needs or wants such
    a powerful portable. A lot of power and features in
    such slim and small package comes with some
    drawbacks: Shorter battery life is one of them.
    I think I said it before, this MBP Rocks BABY!
    I could not agree more and couldn't have written this any better. I haven't felt this great about a new Mac in a long time. Can't wait for FCP Suite Universal to arrive to put through it's paces. Needless to say, the MBP is on all day and into the late evening hours. It Rocks! Don't have any second thoughts.

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    Thank you for your quick response. I can then use a ZIP drive for data storage. I want to keep as much of my hard drive free of data as possible.

  • I need to buy a camcorder -- upgrading from a Flip. Which would you recommend as easiest to use with iMovie 11? Which for Final Cut Pro? Thanks!

    I need to buy a camcorder -- upgrading from a Flip. Which would you recommend as easiest to use with iMovie 11? Which for Final Cut Pro? Thanks!

    You can't run iMovie 11 on a PPC G5 running the old OS 10.3 Panther - which is what you say you have.
    iMovie 11 - cameras supported:
    iMovie 9 - cameras supported:
    iMovie 8 Camcorders supported:
    Digital camera RAW formats supported by OS X Lion:
    Digital camera RAW formats supported by OS X Snow Leopard:

  • Which of these solutions would you recommend?

    while trying to create a login system using JSP, I ran into several tutorials, and tried creating one by using java beans to keep track of the session.
    The bean stores the username by using setUserID(String userID), and also sets a certain variable to true if the user is logged in.
    To create different levels or types of users, and add more functionality to this login system, I believe I could add more properties to determine the level and other necessary information (with information taken from a database), and simply use a beanid.getProperty() to check for the information I need for example.
    I know that another way and the more common way to create a login system while securing other pages on the website, is to use session tracking and the session variable to set different values, etc... and keep track of the user.
    Now my question is, which one of these 2 solutions would you recommend? Which one do you believe to be more secure?

    Arent both essentially the same? In the first, you set all properties in a single bean object and bind that object to the session. In the second, you bind each property individually to the session. So there is nothing to choose 'security' wise between the two options. Security, I believe, has nothing to do with how you track the user's session. Usage of SSL for example is a security technique.
    Having said that, if we confine your question to which is a better option for session management per se, I would favour the first (a single bean). I am not a great fan of a bloated session object though. You can always query necessary info from the db using this id rather than storing it in the session.
    Note you neednt set a variable to indicate that the user has logged in. The presence of the UserBean is sufficient to indicate the logged in status (assuming that you create such a bean only on successful login).
    Hope this is useful to you.

  • Would you recommend installing and creating apps in the apex install schema

    Would you recommend installing and creating apps in the apex install schema for e.g. apex_040100? Or would you rather a separate tablespace be used for the application objects? In addition to this we are integrating it with Oracle EBS? Are there any industry best practices for creating tablespaces and schemas for apex applications?

    A BIG NO!!!, you should be using separate schema's
    Have you seen this http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/learnmore/apex-ebs-extension-white-paper-345780.pdf

  • Web page video - what file type would you recommend?

    I've stood up a web page for selling things (house, musical instrument, chipper-shredder, rent an apartment, etc.) and would like to have a few videos included. The plan is to save the video on the server and not use hyperlinks to places like vimeo and youtube. For one thing, vimeo doesn't allow a basic member to use their site for selling things.
    A. Screen view size: I would like something, say, 2.5 to 3 inches high X whatever width the proportion would be (4:5 or 16:9), minimum.
    B. Resolution: Most of what I've recorded is in 1440CBR but reducing the quality to keep the file size small is VERY important. I'm not looking for Full Hi-Def, just something that gets the message across.
    C. It is very desirable for the visitor to be able to start viewing the video as soon after clicking on the hyperlink as possible. If they have to wait for a few MegaBytes to be downloaded they probably won't stick around. Also, there will be no advertising on my web page which should be nice.
    D. The file format should be viewable by both Macs and PCs. Questions:
    1. Is *.mp4 H.264 the most universal format?
    2. Should I "Share" to a QuickTime format and assume the PC users will have QuickTime on their machine?
    3. FCPx uses the "Share" menu in order to Export. What would you recommend for a Share setting (file type) so it will do what I would like to do?
    Is there anything I left out that would be good to know???
    Editorial comment: This has been a total struggle.
    My resources:
    FCPX 10.0.3 (have not updated yet. Waiting until the dust settles)
    MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 5,1 2.53 8GB memory Lion
    MacPro 1,1 Lion
    Passport drive: 1TB for video storage
    MacBook White 1,1 (for email and Internet surfing) 10.6.8

    Hi again,
    I'm happy with the Audioengine 5 which I have on the computer desk about 2' ~ 3'
    away so I'd call them 'near field'. You should have a shelf on your desk so the speakers are roughly at your head height.  I'm also using a 12" Velodyne powered sub in this set-up which sits on the floor to my right.
    here are some 'home' studio designs:

Maybe you are looking for