If you're new to learning Java ...

Don't waste your money on the Complete Java Technology Web Bundle [http://suned.sun.com/US/catalog/courses/WJB-000-180.html]. Like myself, you might be thinking it's a complete learning package teaching you everything from A-Z and you'd be ready for the Certification Exam. Instead, it's one (expensive) lumping of all the random courses Sun teaches on Java Technology. It has almost no flow between the modules.
I'm not saying that the modules themselves are bad - just be aware that this is not a step-by-step course into Java that I thought it would be.
So, I suppose it wasn't falsely advertised, but I'm frustrated because I spent $1,800 for a course that still requires supplemental reading and research - very disappointing. Of course, the best part, is I can't cancel the course because I've completed just enough of it to figure this stymie out too late.

Hehe. Yah, luckily it wasn't my money. But, even still, I feel bad about it.
The money would, I think, would be worth it if, by completion of the tutorial, you're ready to take the Certification test.
The problem with (most?) programming books is that they follow:
Chapter 1:
This is a keyboard, here is your mouse. When you press keys, characters show up on the screen.
Chapter 2:
Programming is just like learning any language, it's easy!
Chapter 3:
Basic programming, understanding syntax.
Chapter 4:
Loops, arrays and conditional statements.
Chapter 5:
Classes and methods.
Chapter 6:
Now that you've mastered the language, we'll continue on with arcane stuff you'll never figure out, completely skipping 5 chapters in between.
Chapters 7~12:
Way above your head.
So few actually stick to a path. And unfortunately this course (bundle) is exactly the same. I'm going to give Head First Java (http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/hfjava/) and Beginning Java 2 (http://www.wrox.com/books/0764543652.shtml) a try.
To me, there's three things you should learn well:
1. the concept of OOP
2. java's syntax and its OOP design
To me, learning a language is mostly about understanding the basics and knowing where to look for answers (be it classes, methods, functions according to the language) and how to understand that source of answers. To a beginner, that API doc might as well be in Swahili.

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    I was a newbie like 4 months ago. i have some skills of OOP in C++ like 2 years back but since then i did'nt took any of programming language courses. I have experience in MSaccess and MYsql. i did my internship Last summer with Tennessee Education Lottery as a Database Analyst. At that time i realized what a Corporate Enviorment looks like. Trust me it was a formal interview and i passed it and they placed me in the IT department to write some scripts for the GUI terminal and at the same time create a Company Security Database. i did completed my project but i had to Learn Mysql. and then i realized Java was getting very popular. alot of people told me in the forums to go Java tutorial but i will not agree to start from the sun tutorial. you can do it only if you have a good or may be medium experience of OOP. it was really tough for me and then this magic guy came on the forum and told me to go on this website if you want to learn Java.
    This site is a brilliant site specially the exercise problems and the quizes really attracted me to Java alot and now i came to realize how easy it is to program in Java rather than C++. Java forums have helped me alot in solving those exercise problems (not with the code but with a good explanation) which was very helpful for me. out of my 210 post i guess i have helped 30 people out and the rest of the questions are regarding those exercises. i came to know encapsulation, inheritance and all that stuff. though i am still not very perfect like i am still having trouble with ComparTo thing but it takes more practice. the more you practice the more you learn. so all the newbies if you really want to learn java even if you dont have any experience in OOp this is the site where you need to start. Hope this will definitely help you alot. thanks to all the Senior members navycoder, captain, paulcw, duffy, turingpest and others also who have helped me in the past. without you i would have not achieved the goal of learning java. now my next step is going to be learn GUI programming Swing. looks fun to me. but at the same time i have my final project for this semester to make on ONline Testing program which will have a database, php scripting and html and xml.
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    I was a newbie like 4 months ago. i have some skills
    of OOP in C++ like 2 years back but since then i
    did'nt took any of programming language courses. I
    have experience in MSaccess and MYsql. i did my
    internship Last summer with Tennessee Education
    Lottery as a Database Analyst. At that time i
    realized what a Corporate Enviorment looks like.
    Trust me it was a formal interview and i passed it
    and they placed me in the IT department to write some
    scripts for the GUI terminal and at the same time
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    Get this:
    I originally 'learned' Java from "Java Made Simple" by Peter McBride. "Made Simple" is right: having finished this book, I had no idea that you could design your own classes for use by other classes! All my methods were static, I'd never written a constructor or instantiated one of my own classes, and my applications were all contained in a single class! I had only the vaguest notion of what "object oriented" meant, and I wondered why, for example, you had to say
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    but not
    int x = new int(4);
    The book was intended, I think, for non-programmers who have been given some free space by their ISP to design a web page, and want to add some v. simple applets for decoration. Beware of books like this if you want to learn Java in a serious way.
    For a more positive tip, I recommend Sun's very own online Java Tutorial. It covers all the key topics thoroughly and clearly, so at the end you have a good understanding of Java (More than just the basics, I'd say). If you want to move on to more advanced topics this tutorial will probably stand you in good stead (I can't be certain as I haven't moved on from here yet myself), but if you don't you will still be able to write good amateur programs.

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  • Im Trying To Learn Java :o(

    Hey All,
    I have decided to get my mind active and randomly learn Java. I say randomly because i am going to be a student again in IT but i like the kinda 3D side and modelling and nice pictures and flash actionscript lol not all this stuff.
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    Thank you very much for your time :o)
    Kind regards,

    If you want an idea of what's possible with Java, do a google search for "java games" or something like that. I've seen occasional postings of what are supposed to be pretty cool games that have been written in Java, but I'm not into games, so I've never bothered to check 'em out personally.
    As to whether you can do it, well, you'll have to figure that out. Learning Java well enough to create a video game is not a trivial task. I don't just mean the syntax of the language, I mean the many APIs you'll be using, concepts like multithreading and exception handling, good OO principles, etc. Without a good handle on that stuff, your code will quickly turn into a morass that will be difficult to enhance, maintain, or debug.
    I suspect that the code to make a particular graphical event occur will be more verbose and complex in Java than in ActionScript, given that Java is a general purpose language and AS is more geared to GUIs. Nonetheless, I'm sure there are APIs out there (some free, some not) that will provide some higher level constructs than the core APIs to make some of that easier. You'll still be operating in the idiom of a general programming language though.
    There may also be a hybrid solution available--where you use Java to express the game logic and another language to express the graphics. I don't know anything about this kind of stuff though, so that's just speculation.
    You may get more precise advice in the GUI Building forums on http://forum.java.sun.com/ than here.
    Here are some resources to get you started on Java in general.
    Sun's basic Java tutorial
    Sun's New To Java Center. Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    http://javaalmanac.com. A couple dozen code examples that supplement The Java Developers Almanac.
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's Effective Java
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's Head First Java.

  • What do you plan to do with java

    I know this is a game development forum, but I had one question. What does everyone 'who is nice at java example abuse' (i'm not saying that no one else is nice, but he's name is the most catchyest) what do you plan to do with java. Do you really want to make games in java for the rest of your life, and prove to the world that java is gaining power? Or you just use java as the jump off point to learn anything else.
    Sorry if i'm getting to personally, but I was just wondering. This is a question to everyone not just abuse. lol

    Development speed:
    C / C++ (DJGPP):
    downloading many parts - 1 week
    installing - 1 weekend
    looking for basic tutorials - 1 week
    getting hello world to work - 1 afternoon
    getting more tutorials - 1 week
    getting past hello world - 3 weeks
    doing something worth doing - never
    total time to becoming a basic C programmer - 18 months & counting (I still try every couple of months, it never works)
    compiling someone else's code - 1% success (only one program not specifically designed for DJGGP ever compiled - C is portable eh?)
    dowloading JDK - 4 hours
    installing - 1/2 hour
    basic tuts - 1 hour
    hello world - 3 hours (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundException :-) )
    more tutorials - 10 mins
    getting past hello world - 1 week
    doing something worth doing - 2 weeks
    total time to becoming a basic java programmer - 1 month
    compiling someone else's code - 95% success (some people use the GNU regexp and GL4java, now there's regexp & 3D in the main package, so that shouldn't be a problem for much longer)
    Running speed:
    pure java JITted for the current machine is faster than generalised C, it's just that in C you get like
    prog: printf("xxx\n")
    stdlib: some assembler
    wheras java
    prog: println("xxx");
    lib: print("xxx"+"\n");
    lib: print("xxx\n");
    lib: write("xxx\n");
    lib: write(new byte[] {'x','x','x','\n'});
    lib: native void write({'x','x','x','\n'});
    stdlib: write(bytes);
    stdlib: some assembler
    I know that's not the right chain, I'm just showing the idea. Also you get things like this:
    //deprecated - don't use
    getSize() {
    return size;
    //ok, use this
    getPanelSize() {
    return getSize();
    where it's faster to use dodgy old methods.

  • Hello Friends, I am new in InDesign Java Script

    Hello Friends,
    I am new in InDesign Java Script. I want to edit the page's master text Frame Object through Java Script. Any Idea regarding this will help me a lot.
    thanks in advance

    Have you read any of the documentation? It doesn't seem so :-)
    Vivek Singh, the documentation is a great tool for understanding object model. Once you got the main concept of hierarchy between objects, accessing objects is quite a child game.
    I am not meaning scripting is easy but have a look on the documentation, it's a essential starting point. I bought too the Peter Karhel's guide
    it's really cheap regarding to the quality of the learning.
    Welcome in this world.
    BTW, masterspreads is a property of document. So you should work with something like :

  • Why learn Java now?

    I'm new to Java programming and have developed some small demo classes.
    I have exp with other Visual languages and I feel like I'm taking a step back in time writing code in Notepad and compiling and running from dos etc.
    I have several classes and lots of code lines to do a simple thing in swing like create a frame and a simple menu panel.
    I thought Java required less code but so far it requires 3 times an much as other languages!
    What visual tools or IDE�s exist for Java development other than Sun ONE Studio?
    Why learn java now? The number of jobs posted online seams to be higher for Java that any other language out there like vb.net, C++ etc.
    Any Comments of the Future of Java Jobs?
    Running Java:
    My apps run slow on XP, 384M ram.
    Do production Java applications suffer from slow execution of the JVM layer?

    Java code is easier to understand and more stable than "faster" languages. There is more flexibility and extensibility than in other languages, and the error-processing system is quite advanced. There are also very powerful tools you can use out-of-the-box, like JOptionPane:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Foo
        public static void main(String[] args)
            String pass = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter your password");
    Also see javax.swing.JColorChooser.

  • Links to learn Java

    I friend of mine has just started learning Java. Can you reccomend any tutorial sessions on the web or some books?
    Thank you very much

    By all means, please direct your friend to the JDC's:
    New to Java Programming Center: http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/new2java/
    Have your friend subscribe to the center's monthly email supplement and read past issues online:
    As for books, have your friend read this article:
    Books to Shorten Your Learning Curve:
    Then have your friend check out our tutorials:
    Starting with the New to Java Programming Center because that is the collection of beginner material all linked in one convenient spot.
    Dana Nourie

  • Re-Learning Java Web Technologies

    For the last 2 years, I have been developing ASP.NET applications. Therefore, I have not followed any new developments within Java industry.
    However, now I just want to re-learn Java web technologies.
    Therefore, could you kindly inform me whats the best book that can give me a good ground intp Java web / Enterprise development.

    Thanks for the answer.
    When I was doing ASP.NET development, I found these 2 books useful:
    These books showed how to develop a full working website with asp.net.
    I wonder if there are similar books for Java. I am not a beginner with Servlets or JSP. I just want to know how to put together a full working website with the latest Java technologies.
    Core Servlets and JSPs is definitely a very good book.
    Kind regards

  • New programmer - Old Java code

    I am new to Java (but old to Delphi) and have inherited an application in Java from six years ago. What development environment should I start learning?
    Thanks...... Jim

    How quickly do you think you can pick Java up? I generally recommend learning without an IDE. Esp if you currently know no Java.
    As to the general case to "Which IDE should I use", the only answer to this is: Try as many as you can, and use the one you feel most at home with. Out of the main free two: Netbeans has the better drag+drop GUI support and the most stuff pre-configured and good to go out the box (IMO), but Eclipse has the nicer text editor and better 3rd party support.
    Stock learning Java Answer:
    [Sun's basic Java tutorial|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/]
    [Sun's New To Java Center|http://java.sun.com/learning/new2java/index.html]
    Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    [Yawmarks List|http://forums.devshed.com/java-help-9/resources-for-learning-java-249225.html]
    [The Java Developers Almanac|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201752808?v=glance]
    Bruce Eckel's [Thinking in Java(Available online.)|http://mindview.net/Books/DownloadSites]
    Joshua Bloch's [Effective Java|http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/Author=Bloch,%20Josh]
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's [Head First Java|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0596004656?v=glance ]
    James Gosling's [The Java Programming Language|http://www.bookpool.com/sm/0321349806]
    Gosling is the creator of Java. It doesn't get much more authoritative than this.
    Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter [Java Puzzlers.|http://www.javapuzzlers.com/]

  • I'm new in this java programming..

    Based on this algorithm,how can i write an application call MyFOIS.
    1.0 Instantiate object file
    2.0 if file exists
    2.1 Instantiate object FileOutputStream Append the file with the text "Software Engineering"
    3.0 Else
    3.1 Instantiate object FileInputStream to create "Welcome.txt"
    3.2 Read"Welcome" into Welcome.txt

    mistral20 wrote:
    Based on this algorithm,how can i write an application call MyFOIS.
    1.0 Instantiate object fileRead your textbook, the manual, or tutorials on this site. Look in the index for "instantiate". Actually the very first chapter of your book should tell you how to instantiate a class. The words "object file" probably is supposed to refer to java.io.File. Your assignment isn't well-written in that respect. Note that to instantiate a File object, you're going to need some kind of reference to a particular file or hypothetical file.
    2.0 if file existsRead the API documentation for java.io.File to determine which method to use to do this. It's pretty obvious.
    Your textbook should also describe if/else statements; read about that if you need to.
    2.1 Instantiate object FileOutputStream Append the file with the text "Software Engineering"That's another class in the java.io package.
    3.0 Else
    3.1 Instantiate object FileInputStream to create "Welcome.txt"That is also poorly worded. They probably mean to instantiate a FileInputStream (another class in java.io) around an existing file called "Welcome.txt". You wouldn't be creating anything.
    3.2 Read"Welcome" into Welcome.txt
    EndAlso insanely worded. They probably mean to read the text from the FileInputStream. Or maybe steps 3.1 and 3.2 really mean to create a FileOutputStream to write data, rather than reading it.
    Whoever gave you this assignment should learn to communicate more effectively. Or maybe they don't even know Java and shouldn't be teaching this class.
    You know, re-reading that, I wonder if what they really mean is:
    1.0 Instantiate object java.io.File for filename "Welcome.txt"
    2.0 if file exists
        2.1 Instantiate object FileOutputStream in append mode, using that File object, then use that to write to the file with the text "Software Engineering"
    3.0 Else
        3.1 Instantiate object FileOutputStream, using the File, in non-append mode, to create "Welcome.txt" as a new file.
        3.2 Write "Welcome" into Welcome.txt
    EndBut who knows.
    By the way, if you're just reading and writing text, you should be using FileReaders and FileWriters, not FileInputStreams and FileOutputStreams.
    Edited by: paulcw on Jan 20, 2008 11:56 PM

  • Is it worth learning JAVA?

    Is it worth learning JAVA or would I be oaky with just sticking with ABAP and learning ABAP objects?
    All opinions welcome y'all!

    Hi Steve,
    Sticking to ABAP is for the (near) future an option.
    However SAP is migating to the SAP NetWeaver environment where a totally new development suite is presented: The SAP NetWeaver Development Studio.
    With it you can develop the new Web Dynpro's and the studio is based on IBM's Eclipse (totally Java).
    You can develop without knowledge of Java, however some knowledge of Java is very helpfull.
    If you want to stick to ABAP: Somewhere half/end of the year 2005 this Developer studio will also be expanded with ABAP (you have to wait for that).
    On the other hand, current releases of SAP components (Like CRM, Enterprise, SCM, APO and so on) still require the knowledge of ABAP (preferably ABAP Objects).
    In my view ABAP Objects will play a major role in the new Developer Studio (when it comes available). Straight forward ABAP (without OO parts) will see it's role slowly getting less and less.
    So my advice would be: Learn Java (at least do a beginners training with it) and learn all about ABAP Objects. You will be ready for the future.

  • Learning java bean

    is there any tutorial for learning java bean for beginners?

    i thank you very much.
    i am new to java beans, as such i do not have any knowledge about it.
    aren't there some tutorials with guided practice? it would be kind of you could tell me some links where i can have them.

  • Learning Java but have problem displaying dialog

    I am learning Java by building a Platform based application. I have build the basic structure with several menu items and successfuly build two set of modules (an XML file reader and a set of initilization rouitnes. I amnow branching into a module to execute when a menu item is selected. I want to display a new window/dialog that contains a table showing the user options. However, I never get anythng displayed. The following code is from the menuitem handler. I commented out the logic I want to start working with, in an attempt to get something displayed. No Luck. I really need some help.
    public final class EditPreferences implements ActionListener {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("User and Project Preferences");
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    //          JTable table = new JTable( new PrefTableModel() );
    //          table.setRowSelectionAllowed(false);
    //          JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //          table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);
    //          panel.add(pane);
    }I have been looking and reading all over the web and cannot figure this out. I think it should work, but is does not.

    If "frame" is a JFrame, as it is in your code, then (as of Java 5) frame.add(panel) is the same as frame.getContentPane().add(panel) . See Javadoc for JFrame.add . So, that's not your problem here.
    Try calling:
    frame.pack();before you call frame.setVisible. And, of course, uncomment the lines. Right now, your JFrame will still look empty, because your JPanel is empty.
    If you just want to see if a JFrame will display, you could replace the commented lines with something very simple:
    // Default layout of content pane is BorderLayout, default location is BorderLayout.CENTER
    panel.add(new JLabel("This is just a test."));

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