Ignore step in package?

Hi guys!
I have another theoreticla question...suppose we have a package with a number of steps..and we want to ignore step and make package to run further steps...how to do it?
I've tried with a simple package which was waiting for 10 rows in a table and then was supposed to execute scenario...In operator I've changed the status of the "wainting" step to done but the package didn't run further...
Please help...
With regards,

Hi Konrad,
I was thinking about your question (from the email you sent to me) and yes, it is possible.
If done by operator, all you need to do is go to the step, check the "ignore error" checkbox in the step, and restart the package.
If you want to do this by another process, a package with access to the work repository can be built to change the step but the reestart still will be done from operator.
Seems that do all from Operator will be easy...... what do you think?
Cezar Santos

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    You could change it to run directly from the DP, then it will only use the files it needs and doesn't download anything at all. You will have to make sure that all the content needed by the task seqeunce is copied to the package share otherwise it will not
    work in a task sequence.
    The other would be to split up the package in multiple packages if that is possible.
    -- My System Center blog ccmexec.com -- Twitter

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    Hi Shiftbit,
    ETL vs ELT is right.
    In SSIS 2005, the DTExec utility loads and runs the package, events occur in the following order:
    The package file is loaded.
    The configurations specified in the package at design time are applied in the order specified in the package (except for Parent Package Variables).
    Any options specified from the command line are applied. Any configurations specified on the command line overwrite the current values; however, they do not trigger a reload of the configurations if a changed value impacts a configuration dependency. For
    example, if the connection string used for SQL Server configurations is updated from the command line at run time, the package will still retain any other values from the design-time SQL Server configuration database.
    Parent Package Variable Configurations are applied.
    The package is run.
    In SSIS 2008 and higher, utility loads and runs the package, events occur in the following order:
    The dtexec utility loads the package.
    The utility applies the configurations that were specified in the package at design time and in the order that is specified in the package. (The one exception to this is the Parent Package Variables configurations. The utility applies these configurations
    only once and later in the process.)
    The utility then applies any options that you specified on the command line.
    The utility then reloads the configurations that were specified in the package at design time and in the order specified in the package. (Again, the exception to this rule is the Parent Package Variables configurations). The utility uses any command-line
    options that were specified to reload the configurations. Therefore, different values might be reloaded from a different location.
    The utility applies the Parent Package Variable configurations.
    The utility runs the package.
    So, we can see that no matter we use SSIS 2005 which applies the Configurations once or use SSIS 2008 (or higher) which applies the configurations twice, the configurations specified in the command line will affect and not be overwritten by the configurations
    specified at design-time.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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    but when i am trying to declare a refcursor variable ,
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    why is this happenning ?
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    Since Oracle 7.3 REF CURSORS have been available which allow recordsets to be returned from stored procedures, functions and packages. The example below uses a ref cursor to return a subset of the records in the EMP table.
    First, a package definition is needed to hold the ref cursor type:
    TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;
    END Types;
    Note. In Oracle9i the SYS_REFCURSOR type has been added making this first step unnecessary. If you are using Oracle9i or later simply ignore this first package and replace any references to Types.cursor_type with SYS_REFCURSOR.
    Next a procedure is defined to use the ref cursor:
    PROCEDURE GetEmpRS (p_deptno IN emp.deptno%TYPE,
    p_recordset OUT Types.cursor_type) AS
    OPEN p_recordset FOR
    SELECT ename,
    FROM emp
    WHERE deptno = p_deptno
    ORDER BY ename;
    END GetEmpRS;
    The resulting cursor can be referenced from PL/SQL as follows:
    v_cursor Types.cursor_type;
    v_ename emp.ename%TYPE;
    v_empno emp.empno%TYPE;
    v_deptno emp.deptno%TYPE;
    GetEmpRS (p_deptno => 30,
    p_recordset => v_cursor);
    FETCH v_cursor
    INTO v_ename, v_empno, v_deptno;
    EXIT WHEN v_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_ename || ' | ' || v_empno || ' | ' || v_deptno);
    CLOSE v_cursor;
    In addition the cursor can be used as an ADO Recordset:
    Dim conn, cmd, rs
    Set conn = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
    conn.Open "DSN=TSH1;UID=scott;PWD=tiger"
    Set cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
    cmd.CommandText = "GetEmpRS"
    cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
    Dim param1
    Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter ("deptno", adInteger, adParamInput)
    cmd.Parameters.Append param1
    param1.Value = 30
    Set rs = cmd.Execute
    Do Until rs.BOF Or rs.EOF
    -- Do something
    Set rs = nothing
    Set param1 = nothing
    Set cmd = nothing
    Set conn = nothing
    The cursor can also be referenced as a Java ResultSet:
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    public class TestResultSet {
    public TestResultSet() {
    try {
    DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:oci:@w2k1", "scott", "tiger");
    CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("BEGIN GetEmpRS(?, ?); END;");
    stmt.setInt(1, 30); // DEPTNO
    stmt.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR); //REF CURSOR
    ResultSet rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)stmt).getCursor(2);
    while (rs.next()) {
    System.out.println(rs.getString("ename") + ":" + rs.getString("empno") + ":" + rs.getString("deptno"));
    rs = null;
    stmt = null;
    conn = null;
    catch (SQLException e) {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    new TestResultSet();
    Hope this helps. Regards

  • Packaging problem with Arial small capital

    Hi there,
    I'm busy with my first real grafic assignment and I'm having trouble with my InDesign cs5 document. The same document in CS3 (I skipped cs4) had no problem.
    The steps I make:
    - preflight check is ok
    - I open the package window, it's al ok
    - press the package button
    - then 'next' on the press instructions
    - I choose a folder and press ok
    - A warning appears. something about restrictions to copy or use a font software for a service provider and trouble with the copyright. (too bad I have no restricted font, I use only Arial regular and in small capital)
    - I press ok to ignore it
    - The package is made and it al looks good until I open the indesign document I just packed. The small capital text has changed in regular. The small capital button does not work anymore in this document, so I can't change it back to small capital again.
    When testing with an other document and more fonts the same problem occurs.
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    The only forum in the direction of this problem is here but I haven't got any idea what to do.
    Could anyone help me? Did I do something wrong or is it a cs5 bug?
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, it's a bug. It was fixed in one of the updates. Current version of CS5 is 7.0.4 and you should install the patch if you haven't done it already.

  • Cannot perform error management in a mapping - missing steps?

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    I’m facing problems while trying to perform a test including data rules and its errors management. I have designed a simple mapping with a source and a target table, and the steps I did are the following:
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    Sett the error table name for the target table.
    Set the conditional to NO CONSTRAINTS.
    Set “match column when deleting row” option (inside loading properties) to YES for all columns of the table (excluding those ones inside ERR_GROUP).
    Doing that, I retrieve the following warnings while deploying the mapping:
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 76, column 8: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "E_NOT_NULL"."ERR$$$_ERROR_OBJECT_NAME": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 49, column 2: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 151, column 8: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "E_NOT_NULL"."ERR$$$_ERROR_OBJECT_NAME": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 124, column 2: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 538, column 10: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "ERR$$$_OPERATOR_NAME": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 529, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 763, column 8: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "E_NOT_NULL"."ERR$$$_ERROR_OBJECT_NAME": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 732, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 2522, column 12: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "EMP_NEW2_ERR"."ERR$$$_OPERATOR_NAME": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 2513, column 9: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 6165, column 12: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "EMP_NEW2_ERR"."ERR$$$_OPERATOR_NAME": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: PACKAGE BODY, line 6156, column 9: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    After that, in the execution I get the following error (I’m translating so there may be differences from the original message):
    ORA-04063: package body "SCOTT.CORRESPONDENCIA_3" contains errors. ORA-06508: PL/SQL: programmed unitty called  "SCOTT.CORRESPONDENCIA_3" wasn’t found. ORA-06512: in line 1.
    Am I missing any of the required steps? At this moment I don’t know how to progress…
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Vidyanand,
    Did you create the runtime access user using the runtime assistant? Did you select the correct runtime repository (if you have more) to associate your runtime access user with?
    Note that there are 4 database roles being created when you create a runtime repository owner:
    - OWB_A_<runtime repository owner>
    - OWB_D_<runtime repository owner>
    - OWB_R_<runtime repository owner>
    - OWB_U_<runtime repository owner>
    If you would grant those roles to a user, then that user becomes an access user for the user with username <runtime repository owner>.
    Note that you can also use the runtime repository credentials to connect to the runtime repository for deployment purposes, but you may not want that because of security concerns.

  • Help With "Package An Application" Using APEX  3.0.1 with XE

    I'm using apex 3.0.1 and XE Database and I'm trying to create a package application but without succes, I can find the way to do it and I know that it's possible. What I'm trying to do is create a file like the package application that we can download from Oracle page but for an application I create.
    Looking here in the forums I found this link:
    And I was trying to follow it step by step until I found the Step 4: Package Up the Application, number 7.
    1. In the breadcrumb links in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, click the Application nnn link (where nnn corresponds to the ID of the employee lookup application in your Oracle Application Express instance).
    2. Click the Edit Attributes icon, and then click Supporting Objects.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. In the Welcome section, enter readme text for the application in the Message field, such as "This application lets users browse employee information. Users accessing the application with a USERID stored in the table can upload a photo if one does not already exist."
    5. Click the right arrow to go to the Prerequisites tab.
    6. To ensure that folks who already have a table named OM_EMPLOYEES in their schemas don't run into a conflict with this script, enter OM_EMPLOYEES in the first Object Names field and click Add.
    [b]7. Click the Scripts tab.
    8. Click Create.
    9. Click the Copy from SQL Script Repository icon.
    10. Enter Create Table, Sequence, and Trigger in the Name field, and click Next.
    11. Select om_employees.sql, and click Create Script.
    12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 for the om_download_pict.sql and seed_data .sql scripts. Feel free to name these scripts as you see fit.
    13. Click the Deinstall tab, and click Create.
    14. Click the Create from File icon.
    15. Click Browse, select the drop_om_objects.sql script (included with this column's download file), click Open, and click Create Script.
    16. Click the right arrow.
    17. Select Yes for Include Supporting Object Definitions in Export.
    18. Click Apply Changes.
    I can't find the scrips tab and I completely lost. I start to believe that this steps don't apply for Apex 3.0.1.
    If anyone of you could help me with this, please do it, I really need it.

    That doc was probably written against 2.2 because in 3.0, we reworked the supporting objects page a bit. If you are on Supporting Objects, in the Installation region, click on Installation Scripts. For more information, check the Advanced Tutorials document off our OTN site for a Tutorial called Reviewing a Packaged App (something like that - I can't access the doc at the moment).
    -- Sharon

  • Scenario Step Design in (Read Only) mode

    Would anyone know how to change the setting so that we can modify steps of packages, as at the moment it's not allowing us to modify any step of any package. We can see that it states the Scenario Step Design (Read Only) at the very top of the page.
    We've gone into Maintenance, Cfg Dev Env and in Vendor mode, ticked the  "Allow modification of active steps". In the xcellerator.cfg file, we've also set xcl.webdav=full and the following to CONFIG:
    #levels: SEVERE, WARNING (rarely used), INFO, CONFIG (to be set for debugging), FINE (etc - not implemented)
    .level= CONFIG
    com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.level = CONFIG
    com.sap.b1i.coordservice.level = CONFIG
    com.sap.b1i.utilities.level = CONFIG
    com.sap.b1i.dblayer.level = CONFIG
    com.sap.b1i.xcellerator.level = CONFIG
    The versions of SAP, SQL and B1if are:
    SAP B1 v9.1 PL5
    SQL 2008 R2
    B1if v1.20.9
    Can anyone please advise what we are missing?
    Many thanks

    Hi Dev,
    I´m not sure, perhaps you need to choose the right developement prefix (Configuration of Development Environment->Development Prefix).
    Best regards Benjamin

  • Import and Package errors (DBMS_RLS security)

    I imported a schema recently, but i users can't log and i found out that dis package that was imported had a problem, and when i try to recompile it gave the error below
    SQL> show error
    96/5 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    99/7 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    430/3 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    430/37 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    441/3 PLS-00201: identifier DBMS_RLS must be declared
    441/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    447/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_RLS' must be declared
    447/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    the package stated to be declared, i tried to re-compiled but found the below statement and some numbers/alphabets
    create or replace PACKAGE BODY dbms_rls wrapped
    Can anybody help please.
    Message was edited by:

    At least you can grant execute on dbms_rls to the owner of that package first :)
    Then you need to compare contents of dba_tab_privs for imported user on source database and target. Missed rows in target database would be the missed grants.
    Otherwise you need to check logs for any errors or just use show=y option to find out if missing grant commands present in dump file.
    Best Regards,

  • Adding new step in CKM

    i created one new step in the CKM for purpose of audit, the code is :
    <% if (odiRef.getStep("STEP_NAME").equals("prueba_pa_estadocivil")) { %>
    ) VALUES (
    although exists one step in package called "prueba_pa_estadocivil" the "if" always is false.
    why ..?

    Go to SM37,  go to the "released" version of your job. I assume that it is a periodic job, hence there should be a released version of it.  select it and click from the menu,  Job--->Change.   Click the Steps button from the appliation tool bar,  now click the create button.  Enter the name of the abap program,  click check, and save.  That's it.
    Rich Heilman

  • Error with PL/SQL package

    Hi ,
    I have written a package specification given below :
    create or replace PACKAGE BILL_PACKAGE AS
    storeId varchar2(5);
    startDate varchar2(10);
    FUNCTION F_Bill(str_id IN tel_tr_ltm_bl_py.id_str_rt%TYPE,ws_id IN tel_tr_ltm_bl_py.id_ws%TYPE,v_date IN tel_tr_ltm_bl_py.dc_dy_bsn%TYPE) RETURN boolean;
    I have written the package body also .Now when i am calling the function F_Bill , I am gettin this error :
    PLS-00201: identifier 'BILL_PACKAGE.STARTDATE' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 1:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 1:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'BILL_PACKAGE.STOREID' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 1:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    This same package is running fine on another local database.
    What could be the reason for this?
    Is this an acess issue ?In db which we are getting an error , we are using a user 'ConUser' to connect to a schema 'b_owner'.
    How can we check this if this is a privilege issue.

    This same package is running fine on another local database.
    What could be the reason for this?
    Is this an acess issue ?In db which we are getting an error , we are using a user 'ConUser' to connect to a schema 'b_owner'.
    How can we check this if this is a privilege issue.The user "ConUSer" needs execute privileges for the pacakge.
    Also it depends how he calls the package or the variables in it.
    You can check the privs with
    select * from all_tab_privs where table_name = 'BILL_PACKAGE';this must be run as user ConUser.
    You could also have a problem with name resolution. The name of the package is not BILL_PACKAGE. It is "b_owner.BILL_PACKAGE".
    If you omit the schema name then the current user is tried. So if you call BILL_PACKAGE then this is translated into "ConUSer.BILL_PACKAGE".
    You can change this by creating a synonym like
    create synonym bill_package for b_owner.bill_package;

  • SSIS Package does not continue

    I have package that starts with a Script Task which set the value of variables.  Depending on these variable value, package can go into 3 different directions.  After taking the path depending on the variables the next steps does execute, instead
    of continuing to the next step the package just stops.  No errors, just ends.
    below a picture of SSIS packaged

    I added a print screen of the SSIS Package, you might had already looked at the question before I added the image.
     @varFolderExist == false && @varFolderEmpty== false, from the script task goes to "File System - Create Current Folder", which executes and stops.
    @varFolderExist == true && @varFolderEmpty == true, from the script task should go to "Set Start and End Dates", but does not and stops.
    @varFolderExist == true && @varFolderEmpty == false, from the script task goes to "Foreach Loop Container:, which executes and stops.

  • Retrieve all class in a package

    Is there a method to retrieve all name of the class in a package, to recreate the tree of the class use in my prog
    I can just retrieve all the packages with Package.getPackages() and a sorting function.
    the Next step is :
    Package package = Package.getPackage("test");
    Class[] classTab = ...;or
    String[] StrClassNameTab = ...;I can't use directory where the class is, because the jar or the directory doesn't exist (i must provide an ".exe" with JBuilder)

    Short of parsing the classpath, there is no built in way to do this.
    I'm not sure what you mean with an exe and JBuilder, but walking the directories in the classpath is going to be the way to do this (it's how the JVM does it, after all). If the classes are in a JAR (or multiple JARs), then you'll have to walk those as well.
    - K

  • Execute the SSIS packages (2008 version) using SQL job 2008

    We need to execute the SSIS packages (2008 version) using SQL job Please help with details information how to execute it.
    1.Protection level of the SSIS packages.
    2.Configuration File (Curently using XML file)
    3.Please provide details how to create Credential (Windows User etc)  Do we need to create windows cred explicitly to run the Job etc..
    4.Please provide details for creating Proxy.
    5.How can we configure the xml file since the xml is reading from local box but when the package is moved from developement box to production box
    then the local drive might not be mapped with Production box .
    6.Roles that need to be tagged for the Proxy/Credential.
    7.Which is the best and safest way to execute ssis packages either msdb deployment or filesystem deployment and other necessary details.

    If you want to Execute your SSIS package using SQL job then best solution is to first deploy your Package
    either using msdb deployment or filesystem deployment.The simplest approach to deployment is probably to deploy to the file system.
    So, here is the deployment steps;
    There are four steps in the package deployment process:
        The first optional step is optional and involves creating package
    configurations that update properties of package elements at run time. The configurations are automatically included when you deploy the packages.
        The second step is to build the Integration Services project to create a package deployment utility. The deployment utility for the project contains the packages that you want to deploy
        The third step is to copy the deployment folder that was created when you built the Integration Services project to the target computer.
        The fourth step is to run, on the target computer, the Package Installation Wizard to install the packages to the file system or to an instance of SQL Server.
    you can use below link also;
    After that you need to Schedule package using SQL Agent then  Have a look at the following link. It explains how to create an SQL job that can execute an SSIS package on a scheduled basis.
    Deployment in msdb deployment or filesystem deployment has there own merits and demerits.
    For security point of view msdb deployment is good.
     it provides Benefits from database security, roles and Agent interaction
    Protection Level;
    In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), open the Integration Services project that contains the package.
    Open the package in the SSIS designer.
    If the Properties window does not show the properties of the package, click the design surface.
    In the Properties window, in the Security group, select the appropriate value for the
    ProtectionLevel property.
    If you select a protection level that requires a password, enter the password as the value of the
    PackagePassword property.
    On the File menu, select Save Selected Items to save the modified package.
    SSIS Provide different Protection levels;
    For better undertsnading you can use below link;

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