Il tel non da segni di vita

Salve, ho un grosso problema: il tel da tempo mi dava problemi all'accensione, come ad esempio non funzionava subito la suoneria dei tasti e il wi-fi e il bloothoot che erano come disattivate e non attivabili, poi dopo un giorno ritornava la suoneria mentre x il wi-fi devo aspettare anche un paio di settimane... anche quando lo spengo si riaccende subito in automatico.. stanotte alle 5,50 era funzionante, ma stamani alle 8,00 tutto nero e nn da segni di vita. neanche il pc lo riconosce. potete aiutarmi? grazie

Questo documento Apple potrebbe aiutarti -> iPhone: risoluzione dei problemi hardware
Se così non fosse si potrebbe essere necessario contattare Apple o un servizio di installazione.

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    Prof. Guido FRITZ

    vorrei segnalare all'attenzione di qualcuno della Apple che il vostro caro iOS8 sta dando problemi a molti iPhone 4s. Non avevo sentito di questi problemi finchè ieri sera non è capitato anche a me, mi spiego meglio: ieri sera dopo aver lasciato il telefono fermo per circa 1 ora e 30 minuti l'ho ripreso in mano e ho inviato un messaggio, dopo l'invio l'ho appoggiato due minuti e prendendolo in mano ho notato che non dava segni di vita e ha continuato così fino al mattino seguente quando mi ha segnalato essere scarico anche se, appena successo il fatto, lo avevo collegato subito alla corrente. dopo averlo collegato alla corrente magicamente ha ripreso a funzionare normalmente, non credo che sia normale e sono molto scocciata per questa cosa, soprattutto quando vengo a sapere che a molti iPhone 4s sta succedendo, mi chiedo: il mio telefono ha 2 anni e l'ho pagato 700€ è possibile che lo debba GIA' cambiare per colpa di un bug di iOS8???? insomma se mettete un software per un telefono fate in modo che non sia uno schifo completo. ho sempre amato i telefoni della apple ma ultimamente, direi dalla morte di Steve Jobs, è uno schifo!
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    rimango molto scocciata e sto consigliando a tutti di non aggiornare a iOS8 per non incappare nel mio stesso errore, inoltre vi faccio i complimenti per aver tolto il downgrade a iOS7 visto che quello almeno andava decentemente.
    credo che se il mio prossimo telefono dovrà essere un iPhone nuovamente lo vorrei comunque MOLTO migliore di quello che è diventato un gioiellino come il 4s con iOS8.

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    vorrei segnalare all'attenzione di qualcuno della Apple che il vostro caro iOS8 sta dando problemi a molti iPhone 4s. Non avevo sentito di questi problemi finchè ieri sera non è capitato anche a me, mi spiego meglio: ieri sera dopo aver lasciato il telefono fermo per circa 1 ora e 30 minuti l'ho ripreso in mano e ho inviato un messaggio, dopo l'invio l'ho appoggiato due minuti e prendendolo in mano ho notato che non dava segni di vita e ha continuato così fino al mattino seguente quando mi ha segnalato essere scarico anche se, appena successo il fatto, lo avevo collegato subito alla corrente. dopo averlo collegato alla corrente magicamente ha ripreso a funzionare normalmente, non credo che sia normale e sono molto scocciata per questa cosa, soprattutto quando vengo a sapere che a molti iPhone 4s sta succedendo, mi chiedo: il mio telefono ha 2 anni e l'ho pagato 700€ è possibile che lo debba GIA' cambiare per colpa di un bug di iOS8???? insomma se mettete un software per un telefono fate in modo che non sia uno schifo completo. ho sempre amato i telefoni della apple ma ultimamente, direi dalla morte di Steve Jobs, è uno schifo!
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    rimango in attesa di una risposta o di un chiarimento sperando che non risucceda di nuovo, intanto provvederò a fare un backup completo del telefono ogni giorno ma non credo che sia una soluzione ottimale.
    rimango molto scocciata e sto consigliando a tutti di non aggiornare a iOS8 per non incappare nel mio stesso errore, inoltre vi faccio i complimenti per aver tolto il downgrade a iOS7 visto che quello almeno andava decentemente.
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  • Non-alphanumeric characters in textarea causing 404 errors

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    I tried a number of things to identify the problem, including escaping the text in javascript before submission, but didn't get anywhere. The last thing I tried was installing a local version of the CF on my workstation, hoping to reproduce the problem and thus debug it more easily. However, on my local CF setup the problem does not occur.
    Can anyone help me debug this please? Thanks,

    Thanks for your response. The form method is "post". The only thing that the CFM handler does with this field (gametestexperience) is include it at the bottom of an email message:
    <CFMAIL TO="[email protected]"
    SUBJECT="Tester Application"
    server = "">
      Automatically logged from the internet form:<p><p>
    <tr><td>From</td><td>#firstName# #lastName#</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Confirmation</td><td>#agree1#, #agree2#, #agree3#, #agree4#, #agree5#</td></tr>
      Focus Test Team!<P>

  • Cleanup of non-graphical Java Bean

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    A bean that is deleted is eventually garbage collected. So, an approach would be to override the finalize() method and put your serial port disconnecton code in that method.
    Here is a trivial example:
    public class MyBean {
       protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
          // put your code here to disconnect serial port.
       public static void  main(String[] args){
          MyBean di = new MyBean();
          di= null;//delete the bean.

  • Macbook Pro 13" Early 2011: out of use! ITALIAN&ENGLISH help Me!!

    Salve a tutti, volevo esporvi il mio problema in attesa di portare il mio MBP in assistenza, ieri per la prima volta da quando l'ho comprato (1 anno e 8 mesi fà) ho aperto la parte posteriore per dare una leggera soffiata al tutto, la mia prima intenzione era quella di sostituire la pasta siliconica ma una volta aperto PER NON FARE DANNI VISTA LA COMPATTEZZA DEL TUTTO mi sono limitato a dare una soffiata alla ventola, ho staccato i connettori flat dalla logica di HDD, Lettore, ventola e un piccolo flat accanto a quello della ventola, poichè era, come detto in precedenza mia intenzione cambiare la pasta termica ma non l'ho fatto.
    riposizionato correttamente il tutto dopo una soffiata leggera, serrate le viti, ho cercato di accenderlo ma da quel momento non ha dato più segni di vita, ne un rumore ne una schermata nulla, come se il pulsante di avvio fosse disattivato, la batteria carica e il rilevatore led posto sul lato funziona, ma tutto il resto, no! ora la dinamica dell'intervento mi pare abbastanza semplice e minimamente invasiva, vorrei capire cosa sia successo. che voi sappiate c'è una protezione un blocco? ho notato che sulla logica ci sono dei rilevatori di pressione (come dei piccoli pistoncini che credo vengano premuti dalla piastra in alluminio quando viene riposizionata. 
    come detto non so che fare, nel web e nei forum non ho trovato nulla riguardo una dinamica del genere.
    Hi all,
    I expose my problem waiting to take my MBP in for service yesterday for the first time since I bought it (1 year and 8 months ago) I opened the back to give a slight blown at all, my first intention was to replace the silicone paste but once opened tO DO aNY VIEW oF aLL tHE cOMPACT I limited myself to give a tip to the fan, I unplugged the connectors from the logic of flat HDD player, fan and a small flat next to the fan, as it was, as previously stated my intention to change the thermal paste, but I did not.
    all original location after a tip-light, tighten the screws, I tried to turn it on but then never gave any sign of life, and a noise or a screen nothing, as if the start button was turned off, the battery charge and the detector LED on the side works, but everything else, no!
    dynamic intervention now seems quite simple and minimally invasive, I would like to understand what happened.
    you know there is a protection block?
    I noticed that the logic there are pressure sensors (like little pistons that I think are pressed from aluminum plate when it is repositioned.
    as I said I do not know what to do, the web and forums I have not found anything about a dynamic like that.

    Oh I actually have the problem in Mac OS, not even using the Bootcamp or Windows 7
    Csound1 wrote:
    lokiman wrote:
    I am having the exact same problem with my 13" early 2011 Macbook Pro. I have 10.6.8. I used the disk that came with the laptop to restore the OS to 10.6.7 but the problem existed there too. I have now updated it back to 10.6.8. The problem still exists. This doesn't seem to be limited to an OS version and seems like an issue with device driver or with hardware. I will try to take it to the Apple store and see if this gets resolved.
    You too have a black screen in Windows 7. ?

  • Problemi con I-pod

    Il mio I-pod ogni tanto si blocca e non da più segni di vita se non una battaria mezza vuota con sovrapposto un segnale di pericolo.
    Qualcuno sa dirmi cosa fare??

    Ciao Davide, grazie per avermi risposto. In effetti sono stato un po' sbrigativo nello spiegare che problemi ho riscontrato.
    Mi è capitato più volte che quando i-pod è in ripetizione casuale smetta improvvisamente di farmi sentire le canzoni e ne faccia andare una avanti l'altra in continuazione senza nemmeno farle partire!
    E' successo inoltre che si bloccasse su una canzone che era in play, zittendo l'audio e bloccandosi completamente senza più rispondere a nessun comando.
    E lo fa anche quando è appena caricato o comunque a un largo margine di batteria!!
    Se mi puoi consigliare sul da farsi te ne sarei davvero grato!!!

  • High pitch noise in CS4 and CS5.5

    Firstly I want to say that yes I know people have asked this question before but as far as I can tell none of them have been solved. Some have somewhat useful answers but none of them truely solve the problem. This thread in particular probably has the most information about the problem I'm having
    I recently tried Premiere Pro CS5.5 and CS4 (trial version) to replace my Corel Video Studio X6 which tried to replace Windows Movie Maker. Video Studio and Movie Maker both crash whenever I imported large video files.
    Anyway I'm getting a problem where the video files I import to Premiere Pro CS4 and CS5.5 have a high pitch noise in the video preview.
    It's a high pitch noise almost like it's getting feedback from something. Also when someone is supposed to be talking there's a very low distortion, like the audio started playing in very slow motion but the high pitch noise is still present.
    I'll put a link at the end with the video file that's giving me trouble.
    The video and audio are in a single AVI file. The video format is H264 shot at 60fps and the audio should be Mpeg-1 L2, 48khz at 320kbps. I don't know if the video's audio is in 24bit or 16bit.
    I've tried different settings for premiere. Trying 60fps and 30fps for the framerate for the project. Trying 44khz and 32khz and 96khz didn't fix it. Using the "Desktop" preset in CS4 and Custom for CS5.5.
    My audio hardware is a Logitech G930. It's a wireless USB headset with microphone. My motherboard audio is Realtek HD Audio. Both are enabled but I only use the headset now and nothing is being sent to the Realtek audio chip (according to Windows' sound options). The headset plays audio at 16bit 48khz.
    The video file plays fine in every media program I own that can play the h264 codec. With the exception of Movie Maker and Video Studio x6. Video Studio will preview the video and audio just fine but when I try and skip around the program hangs and crashes. Movie Maker just plain crashes when I try and import the video. Some of the programs that can play the video are VLC, Media Player 11, and Media Player Classic.
    I'm not sure if Final Cut Pro has the same problem. I don't have a Mac so I can't test it.
    Here's a sample video that works the way it should. I pulled a BIK file from a game and converted it to H264 in AVI. Not sure what it's audio format is.
    Just click the download button at the top right.
    Here's an afflicted file. Not the exact specific file I have been talking about, but it has the same codecs. This one is shorter in length and smaller in size. It still has the high pitch noise, but since there is no one talking in this you don't hear the weird low pitch distortions.
    Just click the download button at the top right.
    If there's anymore infor you need let me know.

    >single AVI file. The video format is H264
    H.264 will not work inside an AVI wrapper
    -Insignia camera uses H.264 to either AVI... SOME to MOV wrapper
    -so use the MOV wrapper if YOUR Insignia camera offers that option
    -Says VLC will convert in reply #6
    >can't believe a professional piece of software can't handle something this simple
    As Jim said, not within the design specifications because it is non-standard video

  • How to transfer iBooks books & PDFs from old iPad to new iPad?

    (Well, it seems my title got truncated; originally it read: How to transfer iBooks books & PDFs from old iPad to new iPad?)
    I've recently gotten an iPad Air to replace my previous iPad 2. I have a bunch of books and PDFs in iBooks on the old iPad, and want to transfer them to the new iPad.
    A search of Apple Support informs me that anything I've purchased from iBooks can be downloaded at any time to any of my devices (works like Amazon's Kindle system, apparently), but nearly all the content I have in iBooks on the iPad I've downloaded from other sources, so it won't be in my iBooks Store account (I might have bought one book there).
    I've also seen several instructions on how to copy all my data from the old iPad to the new via Backup & Restore, but that seems to require restoring the new iPad to factory setup, which would delete everything I have on it now – including a bunch more books I've gotten since I started using the new iPad. And I don't want to copy everything, only the books/PDFs (the new iPad has everything I want, except for the books).
    Since there seems to be no way to transfer files directly from one iPad to the other, it seems it must be done via iTunes on my MacBook Pro (and I want to copy all the books/PDFs to the computer anyway). So I connected the iPad 2 to my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.9.4) and opened iTunes (11.3.1). Then clicked on the iPad's name in the sidebar to the left, and on Books below it. I see a list of the books on the iPad. I check the little boxes by all their names to select them (not sure if that's necessary, but it seems like a good idea), then click on the Sync button at the lower right, to the right of the bar at the bottom of the window with colored bands showing memory usage on the iPad. A message appears saying "The app 'iBooks' was not installed on the iPad '[name]' because the app could not be found."
    But iBooks is already on the iPad; I have it open and see the list of books in it, which matches the list shown in iTunes. The message has a "More Information" button; I click that and it opens an Apple Support article titled "iOS: An app you installed unexpectedly quits, stops responding, or won’t open": "Learn what to do if you see one of these issues with an app you downloaded from the App Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: The app unexpectedly quits; The app stops responding; You can’t open the app." But none of these apply; the iBooks app is on the iPad, and works fine there.
    The article suggests: (1) Restart the App. I've done that, no help. (2) Restart your device. Done that, no help. (3) Update your device software and your apps. The iPad is running iOS 6.1.3, iBooks 3.1.3; not the latest versions, no, but I'd rather not update it to newer, bigger, more power-hungry versions if I don't have to. Is it that iTunes 11 doesn't work with iOS 6? I haven't seen this stated anywhere.
    So instead I click the OK button on the message, but nothing further happens, so far as I can tell: None of the books/PDFs on the iPad (about 380MB) appear in iBooks on the MacBook Pro.
    I click on "Books" in the row of words across the top of the iTunes window, and it shows me the single PDF presently in iBooks on the MacBook Pro. I click the box by "Sync Books", and a message appears: "Are you sure you want to remove existing music, movies, TV shows, books, and tones from this iPad and sync with this iTunes library?" Well, no, that's exactly what I DON'T want to do. I don't want to erase the 380MB of books and PDFs on the iPad and replace them with the single PDF now in iBooks on the MacBook Pro. I want to copy the books from the iPad 2 to iTunes, so I can copy them back to the new iPad Air (if, God willing, I can figure out how to do that without erasing the books now on the iPad Air).
    I've been working with Macintosh computers for over 26 years. It's always been a fairly simple process to copy files from one computer to another. I don't want to "sync" all the data (address book, email, God knows what else) on the iPad with the corresponding information on the MacBook Pro – especially if that will erase everything on the iPad (which has information not on the MacBook Pro, e.g. 380MB of books). I just want to copy the books and PDFs in iBooks from the old iPad to the MacBook Pro, then to the new iPad, adding them to the books on the new iPad, so I don't lose anything.
    Can anybody give me a clue?

    How to Transfer Everything from an Old iPad to New iPad
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device
    Moving Content to a New iPad
    How to Transfer App Data and Game Saves from One iOS Device to Another one-to-a-new-ipad
    How to transfer data from your old iPad to your new iPad -ipad-mini
    Transferring your prepaid cellular data account depends on your carrier. AT&T lets you move it yourself when you go to Cellular Data in Settings and log into your account with your previous AT&T user name and password. For iPads with Sprint service, you can set up an account on the new iPad and contact Sprint Customer Care (888-211-4727 and go through the menus) to deactivate the old plan and get credit for unused service. For Verizon, call the company’s customer service number for mobile broadband support (800-786-8419) and ask to have your account transferred.
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do I get the stoke to be on the outside?

    I'm trying to follow this tutorial (beginner) in-adobe-illustrator/ and I don't know how to get the stroke around the blue circle, to be on the outside rather than in the middle? It should say "Stroke---(square with blue)---7 pt---Outside" in Apperance, but mine doesn't say Outside.
    Any help people could give me would be great. From what I can tell, none of the current forums answer this specific question and I've searched around online too.

    steve fairbairn wrote:
    Here’s to James :-)
    (The fill on the left is so light that the froth sinks to the bottom – or else James gets his trousers wet.
    ‘I cannot be positive which.’ – (Belloc, The Yak.)
    Nope. The one on the left is;
    Olde Frothingslosh
    "The Stale Pale Ale with the Foam on the Bottom!"

  • Indb or Not?

    Most of the publications I create in InDesign are 4-8 pages and it's easiest for me to just use a template that contains a cover page, inner pages, and a back cover all in one ID file. Occasionally, I need to make larger books (rarely more than a combined 36 pages), with a cover, inside cover, ToC, separate types of inner pages, an index, an inside back cover page, and a back page. These I make as separate files linked within an indb, continuing the tradition of the way they've been done before I got here.
    Aside from the fact that it's faster to open each of the separate sections because sometimes some of them have a lot of placed images, is there any other particular benefit to continuing to create the larger publications as a series of sections, linked to an indb file, rather than condensing all of the pages into one file? I can easily have as many master pages as I need and control the section numbering so I don't see any other benefit. Still, I create the larger publications so rarely that I may well be overlooking some positives to using the indb and a series of files.
    I ask primarily because we're about to do six or seven of these larger publications and, as rarely happens, have enough notice that I can create a new template - in fact, I'll have to update the old templates with our new logo anyway. Also, I'll be exporting them as epub in addition to pdf, which seems like it would be easier if it was all one file. As near as I can tell, none of the upcoming projects will have enough placed images that opening or saving them all as one file will be an issue.
    I have CS6, if that makes any difference.

    Peter, thank you for those points. The file damage issue hasn't come up for me with regard to InDesign files so that wouldn't have occurred to me. I haven't been keeping versions of publications because most of them are small-ish and rarely take me more than a couple of hours, so they're converted to PDF before I close the file. I should be, though, and most especially with these larger ones, which go back to the author and editor for at least a day after I finish the layout.
    Tom, I'll definitely be the only person working in InDesign. No one else will touch the program unless the company pays for training and the company won't pay for training, so it's just me.
    I appreciate the responses. I don't see anything overwhelming to compel me to do these as books at this point but I've got another day or so before I need to work on the templates so I'll keep an eye out. )

  • How can I video chat with someone who uses web based yahoo?

    Not long ago I purchased my first Mac (New MacBook Pro 2.53GHZ); last Summer I also purchased a MacBook Pro for my daughter. Everything works great (like driving a formula one Porsche after grappling with a battered pick-up truck (meaning Windows) for many decades; cannot imagine ever going back. But, there is one issue that I have not been able to solve and for which I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or advice. I am familiar with ichat and with AIM (my daughter uses it all the time). However, the vast majority of people with whom I communicate via IM live in parts of the world where very few people have even a computer at home much less residential internet access. As a result, near all of the folks I would be chatting with have to use public computers (internet cafes, libraries, etc) and obviously they cannot install AIM or anything else on those public computers. About 90% of them use the web based yahoo messenger which can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection (most of the rest use MSN). My question is this: I know how to do video chat in ichat but ichat does not support yahoo. How can I do video chat with someone who is using web based yahoo on a public computer that has a USB web cam? I was able to do this on my old PC which had a plug in web cam but do not know how it might work on a Mac. Should I install yahoo messenger on my MacBook Pro and will that work for me?. I know about some other Mac compatible chat clients such as Admiun but as far as I can tell none of them support video chat or in some cases yahoo. Perhaps I am overlooking something. I would be very grateful for any suggestions or advice in this matter. Thanks to anyone who reads this post and has any helpful info.

    I don't think the web-based Yahoo Messenger supports video, so nothing you can do with that.
    I think there are Mac compatible MSN clients that will do video, (i.e. aMSN) Also, Microsoft plans on releasing an updated version of Messenger for Mac soon.
    GoogleTalk does have a browser based video chat, but your friends would need to install a browser plug-in. (which I would assume that can't do either)
    The best option is Skype, but also requires an install on their end (I would think that the internet cafes would/should have this available)
    Good Luck,

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