ILCE-6000 adjustments corrupted after RAW 5.06

We have a situation where a bunch of photos taken with the Sony ILCE-6000 were imported into Aperture, adjusted properly, and now, after the RAW 5.06 update, the original untouched RAW files look different, and the adjustments made are completely off (for example, exposure brought all the way down, tint completely off).
It almost appears as if the original RAW interpreter for the 6000 was broken, adjustments were made based on these incorrect values, and now that the RAW update has been applied, the RAW images appear correctly, and the adjustments are completely wrong now, since they're now being applied to the "updated" RAW image.
The other strange thing is that the thumbnail of the corrected image still looks correct, but as soon as it is double-clicked, it opens and for one second shows correctly, but then after a second the erroneous adjustments are applied, messing up the entire image.
Anyone else experiencing this sort of strangeness since installing the update, or ever?
This means many hours of work has been lost and all these images need to be re-adjusted, so any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the heads-up Frank!
It's an impressive list. And the good news is, the updates is compatible with the latest Mountain Lion and does not require Mavericks.
Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 5.06
System Requirements
OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 w/ iPhoto 9.4.3 or Aperture 3.4.5
OS X Mavericks 10.9 w/ iPhoto 9.4.3 or Aperture 3.4.5

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    Best regards,
    Tom from Norway

    Same issue here. I have to pull exposure all the way to -2 and get color clipping.
    Have you tried to adjust the Raw Fine Tuning settings in the Adjustment panel? Lower the "Boost" slider settings?

  • Current Lightroom / Camera Raw Camera Profile for Sony ILCE-6000 inaccurate: green cast in shadows! Capture one better! Please fix it!

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    Please take note that the current Lightroom / Adobe Camera Raw Camera Profile for the Sony ILCE-6000 is very inaccurate: There is a serious green cast in the shadows!
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    I am talking about the two raw files linked in the very last post of page 6 of the Reeves comparison thread, not JPGs or screenshots of unknown manipulation.  In LR they both say f/11 and ISO 100 and have a similar tone, but one is shot at twice the shutter speed as the other.  This side-by-side is using Adobe Factory Defaults for each image where the profile is Adobe Standard, the toning sliders are all 0, tone-curve linear, and the Sharpening and Color NR are 25:
    However, when I look at the camera-embedded JPGs, side-by-side, the 1/80th image on the left is darker than the 1/40th image on the right, as expected given the reported shutter-speed difference:
    And it is indeed the darker image that has more shadow problems, also as expected.
    When I do manipulate the darker (a6000) raw file in LR, I do see that the shadows are greenish when brightened unlike most other cameras which usually show magenta, which is the combination of the blue and red sensors showing more noise because there are half-as-many photosites as compared to the green, so I am seeing what people are complaining about and would expect shadow noise to be purple not green, I'm more concerned that these two example raws aren't actually comparable due to apparent differences in exposure.  It is also odd that the lens listed in LR is different than the lens listed in the filename, so either someone has mistakenly or deliberately renamed the file wrong or someone or something has changed the EXIF parameters that LR is reporting to be the same when they're really not.

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    Thank you for helping me.
    OS X 10.9.4
    Aperture 3.5.1

    Hi all,
    the situation is very unsatisfactory ... even you know some more details:
    1) with the OSX 10.9.3 update Aperture can read RAWs from the Alpha 6000 (as well the Alpha 5000), but the result is an overexposed picture (see e.g.
    2) other commercial tools like LR 5.4 support the camera (since ~ April this year).
    3) even the free raw converters can handle the Alpha 6000 raw.
    If one digs deeper into this:
    a) you will discover that the input plug-in file in the 10.9.3 apple camera raw update is accidentally for a different camera model ... there are included correction tables for ISO steps that the 6000er is not capable (50,64,80,100,... the alpha 6000 starts at 100), this explains somehow the overexposure.
    b) for the free tools the community uses the input plug-in files which are foreseen for the NEX-5N ...
    c) ... because they discovered that the commercial tools are doing the same. If you compare the plug-in files in Lightroom designated for the alpha 6000 you will see the same content in the files for the NEX-5N
    So it would be easy to patch this really quickly ...
    Please Apple awake !!!
    Best regards,

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    Bridge Preview - this is how the image was shot in camera.
    Camera Raw - Straight after opening the file with no user adjustments.  You can clearly see the dramatic auto adjustments, but all of the sliders are set to default.
    I would love to get some help with this, so I can see and work on my images as they were shot.  Im really hoping it is a stupid oversight on my part with an easy fix.  Thanks for the help.

    As was already said: the camera's interpretation of the raw data is just one interpretation, and not the same as Adobe's. Don't confuse it with "exactly how they were shot", as this doesn't apply when shooting Raw. Granted it IS the manufacturer's interpretation, but you wouldn't be shooting Raw and using Adobe Camera Raw if you thought the manufacturer was always right.
    One thing nobody has mentioned is Adobe's "baseline exposure" compensation factor. Camera Raw adjusts the default preview exposure by a factor of EV based on their measurements of the camera sensor. My present camera is boosted by 0.35EV and my last camera by 0.5EV. There is a way of determining this using EXIFTOOL, but I can't remember how to do it offhand. For the last few years, I have adjusted my own Camera Raw defaults by reversing this compensation, so it more closely matches the exposure I was expecting.
    EDIT: here's the procedure, if you're interested. Re: Baseline Exposure

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    Thank you!!!!!

    I doubt that the XMP files have anything to do with this, as Lightroom doesn't use these files when it creates an exported file.
    It sounds like your hardware may be the culprit; these types of corrupt files are often caused by a failing hard drive. Some corruption may have happened in the transfer from one hard drive to another; or the new hard drive has some sort of problem.
    Can you hook up the old hard drive again and see what happens to the photos there? Open one of them and compare it to the photo on the new hard drive.

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    Canon 7D
    SanDisk Ultra II 2 & 4 GB CF cards
    Windows 7 64x
    Internal card reader, not some flimsy USB thing
    Lightroom 3
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    From previous posts on this forum there are several things that can cause this type of corruption on import; faulty, CF cards, card reader, cable, and RAM.
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    I searched the archive but only found references to Aperture crashing on import or to Aperture producing smaller artifacts. If this came up before I didn't find it and would appreciate a small bump in the right direction but for now I believe this is new:
    I use Aperture 2.1.3 3G13 on a black MacBook. As camera I use a Canon EOS 450D. I am not a professional user but was intrigued enough by Apertures wonderful workflow system, so that I bought Aperture 2 after test-driving Aperture 1 und 2 before.
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    I first assumed a problem with my camera, after importing a set of images from a CF Card. But then I imported a project which I had exported from an older (Aperture 1) Library and when Aperture started creating the new preview images I noticed the very same corruptions happening to my images which I definitely know were okay before.
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    I have two versions of my master RAW file.
    1) – This version was exported out of my current Aperture 2 Library via aperture's Export Master menu.
    2) - This version is the RAW taken out of the exported (Aperture 1) project via the Finder's Show Package Content menu.
    Now I moved both masters to my fiancées MacBook (which does not have Aperture installed and never had) and imported them into iPhoto. iPhoto processed the RAWs and displayed one fine ("original") and the other one with the same corruptions as you can find above. Here is a screenshot of the iPhoto-Import on the Aperture-free Mac:
    I have to assume that my RAW-File was corrupted after moving through Aperture 2.
    What is happening to my files and is there a way to fix this? Any thoughts would be highly appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by: darph

    darph wrote:
    I searched the archive but only found references to Aperture crashing on import or to Aperture producing smaller artifacts. If this came up before I didn't find it and would appreciate a small bump in the right direction but for now I believe this is new:
    I use Aperture 2.1.3 3G13 on a black MacBook. As camera I use a Canon EOS 450D. I am not a professional user but was intrigued enough by Apertures wonderful workflow system, so that I bought Aperture 2 after test-driving Aperture 1 und 2 before.
    Aperture renders my RAWs files as follows:
    I first assumed a problem with my camera, after importing a set of images from a CF Card. But then I imported a project which I had exported from an older (Aperture 1) Library and when Aperture started creating the new preview images I noticed the very same corruptions happening to my images which I definitely know were okay before.
    I imported the project and saw the whole set of images in the browser - they looked okay (Aperture is set to use embedded thumbnails if available). I click on an image and aperture begins creating the preview. Then the corrupted version appears. Forcing a rebuild does not correct it. The corruption now appears with every new image I select, so for now I am really afraid to actually use aperture.
    Naturally, as aperture is supposed to be non-invasive, I thought that whatever happened to my image was part of aperture's own rendering process, but then I notices the following:
    I have two versions of my master RAW file.
    1) – This version was exported out of my current Aperture 2 Library via aperture's Export Master menu.
    2) - This version is the RAW taken out of the exported (Aperture 1) project via the Finder's Show Package Content menu.
    I've seen similar looking corruption (not in Aperture but in ACR; a long while back when I used ACR) and it was due to bad ram. It would happen sporadically. The raw file itself was never corrupted, only the output.
    That said... your files open in Canon's DPP software. The "original" opens fine. The corrupt looking one does not open normally. It doesn't look like your examples, it just looks very pixelated and low res.
    The DPP info. says that you have "dust delete" data on. I would wonder if Aperture is not compatible when the dust delete data info. is used (just like Aperture is not compatible with sRaw.)

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    Yup same here
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    Still locks up iTunes for between 2 minutes up to 20 minutes.
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    If you find a fix please, please let me know, I have just been throwing hardware at it with no joy at all

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    Please help
    I'm running a mac pro dual core 2 2.66 intel xeon processor, with 16GB of memory  My operating system is  10.6,8

    So you should have already made a couple backups, always have a spare bootable system drive, and in some cases zero it all - takes couple hours, and not use it except as spare extra backup.
    Getting files off your drive now but don't use it,, install OS to a new drive (pull the old one in fact temporary) and you may want to use checksum on all file copies, and for any files not on backup sets try best you can and if you still need help, then turn to Data Rescue 3.
    I would not use a DVD to do repairs, even if it is 10.6.0 or 10.6.3. I would use a clean small system drive with 10.6.8 (takes less than 30GB, even down to 16GB if careful) "emergency boot drive" used only for system maintenance and repairs.
    And if you had Lion, you don't, but, I would use Recovery Mode AND have that also cloned to another drive, using Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC).

  • Freeze after raw photo update 10.6.8

    Iphoto will freeze (spinning blue wheel after Raw photo update.
    OS 10.6.8
    Iphoto 9.1.2

    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

  • OS X partition becomes corrupt after switching from Bootcamp

    So I've had to reinstall os x 10.9.1 no less than three  times this week and multiple times before in the past after switching between os x and windows 8.1. This usually happens after I've been using windows for a prolonged period then switch back to os x but it happened today after reinstalling os x from a time machine backup just yesterday. I'll switch between the two and os x becomes corrupt and begins the loading bar sequence after selecting the os x partition via the refit boot manager. I tried repairing the partition using disk utility from the repair partition and an external installation of os x 10.9.1 but every time the disk becomes corrupt and needs to be wiped and reinstalled or install a time machine backup. I've lost count of how many times I've had to do this and to make things even worse both of my external disks have become corrupt after being disconnected for two days while I sort this mess out. Does anyone else have similar issues or can locate an issue somewhere?

    Yeah I reinstalled osx 10.9.1 and installed all my apps, put everything back then used bootcamp to create a partition for windows then used wineclone to install my windows 8.1 backup. I jumped from windows > osx > windows > osx inside an hour to move around a few things and I forgot verify bootcamp after I installed the backup and that last time I booted to osx it was corrupted. I used disk utility from my external installation and the recovery partition and both times they need repaired which only came up with the backup and wipe notification window. There have been two occasions where I was able to fix the osx partition from my external osx installation and continue using osx quite perfectly but usually the partition becomes un-mountable after it fails to repair. Usually when this has happened the twenty something times before it's after a prolonged period of a few weeks using windows.
    I'm using refit boot manager and paragon NTFS 11 which may be the only software I've installed that could be corrupting the boot.
    SMART status is verified

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    Yes, power outages may caused some damage either on the hardware or software of the any device especially if there's some activity going on inside the device the time of the interruption. If everything is fine with the old version then there's really no need to update it but if you've noticed some issues, better upgrade to the newer version so to fix any problems.

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    This thread was originally posted to the Oracle/Sun Servers HARDWARE forum.
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    ... it's now moved to Database General Questions, hopefully for closer topic alignment.

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