IMac 20'' 2007 all led on but working

Hi guys, my imac work but the fan is really loud, i saw on the smc the fan is on 5500rpm. How do i slow down the fans? thanks (sorry for bad english)

You can also do a pram reset. show's you how to do this. if that don't fix it, then do as Carolyn says, and run the Apple Hardware Test, and see if it says anything's wrong. Whether it says anything's wrong or not, take it into your local apple store, with the info from the AHT, and have them run their diagnostics on it, and see if anything can be done.

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    Message was edited by: igbee

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    Did you download and install the latest version of ITunes over the existing installation?
    Be sure to try everything else mentioned in this article.
    iPod not recognized in iTunes and Mac desktop
    What if you connect the iPod in Disk Mode?
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
    If the iPod is recognized okay on the PC, try restoring it there and then reconnecting it to your own laptop.

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    In the Memory tab, are there a lot of Pageouts?

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    Have you done any of the following? OS X Yosemite: Reset the printing system
    Repaired permissions & restarted your comp after the installations of the drivers?
    Sometimes, installing the GIMP drivers help with printing issues:
    What to do when you can't print
    not working with OS X yosemite 10.10.1
    Per your profile
    Mac OS X (10.7.3)
    Conflicting info:  Please update/correct your profile so that you can receive the correct troubleshooting suggestions.  This will assist the users in trying to help you.  Thank you.

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    If I were you I would stick with Snow Leopard. It's much better suited to your old hardware. That said:
    Upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion or Mavericks
    To upgrade to Mavericks you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8, Lion, or Mountain Lion installed. Purchase and download Mavericks (Free) from the App Store. Sign in using your Apple ID. The file is quite large, over 5 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.
         OS X Mavericks- System Requirements
           Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Mavericks
             1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) — Model Identifier 7,1 or later
             2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) —
                 Model Identifier 5,1 or later
             3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) — Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) — Model Identifier 2,1 or later
             5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer) — Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer) — Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             7. Xserve (Early 2009) — Model Identifier 3,1 or later
    To find the model identifier open System Profiler in the Utilities folder. It's displayed in the panel on the right.
    Are my applications compatible?
             See App Compatibility Table — RoaringApps.
    Upgrading to Lion
    If your computer does not meet the requirements to install Mavericks, it may still meet the requirements to install Lion.
    You can purchase Lion at the Online Apple Store. The cost is $19.99 (as it was before) plus tax.  It's a download. You will get an email containing a redemption code that you then use at the Mac App Store to download Lion. Save a copy of that installer to your Downloads folder because the installer deletes itself at the end of the installation.
         Lion System Requirements
           1. Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7,
               or Xeon processor
           2. 2GB of memory
           3. OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
           4. 7GB of available space
           5. Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.

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    As I said, I don't use Time Machine, so it'd be best to wait for an "expert" answer, but, with my very limited knowledge, I'd say: probably not - so, for now, I'd suggest you read up on Time Machine: e=en_US&q=time%20machine
    And, you might be attracting more knowledgeable answers if you were to post this question in the Time Machine Forum (part of the Snow Leopard forums).

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    When you start Messages fro the first time you are asked for an Apple ID
    When this is verified and entered it appears in Messages Menu > Preference > Accounts and is Enabled.
    The App should have also picked on on those iChat Accounst you had before.
    These should be Enabled if they were when you last used iChat.
    Exactly which "Accounts" are logged in can be seen in Message Menu > Accounts and will include the iMessage "Account" and Bonjour.
    In the Window menu you will see CMD +0 for the Messages window and CMD+1 for the "Buddies" window which is a combined list at this stage.
    Go to the Preferences > General Section and Untick the "Collect all accounts into one list".
    This will give you separate iChat type Buddy lists.
    You can check if that account/Buddy list is set to Invisible or if in the Preferences > Accounts > Security you have settings that will block some people from seeing you as On line.
    You are saying Buddies can see you as On Line which implies they are still sending to your AIM based Names ( is a valid AIM Screen Name)
    I am not sure from your post if you are trying to iMessage their email IDs thinking they are Apple IDs and that they are using Messages as well.
    There is no Buddy list for iMessages side
    No-one can tell you are "On Line" until they have your details in the "To" spot in Messages with the correct iMessaged contact info (iPhone Number or Apple ID)
    Obviously an Apple ID can be an email or look like one.
    In some cases they are also valid AIM Screen Names as well.
    In the case or the name you may have linked this Apple ID to iMessages as well.
    11:31 PM      Saturday; August 11, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • External HD not showing up on my new Macbook Air but works on iMAC

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    have you tried plugging the hard drive into a different usb drive. i mean you never know.

  • My mini ipod appears off and not respond to any commands when pressed the buttons to reset, apple logo appeared and then the apple support site and it shuts down. already tried all the steps, but none worked, and when I plug it into my computer it does no

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    If MacKeeper corrupted the Recovery partition then even I underestimated its potential for damage. Garbage "cleaning" apps will cause misery but I have not found that the Recovery partition to have been affected by using MacKeeper or anything like it. I doubt that it did so, but I have learned not to underestimate the potential for such things to result in system corruption.
    Before concluding your Mac has a hardware failure, try booting OS X Internet Recovery by holding command option r on startup (three fingers). That will force your iMac to bypass the Recovery partition altogether, and convey the ability to create a new one.
    An Internet connection will be required (wired or wireless).
    At the Mac OS X Utilities screen, select Disk Utility. Select your startup volume (usually named "Macintosh HD") and click the Repair Disk button. Describe any errors it reports in red. If Disk Utility reports "The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK" in green then you can be reasonably (though not completely) assured your hard disk is in good working order.
    Assuming the HD remains usable you can then use Disk Utility to erase it. Reinstall OS X, restore your essential software and other files, and don't reinstall the junk.

  • Why won't my IMac Mid 2007 not work with ANY Microphone?

    So I have recently received an IMac (Mid 2007) model that is used from my uncle. It is in GREAT condition with one flaw which I found out during a skype call. The mic didnt work. So I opened preferences, went to sound, went to input and saw that it was in "Internal Microphone". I changed it to Line In and used a separate microphone, still didnt work. Used another microphone to make sure it wasnt broken, didnt work. I have been looking online and didnt find anyone with my problem. It is so weird and I can't figure it out. On the other line the only time my friend (in the skype call) could hear anything was when I plugged in the external microphone and he thought it might work. I tried the sound with photo booth, skype, and just plain old volume. PLEASE HELP! I need to skype during my work on the computer!!! Thank you very much!
    Also If you are willing to help out with other questions please do.
    I have seen people run Windows 8 on a Mac product and would be willing to do that if there are no side effects to the cpu. Please tell me if there are any issues doing that, and if not tell me how.
    This computer has 2GB of ram right now and is expandable to 6GB of ram. Is it possible to expand it over 6? And is it very difficult?
    Should I upgrade to Mavericks. It is free and easy to download but I have been told that due to my low ram I should wait until I pump it up to 4 or 6GB of ram and then upgrade.

    Isnt line in just a fancy word for a plug that looks like headphones?
    No. The term "line in" refers to the signal level the input can accept. It has nothing to do with the type of socket/plug.
    I just checked what Line in is and i do have a line in spot in my mac. So why would i need to buy the IMic?
    Because you need a microphone-level input, which can accept the lower level of signal that a microphone puts out, and again, no Mac has had a microphone-level input in years. Line level is a much stronger signal.
    So you need:
    - a microphone that puts out a line-level signal. There are a few, but not many.
    - a USB microphone
    - an audio device that can accept a microphone-level signal. The Griffin iMic is one, but there are others.

  • My iMac stopped recognizing my flash drive but it still works in my macbook

    Receantly my iMac stopped recognizing my usb flashdrive but it will still work in my mackbook both have the new IOS and are '11 models the iMac won't open any usb storage devices I have tried to search the mac as well as powercycle the mac not in finder or anywhere else does it show up. I need to pull some large files off but can't

    If the flash drive was dead then it would not work at all, your iMac just no longer recognizes it after it was improperly removed.
    First thing to do is restart the iMac and then see if it shows up.
    If not then reset the iMac's SMC exactly as instructed in the following link and then try the flash drive again. >
    Then if it's still not seen by the iMac look at the "What to do if your computer won't recognize a device" article >

  • I have installed FCPX on my iMac (mid 2007) with a video ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB. Tis does not meet the minimum requirements. It seems to be ok but what kind of problems can I expect ?

    I have installed FCPX on my iMac (mid 2007) with a video ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB. This does not meet the minimum requirements. It seems to be ok but what kind of problems can I expect ?

    Luis Sequeira1 wrote:
    I have run things that are unsupported too (like 10.3 Panther on a Wallstreet Powerbook, anyone remember those? )
    Hey Luis. I not only remember…I still have mine (OS 9)!  Works perfectly well…for some things; just need to be selective about what I ask it to do. (Also have its big brother Pismo running Tiger, which is still an extremely competent machine.) When I take them out of their cases, I'm still amazed at the G3's build quality.

  • I have set up my Yahoo! account to be used as default mail account on iMac. I am receiving messages, but cannot send them.  All settings appear to be right.  What can I do?

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    The problems I am having are when I use Yahoo! with the iMac mail application.  Yahoo works fine on the browser. 
    The outgoing settings I am using are:
    Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): (Offline)
    Server name:
    Use default ports (25, 465, 587)
    Use SSL
    Authentication: Password
    User Name:  ********
    Password: *************
    Of note:
    I cannot stop it from saying Offline after the outgoing mail server.
    I have used the same settings on my ipad and iphone and that works fine.
    Really grateful if you can help.

Maybe you are looking for