IMac 27" slow down with dual screen

I just bought a iMac 27" i5. i was really happy about it, until i plugged a extra screen on it !
As soon as i put an extra screen (in DVI), my iMac get slow, and freeze for few instants !
It's really noticeable, when i move the mouse, and it stay stuck and doesn't move smoothly
When i remove the extra screen, it's not slow anymore, everything goes back to normal immediately !
what's happening ?
does that happend to someone else ?
sorry about my poor english
PS : i try to restart the iMac, i tried to put down both screen resolution, i tried to plug a différent screen, to run it with and without any application open... nothing change !

read this thread

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    try xxx - may work
    _may_ work.

  • My iMac is slowing down

    My iMac is slowing down and it takes a long time to start any application. What can I do to gain more speed?

    What year, screen size, CPU speed and amount of RAM installed?
    How full is your Mac's hard drive?
    How many applications do you run simultaneously in the background while working in another application?
    Do you run any antivirus software on your Mac? Antivirus software can slow down the normal operation of OS X.
    Do you run any "crapware" like Mackeeper or any other type of "crapware" like so called hard drive "cleaning" apps?
    Do a search for and download and install OmniDisk Sweeper and OnyX.
    Here are some of my tips for deleting or archiving data off of your internal hard drive.
    Have you emptied your iMac's Trash icon in the Dock?
    If you use iPhoto, iPhoto has its own trash that needs to be emptied, also.
    If you use Apple Mail app, Apple Mail also has its own trash area that needs to be emptied, too!
    Other things you can do to gain space.
    Delete any old or no longer needed emails and/or archive older emails you want to save to disc, Flash drive/s or to ext. hard drive.
    Look through your Documents folder and delete any type of old useless type files like "Read Me" type files.
    Again, archive to disc, Flash drive or ext. hard drive and/or delete any old documents you no longer use or immediately need.
    Uninstall apps that you no longer use. If the app has a dedicated uninstaller, use it to completely uninstall the app. If the app has no uninstaller, then just drag it to the OS X Trash icon  and empty the Trash.
    Also, if you save old downloaded  .dmg application installer  files, you can either archive and delete these or just delete the ones you think you'll never install, again.
    Download an app called OnyX for your version of OS X.
    When you install and launch it, let it do its thing initially, then go to the cleaning and maintenance tabs and run all of the processes in the tabs. Let OnyX clean out all web browser cache files, web browser histories, system cache files, delete old error log files.
    Typically, iTunes and iPhoto libraries are the biggest users of HD space.
    If you have any other large folders of personal data or projects, these should be thinned out, moved, also, to the external hard drive and then either archived to disc, Flash drive or ext. hard drive and/or deleted off your internal hard drive.
    Good Luck!

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    Mac Maintenance Quick Assist,
    Mac OS X speed FAQ,
    Speeding up Macs,
    How to Speed up Macs,
    Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance,
    Mac troubleshooting: What to do when your computer is too slow,
    Essential Mac Maintenance: Get set up,
    Essential Mac Maintenance: Rev up your routines,
    Maintaining OS X, 
    Five Mac maintenance myths and
    Myths of required versus not required maintenance for Mac OS X for information.

  • Xmonad with dual screen strange bug or feature !

    I am running xmonad with dual screen. The strange thing (bug or feature) I noticed that when I move a window to another screen and then try to change the workspace, the window moves along to the same workspace but lands on the other screen.
    Is there any way to switch off this feature. I googled a bit and replaced the greedyView parameter with view but it didn't help.

    Here is my  xmonad.hs
    import XMonad
    import System.Exit
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
    import qualified Data.Map as M
    import XMonad.Util.Run
    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
    import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (isFullscreen, doFullFloat, doCenterFloat)
    import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
    import System.IO
    -- -xos4-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    myLauncher :: String
    myLauncher = "`dmenu_path | dmenu -fn '-xos4-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -nb '#303030' -nf '#959595' -sf '#FFFFFF' -sb '#606060'`"
    myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
    [ ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), spawn $ XMonad.terminal conf)
    , ((modMask, xK_p ), spawn myLauncher)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), kill)
    , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_Down ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/")
    , ((0 , 0x1008ff11 ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/")
    , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_Up ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/")
    , ((0 , 0x1008ff13 ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/")
    , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_m ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/")
    , ((0 , 0x1008ff12 ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/")
    , ((modMask, xK_space ), sendMessage NextLayout)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_space ), setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
    , ((modMask, xK_n ), refresh)
    , ((modMask, xK_Tab ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_j ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_k ), windows W.focusUp )
    , ((modMask, xK_m ), windows W.focusMaster )
    , ((modMask, xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), windows W.swapDown )
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), windows W.swapUp ) , ((modMask, xK_h ), sendMessage Shrink) , ((modMask, xK_l ), sendMessage Expand)
    , ((modMask, xK_t ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
    , ((modMask , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
    , ((modMask , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_q ), io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
    -- , ((modMask , xK_q ), restart "xmonad" True)
    , ((modMask , xK_q ), spawn "killall conky dzen2 && xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart")
    , ((modMask .|.shiftMask .|. controlMask , xK_c ), spawn "emacs ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask , xK_l ), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask , xK_k ), spawn "python ~/pythonScripts/SwitchKbLayoutDesk/src/")
    , ((modMask , xK_b ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    [((m .|. controlMask, k), windows $ f i)
    | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_F1 .. xK_F4]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- mod-{w,e,r}, Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3
    -- mod-shift-{w,e,r}, Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3
    [((m .|. modMask, key), screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
    | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_w, xK_e] [0..]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
    [ ((modMask, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w))
    , ((modMask, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.swapMaster))
    , ((modMask, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w))
    myLayouts = tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| noBorders Full ||| simpleTabbedBottom
    tiled = Tall 1 (2/100) (1/2)
    myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    , className =? "IDEA" --> doFloat
    , resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
    , isFullscreen --> doFullFloat ]
    myStartupHook :: X ()
    myStartupHook = do
    setWMName "LG3D"
    spawn "xset -b"
    spawn "xrdb -load ~/.Xdafaults"
    spawn "xscreensaver -no-splash"
    spawn "numlockx on"
    spawn "eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg`"
    spawn "conky -c ~/.conkyrc_dzen | dzen2 -ta r -x 600 -bg '#303030' -fn '-*-lucida-*-*-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' &"
    spawn "conky &"
    -- spawn "conky -c ~/.conkyrc_time &"
    shortened :: Int -> String -> String
    shortened n xs | length xs < n = xs
    | otherwise = (take ( n - length end) xs) ++ end
    end = "..."
    main = do
    h <- spawnPipe "dzen2 -w 600 -ta l -fn ' -*-lucida-*-*-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -bg '#303030' -fg '#FFFFFF'"
    xmonad $ defaultConfig {
    terminal = "urxvt",
    focusFollowsMouse = True,
    borderWidth = 1,
    modMask = mod1Mask,
    workspaces = [" console "," dev "," misc "," browser "],
    normalBorderColor = "#303030",
    focusedBorderColor = "#55BBFF",
    keys = myKeys,
    mouseBindings = myMouseBindings,
    layoutHook = avoidStruts $ smartBorders myLayouts,
    manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageDocks,
    startupHook = myStartupHook,
    logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ defaultPP {
    ppCurrent = wrap "^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg(#606060)" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppVisible = wrap "^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppHidden = wrap "^fg(#55BBFF)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppHiddenNoWindows = wrap "^fg(#808080)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppUrgent = wrap "^fg(#FF0000)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppTitle = \x -> if null x
    then ""
    else "< ^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg()" ++ shortened 23 x ++ "^fg()^bg() >"
    ,ppLayout = \x -> "^fg(#FFBB00)^bg()"
    ++ case x of
    "Tall" -> "Tiled"
    "Full" -> "Full"
    "Mirror Tall" -> "Tiled Bottom"
    "Tabbed Bottom Simplest" -> "Tabbed"
    _ -> x
    ++ "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppSep = " "
    ,ppWsSep = ""
    ,ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
    Last edited by rangalo (2010-04-22 14:52:13)

  • Tethering with AT&T, any slow down with increased use?

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    It works fine...did I mention it was EXPENSIVE!

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    Maybe you can help me to solve this problem, because i can normaly work when i need to be connected.
    Plaese help me.

    It is not easy to give you some precise answer but try to remove WLAN card from device manager and restart the unit. You can also check Toshiba download page and try to install the latest WLAN card driver.

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    apps crashing
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    apps very slow to start

    You are not alone!! Although there are a lot of nice new features with iOS4 if I could revert back to the old OS I would. I am experiencing all of the problems you describe with the addition of the device switching itself off for no reason, then taking an age to restart.
    I am guessing that the hardware in the 3G just isn't up to the job anymore, but some kind of warning from Apple about possible negative impacts on useability might have been nice.
    As Steve Jobs said a few days ago "we care about every user" so lets see if they do anything to sort this out for iPhone 3G users

  • Problem with dual screen (24" imac 2006 ver)

    i've got a 24" intel imac (2006 ver) and i've connected it using apple's mini-dvi => vga adapter to my 2nd 22" lcd monitor, a samsung 2232GW, which is set to 1680 x 1050.
    however, the samsung lcd displays (when i'm using as dual screen) is quite blur and double imaged. quality is readable but very irritating. i'm also using the same monitor for my ps3 (uses the DVI side) and have no problem with any visual aspect. I've tried playing around with the settings like resolution and calibration and tuning but didn't help at all.
    anyone might have any ideas and enlighten me on this issue?
    Message was edited by: Treon

    Did you get any resolution to your question? I have the Samsung monitor almost like yours, and I posted two seconds ago. I think I have a similar problem. I had been using my Samsung with my PC, and just switched to Mac. I loved my Samsung, but now ,for the first time using as a second. Hooked up to mini dvi to dvi, and reported a glow, or tinge coming around any window that I may place on the Samsung.Also, when Ilook at the background around the window I can see that the resolution is not perfect and is breaking up a little. Did you try VGA? and did it help? Curious to know

  • IPhone 3G screen response slowing down with OS updates

    My iPhone is getting slower with every new update of the OS. Sliding bar, received SMS list...generally every screen presentation now takes 1 or more seconds to display. This has only slowed down after the last couple of OS updates. Not used to have an instant response. Is the new programming for the new iPhone 4 included slowing down the OS for iPhone 3G?

    iOs4x definitely does slow down a 3G. The 3G just doesn't have a powerful enough processor.
    One trick that seems to make a big difference is to switch off Spotleight indexing. Go to Settings, General, Spotlight Search amd deselect all items.

  • New IMAC slowing down with spinning ball

    I've had my MAC for about 3 weeks (I switched from a PC). Today it started slowing down. First whe n I tried to print something and then when I was in Excel (Office for MAC 2004). Both times it didn't do anything for a minute and then the clorful spinning ball thing appeared. About a minute later it finished what I was doing (saving a template file).
    I looked at the system memory and I have 2GB of RAM with an OK status. I have two printers - one USB attached to my MAC and the other on another computer (Windows) that I am sharing. This was not a problem before, so I don't expect this to be the issue, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
    I haven't bought virus software yet - perhaps I have a virus?
    Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

    Macs don't get viruses, so you can rule that out. Do you have any shared drives or network connections? Something there could be slowing things down. If you do have some connections, try disconnecting them and see if that speeds up your access. When was the last time you rebooted the machine? You could always try that.
    There is a utility in applications\utilities called "Activity Monitor". You could look there to see if anything is hogging the memory or processor. Have you installed anything recently?

  • My iMac (2009) slows down after I go to sites that are memory intensive

    I have noticed my computer slows down to a crawl after I use sites that I believe are memory intensive.  Example of that is (streams soccer games live).  The latest one was Wix where my wife was building her web site using their html5 tools. 
    I have also noticed that when the system is running slow, not all websites run as slow as others.  Fro example is very slow, while or yahoo mail will be slow but not horrible.  I am wondering if it has to do with how those sites use memory or the technology they leverage.
    I went to EtrCheck and run a report.  Note that this report was done when the system is performing well.
    I would appreciate some help and advice.
    Problem description:
    machine slows down when I go to sites that use video ( as an example) or memory (wix site creation tools)
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated March 1, 2015 2:34:52 PM PST
    Download EtreCheck from
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010) (Technical Specifications)
        iMac - model: iMac11,3
        1 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4-core
        4 GB RAM
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
            BANK 0/DIMM1
            BANK 1/DIMM1
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
        ATI Radeon HD 5750 - VRAM: 1024 MB
            iMac 2560 x 1440
    System Software: ℹ️
        Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) - Time since boot: 18 days 7:33:22
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        ST31000528AS disk0 : (931.51 GB)
            - (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / : 999.86 GB (581.16 GB free)
        OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5680H 
    USB Information: ℹ️
        LaCie P'9233 Desktop Drive 1.82 TB
            - (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Time Machine (disk1s2) /Volumes/Time Machine : 2.00 TB (1.54 TB free)
        Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
        Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
        Dell Dell USB Optical Mouse
        Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook (7.0 15106.786747) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_hypervisor (7.0 15106.786747) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_netbridge (7.0 15106.786747) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_vnic (7.0 15106.786747) [Click for support]
        [not loaded] (1.1.1) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_usb_connect (7.0 15106.786747) [Click for support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        Fantom: Path: /Library/StartupItems/Fantom
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    org.samba.winbindd.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [running]    com.mcafee.menulet.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.mcafee.reporter.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.desktop.launch.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.DesktopControlAgent.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.parallels.vm.prl_pcproxy.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.fitbit.fitbitd.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.fitbit.galileod.plist [Click for support]
        [unknown]    com.mcafee.ssm.ScanManager.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.mcafee.virusscan.fmpd.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.sonos.smbbump.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.citrixonline.GoToMeeting.G2MUpdate.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [running]    com.spotify.webhelper.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    Application Hidden (/Applications/
        Google Drive    Application  (/Applications/Google
        Fitbit Connect Menubar Helper    Application  (/Applications/Fitbit Connect Menubar
        Spotify    Application  (/Applications/
        handyPrintDaemon    Application  (/Users/[redacted]/Library/PreferencePanes/handyPrint.prefPane/Contents/Library /LoginItems/
        Dropbox    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        Dropbox    Application  (/Users/[redacted]/Desktop/
        Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector2    Application Hidden (/Library/Printers/Canon/IJScanner/Utilities/Canon IJ Network Scanner
        Google Chrome    Application Hidden (/Applications/Google
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 13.9.8 - SDK 10.6 Check version
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        EPPEX Plugin: Version: [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.6.6
        OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin: Version: 12.3.3 [Click for support]
        SiteAdvisor: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.1 [Click for support]
        Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20125.0 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.7
    User internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin: Version: 1.0.105 [Click for support]
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
    Audio Plug-ins: ℹ️
        iSightAudio: Version: 7.6.6
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        3ivx MPEG-4  [Click for support]
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
        handyPrint  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Time Machine information requires OS X 10.7 "Lion" or later.
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
            89%    Google Drive
            42%    storeagent
            30%    syslogd
            29%    mDNSResponder
             1%    VShieldScanManager
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        198 MB    Google Chrome
        193 MB    App Store
        125 MB    Google Chrome Helper
        103 MB    WindowServer
        82 MB    mds
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        1.48 GB    Free RAM
        1.57 GB    Active RAM
        667 MB    Inactive RAM
        572 MB    Wired RAM
        44.20 GB    Page-ins
        8.43 GB    Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
        Feb 28, 2015, 05:30:53 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/SystemUIServer_2015-02-28-1730 53_[redacted].crash

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually login automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • Hard drive slow down and pixellated screen.

    something really strange has just happened to my iMac G5.
    I had installed a new widget today, the free sms one that is No1 in the dashboard top 10 and I have been modifying a tonne of album artwork in iTunes from Amazon, I also allowed sharing in iTunes. It was whilst doing all this that I noticed things really beginning to slow down. I had Skype, Mail, Safari and iTunes open. Alternating between them, things were not as fast as normal.
    So seeing as the Mac has been on for about 3 days without a turn off, I thought it be time that I restart it.
    The restart time was about ten minutes... it took about 4 to turn off and the rest to come back up again. It took a further five minutes before I could do anything once Finder was up.
    First thing I did was go to disc utility to repair permissions. It got stuck.
    I have since turned it off and unplugged at the mains. I have left for a while.
    Rebooting continues to take an age, along with the fact that the hard drive sounds under major duress... it is chugging along and constantly whirring, sometimes getting very loud.
    But now the icing on the cake, my screen has gone all haywire, there are black blocks everywhere and it is all pixellated, the dock is just grey and white.
    Help me please!

    "and unplugged at the mains."
    "the pixellated screen was caused by a build up of dust within the Mac."
    If the area where your computer is sittiing is that dusty and/or you have pets (dogs or cats) then maybe you should keep it covered when not in use. Use a pillow case if you do not have an old fashion computer cover-->

  • Why is my 2006 iMac so slow now with Snow Leopard 10.6.8?

    I bought and installed Snow Leopard on my 2006 iMac so that i could use my new Lacie Minimus Drives for backup using Time Machine.
    Since my install though the computer is slow and everything seems to take a long time to do. For instance, when i select one of the shortcuts in my bookmark bar i put the mouse icon over it and it takes 5 seconds for it to go dark grey so i can select it.
    It's like it has a time delay on everything now. Everything is sooooo slow.
    Also before i updated the OS there was this sound coming off the computer like it was doing something in the background, a sort of rustling/crinkling noise from the drive i think. When it makes this sound the computer will slow down and display that little spinning disc icon until the sound went away and then it would speed up again. This was another reason i wanted to wipe my drive and update my software. That sound is almost constant now.
    I wanted to wipe my entire hard drive and install the Snow Leopard on a fresh new system. I usually do this once a year to get rid of any unwanted junk on my computer but i never realised that the Snow Leopard disc doesn't give you the option of 'Erase and Install'.
    So, do i need to install Tiger with the 'Erase and Install' option, creating a fresh system, then install Snow Leopard and update it?
    Also would installing new RAM improve my mac's performance? (MichelPM, thanks for your suggestion)
    There's one on ebay made by Sandisk for sale at £30. It's 2GB and seems like the best option. It's listed below.
    I have 1GB on board now so that would make it 3GB.
    Would doing this get rid of these unwanted and very annoying sounds and time delays?
    If i have to hear that rustling or see that little coloured disc for much longer i am going to lose it.
    Thanks for you time. c-2-4GHz-Intel-Core-2-Duo?item=260992423037&cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkpa rms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D899659199115 7919118#ht_4483wt_1165

    Thanks for the help everyone.
    First, i have all my data/files backed up on my older Lacie drives. New ones are still in their boxes.
    Second, the noise with the disc. It's not a clicking sound. It's more like the drive is struggling to do something.
    It's not continuous, It happens when opening up itunes or iphoto or another app. Or when i try to open up a page on Safari, the page will start to load, the noise will start and either the noise stops and the page loads or the page stalls and the sound continues and then i just hit reload or quit Safari depending on how annoyed i am at the time! It did do this before i updated to SL but it seems to be more and more now!
    If i have Safari, iPhoto and Mail open all at once, it's like a battle over what get's done with the sound creaking away and the spinning icon all over the place.
    How do i check my drive using Disk Utility? Do i 'verify' it? I have done it before but it was a long time ago.
    I never did a clean install. I just put in SL and let it update, then i updated the software to 10.6.8.
    I will do that when i get the new RAM however just to start afresh.
    I have bought a 2GB Crucial RAM memory (Thanks RadiationMac) but do i need to buy another one now?
    Also how would spotlight make noise?
    Thank you. These forums are invaluable.

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