Imac on pc!

i am planning on purchasing an imac g5 intel duo core for reasons of mac software such as final cut pro, and media 100. I heard rumours of this new windows running system having the ability to use mac software such as final cut pro? if you know about this please post!

Heggie, you have been misled.
First of all, which Mac are you talking about? There are G5s and there are Core Duos, but they are different machines with different capabilities. The Core Duos (MacPros) can run Windows and any Windows application that is out there. The PPC G5s cannot run Windows unless you use an emulator like Virtual PC.
As the MacPro is a Mac first and foremost, of course it can run Mac software.

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    Hi Paul
    Yes the Intel iMac [Spec's|] call for the (M9319G/A) Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter! 19G/A
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    thejester77 wrote:
    Also, latest news shows that Android only made $22million in revenues last year, and spend $20 billion acquiring Motorola.  So I don't see Andriod being able to do much in the year 2012 to ramp things up to compete against Windows Phone 7/Nokia and Apple. What news are you reading? Android is not a company but a phone operating system. GOOGLE acquired Motorola, not Android. GOOGLE's 2011 revenues were 37.9 billion, NOT 22 million. Google acquired Motorola for 12.5 billion, NOT 20 billion.
    Also, here's another suggestion... Do like AT&T has done and give users a early termination fee to get out of there contracts.  I believe they charge $35 dollars or something higher if your not satisified and want to terminate your contract early.
    Since you don't want to support or offer any more Windows Phone 7, why keep us as unhappy customers.  Give us an option to pay a early termination fee and leave!!! Again, where are you getting this information? The AT&T ETF is $325 less $10 for each month of your contract which has been completed. It is NOT $35. Verizon has a similar, although slightly higher ETF of $350 less $10 for each month of your contract which has been completed.
    Yes, we can hear you, but you are not making any sense!

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    I've spent the last week and a half on tech support calls with Apple Senior Tech agents, and Microsoft agents as well, and today have been told that indeed this machine cannot run windows 8.1.  Apparently Apple engineering knows about the issue, but says the problem is microsoft's.  Ugh.
    The latest iteration of the issue comes when installing 8.1 onto an external thunderbolt SSD (without even using boot camp) - I go through the EFI installer, convert the drive to GPT, format it as ntfs, but when I select the partition to install onto, the installer says it can't find the partition it just created.  Smuh? 
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    At any rate, it's a huge mess.  I'd happily return the machine for a different config, but the company I bought it from will only swap it for a similar model -- so I've spent a pile on a machine that does not function as advertised; apple says "too bad, talk to Microsoft." Microsoft says "too bad, we've never seen this, this is an apple issue."
    Has anyone out there gotten windows up and running on an iMac5k with fusion drive?  If so, did you have to go through a crazy maze to make it work?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Michael Conelly wrote:
    After much gnashing of teeth, and a half dozen support calls, I'd all but given up.  I finally seem to have solved this though - sort of - by installing windows 8.1 on boot camp on an older iMac, then cloning the bootcamp disk to an external thunderbolt drive via Winclone.  That worked seamlessly, sticking to winclone's instructions, and I can boot via EFI to Windows 8.1 on the new iMac.  So far so good.
    I usually install W8.1 via EFI by using DU and a Free Space partition. The 3TB Fusion is first split into the underlying SSD/HDD physicals. OSX and Windows OSes are installed on SSD via EFI (no BCA). The OSX part and half the HDD are then used to create a new CS volume. The other HDD half becomes NTFS for non-Windows OS files. The Hybrid MBR method is completely unsatisfactory with the 3TB Fusion drive.
    How is the TB/Winclone image for performance of the OS (since pagefile.sys is also on the TB)?

  • [Guide] Install and run Windows 7/8 from an external drive without using bootcamp (works for late 2012 iMacs with 3TB drive)

    This is a copy of a post from my blog, you can also Read it on my blog...
    After I received my new iMac with a 3 TB Fusion Drive, I was disappointed when I realized that Bootcamp was not running on this model and prevented me from installing Windows on it. I wanted to take advantage of the powerful iMac hardware to play games but I couldn't.
    There are a few ways of working around this limitation, but I found most of them quite complex and most of the time they required formatting the internal hard drive or repartitioning it and go for a brand new installation of Mac OS X. I was not comfortable with that.
    But there is another way, and that is to install Windows on an external hard drive, using either USB or Thunderbolt. Personally I used a Lacie Rugged 1 TB drive that has both USB3 and Thunderbolt connectors. Both work very well.
    This guide may interest you if:
    You have an internal hard drive of more than 2TB and you can't run bootcamp at all (like late 2012 iMacs with a 3TB drive)
    You have limited space or you don't want to dedicate disk space on your internal hard disk drive to a Windows installation
    What this guide will make you do:
    It will make you erase all your data from your external USB3/Thunderbolt hard drive
    It will make you install Windows on your external USB3/Thunderbolt hard drive
    It will make you install bootcamp drivers
    What this will not make you do:
    It will not make you modify anything on your internal Mac hard drive
    It will not make you use or install the bootcamp assistant
    It will not activate the Preference Pane for the default boot drive. You have to boot by pressing the ALT key to manually select your boot drive each tome you want to boot Windows.
    What you'll need
    An external hard drive with a USB3 and/or Thunderbolt connector. This drive will be formatted so ensure you saved your files before going further. You can use either an SSD drive or a classic hard drive.
    A Windows 7 or 8 install DVD or ISO (check whether to install 32 or 64 bits versions based on your Bootcamp drivers) and the corresponding Windows serial number.
    One of the following:
    Mac OS X with a Windows 7 or 8 Virtual Machine (use VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop for example. Note: VMWare Fusion seems to have some issues with Thunderbolt and USB3. Plug your drive to a USB2 enclosure or hub to work around this -it worked for me-, or use another VM software) → Read the important note below
    A PC running Windows 7 or 8 → Read the important note below
    Windows AIK (free) running on your Virtual Machine or on your PC, or just the imagex.exe file (the rest of the Windows AIK package is not needed)
    Download imagex.exe
    Download Windows AIK (this download and installation is not required if you have already downloaded imagex.exe)
    Bootcamp drivers for your Mac. You can get these either by running bootcamp from your Mac (Applications > Utilities > Bootcamp) or, if like me you have a 3TB drive and can't run bootcamp at all, use the direct download links here.
    A USB stick to store your bootcamp drivers
    IMPORTANT: If your Mac has a 64 bits processor, your Windows Virtual Machine on OSX, your Windows installation on your PC and your Windows DVD/ISO must also be in 64 bits!
    Step by Step guide
    Step 1: Get the install.wim file
    If you have a Windows ISO file:
    Mount the ISO
    If you're on OS X: double click on the ISO file
    If you're on on Windows 7: Use a software like Virtual Clone Drive (free)
    If you're on Windows 8: double click on the ISO file
    Open the mounted drive, then go to the "sources" folder and locate the "install.wim" file. Save this file to C:\wim\ on your Windows installation or virtual machine.
    If you have a Windows DVD: open the "sources" folder on the DVD and locate the "install.wim" file. Save this file to C:\wim\ on your Windows installation or virtual machine.
    IMPORTANT: If instead of a "install.wim" file, you have "install.esd", you can not continue this step by step guide. And an ESD file can not be converted into a WIM file. So you must get a version of the Windows installation DVD/ISO that has an install.wim file.
    Step 2: Clean, partition and format your external hard drive
    On your Windows installation or virtual machine, plug in your external hard drive (can be plugged using USB2, USB3 or Thunderbolt at this stage)
    Open the command prompt in administrator mode (cmd.exe). To run it in administrator mode, right click on cmd.exe > Run as admin.
    Type the following and hit enter to open the disk partitioner utility:
    diskpartType the following and hit enter to list your drives:
    list disk
    This will display a list of disks mounted on your computer or virtual machine. Make sure your drive is listed here before you continue.Identify the disk ID of your external hard drive. Replace # by your real external disk ID in the command below:
    select disk #Clean all partitions by typing the following (warning: this will erase all data from your external drive!):
    Create the boot parition by typing the following followed by the enter key:
    create partition primary size=350
    This will create a 350MB partition on your external driveFormat the partition in FAT32 by typing the following:
    format fs=fat32 quick
    Set this partition to active by typing:
    Assign a letter to mount this partition. We will use letter B in our example. If B is already used on your PC, replace B by any other available letter:
    assign letter=b
    Windows will detect a new drive and probably display a pop-up. Ignore that.Create the Windows installation partition using all the remaining space available on the external drive by typing the following:
    create partition primary
    Format the new partition in NTFS:
    format fs=ntfs quick
    Assign a letter to mount this partition. We will use letter O in our example. If O is already used on your PC, replace O by any other available letter:
    assign letter=o
    Windows will detect a new drive and probably display a pop-up. Ignore that.Exit the disk partitioner utility by typing:
    Step 3: Deploy the Windows installation image
    Still using the command prompt in admin mode (you didn't close it, did you? ), locate the imagex.exe file mentioned in the "What you'll need" section and access its folder. In our example, we have put this file in C:\imagex\imagex.exe
    Type the following and hit enter (remember to replace o: with the letter you have chosen in the previous step):
    imagex.exe /apply C:\wim\install.wim 1 o:
    This will take some time. The Windows installation image is being deployed to your external driveOnce done, type the following to create the boot section (remember to replace o: and b: with the letters you've chosen in the previous step):
    o:\windows\system32\bcdboot o:\windows /f ALL /s b:
    If you get an error message saying that you can't run this program on your PC, then most probably you are running on a 32 bits installation of windows and you're trying to deploy a 64 bits install. This means you did not read the important notes in the beginning of this guide
    If you get an error message on the options that can be used with the BCDBOOT command, then it's because you're installing Windows 7, and the /f option is not supported. If that is the case, remove /f ALL from the command and retry.
    Step 4: Boot from your external drive and install Windows
    Plug in your external drive:
    If you've done all the previous steps from a Windows PC, unplug your external drive from your PC and plug it to your Mac, either on a USB3 or a Thunderbolt port.
    If you've done all the previous steps from your Mac using a Virtual Machine, ensure the external drive is plugged in to a USB3 or Thunderbolt port. Using USB2 should also work but you'll get very poor performance so I don't recommend doing that.
    Reboot your Mac and once the bootup sound is over, immediately press the ALT (option) key and release it only when the boot drives selection screen appears. If you did not get the boot drives selection screen, reboot and try again. The timing to press the ALT (option) key is quite short. It must not be too early or too late.
    On the boot selection screen, choose "Windows" using the arrow keys on your keyboard, then press enter.
    The Windows installation starts. Follow the on-screen instructions as normal. The installation program will restart your computer one or 2 times. Don't forget to press ALT (option) right after the bootup sound, and boot on Windows again each time to continue the installation.
    Step 5: Install bootcamp drivers
    Once the Windows installation is complete, plug in the USB stick where you stored the bootcamp drivers (see "what you'll need" section), open it and right click on "setup.exe" and select "Run as admin". Follow the on-screen instructions.If you have an error saying that you can't run this program on this PC, obviously you have installed a 32 bits version of Windows and the bootcamp drivers for your Mac are made for a 64 bits version. You have to restart the whole guide and make sure to get a 64 bits version of Windows this time!
    Once the bootcamp drivers are all installed, reboot and press ALT (option) after the bootup sound to boot on Windows again. And Voilà, you have Windows installed on your USB3/Thunderbolt drive running on your Mac.
    Now each time you want to boot on Windows, press and hold the ALT (option) key after the startup sound and select "Windows", then press Enter.

    Hi i'm trying to follow your guide, I installed windows 8 on bootcamp to do it planning to remove it after the operation is done, but i get stuck at part 3: every command i give to imagex i get a pop-up ftom windws asking how do I want to open this kind of file install.wim and imagex does nothing, what do i have to do to stop those pop-ups?

  • Movie rentals that I downloaded onto iMac with Lion to do not show up on ATV 2 in menu for computers.  Purchased movies show up just fine.  What to do or look for?

    I have an imac that is running lion and an Apple TV generation 2.  I have rented a movie from itunes and it shows up on my imac in Itunes under a rental icon, and will play fine on my computer.  However, it does not show up as choice to play on my apple tv.  I have homesharing enabled and everything else works fine including purchased movies that are on my imac, but no where does it show rental movies. 
    What do I look for?  What do I do to play the rental movie on my apple tv 2?

    Answer to my own question:
    Wait until the downloaded rental has completed its download to the imac.  This took a long time for me, since it was part of several things that I was downloading at the same time.
    Finally, it showed up on my apple tv.   Interestingly, I was able to watch much of the movie on my iMac before the movie finished its download and was available to the ATV 2.

  • Movies from iMac 27 do not show up on macbook air

    I have 24 home-made movie that show up on my main computer, iMac 27, two iPads and and iPhone5. However, I am baffled how to get the same movies to show up on my Macbook Air. I've tried Sharing the Library, turning Sharing off and on on both compueters, and many other obvious possibilities. This is baffling me. Has anyone else had the same situation and a solution to go with it?
    Thank you,
    Steve Roesler

    Hello, Steve. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    I would need a little more information on this issue to provide a better answer.  Are these movies in your iTunes library?  If not see the steps in the first article below.  Some imported movies do show as Home Videos when imported.  If these are in your iTunes library, see the troubleshooting steps in the second article below. 
    Adding music and other content to iTunes
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Jason H. 

  • Movies in my iMac's iTunes do not show up Apple TV(1st Gen)

    So frustrated. Movies in my iMac's iTunes do not show up on my Apple TV(1st Gen) in the Shared Movie area. I've done the Media Type fix to "movie." I've re-started and re-booted and changed the Apple TV from ethernet to wireless and re-connected iTunes. Renamed the library. Everything's up to date. Grrr.

    I have now restored Factory Settings on the Apple TV. Looked promising until iTunes hangs everytime I tried to enter the podcast page of the sync options. And I get errors that my newest movies, created in Final Cut Pro X with the Share with 720p Apple Devices export settings are not compatible with Apple TV.

  • Two iTunes movies that I purchased and downloaded to my iPhone do not show up when I try to sync to iTunes on my iMac.

    I purchased the X-Men Bundle of 5 movies. I downloaded the first 3 onto my iPhone. Only 1 of the 3 (the first film) shows up as an option to sync to iTunes on my iMac. I do it this way because I have access to free hi-speed wifi at work but not at home.
    I have verified that the other 2 films are actually on the phone and will play on the phone.
    I have tried various settings and restarted both devices but to no avail.

    Thanks Alex! That did the trick! I just saw your reply. I thought no one had replied because I did not get an email alert. I think I had turned that feature off and forgot I had done so. Now it seems so obvious but for some reason I didn't look there. This is a big help. I can download stuff at work but at home I have only cellular data using a mobile wi-fi device and downloading movies, especially HD movies is just not an affordable option. Taking my iMac to the office would be crazy. I downloaded only my MacBook Air and copied the files onto a thumb drive but those were not recognized. I was at my wit's end. Thanks again!

  • Memory upgrade on iMac (Late 2006)

    I want to upgrade the memory on my iMac (Late 2006). My present memory is 1GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I am getting that information from the System Profiler. That (one) module is in one Memory Slot, and the other Memory Slot is empty.
    The manual says the following:
    +Your iMac comes with at least 1 GB of Double Data Rate 2 (DDR2) Synchronous+
    +Dynamic Random Access (SDRAM) memory installed. You can add 1 or 2 gigabyte (GB)+
    +memory modules for a maximum of 3 GB of memory. Memory modules must meet the+
    +following specifications:+
    +* Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (SO-DIMM) format+
    +* 667 MHz, PC2-5300, DDR2 compliant (also referred to as DDR2 667)+
    +* Unbuffered and unregistered+
    And it also says the following:
    +Your iMac has a top slot and a bottom memory slot. You can add a memory module to+
    +the bottom slot and remove the memory module in the top slot to replace the+
    +installed memory. You can add a 1 GB or 2 GB memory module for a maximum of 3 GB+
    +of memory.+
    I guess I should just do as Apple suggests and add a 2GB module to the other memory slot, to maximize the total memory in the computer at 3GB. But does anybody have any alternative experiences or suggestions? Should I perhaps add another 1GB module to the other Memory Slot so that they are both equal? Has anybody tried adding 2GB to each Memory Slot? What happens? It seems odd or unbalanced to have a 1GB module and a 2GB module as Apple suggests. Any opinions from people experienced in this would be welcome, and I thank you in advance.

    Hi rosalarose
    To check how much memory you have and your memory usage go to: Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor and select System Memory.
    Your problem sounds more like a Software problem with Safari than a Hardware issue with the Memory. Instead of piggybacking on someone else's thread you should post a New Topic of your own here or in the Safari section of the Forum with a more detailed explanation of your problem.

  • Memory upgrade on iMac G3 700, help with system crashes

    I tried to do a memory upgrade on my iMac, so I bought two kingston 256 MB PC133 modules, but none will work, the system starts, but hangs in about two minutes after loading the desktop. I went back to use the older memory module wich is an spectek, but I need the upgrade, any ideas?
    Ps: Sorry about my english... I'm from Argentina... :-P

    Hi Federicomg
    The iMac 700 G3 should have been supplied with 1 stick of 256mb ram. However which is the correct type i am not sure as the Apple specifications for this model state PC100 whereas my iMac G3 700 graphite was supplied with 256 MB PC133-333 SDRAM
    Apple profiler from my iMac this is the original supplied RAM from Apple:-
    DIMM0/J13: Size: 256 MB
    Type: SDRAM
    Speed: PC133-333
    1) I would re-instal the original ram and open system profiler to see what type the ram is.
    2) Keeping the original stick in place add another stick of the new ram and look again in profiler to see if its recognised and again try the second stick to see if there's a problem with one of the sticks.
    I am currently running my iMac with a small upgrade of RAM and the additional RAM is 128MB of PC100 and i have noticed the performance improvement since adding the PC100 so it's working and i have suffered no ill effects doing this..

  • Would I be better off mixing memory modules in my iMac rather than just having 1GB unused?

    I have a late 2006 20-inch iMac that currently has two 1GB 200-pin PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SO-DIMM modules installed. I recently bought two 2GB modules of the same type (different brand). Since I also have a macbook that uses the same type of memory (but 1GB total), I want to know how I can get the most speed with the momory I have for both computers (ie 4GB in an iMac that only recognizes 3GB and 2GB in the Macbook or 3GB in each). Thanks!

    Matching 4GB in that iMac will give you a slight increase in preformance over 3GB.
    see >  Understanding Intel Mac RAM - Mac Guides

  • IMac running 10.7.3 stuck on rainbow wheel right after desktop launches and google chrome trying to restore a previous browsing session

    Hello All - thanks in advance for your help with this.
    The problem I'm encountering is on an iMac 24" from 2008, Intel Core 2Duo 1.3 GHz processor.  I'm running 10.7.3 but have yet to install the client combo update.
    My computer would not wake from sleep this morning after having been left on all night.  The last two apps I had been running last night before this morning's freeze up were Google Chrome and iTunes.  I restarted the computer and noticed at the login screen that one of the login accounts that is normally set up for use had disappeared.  Once I logged in to my account, which had not disappeared, and arrived at the desktop, Chrome automatically tried to relaunch and restore the previous session with a note indicating that the browser had not been quit properly.
    iTunes was running as well but had no functionality - non responsive to mouse click commands, etc.  About thirty seconds later the rainbow wheel appeared and began spinning.
    Tried force quitting both applications applications respectively but the finder was non-responsive as well.  The dock would pop up when moused over but I was not permitted to select any of the icons.  Restarted the computer and essentially the same thing occurred but I was able to quit out of iTunes this time before the rainbow wheel started.
    Tried restarting with all peripheral hardware disconnected.  No change.  Tried booting up in safe mode - didn't work.  Rebooted in disk utility mode - ran disk verification and was told all was well.  Ran permissions verifications and was told there were problems.  Repaired the permissions issues successfully.  Rebooted again but same issue with desktop/apps freezing up.  Rebooted into Disk Utility mode and tried a reinstall of lion - reinstall successul but upon normal reboot desktop still frozen once I launched Chrome and attempted to get to apple site to download the 10.7.3 patch.
    Tried rebooting in disk utility mode to restore from a time machine back up - the external hard drive where my back ups are stored did not appear as a restore source even though I had reconnected the USB cable. 
    I then rebooted again into disk utility mode and tried to use safari to navigate to the apple site and download the 10.7.3 client combo update.  No dice - received error messages saying the download could not be completed because there was insufficient memory available.
    Called Apple - rep said I should take the computer in to the store - refused as of the time of the call because I had already wasted half the day on this and didn't want to flush the remainder down the toilet hanging around at the Apple store.  So much for that - the day is now totally wasted any way.
    Another couple of bits of information which may or may not be helpful:
    When I'm in disk utility mode the disk image icon at the top of the list of disk images/mounts on the left hand side of the utility window is in red text: 320.07 GB WDC WD320...and the main dialogue box says: "This drive has a hardware problem that can't be repaired.  Back up Data and see Apple dealer for help." One might conclude that my computer is therefore dead...not exactly.  This happened once before after trying to set up a bootcamp partition using XP instead of windows 7.  XP is not supported by Lion but I was trying a work around.  Soon thereafter I upgraded my OS to 10.7.2 (or.3 can't remember) using software updater instead of a full native download from the Apple Support site and the computer went bananas.  After the upgrade I was getting the CUI ???? errors which have since become infamous.  While working with Apple phone support on the CUI issue and using disk utility on that issue, that same red text disc image came up and the note about my hardware having failed as described above.  Apple told me I was cooked and my machine was finished.  They were wrong.  I can't remember what I did but I worked on the problem a bit more and was eventually able to upgrade my OS from the native download and get my machine back in order and runnign fine.
    I recently attempted the bootcamp partition (stupidly) work around for XP again without success - last week before all of the latest drama set in.  YES I have learned my lession and will not attempt this again.
    So that's what's going on - sorry for the Moby Dick lenght description but I figured the more details available the more likely some one is to know how to fix the problem.
    Any thoughts, suggestions, HELP please!!!

    Hello All - thanks in advance for your help with this.
    The problem I'm encountering is on an iMac 24" from 2008, Intel Core 2Duo 1.3 GHz processor.  I'm running 10.7.3 but have yet to install the client combo update.
    My computer would not wake from sleep this morning after having been left on all night.  The last two apps I had been running last night before this morning's freeze up were Google Chrome and iTunes.  I restarted the computer and noticed at the login screen that one of the login accounts that is normally set up for use had disappeared.  Once I logged in to my account, which had not disappeared, and arrived at the desktop, Chrome automatically tried to relaunch and restore the previous session with a note indicating that the browser had not been quit properly.
    iTunes was running as well but had no functionality - non responsive to mouse click commands, etc.  About thirty seconds later the rainbow wheel appeared and began spinning.
    Tried force quitting both applications applications respectively but the finder was non-responsive as well.  The dock would pop up when moused over but I was not permitted to select any of the icons.  Restarted the computer and essentially the same thing occurred but I was able to quit out of iTunes this time before the rainbow wheel started.
    Tried restarting with all peripheral hardware disconnected.  No change.  Tried booting up in safe mode - didn't work.  Rebooted in disk utility mode - ran disk verification and was told all was well.  Ran permissions verifications and was told there were problems.  Repaired the permissions issues successfully.  Rebooted again but same issue with desktop/apps freezing up.  Rebooted into Disk Utility mode and tried a reinstall of lion - reinstall successul but upon normal reboot desktop still frozen once I launched Chrome and attempted to get to apple site to download the 10.7.3 patch.
    Tried rebooting in disk utility mode to restore from a time machine back up - the external hard drive where my back ups are stored did not appear as a restore source even though I had reconnected the USB cable. 
    I then rebooted again into disk utility mode and tried to use safari to navigate to the apple site and download the 10.7.3 client combo update.  No dice - received error messages saying the download could not be completed because there was insufficient memory available.
    Called Apple - rep said I should take the computer in to the store - refused as of the time of the call because I had already wasted half the day on this and didn't want to flush the remainder down the toilet hanging around at the Apple store.  So much for that - the day is now totally wasted any way.
    Another couple of bits of information which may or may not be helpful:
    When I'm in disk utility mode the disk image icon at the top of the list of disk images/mounts on the left hand side of the utility window is in red text: 320.07 GB WDC WD320...and the main dialogue box says: "This drive has a hardware problem that can't be repaired.  Back up Data and see Apple dealer for help." One might conclude that my computer is therefore dead...not exactly.  This happened once before after trying to set up a bootcamp partition using XP instead of windows 7.  XP is not supported by Lion but I was trying a work around.  Soon thereafter I upgraded my OS to 10.7.2 (or.3 can't remember) using software updater instead of a full native download from the Apple Support site and the computer went bananas.  After the upgrade I was getting the CUI ???? errors which have since become infamous.  While working with Apple phone support on the CUI issue and using disk utility on that issue, that same red text disc image came up and the note about my hardware having failed as described above.  Apple told me I was cooked and my machine was finished.  They were wrong.  I can't remember what I did but I worked on the problem a bit more and was eventually able to upgrade my OS from the native download and get my machine back in order and runnign fine.
    I recently attempted the bootcamp partition (stupidly) work around for XP again without success - last week before all of the latest drama set in.  YES I have learned my lession and will not attempt this again.
    So that's what's going on - sorry for the Moby Dick lenght description but I figured the more details available the more likely some one is to know how to fix the problem.
    Any thoughts, suggestions, HELP please!!!

  • When i login to my banks online access point a new browser is opened and it takes up the full 27" display. ca i restrict the size of web browser screen used by tme online banking service?  imac 27" OSX snow leopard 10.6.8

    Intel iMac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    I logon to bank via its internet portal and next screen takes up all 27" display.
    Can this be controlled in any way or do I just put up with it, it is really annoying.

    Thank you for your response. Whew...i omitted to say I use Firefox... tried to logon using Safari... same
    result Installed Chrome ...same thing Installed Opera... this browser actually has in its Preferences menu
    the capacity to set JavaScript Options under the Conent submenu... DISALLOWED  all of resizing of windows, 
    moving of windows and ability of script to hide menu bar ... this fixes the screen to available browser size...
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