Imac wont start from sleep

My imac has recently decided not to restart from sleep - I am having to switch off power and restart. Normally it will restart when I left click the mouse, however, there is no light showing on the underside of the mouse - profiler states 91% and the keyboard 100%
When running there appear to be no issues.
Any thoughts please?
3.06Ghz running 10.6.8
8Gig Ram - showing in profiler.

See KB Article: Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) 

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    Hi Michael
    Reset the SMC >
    +1. Shut down the computer.+
    +2. Unplug the computer's power cord.+
    +3. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.+
    +4. Release the power button.+
    +5. Attach the computers power cable.+
    +6. Press the power button to turn on the computer.+
    and then test to see if it is working as expected?
    If not, then check and try the following:
    1. A tap on the keyboard should wake the display, is the keyboard plugged into a port on the back of the iMac or into a Hub?
    2. Your profile shows that you are running 10.6.2? Either way if the computer is or is not up to date download and install the 10.6.6 Combo Update. >
    3. Then run a Software Update.. to make sure that iTunes, Safari, Java and your Printer are up to date.

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    If 10.7.0 or later...
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partitirion & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk.
    If that doesn't help Reinstall the OS.

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    I have the same issue.  I'm also not using Time Machine on my iMac.  It happens within the same couple of hours every few evening.  I think it might be a process / update that is looking for updates in the background.  I think I'm going to check the logs next time it happens.

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    I have the same problem, i am located in France and the wake up tile is also 1:00 AM i have some doubt about Elgato Eye TV could be the root cause.
    I have seen that in main admin account the eye tv helper task is lauch during logging.
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    Are you also and elgato user ?

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    MBP 2.2 with 4 gigs of RAM, pre-loaded with Tiger, upgraded to Leopard.
    Same problem here! I get that problem after about 3-4 sleep/wakes (which isn't that many times if you're a student hopping from class to class).
    It's good to know that turning Airport off or quitting all apps before sleeping seems to prevent this from happening, but I don't think we all paid $2K+ to have to clumsily work around some problem that ceases to exist on an $800 Dell.
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    See this Apple note on steps to take.

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    I have the same problem, cannot solve it for you but maybe as i will have to take it to the apple store for service.
    what was you doing with it before it failed ?

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    My apologies for the inept instructions.
    Restart normally. Open Terminal in the Utilities folder. Paste the commands in the Terminal application to avoid typos:
    sudo su
    Press RETURN. Enter your admin password when prompted.  It will not be echoed to the screen. Press RETURN again. Now paste each of the following at the prompt and press RETURN after each.
    chown root:admin /Applications
    chmod 0775 /Applications
    chown root:admin /Library
    chmod 1775 /Library
    chown root:admin /System
    chmod 0775 /System
    chown root:admin /Users
    chmod 0775 /Users
    chmod -R -N /Applications
    chown -R :admin /Applications/*
    Again, my apologies.

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    Just been working on iMac, forget the exact spec but it's a 24" Intel 2.something Core 2 Duo or whatever it is, 4gb DDR2 RAM, gotta be about 2 years old to the day and after my last 2 Macs have lasted forever, never developing a fault, I didn't take out Applecare... Perhaps I had a bit too much faith...
    As I say, just working away and all of a sudden, upon putting a video in Quicktime to full screen, the whole image has kinda of condensed itself into the top 20% of the screen and started slightly flickering the image. I've tried quitting some of the programmes, but neither the mouse nor leyboard have been responding so I've just had to turn the computer off.
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    Any help at all would be much appreciated!

    Ok, tried Safe Mode and that wont boot either. Saw a little progress bar on the grey screen though which made a change, but ultimately, it crashed once that had disappeared.
    I've just noticed that at the point when the progress wheel stops spinning, a pattern of dead pixels appears across the screen that aren't there when the progress wheel is spinning.
    The more I talk to people about this, the more graphics card seems to come back as the likely culprit, based on the fact that:
    - it started by me putting a video to full screen
    - the fact the display went weird when it first happened and also it plays up after it crashes with the psychedelic colours
    - it wont boot from HD, disc or now in safe mode either, however it does run AHT fine.
    - I've hoovered out the vents on the iMac and somehow it seems slower than it was before (bit odd)
    - the dead pixel thing mentioned above
    So now thinking it may be time to get a new graphics card?
    Reckon this is likely, even though the AHT hasn't picked up any problems? As mentioned earlier, I'm not too concerned about it would seem it doesn't particularly test the graphics card too much, so all just seems to point towards it.
    Anything else that I could do to single this out as the likely culprit?
    Guess this is a chance to upgrade!

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    When I try to boot from the system CD I get the grey screen, I hear the CD Drive reading the disk, then the computer reboots. The same thing happens every time no matter how I try to boot from the CD. When I eject the CD, or boot from HDD, it loads the OS fine. It just wont boot from the CD.
    I have tried:
    Booting from CD by holding the C key during startup
    Booting from CD using Startup Disk in System Preferences
    Installing OS from the 'Install Mac OS X' application on the disc
    Holding the option key during startup and selecting the CD drive
    Resetting the NVRAM
    Verifying the HD in disk utility
    Verifying the CD in disk utility
    Verifying and repairing HD disk permissions in disk utility
    Running the install on my MacBook to check the CD (booted to the CD and started install process fine)
    I have searched for previous discussions that reference this issue but could find none with this specific problem. The CD drive reads other media fine so I don't think it's a hardware issue.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Clean the disk?
    Dirty lense?
    The bottom of the disk must be free of scratches and especially human fingerprints which the oils can trasfer insdie the machine.
    Use a bit of rubbing alcohol on a very soft clean cloth and polish ot a shine before using the optical drive.
    Order a replacement disk from Apple, buy jewel cases that suspend your disk, the plasic/paper sleeves Apple provides aren't good.

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    Mac OS 10.6.8
    2.8 Ghz intel Core duo
    2 GB 800 Mhz RAM
    Has anyone experienced this? Also checked the settings - all normal. Thanks in advance,
    All good. Someone in the household installed an app, Flux, and yeah,  its now gone.

    I have some problem, but sometime my A505-S6035 when restore from sleep mode LED indicators haven't highlight and brightness of screen is not control by anyway. Can anybody help?
    A505-S6035, Windows 7 Professional

  • 27" iMac only wakes from sleep on second attempt

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    I've obviously checked that the bluetooth devices are allowed to wake the machine. Ive been looking through various forums and haven't come across anyone with the same problem as me so far.
    Ive already tried resetting the smc,pram etc to no avail.
    Any ideas on what could be the problem?
    Message was edited by: ScreamingMusings

    Sorry, I get it now.
    If you are using the Screen Saver prior to auto-sleep, then try disabling it to see if that helps.
    If not then the only other thing I can suggest is to backup and reinstall the OS X or call Apple Support.

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