IMovie and Pinnacle MovieBox DV

I recieved the Pinnacle MovieBox Dv as a chtristams gift and I can not make it work properly. Iam trying to convert a VHS tape to a DVD. The problem is the capatiured video signal is very snowy. This is true withe three different analog video devices, a complete change of cables, changing the sampling rate via the dip switches on the MovieBox DV and when I use composite or svideo inputs. Any ideas? I sent a plea for help tp the pinnacle site but as I am a Mac user I expect I will get no helop.

Try looking here:
for a list of compatible analogue to digital converters.

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    I found the Pinnacle MovieBox grainy, choppy, and low quality.
    I did this using iMovie 06 and iDVD 08.
    iMovie 06 is a free download to iLife 08 owners. (THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE IT!)
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    I migrated from using a PC and Pinnacle Studio 11 to a MacBook Pro and Final Cut Express about 9 months ago. I had no previous experience with a Mac, so it has been a very steep learning curve for me. But I have been studying the bright minds on this forum for awhile and have also been taking advantage of various Final Cut tutorials on the web. I eventually stopped regretting leaving Pinnacle behind and I have come to love Final Cut and the greater creative control it offers. As for iMovie, I found it a little too basic for what I want, but it may be suitable for your needs.
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    Does the import stop on bad spots on the VHS tape?
    It seems that way (though it certainly is not consistent). Does that usually matter? I'd certainly prefer a recording setup akin to an audio recorder which would never stop recording regardless of source quality.
    If you play the same tape again, does it stop at the
    same place?
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    Tried a cleaning tape in the VCR?
    The VCR is actually brand new ... but I'll give that a try anyway.
    If you try another tape, does it work?
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    There is free open source software called Burn that will burn DVDs. Here is a link.
    If you wish to pay for software, there are many, including TOAST TITANIUM from Roxio. Apple's retail copy of iLife 11, and Apple's Compressor.
    Of these, I would say that iDVD is known for being able to create very professional looking DVDs with intros, menus, lots of interesting templates.
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    Since Apple has stopped supporting and offering iDVD you'll need to purchase the iLIfe 11 disk from a 3rd party retailer like iLife 11 which will include iDVD 7. 

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    Applications/iMovie/Contents/Resource/hr.lprog/Title-SidewaysDrifting.nib/keyedo bjects.nib.
    Bitdefender said to send them the file.
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    If repairing the hard drive doesn't work, I would try deleting and reinstalling iMovie.
    Also, note that I don't recommend BitDefender. Read my Mac Malware Guide, and if after reading that you want to have anti-virus software, use one of the programs it recommends. BitDefender has performed poorly in my anti-virus software testing, both in the first round and the second round of testing.

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    I fully sympathise with you, as I recently experienced the same issue (as have many others).
    Projects always appear as normal in Finder in the Home folder Movies/iMovie Projects (or on an external disk at the top level in Movies/iMovie Projects). Nothing looks untoward there.
    However, when iMovie is opened again after an editing session, the most recent project worked on does not appear in the listing of projects in iMovie's Project Library - although it is still listed in the Finder folder . This happens for no apparent reason - no unexpected quits, freezes, or crashes, and nothing else out of the ordinary. iMovie is simply not recognizing the project. It can't even be opened by double-clicking on the project in Finder.
    Here are a number of links to other topics on this issue (there may be others I've missed):
    Sorry to bombard you with all these links, but as you will see there are others here reporting the same problem. No solution has been forthcoming unfortunately.
    Be sure to provide feedback to Apple - in iMovie's menu click on iMovie > Provide iMovie Feedback, then complete the online form.

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    I received a copy of iLife '08 for Christmas and finally got around to upgrading today. The new iPhoto works just fine but when I try to start iMovie, it crashes (I have included part of the Problem Report below). I have tried restarting and it doesn't help. Then I tried to start iDVD and it flashes the "Welcome" / "Open" screen and then quits before I can do anything -- no error report. Any ideas on how to:
    1) Fix both programs so they will launch -OR-
    2) Restore the old versions of iMovie and iDVD
    Process: iMovie [345]
    Path: /Applications/
    Version: 7.0 (471)
    Build Info: iMovieApp-4710000~2
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [104]
    Date/Time: 2008-01-02 15:53:31.019 -0500
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Application Specific Information:
    * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Creating more than one Application'

    Run Software Update (under the Apple menu) and update that software.

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    fingers toes eyes crossed.

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    Im just guessing but it seems like you would have to get your movie into the correct folder on a computer then use iTunes to sync it to your iPad. If you've synced to a computer and have movies then on your computer should be a folder with the movie in it. You could export your iMovie to something like Dropbox then download from Dropbox to the folder you think it needs to be in the sync your iPad again. Again this is just a guess. Others may have a better answer.

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