Ref monitor via pinnacle moviebox 9

I wanna use a 14" television as ref monitor via a Pinnacle moviebox. I can buy a moviebox 9 ultimate with usb..
After effects CS3 only listed firewire in the preferences > video preview
Does AE CS3 work with a moviebox with USB plug?

Most likely not. For this to work, the hardware would either have to pose as a video device by ways of a specific AE plugin for comp previewing, or as an extended desktop. I'm reasonably sure these cheap boxes are not considered a worthwile target for such an development effort even by the vendors themselves, though. The FireWire only works, because both Windows and OSX provide native support in the operating system, so no specific drivers are necessary (but you still need a camera or something to actually convert the data stream to a signal for a monitor).

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    Try looking here:
    for a list of compatible analogue to digital converters.

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    Error Message:
    Input signal out of range. Translation:
    You will see this on an otherwise blank screen. Assuming that the data cable is plugged in correctly, the video card is feeding the monitor a signal stream in excess of what the monitor can accommodate. The two main causes for this are that the user has set either the resolution or the vertical frequency rate too high. For example, you might set a new graphics card to display at 1,280 x 1,024, but if the monitor is only capable of 1,024 x 768 resolution, you’ll get a Sync Out of Range error. This is especially common in 14-inch monitors.
    Because you obviously can’t make settings changes from within regular Windows, you’ll need to reboot into Windows Safe Mode. When you restart the system, there is a point during boot up when the system switches from reporting diagnostics and detected components to loading Windows. This point is usually accompanied by a beep and the screen going black. Just before this point, you want to start repeatedly pressing the F8 key. This should bring up a menu of Windows boot options. The one you want to pick is Safe Mode.
    From Safe Mode right-click the Desktop and select Properties. Go to the Settings tab and use the slider to drop your resolution a notch or two. Reboot and let Windows try to go into Normal mode. If this still doesn’t work, go back into Safe Mode and get to the Settings tab of Display Properties. Click the Advanced button, go to the Monitor tab, and check your refresh rate. The lowest advisable rate is usually 60Hz, although this works better for LCDs (liquid-crystal displays) than CRTs (cathode ray tubes). Apply the change and reboot.

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    How can I fix this?
    Thank you!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Try System Preferences->Energy Saver:Automatic graphics switching (Deselect the checkbox).
    If that doesn't work you might try changing the resolution and refresh rate for the monitor in System Preferences->Displays, or downloading an app called SwitchResX (shareware) and lowered the resolution just slightly .
    One other solution if possible - restore to time before update from backup.
    Added restore from backup advice
    Message was edited by: themachead

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    The iMac will allow you to connect a second monitor but that monitor will show the same thing as the iMac's built-in screen.
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    Call Verizon's wireless tech support & explain your problem to them.  They will provide "step-by-step" instructions over the phone. 
    Take notes too!
    TIP:  If you do call & don't want to go through all those darn promps, when you initially call, just don't say anything.  The automatic voice will then say,  "will connect you to a service rep."

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    Call Verizon's wireless tech support & explain your problem to them.  They will provide "step-by-step" instructions over the phone. 
    Take notes too!
    TIP:  If you do call & don't want to go through all those darn promps, when you initially call, just don't say anything.  The automatic voice will then say,  "will connect you to a service rep."

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    You can output audio thru HDMI, with appropriate adapter.
    You can use additional cheap external usb audio for monitoring.

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    Many thanks, Mark.
    Go to Solution.

    The X220 will drive the Dell UP2414Q 4K resolution through Displayport. I have tested this on the Pro2840m LCD which has the same resolution. But only on 30 hz refresh rate.
    The X220 with the Series 3 Workstation Dock will drive 2 of the Pro2840m through 2 separate displayport.
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    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    For external displays you will have to use the Thunderbolt port ( with appropriate adapters) .

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    Short answer: I have this exact configuration, and yes, the newest rMBP 15" w/Nvidia card will drive the UP3214Q over HDMI at 4k and 30Hz. It will drive it as a separate desktop with the laptop open, and it will drive it as the sole display -- either way works fine.
    Longer answer: You should be aware of 2 things (that I wish I had been more aware of before purchasing the monitor)
    1) If you are used to 60Hz or higher, the 30Hz limitation over HDMI is noticable, even in day-to-day productivity work. The mouse lag is very noticable and annoying to me.
    2) Scaling/HiDPI support [the way the integrated retina display works] is virtually nonexistant at the resolution you'd want to run it at. What this means is that you either run the monitor at a lower resolution (and everything is blurry), or you run it at full resolution and everything (menu, dock, fonts, etc) is extremely small. You can use SwitchResX to enable scaling support at odd resolutions (for instance, I've successfully gotten HiDPI/scaling to run at 1920x1200 and 2048x1080, with black bars at the edges), but it's not an ideal resolution for this size monitor. I want to match the TB display resolution (2560x1440) in HiDPI mode, but I've been unable to get it working after hacking away at it for 2 days.
    I'm hoping that Apple will fix these limitations. Multiple people have reported that MST over DP1.2 works on the same hardware if you boot into Windows, so the hardware support is there -- it just needs to be enabled in the drivers by Apple. Whether they actually will or not is anyone's guess. In the meantime I (and many others) are in limbo wondering if we should return these 4k displays, or keep them and hope "proper" support comes. Since it's not a specifically advertised capability, Apple isn't under any obligation, but I think there's more than a few people hoping that Apple does right by the users and enables the full functionality that the hardware supports.

  • Portege R500: cannot connect the remote DVI monitor via Dynadock

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    My setup: Vista 32b Business (CZE edition), latest fixes, Toshiba R500.
    Software: latest dynadock software 2.3c.
    Symptom: I cannot connect to the remote DVI monitor via the dynadock, only two external panels with 800x600 are available, but Vista does not allow me to choose them.
    More info: Dynadock Software requires to run without Microsoft Defender, else it blocks service:DisplayLinkService; file:C:\Program Files\DisplayLink Core Software\DisplayLinkService.exe
    If you disable MSDef, the message "error 2738" appears when you connect the dynadock and when Vista tries to install a missing drivers for you.
    Yes, I do know the VBS issue, and the problem is not caused by VisualBasic -- VBS "Hello World" runs.
    If you still believe, that Toshiba Dynadock is compatible with Toshiba R500, then press Fn-F5 and peek at your logs and you must find something like:
    In English: igfxext.exe throws an exception 0xc000000d, offset 0x0000f9f8.
    I welcome any comments, hints etc. If you are able to pass this bug report to a responsible engineer, do so please.

    Hello again Leo
    I still believe you are wrong. Toshiba Dynadock is not designed for Toshiba products only. It is universal product and can be used on every notebook. To be honest I believe it is better to use it with new, more powerful, notebooks.
    When you sat your notebook model is listed as compatible I believe you. Why not? Toshiba can list all newer notebooks. No problem at all. To be honest I am also interested to buy Dynadock but after reading your posting I wanted to see how it works exactly.
    I have contacted my friend because he works in one big electronic store and I was lucky because he had Portege M500 too.
    He was very nice and offered me to test Portege M500 SSD model with Dynadck PA3542EY1PRP. I hope you have the same model. It is DVI model. So I have done follow:
    - Portege was preinstalled with clean Vista OS (factory settings started for the first time)
    - I have installed latest Dynadock Utilitiy for Vista 2.3c
    - Installing this software you must pay attention about installations steps and the installations procedure should not be interrupted
    at one step there is window Installation Complete but it is not complete and must be continued with
    Display Link Core Software installation
    Video Dock installation
    at this point the Dynadock must be connected to favorite USB port NOT FROM THE BEGINNING
    - At the end I have restarted notebook
    The installation was finished properly and I have connected 20 Toshiba Tekbright LCD display (DVI cable). The native resolution is 1680x1050. in Display properties there are shown three displays. Display number 3 belongs to display connected to the Dynadock.
    Resolution 1680x1050 was there and display shows perfect picture. I have tested it as extended desktop and it works without problems. I didnt test it playing some movies.
    I have also tested it with FN+F5 key combination. It does not work as it should be but there is definitely no error message. I know that FN+F5 key combination is not designed for external graphic card and I know that it can not work well.
    At the end I can sat that Dynadock works well with Portege M500 SSD and there is definitely no error message. It works with Vista very well. I have tested it with screen saver and with few restarts. Nothing changes. Everything was OK.
    So after this test I can say that you have done some mistake. If you want to use it again I recommend you to install Vista again using recovery image. After doing this you will have clean preinstalled OS. Install software but please follow the menu on the screen and be sure all three components are installed properly. If I am remembering well when you see message about USB audio device installation you must connect Dynadock and continue installation.
    Sorry for this long story but I can say for sure IT WORKS PROPERLY!!!
    Have a nice day!

  • Business Process Monitoring via MAI

    Hi Experts,
    Currently I am exploring the new Business Process Monitoring via MAI (Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure).
    I have setup monitoring objects and I am getting the required alerts.
    Need your help for following questions:
    1. What is the configuration required to send data to BW? For Classic Business Proces monitoring we select 'Keep Data in BW' under Alert Reorganizations. Is there any such configuration in case of BPMon via MAI ?
    2. In which cube is the alert data saved in case of BPMon via MAI ? (For Classic BPMon it is 0SM_BPM)
    3. Is there any configuration guide available for BPMon via MAI ? I have already referred to the presentations on the same.
    Please help me to get the answers.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Keiji,
    As always, your answers have helped us. Thank you for the quick response. Can you help me with the name of the table where BPMon MAI alerts are stored (just like we have DSWP_BPM_ALERTS for classic BPMon alerts. I have searched this table but could not find the BPMon MAI specific alerts.
    FYI, BPMon MAI is configured and is working fine and I am able to see the MAI alerts for the configured Monitoring Objects.
    Thanks again for the information provided.
    Best Regards,
    Kavita Meswani

  • System Monitoring: SAPDB Monitoring via RZ20

    I would like to set up the SAP DB monitoring via RZ20.
    Unfortunately if I start the tcode DB59 and try to enter there “Assistant” it takes very long and I am geting the following error:
    Name and Server          : SRM - servername
    BMRFC Function          : DBM_CONNECT
    Error                         : Communication Error
    Error Message            : Error when opening an RFC connection
    Error DBMRfcCommuncicationError at DB Instance CreateObject
    Message no. SADA009
    When I am executing the tcode DB50 then I get the warning: “Determining version data”, and then I get the same error:
    Name and Server     : SRM - servername
    DBMRFC Function     : DBM_CONNECT
    Error               : Communication Error
    Error Message       : Error when opening an RFC connection
    Can some one help with the solution of the problem?
    Thank you!

    Hello Thom,
    -> On what system you are going to set up the SAP DB monitoring?
    -> What is the version of your database < SAP DB >?
    -> What is the database of your system?
    -> What is the version/SP of the SAP basis on your system?
    -> Did you create the connection to the SAP DB in /ndb59?
        How did you do it?
      A)  Run /ndb59 -> click on "Integrate Database" =>
        select MAXD & give Name of Database Connection, for example, TEST
    … follow further & set::
    Database name
    Database Server
    && DBM user/password; Standard database user/password
    In the Automatic Monitoring folder => check the Activate Alert Monitor
    B) Run the Connection Test in /ndb59 for the TEST connection
    => let me know the results.
    -> Please check that the MAXDB client software installed on the application server.
        See SAP notes:: 822239     FAQ: MaxDB Interfaces
                                  822271     FAQ: SAP MaxDB client software
    -> Please check that the DBSL < MAXDB> database dependent part of the
         SAP kernel software installed on the application server. See SAP note
         822239 for more details.
    Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

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