IMovie won't render cross dissolve or overlap

I've never had this problem before; it will give me a preview of the transition but after clicking the check mark to render, the preview disappears and nothing happens.
No error sign, no apparent change to the clips, but under edit it lists the option to undo the transition.
Fade in and fade out are working, but all other transitions result in the same.
Of note: the Add button is not highlighted ("clickable").
I've restarted the program, deleted the preferences file and repaired through disk utility. Nada.

Try dragging the transitions's little blue icon to between the two clips that you want to add the transition to.
The reason that the check mark is not working, and the add button is not highlighted, is because you first must select (make them turn blue) the clips on both sides of the place where you are adding the transition.

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  • FCP won't add cross-dissolve

    I know everybody has this problem, and I've read about handles countless times.
    I fully understand the concept of handles, I just have no idea how to apply that
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    (click here on this menu, type that, etc.)

    Hi -
    Qbert wrote:
    I have to apply a transition before I can adjust its duration right? I can't apply a transition at all...
    All I am doing is bringing in 2 clips (not edited) placing them on the timeline, and adding
    a cross-dissolve, which usually works.
    That's the problem. If you place the complete clip on the timeline, there is no room for the dissolve to work - it needs to have material "after" the end point of the clip, but since you have placed the total clip on the timeline, there is none for the transition to work with.
    Try this:
    Put your first clip on the timeline.
    Click on the end of the clip, so the end is highlighted.
    Type "- 30"
    Now, a little further down the timeline, place your second clip.
    Click on the start of that clip, so the start is highlighted and type "+30".
    Now click in the center of the second clip and drag it to where the two clips are touching.
    Click on the cut point that is between the two clips and type "Command - T"
    You should now have a 30 frame dissolve between those two clips.
    If you want to make the transition shorter, Control-click on the transition and adjust the duration.
    I really wish the program would let you apply faulty dissolves and then fix them after they're applied.
    Well, that is an interesting wish, but I think once you get the hang of it and are clear about how a transition work, this won't be a problem for you.

  • FCP won't add cross dissolve transition to clips

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    Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas on what could have happened? More importantly, is there a way to work around this problem?
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    This is a problem when you do not edit down your raw clips and drop them into the timeline as they have been captured.
    The operative concept is 'handles'.
    For transitions to work, you need enough unused footage AFTER the OUT point of first (outgoing) clip and BEFORE the IN point of the second (incoming) clip.
    Drop the first clip into the Viewer and set an OUT point 30 frames or so from the end of the clip. Drop the second clip into the Viewer and set the IN point 30 frames or so past the beginning of the clip.
    Now try to place your transition.

  • Cross Dissolve Transitions Can Be Jumpy

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    Thanks.  Unfortunately, I'm usually cutting between sentences of someone talking, where there's no "extra" to work with beyond the out point.  So what I want is for the end of the first clip to be the absolute end, and for the audio fade of the transition to apply to the last second or two of that clip (so it's fading down to the end point, not from the end point onward).  Does that mean I need to set the out point a second or so before where I really want the clip to end?  And if so, how do I know where to set it so the absolute end will be where it's supposed to be?

  • No audio cross dissolve in iMovie 10.0.8/Yosemite?

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    So, it has been a while since I used iMovie for anything, but it seems to me Apple has hamstrung it and removed a lot of features I remember.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!

    "I am baffled why I cannot cross-dissolve audio clips but I can do so with picture"
    Well it's done automatically in the case of two video clips with attached audio that have a Cross Dissolve transition between them.
    When you have detached or independent audio clips just overlap them and use the fade handles to fade one out and the next in.   See  below:
    See: for more details

  • IMovie 2013: can't add cross dissolve to video

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    GeeD is right,
    When you have two clips on the time line, one above the other, iMovie doesn't let you use transitions on the clip sitting above the timeline. This is more like how Final Cut Pro works with multi-tracks of video/audio on the timeline. The workaround is as stated to do split clip at time line and "Insert" the video at that location in the main video clip. Once everything's on 1 timeline, you can insert a transition as needed.

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    I do the right things but 1.0 second stays 1.0 second
    Who has the solution of this problem?

    »Pass Through« indicates that Adjustment Layers will affect lower Layers outside the Group and that contained Layers with different Blend Modes will affect Blending with underlying Layers outside the Group accordingly.
    If you change it to Normal or any of the other Blend Modes everything contained within the Group will basically act as one flattened Layer and Adjustments only affect the Group’s pixel content.
    Could you post a screenshot of the document with the Solid Color Layer’s Color Picker and the Layers Panel visible?

  • Problem with audio overlap for cross dissolve transition

    I am using FCPX v10.8 to edit 1hour long lectures.  When I edit out a short mis-speak, for example, the audio will overlap too, along with the video.  Not good.
    Someone told me to try expanding the audio video and that definately helps.  But when I do additional edits, the audio tracks  keep changing to different levels (FCP7 tracks which i wish we still had) and I start running into overlap problems again so I have to keep going back and making sure I havent messed up some of the earlier ones.  Driving me nuts.  Is there any other way to edit or some other transition that will do the same as cross dissolve for the video but not audio.  There are not too many transitions that will work for one person speaking as in a lecture.  Cant fade in and out, etc.  Appreciate any help.  Urgent!  have deadlines to meet.
    thank you

    Expanding audio/video is the first step. The second step in to bring up the trim tool (T). Then you roll the audio and/or the video. The levels should be easily controlled as well with keyframes.
    Other than dissolve, the video transition of choice is fade to color.

  • Secret for using Cross Dissolve transitions

    Based on my limited experience, the most useful transition is the cross dissolve. It is pretty much the only one I use since it is doesn't draw attention to itself and bears repeated deployment for smooth scene changes. But it has a problem: If you simply make a clip split and put the transition in, it won't work. And it appears even high level people at Apple technical support don't understand what is going on. Based on the apparently incorrect background information they gave me, I have always been extremely careful about making the split precisely where the scene changes and then chopping off a small number of frames in order to make the transition work. But recently I discovered that cross dissolve transitions will always work (regardless of whether the frames on both sides of the cut are similar or even identical) if you delete precisely one frame, and it can be from either side of the split. When you do that the edges of the clip go from squared (right angles) to rounded. The cross dissolve transitions will never work between two clips that have squared edges. They will always work when the edges are rounded. And all it takes to get the edges to be rounded is the deletion one frame. The edges get rounded and cross dissolve transitions work and if you remove more than one frame, and/or do if from both sides of the split. The point is that it will work with as little as one frame. But if you don't sacrifice at least one frame, cross dissolve transitions will never work.
    Of course, I am assuming that my experience with iMovie '09 and '11 is not idiosyncratic. Also: I would be interested in knowing if anybody else knew this "secret"--and whether it is widespread knowledge or in any of the books on iMovie.

    When one splits clips, don't split close to what will be the beginning or the end of a shot.That's why you should always start the camera BEFORE the action begins and run AFTER the action ends. It only needs to be a 1/2 second to 1 second. Now before you add a cut or a transition you will automatically trim the end and the beginning of the two clips.
    I start with a two-hour clip that includes hundreds of scenes, some ending abruptly, some not. If scene one suddenly ends and scene two begins, the natural place to make the cut is where the scene changes. If it happens that there is stuff immediately on each side of the cut that is of value, you would might prefer not to lose even one frame. Usually on one of the two sides the loss of one frame is not so bad. And if you sacrifice that frame you have almost everything you want. But it turns out that the situation is better than that. Since you can also add frames (I now realize), you can end without losing any frames at all. Of course, if you happen to be in a situation where there is plenty of useless stuff on both sides of a cut, the problem the solution is trying to solve does not come up. But I wouldn't change my filming habits just to avoid this problem of adding cross dissolves, since once you know what to handle it, it's not much of a problem. As to whether it is good practice to aim to have extra footage on both sides of a shot, sure. That seems like a good rule of thumb to me. But there are many situations where you don't have that opportunity. Say you were filming John Kennedy in Dallas or life among the Taliban or your kid falling off a horse. Life may not give you the chance to put useless footage at the end or beginning of your shot. In my case, I have hours of amateur home movies that stop at all sorts of odd places. I can't go back and reshoot it.
    I suspect Apple simply expected you to do this. This will inherently eliminate what may be a tiny bug that you overcome by trimming 1 frame.
    Most transition types don't require the removal or addition of a frame. When I called Apple technical support about this, the person I talked to was surprised by this feature too. And he found it happening with at least one other transition, I think. He handed me over to a specialist. That specialist gave me a complicated theory for why this was happening. He said that the frames on both sides of the cut had to look fairly different for the transition to work. And sometimes when we think we have made the cut exactly where the scene changes, we haven't in fact. So we need to cut away until both sides are definitely different. And you will notice that often the thumbnail for one side will be an image from the other side. This lead me to think that I was required to make sure that on either side of the cut there was definitely a significant change of image. But all you have to do is get the edges of the clip to become rounded. And you can do this by adding or subtracting a frame at any location. Of course, if you are going to be chopping off multiple frames for any reason, you will also solve or avoid this problem. So, if Apple was thinking what you suggest, they haven't given any guidance about it in print. And the tech support people don't seem to know it.
    Message was edited by: Paul Bullen

  • Problem with cross dissolve transitions

    I had several short interview clips that I had made into several short Imovies. I wanted to combine the interviews into one longer movie. Each short clip has an intro clip.
    The problem occurs when I copy each short clip and paste into the long version. The beginning and end of each clip is clipped somewhat. I think this might be because it's making a new cross dissolve from an existing cross dissolve?
    When I remove everything but the interview clip from the short movies then paste into the longer version this problem doesn't happen. Any idea why this might be happening?

    If you made the short clips by export the movie with the intro there is probably no extra media available to make the overlap for the transition. Check the preferences for doing the transition if it's set to all or half. That might help you, but it may just not be possible.

  • Problem with Cross Dissolve and Opacity

    I've been noticing that Cross Dissolve has been acting goofey for awhile but have overcome any problems by manually adjusting opacity settings.  However, this time I can't get either to cooperate. Notice the line appearing below the phrase "the nutrient recommendation map" in the image below.  This line or a similar line will appear as title either cross dissolve into one another or if they are stand alone and the opacity settings fade them in and out.  The blinking of the lines is sporadic and changes as I make adjustments.  I'll "fix" one spot but they will start to blink at other points in the time line and in different areas.
    Any ideas?

    I ask because I think I'm having a similar problem.  Went home and updated PPro to 5.0.3 and still have the issue.
    The screen shot here show the first seconds of an HDV30/60 sequence as the video fades in (bottom layer - lasts about 2 seconds).  The top layer is a mask to create the effect of a cinescope camera (no fade).  I've cropped the left for demo purposes.
    The bottom layer is regular ol' HDV footage.  The top layer was created using a Photoshop file with 2 squares using the shape tool and colored black.
    For pre-view and render, you can see a light-colored hair line around the top mask.  I've applied different effect to remove it, but it won't work.  In fact, some effects make it stand out even more.  I've also tried using other assets from the PSD (PNG, PPro black video, etc).  I also tried the cropping work-around but it did not work.
    The screenshot is subtle but it's there.  The main thing is that it can be VERY noticable in the BD-R discs I've created played back on set-top players so I'm really hoping there is a fix for it.  I did notice that it will appear when I scrub with my finger on the left mouse key.  As soon as I let go it appears again.
    So PPro is up to date, graphics card is up to date, and I've tried suggested fixes and a few of my own with no luck.  Any ideas?

  • Cross Dissolves and Rendering Issues

    I am having trouble with FCP 5. My cross dissolves don't work. When I put on in (to fade up from black), they don't do anything. This is not a huge deal because I can just use opacity key frames.
    However, I am having another issue. I have three layers of video set up to make a sort of "grid effect" . I have three layers of video, on the left, middle, and right. They are cropped so they do not overlap each other.
    When I play back the timeline in preview mode (without rendering) everything plays back fine, but at lower quality.
    However, when I render my sequence, the middle box vanishes.
    I am using Unlimited RT. I have tried setting the sequence in all three video processing options (RGB, YUV, and high precision YUV).
    I have tried making a duplicate copy of my sequence, I have made a duplicate copy of my project as well.
    I have trashed my preferences and have restarted my computer about 10 times.
    Any suggestions?

    Hey there Jim--thanks for the thought,
    yeah, I'm famailiar w/ that mode of attack--
    essentially, the images are scans of a childrens book made into a DVD---all of these images will be 'deep-etched' and 2.5d'd in AE then re-imported so for all intents and purposes, I'm just slamming together a rough, (pre-photoshop/AE) and just trying to get an approximate timing/flow of each image. So it's easier/faster for me to have 'snap' toggled and be able to slam clips/slugs next to each other as opposed to 'stacking' them, 'checkerboard' style, and approximating where to place them---
    I guess if it's just a rough, it doesn't matter either way, to each his own.
    I was just looking for a shortcut--but what a cool feature that would be eh? ..being able to lock keyframes to crossdisolves?
    so, how are things in Milford??
    thanks for re:


    Ok, I copied everything to a new project - same problem (unrelated frames in the background of a transition between 2 other clips). But now on top of that, sometimes it doesn't even create any transition at all! I have no files in Render media. People are telling me to dump preferences - what exactly does that mean? Please tell me step by step. Go into User Preference? which folder (general, editing...etc)? Do I just uncheck everything? Also, the apple8 isn't working as default transition anymore - it's just gone light grey & I have no idea how to get it back.
    Please help...

    Trashing Prefereneces is done by closing FCP, then navigate to this website: nice little utiltiy to do that.
    Not sure it will help, but won't hurt.
    Apple 8 is a keyboard shortcut to open the log and capture window... command (apple) +T is the keyboard command to add the default transition.
    Control click on the cross Dissolve in the Effects tab in the Viewer, and select "make default transition"...
    Most of the time, when a transition isn't added it's because you don't have enough unused media to accomodate it. (you've edited in all the media that's available from a clip or subclip). Take off 15 frames on either side of an edit point that has this prolblem, and you should be able to add a 30 frame centered transition that way.

  • Non-functioning cross-dissolves with FCP 5.1 on intel

    I am having trouble with FCP 5.1 running on my macbook. My cross dissolves work when used between two clips but as a fade to black, it doesn't work, or rarely does. I have 8 hours to finish this project to be showed at a wedding reception tomorrow. I've tried trashing the prefs and it did nothing, i emptied all my render files, checked for updates and nothing makes a difference. Please help, I'm runnng out of time.

    Thanks for trying...
    Very strange...and not discounting your proficiency with FCP.
    When you place the dissolve end on edit, the dissolve shows up on the end of the clip? but then the clip never dissolves to black?
    Yes, the dissolve will show up on the end of the clip, but it plays back as if it is not there. This happens whether it is rendered or not. If I use a cross dissolve between two clips, it plays back perfectly. 'Some' of the clips will dissolve to black but the majority play back as though the transition is not there.
    Any chance you're working with a 'favorite' dissolve that may have it's begin/end parameters adjusted?
    Tried that and went back and got the original transition and made sure everything was set how it should be. I thought for sure it owuld be the prefs, but no such luck.
    Any chance you've got your video layers scrolled downwards and there's a clip on a lower track?
    No, I have made sure there is only one track with nothing underneath.
    Are any of these clips nested?
    Thanks for trying though.

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