Implementing an update mechanism for an applicaiton

We developed an application using JDeveloper The applicaiotn does not yet have an update mechanism. We want namely to enable the costumers to check out our server for updates and download this when available.
I searched the Jdeveloper help but did not find anything to this issue. Can some one tell me whether JDeveloper provide some higher level support to implement the update mechanism or must we implement everything from scratch on the level of RMI and HTTP programming.
We do not want to use Java Web start.
Best regards

I'm not aware of any general mechanism in JDeveloper for this, unfortunately.
FWIW, the check for updates feature in JDeveloper itself is, at it's core, essentially very simple. It uses HTTP and XML. Java's libraries for both are pretty easy to use, so it's not that painful to implement.

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    you can use Adobe Media Server (formerly Flash Media Server) for RTMP fallback.  you can run AMS on Amazon Web Services, too.

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    Kinds Regards

    Which version of photoshop or photoshop elements are you using?
    Which operating system?
    There is no such version as cs10.
    Do you mean photoshop shop elements 10?
    If you go to Help>About Photoshop Elements (windows) or Photoshop Elements Editor>About Photoshop Elements (mac), that should tell you which version you have.

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    Hi Vamsi,
    Have you followed the following document to implement HR ?

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    Any hints are wellcome.
    Thanks in advance.
    Ivaylo Mutafchiev
    Edited by: Ivaylo Mutafchiev on Jan 24, 2008 10:24 AM

    "IN UPDATE TASK" resolved by myself. The one should explicitly call 'COMMIT WORK' from Z-program after CALL FUNCTION '...' IN UPDATE TASK in order to get changes in the CDHDR/CDPOS commited. The key in this issue for me was to check the documentation of CALL FUNCTION :-).


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    johndoe is only a portal user not a database user.
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    to avoid writing a custom auditing module.

    I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but...
    When you create (or edit) a component in Portal 10g, there is a Log Activity check box. If you check this box, then go to Manage the component (in the Portal Navigator), there are Develop, Manage and Access tabs. The Manage tab has a Monitor icon, which has the information you may be looking for. This does not seem to be available directly for database tables. However, I created a Calendar, based on a database table I created to keep track of the Calendar Events. I also created a form to allow users to add Calendar Event entries. I turned logging on for both components. The Monitoring allows me to see when each user has accessed the Calendar, and who and when they insert, update or delete entries from the Calendar table.
    -Ricky Burke

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    which worked fine until I tried to implement the optimistic locking.
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    l_cks wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    j pls_integer := 1;
    -- Get original MD5 checksum
    select wwv_flow_item.md5(job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) cks
    from emp;
    -- Compare the original checksum, l_cks,
    -- with submitted checksum, htmldb_application.g_fcs.
    -- If they are different, raise an error.
    for i in 1..l_cks.count
    if htmldb_application.g_fcs(i) != l_cks(i) then
         'Current version of data in database has changed '||
              'since user initiated update process.');
    end if;
    end loop;
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    What am I doing wrong?
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    Hi Ant, of is the customized pl/sql block I use:
    l_cks wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    j pls_integer := 1;
    -- Get original MD5 checksum
    select wwv_flow_item.md5(partition,desig) cks
    from UNITS;
    -- Compare the original checksum, l_cks,
    -- with submitted checksum, htmldb_application.g_fcs.
    -- If they are different, raise an error.
    for i in 1..l_cks.count
    if htmldb_application.g_fcs(i) != l_cks(i) then
    raise_application_error(-20001,'Current version of data in database has changed ' || 'since user initiated update process.');
    -- return;
    end if;
    end loop;
    -- update UNITS
    for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f08.count
    if htmldb_application.g_f08(i) is not null then
    update UNITS
    set report_id = :P2_REPORT_ID,
    partition = htmldb_application.g_f10(i),
    desig = htmldb_application.g_f11(i)
    where unit_id = htmldb_application.g_f08(i);
    if htmldb_application.g_f10(i) is not null then
    insert into UNITS
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;

  • SQL Server 2005 Update mechanism problem

    Hi Gurus,
          We're faced with one SQL Server 2005 update mechanism problem. Here is my problem:
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          Step 1: Create production order
          Step 2: Change the information of production.
          Step 3: Some other
          After the step 1 has finished immediately step 2 is called, Howerver the information which should have inserted into database table couldn't be found from database. (Maybe because the time between two steps is too short to finish inserting)
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           Is there any solution to solve this problem?
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    Any advice is appreciated.
    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Derek Yang

    I have the same problem, but that post didnt help me
    This is the error I have:
    My snapshot agent hangs.. waiting for a response from the server.. and timeouts.
    This only hapens for a publication that has a filter based on HOSTNAME()
    The other publications work fine
    Error messages:
    Message: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
    Command Text: sp_MSsetup_partition_groups
    Parameters: @publication = XXXXXXX
    Stack: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ReMapSqlException(SqlException e, SqlCommand command)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.AgentExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, Int32 queryTimeout)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteDiscardResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, Int32 queryTimeout)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.SetupPartitionGroups()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.DoRegularMergeSnapshotPreparations()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.DoPreArticleFilesGenerationProcessing()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.GenerateSnapshot()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SnapshotGenerationAgent.InternalRun()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.Run() (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: -2)
    Get help: http://help/-2
    Server XXXXXXXXX, Level 11, State 0, Procedure , Line 0
    Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: -2)
    Get help: http://help/-2

  • Decoupling of customer infotypes; additional update mechanism

    I am currently working in a project, were we are trying to decouple a number of own / customer infotypes (9xxx-infotypes), according to SAP's New Infotype Framework.
    In this connection we want to use the recommendations by SAP, stated in the paper: "Business Logic Guidelines for Creating & Migrating Infotypes".
    One of the challenges we have is that in the validation methods of the check class for the indiv. infotypes, we need to update other tables (Z-tables).
    The guideline says: "additional updates for tables that lie outside the PAnnnn name range must be processed via the so-called additional update mechanism".
    Does anyone know what this "additional update mechanism" is? can anyone point me to some documentation regarding this subject??

    If you would like to contact one of the UK based BT Care Team who moderate this forum, they should be able to help you.
    They can be contacted using this link BT Care Team
    They normally respond by phone or e-mail, within three working days, however you should get an immediate confirmation, with a tracking number.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    Even if the whole process is not yet finalized yet, a few things can be said already:
    Updates will be deloyed in the customer tennant => no explizit installation take place.
    The update will probably be visible via the business configuration or a kind of system message.
    Updates are also independent of the ByDesign release cycles.

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    Dear experts!
    Thank you for your attention!
    how to implement the following scenario for credit memo??????
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    employee responsible releases this block.
    2.Within our company, we want make the definition of the point at which the check is carried out and
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    3.If the value of the credit memo request is below a certain minimum limit, then it can be released
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    depending on the value involved.
    waiting for your help!!!!!
    Best regard!

    Hope so you know all the setting regarding credit memo customizing.
    Otherwise use the standard one.
    Regarding authorization go to PFCG and create a new role.
    In that you can maintain the authorization regarding the minimum credit limit.
    Please check out this setting.
    And update me also if I was wrong.

  • Troubles with update mechanism in Photoshop CS6 installing Camera Raw 7.3 update

    Attempted an update using the update mechanism from Bridge.  CS6 Design Premium on Mac.  Received a couple error messages when it completed.  Foolishly I did not write down the details. I thought I could just run the update again.  When I attempted this, received mesage saying I was updated. But when I use Camera Raw plug-in within Bridge, it says I am still using version 7.2...
    How may I attain a sucessful Camera Raw 7.3 upgrade?
    I also use Lightroom which sucessfully upgraded,to 4.3 (with Camera Raw 7.3), but I often too use the Camera Raw Plug-in from within Bridge and would like to be on the same 'level'.
    I thank you for any insight.
    Best regards,

    Hi there! Because the forum you originally posted in is for beginners trying to learn the basics of Photoshop, I moved your question to the Camera Raw forum, where you'll get more specialized help.

  • Troubles with auto update mechanism and Camera Raw 7.3 update

    Attempted an update using the update mechanism from Bridge.  CS6 Design Premium on Mac.  Received a couple error messages when it completed.  Foolishly I did not write down the details. I thought I could just run the update again.  When I attempted this, received mesage saying I was updated. But when I use Camera Raw plug-in within Bridge, it says I am still using version 7.2...
    How may I attain a sucessful Camera Raw 7.3 upgrade?
    I also use Lightroom which sucessfully upgraded,to 4.3 (with Camera Raw 7.3), but I often too use the Camera Raw Plug-in from within Bridge and would like to be on the same 'level'.
    I thank you for any insight.
    Best regards,

    I updated CR to 7.3 yesterday and had nothing but problems after that.  When I opened a photo in CR, it still showed 7.2 even though I got a message that said update successful.  I had lots of problems using bridge which caused my computer to freeze.  Using Mozilla Firefox was also freezing.  I had to actually use the "off/on" button on my computer tower to shut it down.  I was unable to restart.  Lots of problems.  Finally used "system restore" to an earlier date (which wipes out all updates back to the date I chose), and that worked.  NO more problems.  I'm waiting a while before trying to update CR to 7.3.

  • Error after implementing SP11 Patch 5 for 7.5 MS

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    I have modified all of the applications, optimized all of the applications, and reprocessed all of the rate related dimension files.
    Has anyone else run into this issue with the stored procedure after upgrading to patch 5 on SP11?

    Hey Experts,
    other templates working fine (personell admin. personell time, organizational management, travelmngt.)!
    The templates running in the 3.5 BW....but since the update of our testsystem the e-recruiting templates give back these errors.
    We dont wanna initialize the migration of templates and other objects to 7.0 now. Maybe in a few months.
    Could it be that several (in my case the e-Recruiting Templates/Queries) 3.5 objects never be running without migration?
    Thx for your answers!!!
    kind regards,

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