Implementing external axi lite slave using axi slave interconnect ip

I am trying to implement external axi-lite slave with microblaze as the master. The slave module is the top module of the ISE project. All the axi slave signals are brought to the top level using axi-slave interconnect ip in microblaze. I am implementing this for ML605 board. I have also written a c code for driving the AXI-lite signals( read/write) from microblaze(master) side. The elf file is added to the ISE project. I generate a combined bit file and check the functunality. BUt the issue is that the execution does not go beyond idle state where the slave waits for AXI_ARVALID signal. What may be the issue. I have attached the top level vhdl code,  c code and xps screenshot.
-- axi_slave_top.vhd
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
library UNISIM;
entity axi_slave_top is
port (
RS232_Uart_1_sout : out std_logic;
RS232_Uart_1_sin : in std_logic;
RESET : in std_logic;
CLK_P : in std_logic;
CLK_N : in std_logic;
led_1 : out std_logic;
led_2 : out std_logic
end axi_slave_top;
architecture STRUCTURE of axi_slave_top is
component axi_master is
port (
RS232_Uart_1_sout : out std_logic;
RS232_Uart_1_sin : in std_logic;
RESET : in std_logic;
CLK_P : in std_logic;
CLK_N : in std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_AWADDR_pin : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_AWVALID_pin : out std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_AWREADY_pin : in std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WDATA_pin : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WSTRB_pin : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WVALID_pin : out std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WREADY_pin : in std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_BRESP_pin : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_BVALID_pin : in std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_BREADY_pin : out std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_ARADDR_pin : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_ARVALID_pin : out std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_ARREADY_pin : in std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RDATA_pin : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RRESP_pin : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RVALID_pin : in std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RREADY_pin : out std_logic;
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_ACLK_pin : out std_logic
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE : STRING;
attribute BOX_TYPE of axi_master : component is "user_black_box";
type state is (idle, read_transaction_in_progress , write_transaction_in_progress , write_response_in_progress , complete);
signal current_state : state;
signal S_AXI_ACLK : std_logic;
signal S_AXI_ARESETN : std_logic;
-- Write Address Channel
signal S_AXI_AWADDR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_AWVALID : std_logic;
signal S_AXI_AWREADY : std_logic;
-- Write Data Channel
signal S_AXI_WDATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_WSTRB : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_WVALID : std_logic;
signal S_AXI_WREADY : std_logic;
-- Read Address Channel
signal S_AXI_ARADDR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_ARVALID : std_logic;
signal S_AXI_ARREADY : std_logic;
-- Read Data Channel
signal S_AXI_RDATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_RRESP : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_RVALID : std_logic;
signal S_AXI_RREADY : std_logic;
-- Write Response Channel
signal S_AXI_BRESP : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal S_AXI_BVALID : std_logic;
signal S_AXI_BREADY : std_logic;
signal combined_S_AXI_AWVALID_S_AXI_ARVALID : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ;
SIGNAL register_1 : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0) ;
axi_master_i : axi_master
port map (
RS232_Uart_1_sout => RS232_Uart_1_sout,
RS232_Uart_1_sin => RS232_Uart_1_sin,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_AWADDR_pin => s_AXI_AWADDR,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_AWVALID_pin => S_AXI_AWVALID,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_AWREADY_pin => S_AXI_AWREADY,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WDATA_pin => S_AXI_WDATA,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WSTRB_pin => S_AXI_WSTRB,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WVALID_pin => S_AXI_WVALID,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_WREADY_pin => S_AXI_WREADY,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_BRESP_pin => S_AXI_BRESP,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_BVALID_pin => S_AXI_BVALID,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_BREADY_pin => S_AXI_BREADY,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_ARADDR_pin => S_AXI_ARADDR,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_ARVALID_pin => S_AXI_ARVALID,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_ARREADY_pin => S_AXI_ARREADY,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RDATA_pin => S_AXI_RDATA,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RRESP_pin => S_AXI_RRESP,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RVALID_pin => S_AXI_RVALID,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_M_AXI_RREADY_pin => S_AXI_RREADY,
axi_ext_slave_conn_0_ACLK_pin => S_AXI_ACLK
state_machine_decisions : process (S_AXI_ACLK )
if S_AXI_aClk'event and S_AXI_aClk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
register_1 <= x"44556677";
led_1 <= '0' ;
led_2 <= '1' ;
current_state <= idle;
case current_state is
when idle =>
led_1 <= '1';
led_2 <= '0';
case comb ined_S_AXI_AWVALID_S_AXI_ARVALID is
when "01" => current_state <= read_transaction_in_progress;
when "10" => current_state <= write_transaction_in_progress;
when others => NULL;
end case ;
current_state <= idle ;
when read_transaction_in_progress =>
current_state <= read_transaction_in_progress;
led_2 <= '1' ;
S_AXI_RVALID <= '1';
S_AXI_RRESP <= "00";
if S_AXI_RREADY = '1' then
current_state <= complete;
end if;
case (to_integer(unsigned(S_AXI_AWADDR(31 downto 0)))) is
when 0 => S_AXI_RDATA <= register_1;
when others => S_AXI_RDATA <= (others => '0');
end case ;
when write_transaction_in_progress =>
current_state <= write_transaction_in_progress;
S_AXI_WREADY <= '1';
-- S_AXI_RRESP <= "00";
if S_AXI_WVALID = '1' then
current_state <= write_response_in_progress;
case (to_integer(unsigned(S_AXI_AWADDR(31 downto 0)))) is
when 0 => register_1 <= S_AXI_WDATA;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
when write_response_in_progress =>
current_state <= write_response_in_progress;
S_AXI_BVALID <= '1';
S_AXI_BRESP <= "00";
if S_AXI_BREADY = '1' then
current_state <= complete;
end if;
when complete =>
led_2 <= '0' ;
led_1 <= '0';
case combined_S_AXI_AWVALID_S_AXI_ARVALID is
when "00" => current_state <= idle;
when others => current_state <= complete;
end case;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if ;
end process;
end architecture STRUCTURE;
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xil_io.h"
#define CUSTOM_IP_BASEADDR 0x7c400000
#define REGISTER_1_OFFSET 0x00
// Function prototypes
void set_custom_ip_register(int baseaddr, int offset, int value);
int get_custom_ip_register(int baseaddr, int offset);
int main (void)
int temp3;
int temp4;
printf("Test Project\n");
printf("reading from first register...");
temp3 = get_custom_ip_register(CUSTOM_IP_BASEADDR, REGISTER_1_OFFSET);
printf("Register 1 = 0x%02X\n\r", temp3);
return 0;
void set_custom_ip_register(int baseaddr, int offset, int value)
Xil_Out32(baseaddr + offset, value);
int get_custom_ip_register(int baseaddr, int offset)
int temp = 0;
temp = Xil_In32(baseaddr + offset);
return (temp);

when idle =>
led_1 <= '1';
led_2 <= '0';
case comb ined_S_AXI_AWVALID_S_AXI_ARVALID is
when "01" => current_state <= read_transaction_in_progress;
when "10" => current_state <= write_transaction_in_progress;
when others => NULL;
end case ;
current_state <= idle ;
You assign idle to current_state after you figure out what kind of transaction is happening. This will override your previous decision.
Also it is possible (at least in axi theory) there will be simultaneous read/write so separate out handling of two AxVALID conditions.

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    iTunes/Preferences/Advanced : point your iTunes to the new location of the Library.
    Set "Share on local network" in the Sharing tab, and you or everyone on the local network can play your music.
    You make a backup first of the Library.
    Move the follwing to the new location:
    /Users/your username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music
    have fun.

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    Yes, you have WD software installed  REMOVE IT !! 
    WD has warned its customers about their huge mistake that their software doesnt work on Mavericks and causes data loss.
    (also dont use WD drives anymore)
    Read all about it here:
    See their website on removing the destructive WD software here: iencing-Data-Loss-with-Maverick-OS/td-p/613775
    Western Digital External Hard Drives Experiencing Data Loss On OS X Mavericks g-data-loss-on-os-x-mavericks/

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    External hard drives are relatively inexpensive...see some of those on OWC,
    You can use a large external drive to provide additional space by simply saving material to that volume instead of the startup disk.  You can also partition the external drive to use part for Time Machine backups, and another partition for extended space.  Or a third partition for a clone of the boot system made by Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper, both free downloads, so should the internal drive have problems you could always boot from the external partition.
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    If you made backups of all of your photos and your catalog file using some third-party method (i.e. not using the PSE catalog backup command), then you should be able to restore everything.
    Step 1. Put the photos in the EXACT SAME LOCATION as before. For example, if they were in subfolders of C:\Users\<username>\Documents, then they must go into the exact same subfolders of C:\Users\<username>\Documents.
    Step 2. Move the catalog file to wherever you want it to be, and then double-click on it.

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    Our iTunes guru Terence Devlin advises the following:
    1. Quit iTunes
    2. Drag the iTunes folder from your internal hd - located in ~/Music folder - to your external hd. DO NOT delete the original one from your internal hd... yet!
    3. When the transfer is complete, press and hold the Option(alt) key and fire up iTunes.
    4. A "Choose iTunes Library" window will come up. Click on the "Choose Library" button.
    5. Navigate to where the iTunes folder is located in the external hd.
    6. Within the iTunes folder, select the iTunes Library file and click Choose...
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    More info:
    Or if you prefer a more complicated explanation: -a-new-hard-drive

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