Imported Songs Skip

I have backed up all my songs from iTunes on my laptop to a cd, and imported them to iTunes on another desktop PC. When I play them from the second PC, most songs skip or have major distortion. Sounds like the song files are corrupt, would burning the cd's at a slower speed fix this problem?

The best thing to do would be to use CD-ripping software capable of yielding secure/accurate rips, such as PlexTools Professional LE, EAC, foobar2000, etc. Then import the files to your iTunes library.

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    I have the same issue of iTunes-source songs skipping on CDs played in CD players rather than on DVD/CD players. I'm going to give this Discussions route a fair shot before I file a complaint with American Express so I can get my money back. (This and a couple of other threads establish that this is a common problem that has been brought to Apple's attention. I've also called Apple and e-mailed them, both to no avail.) Here's (1) a description of my problem and (2) the technical data I've seen requested from others:
    (1) Problem Description: I have a CD/DVD burner on my Dell computer. I purchased $59.04 in tunes from iTunes and burned some of them to 2 CDs. When I try to play the CDs in some CD players, tracks 1 and 2 of both disks play OK, but beyond that, the songs begin skipping. By the time you hit track 5, the skipping is so bad that there is no playback at all. However, these 2 CDs will play perfectly on players that are also DVD players. The problem is with playback on mere CD players. Thus, neither will play back in car CD players, which is a problem since I purchased most of these songs for the purpose of making CDs and giving them as Christmas gifts. (Needless to say, the gifts were a bit of an embarrassment, a dud.) Following some suggestions on the Apple site, I updated my version of iTunes. I also tested my burner by burning a copy of a commercial CD that I bought from a music store down the street. To do this, I used some Windows software. I can play this "test CD" on any player, even in a car CD player. Thus, my burner is not restricting me to playing burned CDs only on DVD/CD players. The limitation seems to be coming from the iTunes software. Does anyone have any idea why I can't play the 2 iTunes-source CDs on a car (i.e., non-DVD) CD player? Are there some iTunes software settings in the burning process that I need to change?
    (2) Here are my Diagnostics:
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Dell Inc. Inspiron 9200
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: PxHelp20 (, drvmcdb (, MxlW2k (, sscdbhk5 (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 Series\ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 Series
    IDE\DiskHTS548080M9AT00_______________________MG4OA5EA, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    IDE\CdRomNEC_DVD+-RW_ND-6500A___________________202C___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Current user is administrator.
    D: _NEC DVD+-RW ND-6500A, Rev 202C
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 15 songs on CD, playing time 44:03 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 03:08:42
    Track 3, start time 05:48:52
    Track 4, start time 08:41:17
    Track 5, start time 11:12:49
    Track 6, start time 14:03:07
    Track 7, start time 17:23:04
    Track 8, start time 20:14:11
    Track 9, start time 23:20:48
    Track 10, start time 26:16:63
    Track 11, start time 29:10:47
    Track 12, start time 31:49:54
    Track 13, start time 34:40:73
    Track 14, start time 37:35:53
    Track 15, start time 41:03:71
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are: 8 16 24.
    The drive CDRW speeds are: 8.
    The drive DVDR speeds are: 8.
    The drive DVDRW speeds are: 8.
    I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions anyone might have. I still owe some folks their Christmas gifts! Thanks!

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    Open XP's Task Manager. Go to the Processes tab. Highlight the iTunes.exe. Right-click it, and you'll see an option to set its "priority" as above normal. Do so. From then on in that session, whenever the computer is faced with a choice of playing the music without interruption or painting a web page quickly, it will choose to play the music without interruption.
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    There is an alternative version for 64-bit editions of Windows here:
    iTunes 12.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)
    that seems to address the most of the playback issues that some users have been reporting with the full 64-bit version of  The alternative installer here is the same architecture as most previous "64-bit" versions of iTunes, i.e., a 32-bit application with a 64-bit installer.  The "for older video cards" label appears to be something of a misnomer as some people have reported that this corrects problems found on current / high-spec systems.
    Some users have reported that after installing this alternative version it is necessary to adjust the "Play audio using" selection (normally to "Direct Sound" rather than "Windows Audio Session", though this may vary based on your audio hardware/drivers) in Edit > Preferences > Playback to restore glitch-free audio (one part of the reported symptoms is that the "Direct Sound" choice isn't available, usually in Windows 8).
    If this doesn't address the issue, you may want to think about reverting to iTunes 12.0 - see Turingtest2's notes on Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for steps needed to completely remove all installed iTunes components, and for links to the 12.0 installers.

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    Hello, do you know that when you play a song skips or returns and does not play properly?

    I can not fix this problem and it happens with songs purchased or imported from a CD

  • Songs skip after few seconds

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    For some unknown reason every once and a while a song will not "encode" properly when being converted into digital format (.mp3). This is the cause of the glitches that make the song skip past. This can be fixed by re-encoding the song at a different speed (The standard is 128kbps but can also be done at 160kbps and 192kbps in iTunes).
    Now to re-encoding the glitched songs:
    First off check the original encoding speed. This can be done by selecting the glitched song, right clicking and choosing the "Get Info" option and the bit-rate (encoding speed) will be in the summary tab. After you check the current encoding speed the settings for importing music into iTunes may need to be changed. You can change these by going into the "Edit > Preferences ~ Advanced tab > Importing tab" once here simply change the box labeled "Import Using" from "AAC Encoder" to "MP3 Encoder". Now all that needs to be done is to change the bit-rate. Choose one of the bit-rates from the "Setting" box that is different from the current bit-rate of the skipping song. Once the setting is chosen click "Ok" and then go to the "Advanced" menu and there should be an option to "Convert Selection to MP3". Now it is as simple as selecting the affected song and then going into the advanced menu and choosing the "Convert Selection to MP3" option to fix your glitched tunes! Every song that is converted using this will be encoded with the bit-rate chosen in the earlier stages.
    Hopefully this helps, good luck re-encoding =)

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    Where did most of your music in your iTunes library originate? Purchased from the iTunes store, or imported into your iTunes library from a music CD or elsewhere?
    If the latter, which did you use for the iTunes import settings - MP3 or AAC, etc.?

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