Importing FCP media files

I have a project I am going to transfer already captured files from FCP to my project, do I just copy the files and put them in my scratch file? will they automatically create clips in my bin?

If you mean clips that you captured in FCP, whether you can use them or not depends on how they were captured (what codec was used). If they are DV-NTSC or DV-PAL or Apple Intermediate Codec (720p or 1080i) then you can import them into FCE just like any other clip (File > Import). Their location really doesn't matter; and simply copying them to your capture scratch folder will not make them magically appear in the FCE browser. You have to import the clips.
If the clips are something else (say, native HDV, MPEG, Uncompressed, DVCPRO50, etc) you will have to convert them to DV or AIC before you import them into Final Cut Express.
If you mean import an FCP project, you can't.

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    No problem!  Also, a quick bit of information.  If you did not already know this, when you empty the trash, it does not actually delete your files.  It just allows the space that those files were taking up to be overwritten.  That's why you can go to your Time Machine and recover these files.  So, your computer will not improve in the speed department that much after deletion.  I'm pretty sure there's a way to completely wipe files off of your computer, therefore actually regenerating space, however I do not know how to get through that process.  You may want to ask this in a new separate discussion.  Also, please respond to my reply (with a link) right after your add the conversation if you want to create the thread, because I'd like to know too, based on the fact that I cleared 259.82GB off of my computer within the last few months in one sitting.

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    Either what you're trying to add is corrupt in some fashion so iTunes won't process it, or it is being added but isn't showing where you would expect it to. Try sorting the Songs view on the Date Added column.
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    Did some Googling and just a minute ago I downloaded the software.
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    Thanks for your help!


    Camera used:-Sony Pmw Ex3
    Footage       :- XDCAM  sp(1440 * 1080i) PAL
    Edited in      :-final cut pro 7
    Error            :- failed  to import .xml file into premiere pro cs5
    I tried  to import the .xml file into premiere CS5 ,it asked for the media files  to relink .whn i linked the .mp4 files it showed the  error messege "The  selected file cannot be linked becouse it has 2 audio channel(s) and  the clip was created with 1 audio channel(s).
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    What is the CODEC in your MOV file(s)? MOV is but a "wrapper," like AVI. This ARTICLE will give you some background. It could be that you just need the proper CODEC, or it could be that it is a Mac-only CODEC, and then you will need for the producer to Export in another CODEC, that is PC-compatible.
    This ARTICLE will give you some background on CODEC's, in general.
    Good luck,

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    Use MPEG Streamclip to convert it to MPEG-4. This won't work for all AVIs.

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    "Good point."
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    As Apple Inc.’s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers, OS X Mountain Lion (version 10.8) is the ninth major release of OS X. It’s quick, familiar, cheap, and drenched in iOS goodness. However, after updated and installed Mountain Lion on Mac, many Final Cut Pro (mainly FCP X and FCP 7) users found they could not import mts, mxf, ect files into FCP anymore.
    You can try to redownload and reinstall the FCPX. If not, you can contact after-sales service to get a free way to solve the problem.
    You also can ignore the problem and download and insatll a MXF Converter to convert MXF to FCP's antive format ProRes before importing. I have been using Brorsoft MXF Converter for Mac, it work fast and it can keep the original video quality for editing. Besides, the conversion process will help you to save the rendering time. The most important is that it has five types of Apple prores codecs for choosing.

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    -YYYY-MM-DD Project Name
    -----Capture scratch
    -----Audio (like music)
    (All of these are folders except italics which represent sample filenames)
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    So, I guess the reason I'm here (since FCP seems reliant on maintaining it's way of doing things) is to see if I can ask some of you to persuade me why doing things FCP's way is better. I've looked at a number of FCP workflow tutorials and none of them even hint at the thought that FCP's workflow is flawed - they all go merrily about showing you how to use it.
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    Sorry for the long post. I'd just like to do things right... and usually that means accepting the manufacturer's defaults. But I'd really like to understand why first.
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Welcome to the forum Oreckel!
    The best way to work with FCP's media files is to not overthink it. It's all done from the "Scratch Disk" settings. Just select a DRIVE for media captures and renders to go to. FCP handles the rest. It creates a folder called "Capture Scratch", another called "Renders" and a third called "Audio Renders". In each of these folders it creates a folder for each project file containing the media that is associated with that particular project, and it names these folders the same as your project files' names. Couldn't be easier.
    Autosave Vaults, Waveforms, and Thumbnails should be kept on your startup disk in your documents folder. You probably already have one there named "Final Cut Pro Documents" If it's there just select the Documents folder and FCP will put these three folders in the one named "Final Cut Pro Documents".

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    many thanks in advance.

    Cleaner and Sorenson are huge and complex transcoders. You just need time and a credit card to download and then lots of time to experiment and figure out the quirks of each application. You do not have this time. Telestream offers a competitor called Episode. it's cool.
    Get the full version of telestream's flip4Mac (if it was installed properly you can do this with a click on the system prerf panel for flip4mac). You will need a credit card. Be prepared for a very long transcode to WMP, even on a big Macintosh. I don't think you have the time for any of this nonsense.
    Message was edited by: David Bogie Chq-1

  • Importing Avid Media into FCP

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    IMac Mac OS X (10.3.9) FCP 5.0.1

    Actually, my experience was that it was QT 7.1.6 that broke the version of the Avid codec I had been using before, not a particular FCP update. I have not tried the codec linked to earlier in this thread.
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    Anyone know about what the Avid media folders look like in the finder?
    Thanks much -

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    Sorry, been away all weekend.
    I have never tried this. I tried the database and didn't like the way it handled things (wither that, or I was just too lazy to learn it well.) but I think that you can export QT files out of the database can't you?
    Also, and I know that this doesn't help this time but, this is a great example of why I always copy the entire contents of the card to a backup drive before I do anything else. I know that it takes time but I haven't lost any footage yet either.
    Hopefully someone will stop by that knows database better.
    ooooooooo, what version of QT are you running? The database only works correctly up to 7.2.6. If you have upgraded past that I think that you are asking for trouble.

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    What version of iPhoto?
    What colour profile is the shot?
    As a Test:
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    Please email me if you know how to fix this
    [email protected]

    Wouldn't it be more appropriate to open the actual media files captured with the program?

Maybe you are looking for


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