Importing Promblem

All of a sudden LR locks up after clicking on the Import tab.  The import screen comes up but not completely and locks at this point.  I will get a window pop up that says Adobe Lightroom 64bit has had a problem and was shut down.  All other features work normally.  I have tried to re-install but the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Geoff, I'm running Win 7 on a new system.  I have my photos on a Toshiba 2TB external drive. All the photos are being re-imported from that external drive to my LR catalog.  All have been edited previously in LR4/LR5 on my old computer.   LR5 has been a little buggy on this new computer for some reason.  It is now allowing me to import, however it won't import every picture.  Don't know if it has anything to do with it but it seems if I have my Kindle Fire plugged in I have more trouble.  Wouldn't think that would matter but with it plugged in I can't import, unplug it and I can.  Thanks...

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    Apple recommends backing up the data when you're getting the battery replaced by them. So I assume that you will likely lose the data during this process.
    Will the data on my iPhone be preserved?
    No, during the service process all data on your iPhone will be erased. Before obtaining service, it is important to back up your data using iCloud or iTunes. Apple is not responsible for the loss of information while servicing your iPhone and does not offer any data transfer service. During service, Apple may exchange your iPhone with an iPhone that is new or equivalent to new in performance and reliability.
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    copied from Apple - Support - Service Answer Center

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    Hi srinivas bobbala,
    Thank you for your response.But I think my quesition was not clear.My ques... is for suppose there is one datafile for importing like.. "datafile_21" Here my intention is it takes file from datafile_21 only but it appears in import statement like datafile_21<<curmon>>.
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    No it is not possible.
    I assume the data file "datafile_21" is first renamed to datafile_21_${CurrMth} in the batchscript.
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    (imp system/manager inctype=system full=Y file='/home/save/backdata/xhsdcomp.dat'
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    You haven't listed the errors that you're receiving when attempting to refresh your refresh group, but if your snapshots are attempting to fast refresh, I suspect it's because the creation timestamp of the snapshot log on the master site is newer than the creation timestamp of the snapshot. In this case you will need to do a complete refresh of the snapshot (or drop and recreate the snapshot) before you will be able to fash refresh it again.
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    -- Anita
    Oracle Support Services

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    Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER
    Reason for error: TP_STEP_FAILURE
    Return code: 0008
    Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "6", return code 0008
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    3 ETP361 "96" Shadow-Nametabs activated, DDL executed
    2 ETP362 "6" Shadow-Nametab activations failed
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    2 ETP301
    1 ETP110 end date and time : "20090113025807"
    1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
    1 ETP199 ######################################
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    System configuration details:
    ERP 6.0 IDES SR3 + Windows 2003 enterprise server SP2 + DB2 V9.1 / FP5
    BASIS and ABAP support pack level: (700) 13.
    Error message:
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:53:26: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:53:38: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#BTABD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    3 ETP399 
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    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
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    3 ETP399 IN "IDS#POOLD"
    3 ETP399 
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    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR 
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
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    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG     
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
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         I am importing FA in SAP B1 PL 09 but failed, with system message log " Its active depreciation areas must be the same as those defined in the corresponding asset class. I checked depreciation areas and asset class, They corresponded to each other.
         Please help me to find way to solve this error.
      Thanks & Best Regards
         Loan Tran

    check below..
    Fixed Asset SAP Business One 9.0 Configuration

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    Now, however, when importing they go to a new folder called "C:\iTunes\Music" - I didn't create this folder - how do i stop this and get it back to my original preference?
    Any help appreciated

    Same problem, installed latest iTunes yesterday to Vista.
    Import folder is defined as default iTunes-folder (C:\<user>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Library) but it still creates a folder "Music" under this and then <artist>\<record> under this one. If I modify the default folder, it creates the import under that one, but not ever into correct iTunes Library-folder.
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    You're doing nothing wrong. AE will remember your new folder after you have quit and re-launched it. Ages old design flaw in the way it handles this...

  • Lightroom imports photos to wrong folder

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    This has worked fine but i've recently imported a few hundred photos off my iphone and doing the same thing - move and rename. The trouble is, these photos keep going into the 2009 folder, instead of the 2012 or 2013 folders that they should be. When i look at the photos, they have the correct name, and the capture date seems to be correct, its just lightroom keeps wanting to put them in the wrong folder by year. Does anyone understand why this might be happening?
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    hmm so still not making sense. it keeps wanting to import my photos into the wrong destination. have removed all the photo from lightroom. how do i change it so it automatically puts the photos into the corresponding year/month they were taken..
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    can't see to change this?

  • CD imported to wrong folder organization Album/Artist instead of Artist/Alb

    I imported (ripped) a CD and the folder convention iTunes created in my music library was like this:
    instead of
    How could this happen. I have ripped hundreds of CD's and this is the first time it has happened. I am letting iTuned organize my files.
    Any clues?

    Actually I know exactlty what bae77345 is referring to, because I am running into the same problem. Thus my search in the forums.
    Usually Ive had no problem in importing a song into iTunes, and changing the song IN iTunes to read as follows.
    Name of Song: DAYS `EUREKA OPENING MIX`
    Artist: Anime
    Album : Eureka seveN OST 1
    Album artist: FLOW
    And the Windown path would look like this
    C:\Documents and Settings\Varxtis\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Anime\Eureka seveN OST 1\1-01 DAYS `EUREKA OPENING MIX`.mp3
    Notice It goes Artist>Album>Song Title
    Album Artist would not even be part of the path, which is exactly what I want.
    but now it shows
    C:\Documents and Settings\Varxtis\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\FLOW\Eureka seveN OST 1\1-01 DAYS `EUREKA OPENING MIX`.mp3
    Which goes AlbumArtist>Album>Song Title. it doesn't even include the artist as part of the path. How annoying.
    It makes a HUGE difference to me because I need everything in "iTunes Music" library in windows to be pathed as Artist>Album: Song Title. I use a different MP3 Player so, it's almost impossible to have half one way (those that have albumartist) and half another (those that don't) BTW, Sorry apple. . .no Offense. I've had and loved an iPod. . . but it died and I got this as a gift.
    I never changed any settings, and quite honestly it's been about a month since I had to update my MP3 player music (thus noticing the problem). So, there HAS to be a reason for it to change. And more importantly, a way to change it back.
    Windows XP
    Windows XP
      Windows XP  

  • LR5 Importing to wrong folder

    I have been importing to folders on drive I. It is now full. I am trying to import to drive H which has plenty of room. Every time I try to import to H LR tells me that drive I is full, which of course I already bloody well know. So I am unable to import at this point because LR only wants to go to my full folder. Help please. I do have full permissions on the I drive

    The message in the screenshot says your catalog drive is out of space, not your import-photos-to-drive is out of space.   How big is your catalog?
    I’ve had LR complain about my catalog drive being out of space during a backup operation when the problem was my boot drive which contains my Users folder that LR temporarily puts a copy of my catalog when it is checking for integrity.  Even though this drive is never referred to in the error message.  I was unable to make backups until I cleared about 2.5 times the size of my catalog’s space from my boot drive, even though my catalog and backups are on my P drive and C was never referred to in any error message.
    The one strange thing in the message is that it says you need at least 20MB free, which you have 7GB free.
    The “forever bug” referred to is where the number of bits being used to represent free space can be too small and so only the remainder after dividing by 2GB is what is seen.  For 7.2 GB this remainder would be 1.2GB.  If this bug is in effect and LR thinks you only have 1.2GB free on whatever drive it is checking so maybe your catalog is large enough that catalog-size times whatever multiplier of your catalog size LR thinks it needs in reserve is larger than 1.2GB.

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  • Imported Fireworks Nav Bar Animation Looping

    I have imported a navigation bar I made in fireworks into dreamweaver and when I preview in browser it keeps looping. In fireworks I added a rollover effect so that when you rollover each bit of text, e.g. home, contact, games  it goes bold, and when previewing it loops so they all keep going bold without my control. In Fireworks I made it using slices and several states, and so just when I rollover state one it changes to state 2 for example. Very simple, but it keeps looping, how can I stop this? Thanks. I have attached the png file for fireworks if you need to take a look.

    You do not require the fireworks/javascript to achieve the effect you require for your links.
    This effect can be made using simple css a:link, (visited, hover, active) statements, I would also recommend using css to style your page and not tables/image slices .
    For the css links, see - and
    Moving from tables based design to css based -

  • I am trying to import developed images from LightRoom 5 in o Photoshop 6.  I am receiving this message and the images will not open.....'Could not open scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions or another progra

    I am trying to import developed images from LightRoom 5 Photoshop 6 for further editing.  I am receiving this message and the images will not open.....'Could not open scratch file because the file is locked, or you do not have necessary access permissions or another program is using the file.  Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file. How do I fix this?  I would greatly appreciate it if you would respond with terms and procedures that a computer ignorant user, such as me, will understand.   Thanks.

    Have you tried restoring the Preferences yet?

  • How to handle BP who is both Customer and Vendor during history import?

    Hi Forum,
    This is for importing Financial transactions for Open Sales Orders, Open Sales Invoices, Open Purchase Orders and Open Purchase Invoices and also for importing history for all Closed Sales Orders, Invoices, Purchase Orders and Invoices.
    Our prospect has in their current system Business Partners who are both Customers and Suppliers (Vendors). In SAP Business ONE, BP is unique. It is recommended I believe in situation where BP is both Customer and Vendor, we need to create two BP Ids.
    How do we import open and history of invoices in this situation where the same BP is both Customer and Vendor? Any tips would help please.
    Thank you all very much.

    Hi Syed,
    As Gordon and Rahul said, it is painful for you if you import closed transactions.
    Try to compromise your client that to use the old system for last year/old reports.
    Its always good practice to import the Opening balance and even the open documents only.
    If you have partially open items, then import the document for open quantities only.
    Let's say, if you have a sale order with an item of 100 Qty. Among that 100 qty, lets 20 qty has been already delivered then you have to create the sale order in SAP for remaining 80 qty only.

Maybe you are looking for