Importing reports

Post Author: Vivienne
CA Forum: Upgrading and Licensing
Hi, I hope someone here can help me on this... Have recently installed BOBJE XIR2 on Solaris 9Importing reports that include cyrstal reports. Have tried importing through the Import Wizard from one BO server to another BO server directory, and using a BIAR file. I have also tried to import the BIAR file on the command line.Getting the error:"[InstallEntSdkWrapper.main] Connecting to CMS duxapa09:6400 as Administrator[InstallEntSdkWrapper.CmsImportFile] Exception: An error occurred at the server :You need a license to publish files of type "CrystalEnterprise.Report" (typeId = 2).Is this simply a licensing issue or is there any fixes / patches I can run to resolve it?Thanks, Vivienne

Do you mean export Hyperion report and reimport it? When you export a folder, it should export it into a zip file, please check you have generate the right zip file and when import,please select the right file type to import.

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  • "Importer reported a generic error" message while importing ProRes 422 clip

    Hi all.  I am getting an "Importer reported a generic error" message when I try to import a ProRes 422, linear PCM clip into Premiere Pro CS6.  I have imported other ProRes 422 clips in previous projects without a problem, although those clips did not have the linear PCM codec included.  I have tried to solve the problem using advice on other forum threads.  Changing the file name did not work.  Removing underscores in the file name did not work either.  Copying the file and pasting to a different folder before re-importing did not work either.  The file DOES open in AE, but I am getting the error message without fail when I try to import into Premiere.  Any thoughts on how to remedy the situation?  FYI - I am still running version 6.0.0 of Premiere.  Thanks for your help!

    Try going to Help | Deactivate in Pr.  Close Pr.  Reboot.  Launch Pr and activate if requested.  That procedure has helped some users restore missing codecs and presets, maybe it'll help your Dynamic Link.

  • In Adobe premiere elements 12 it wont let me add a m4a file. It says that "the importer reported a generic error". Please help.

    please help, I need to make a video and cant get in my music.

    For background information, what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on?
    I could ask you for a lot of details to build a troubleshooting plan. However, in this instance with .m4a file and "importer reported a generic error", I am going to cut to what I believe your workflow problem to be.
    You are working with iTunes music. To use them in Premiere Elements (any version), please convert them to .wav file in iTunes.
    To do that....
    a. Open iTunes and go to Music - File Menu/Add File To Library
    b. Edit Menu/Preferences/General and there click on Import Settings
    c. In the Import Settings dialog, go to Import Using and set for WAV Encoder.
    d. OK out of that area.
    In the Music Section/Songs, right click your import, select Create WAV Version
    Then right click the WAV Version, select Copy, and then Paste it to the computer desktop
    from where you import it into Premiere Elements 12 Expert workspace Add Media/Files and Folders/Project Assets
    from where you drag it to one of the audio tracks.
    Please let us know if that works for you.

  • Adobe Premiere Elements 12: Add Media Failure: The Importer Reported a Generic Error

    I am trying to add a MOV file to PE 12 I and keep recieving and Add Media Failure Error stating "The Importer Reported a Generic Error".  I have added other MOV files without any issue so I don't know why some MOV will work and others won't.  The only common characteristic I've found is that the MOV files that won't work are files that were recorded with my SLR camera. The location of the files I've added/tried adding are on my external hard drive.

    Try importing a few of the problematic files from a Local Disc C location like Videos and determine if problem presists. How is the external hard drive formatted, NTFS or FAT32?
    Do you have the latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer with Premiere Elements 12? And, on what computer operating system is Premiere Elements 12 running? Are you running QuickTime and Premiere Elements 12 as Run As Administrator and/or from a User Account with Administrative Privileges?
    What specifically is the video compression for the problematic files? And, what is the brand/model/settings for the camera that is recording these videos?
    More later.

  • The importer reported a generic error

    I need help on the cs6 I shot a video on canon and the format is m2t file
    when I try to import the file to cs6 it gives me error message "The importer reported a generic error"
    what can I do about this, someone please help even if there is any software or patch thanks

    Exactly what is INSIDE the video you are editing?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing for screen shot instructions
    Free programs to get file information for PC/Mac

  • EHS - CG36 - Import report - Set MSDS version from key file data

    This is in reference to thread EHS - CG36 - Import report - how to define MSDS version in key file?
    I'm faced with the same client requirement, came across this discussion, and wondering if there was a solution to this.
    I'm on ECC6.0. My client requests to retain the Version of the MSDS at the time of export (CG54 Dok-X, VER key file data) when it gets imported to another system (CG36). Example (similar to Roy's): If the reports in export system are 1.0 and 2.0, then they must be created in the import system the same, not 1.0 and 1.1.
    Apparently, as Christoph has stated, the standard CG36 Import process doesn't make use of the VER key file data besides storing it into the Report's Additional Info (DMS Class charact.).
    I tried to get around this via the user exit. In the IMPORT fm, I set the version/subversion of the report to be created but the C1F3 fm that does the actual report creation just ignores it. If you've done a similar approach, what have I missed? I'm also afraid if I have to clone the C1F3 fm...
    I appreciate your thoughts and inputs.
    Thanks in advance.
    Excerpt from my fm ZC13G_DOKX_SDB_IMPORT:
    FORM l_create_ibd_report...
      IF e_flg_error = false.
    *   fill the report_head
        e_report_head-subid     = i_subid.
        e_report_head-sbgvid    = i_sbgvid.
        e_report_head-langu     = i_langu.
        e_report_head-ehsdoccat = i_ehsdoccat.
        e_report_head-valdat    = sy-datum.
        e_report_head-rem       = i_remark.
        e_report_head-version    = i_ver.
        e_report_head-subversion = i_sver.
    * Begin Correction 15.06.2004 745589 ***********************************
        IF ( l_api_subjoin_tab[] IS INITIAL ).
    *     create the report
              i_addinf            = i_addinf
              i_flg_header        = true
              i_flg_subjoin       = false
              e_flg_lockfail      = l_flg_lockfail
              e_flg_error         = l_flg_error
              e_flg_warning       = l_flg_warning
              x_api_header        = e_report_head
              no_object_specified = 1
              parameter_error     = 2
              OTHERS              = 3.
    Edited by: Maria Luisa Noscal on Apr 8, 2011 8:23 AM

    Solution is to incorporate the logic used by tc CG36VEN, that is, the process of performing a direct table ESTDH update after the new report is saved into the database.
    Edited by: Maria Luisa Noscal on Apr 19, 2011 7:34 PM

  • ERROR: The Importer Reported Generic Error

    I just purchased PE 10 about 2 weeks ago after trial version which I installed on separate machine and utilized for Photoshop. I purchased it, because of Adobe's trusted reputation. I installed purchased copy in high end machine containing Corsair 120 Force GT SSD Sata 3 root drive with 2 additional internal 500 gb each storage drives. One WD & Seagate Barracuda at 7200 rpm.
    Photoshop portion works without any glitches. PE10 reports said error message upon attempts at 95 percent of my .vob, .TS & .wmv files, which should be compatible as stated by Adobe. I am able to open same files on Windows Movie Maker and WMP.
    I contacted Adobe support and was disconnected during troubleshooting by Adobe rep.  Second attempt lead me to a rep who did not really have any answers or resolve. His explanation was to keep looking for files which would open only on the root drive as network drives, logical drives and external drives are not supported by Adobe. I complied and copied files to C: Drive at his request to no avail. Problem persists.
    Basically, you need an enormous: Drive to accommodate the huge amount of space videos & photos normally capacitate. In my case, over 469 gigs.    
    Maybe it's me, but you would think Adobe would consider the fact no one in their right mind would relegate pertinent data to root drive as it is where the OS resides, thus is susceptible to crashes and data loss. Yes, OS should be partitioned separately from data, but anyone who really knows hardware, ie: hard drives, would be fully aware the entire drive can become unstable and usuable due to OS crashes.
    Why has Adobe not taken a closer look at what appears to be a proprietary issue as opposed to informing its customers that their files are corrupt? 
    Why does Adobe not offer fixes\resolves to importing (Get Media) issues such as addins, plugins, hotfixes, possible Codecs and\or conversion software when this is in fact their responsibility when advertising claims of compatibility with said files?
    Why does Adobe not support importation of files residing in NAS External Drives and internal logical drives, as this is the direction of the end user home industry?
    Has anyone in these forums actually been able to resolve ERROR  Message: "The Importer Reported Generic Error"?
    Please feel free to answer and\or comment on my statements\questions as I am simply a customer looking for resolve and would be more than willing to retract what I have mentioned here for some real support from Adobe.

    I have never had any problem, when Importing files from my NAS, but found early on, that it was too slow a process to use and edit effectively. Same for other mapped networked drives. After those initial tests, I just altered my workflow. I still use my NAS to archive my Assets, but will Copy those to my "media drive" (my D:\ on my system). My Project files are on my E:\ drive, and only my OS and programs are on C:\. Note: those are all physical HDD's, and NOT partitions. That layout works 100% for me. In my case, it was not a inability to use the NAS, or mapped networked drives (for Assets ONLY), but the speed of the gigabit (dual in my case) network being too slow for me to edit comfortably.
    Premiere (both PrPro and PrE) work best with at least two physical HDD's, and even better with three.
    Where Premiere has issues with networked drives will usually be where one has mapped My Documents to a networked drive, or where the user has located the working files (Scratch Disks) to a networked HDD. That situation can create issues.
    I have never encountered any "Importer" error messages, and really do not recall seeing others with that issue, so cannot help there.
    Good luck, and wish that I had more to offer.

  • CO-PA import reports from Operatin Concern

    how how can I copy or export/import CO-PA reports and forms from one Operating Concern to another. It means reports in tr KE30.
    Thanks a lot.

    One cannot import/export reports across different operating concerns (through standard options provided by SAP). The primary reason being each operating concern is supposed to have different structure (characteristics and value fields).
    One can however, import reports, forms etc. from one client to another for the same operating concern.

  • Error while importing Reports and Plans

    Hi ,
    I am migrating baseviews,metaviews,plans,dataobjects and reports from one repository to another. I have used SARPUTIL utility tool to export the baseviews,metaviews,plans.Icommand utility to export dataobjects and reports.Everything is fine so far. I have imported baseviews,metaviews,plans using SARPUTIL in the target machine.I could see metaview in Enterprise Link.But i could not find Plan and Baseview in Enterprise. When i got EL Admin i could find everything that means everything is imported well. How can i view the imported plan in Enterprise Link?
    When i m trying to import report using icommand i m getting the following error.
    Error while processing command "import".
    [ErrorSource="ICommandEngine", ErrorID="ICommandEngine.Error"]
    You are unable to connect to the Oracle BAM services. Contact your system admini
    strator if the error persists.
    [ErrorSource="ActiveDataCache", ErrorID="ADCServerConnectionError"]
    No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
    Also pls give complete syntax for icommand utility to export report since im getting error with that saying there is no such report even though i have given the path correct.
    Urgent Issue.
    Edited by: user10672866 on Apr 2, 2009 6:35 AM
    Edited by: user10672866 on Apr 2, 2009 6:36 AM

  • "the importer reported a generic error" on a psd file i have been using all day.

    have been editing all day on a 3 minute video for a client, then all of a sudden, a PSD file with several layers for my graphics went off line... nothing else.. just the psd file.
    tried to ReLink but all I get is this
    "the importer reported a generic error"
    I have tried resaving the project as something else and still it wont relink.

    Resave psd file in Photoshop to another name and re-import.
    Replace the psd on the timeline.
    See if that will work.

  • Premier Pro Error "The importer reported a generic error"

    Good Afternoon, Im having an issue with my Mac and adobe premier's dynamic link towards after effects. Every time I try to copy a sequence in and replace it into Adobe After effects composition  from Premier I get this generated error, "Replace With After Effects Composition, The importer reported a generic error". I have tried various ways to trouble shoot this, from re-installing to deleting caches and It still doesn't seem to work.
    I do have all updated versions of Adobe Premier and After Effects.

    Hi, PringleTheOne, Your problem is that your project after effects (CC or CS) has not been converted to CC 2014 size.
    When a  AE project is opened in AEffects  CC 2014, he asks us to automatically convert.
    Then, when you open it in Premiere Pro CC 2014 , there is no error message.
    I hope this help.

  • Every time I try to upload MOV files from my iphone 5s onto my adobe premiere elements on windows 8 i get 'the importer reported a generic error'

    every time I try to upload MOV files from my iphone 5s onto my adobe premiere elements on windows 8 i get 'the importer reported a generic error'

    jade harding
    What version of Premiere Elements are you using on Windows 8.1 64 bit? For now I will assume Premiere Elements 12 in a NTSC set up.
    Your iPhone 5s video is expected to be 1080p @ 30 progressive frames per second? Do you confirm that? Because of the source of your video, it is highly likely that you are dealing with a variable frame rate.
    Please give the following a try to see if you then have an "importable" product to take into Premiere Elements presumed 12/12.1.
    Download and install the free HandBrake program.
    Import your video file into the program.
    Make sure you browse to and set Destination (suggested Desktop location)
    Go to the Video Tab and set
    Video codec = H.264 (x264)
    Frame Rate = 29.97
    put a dot next to Constant for the Frame Rate
    Click on the Start at the top left of the workspace
    Wait for the "Queue Finished" to appear in the progress bar at the bottom left of the workspace.
    Then see if this H.264.mp4 (1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 progressive frames per second file can be imported into Premiere Elements 12 project with a manually set project preset of NTSC/DSLR/1080p/DLSR 1080p30@ 29.97.
    Details for setting manual project preset can be found in
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE11: Accuracy of Automatic Project Preset (New Project Dialog) Setting
    The details that I have posted in this reply are customized for Premiere Elements and should work fine for you.
    We will be watching for your results.

  • Premiere Pro not sending files to After Affects "The importer reported a generic error"

    Hi all,
    I just recently purchased PP & AE CC. putting together my first project on my new laptop and when i go to right click a clip on my Premiere pro timeline and proceed to push "Replace with after effects composition" It swaps to After Effects but nothing loads, i alt tab back to Premiere and it displays me the message "The importer reported a generic error"
    If it's any help the footage is from my A7S filmed in SDXC format. everything works fine within the project. I've tried logging out and in of my adobe account updating restarting etc. had no luck.

    Hi Brandon,
    ascarib wrote:
    After doing the reboot my computer gives me the "You can't use this version of the application "Adobe After Effects CS6" with this version of OS X. Nothing has changed on my computer but it was fine before. What else can we try? Thank you for your patience.
    Make sure that you update After Effects: Can't launch | Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

  • Trying to relink video clips and getting "import reporting a generic error" using Premiere Pro CC 2014 on a Mac

    Moving a project over to another computer and I was trying to relink video clips and getting "import reporting a generic error" message.

    Did you find a solution? I'm having this same problem.

  • PremierePro PC 8.2.0 (65) replace footage causes error "The importer reported a generic error"

    Hi there
    I tried everything multiple PC's and windows installs, goggled every support site available for answers to no avail so far.
    The following is tested on a brand new and untampered win8 install (all win8 updates included)
    Trail and fully updated versions of Premier Pro 8.2.0 (65) and AE are the only two programs installed on to the PC.
    The problem.
    Create a new project in Premiere Pro
    I make a single sequence
    Add a single Black video item to the sequence
    Now pick the black video item in the Premiere project Bin area, right click it and choose  "Replace footage"
    Then the browser opens and I pick a After effect project file (.aep) that I prepared earlier.(the most simple AE project file I can make, consisting of a single Comp with a shape drawing in it)
    When I click the Select button to confirm my choice of .aep file a window immediately opens that says "The importer reported a generic error".
    Next I am back in the PP bin and the black video item has turned "off line".
    This option / featured executed in the 100% similar way works as expected without errors in an old CC6 setup.
    Please help as the this is an very useful feature that needs to be fixed/work.
    Thank you
    Duplicate post removed by moderator. Please do not double post. If a thread has not received a reply after a reasonable period, feel free to "bump" it.

    No key frames what so ever.
    The AE project I refer to, only involves a standard hdtv 720p comp with a text element or a simple shape drawn. (Actually I am pretty certain that an empty comp will yield the same result)
    The problem is consistent no matter if it's the most simple AE project I can possible make or a complexed project with many comps in it.
    Personally, I am pretty sure the potential bug is isolated in PP and has nothing to do with AE. The reason why I believe so, is that when I try to pick large AE project the error message pops up much quicker than the time it takes to loads and analyze the AE .aep file.
    Please before you go, can you tell me wether or not you get the same result when doing a simple test as I described in a somewhat similar set up.
    And please pass the information on to the developer team. (I have already written a bug report) but I am desperate for a quick fix to this issue, so any help bringing their attention to the problem is much appreciated.
    Thank you and enjoy the holidays

  • Production Premium CS6 syncing problem with premiere to after effects. "The importer reported a generic error."

    I have CS6 Production Premium suite. I've had it and it works fine on my laptop for a couple years and just bought a new apple desktop and now when I have a project in premiere, it won't allow me to send it to After Effects. I keep getting a "The importer reported a generic error." Really need to get this problem resolved as the laptop is not as fast as it used to be, and I'm working on a short film haha.
    Thank you for your time and help.
    All the best,

    Hi Brandon,
    ascarib wrote:
    After doing the reboot my computer gives me the "You can't use this version of the application "Adobe After Effects CS6" with this version of OS X. Nothing has changed on my computer but it was fine before. What else can we try? Thank you for your patience.
    Make sure that you update After Effects: Can't launch | Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

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