Importing SWF/FLA animated intro...

I created an intro animation in Flash 8 to use as the intro
for our captivate classes.
The animation does not play well, it skips forward through
70% of the animation, and only plays one of the audio pieces.
I dont seem to be doing it right. Also I created the
animation as the same widthxheight as the captivate video but it
seems to be resizing it. Could this be the problem?

Hi there. There are just too many variables to do more than
give you wild guesses. But maybe with some more information ...
We don't speak "does not play well"
, so you'll have to be more specific please.
When you say it "skips forward through 70% of the animation",
I assume you mean that the Flash 8 - generated intro only shows the
last 30%??
And about those "audio pieces" that it only "plays one" ...
how many separate audio files are included in the Flash Intro SWF?
And where are the missing ones time-lined to play (in Flash)?
Open the FLA for the intro and double-check (in Flash 8) what
Flash version you specified when you published the SWF from Flash.
That could be the problem ... try Flash version 7 (if you already
output as version 8) to see if that helps. Let us know what that
does ...
In the meantime, the answer to your other question is "no",
the Flash SWF size shouldn't have any affect at all, because as a
Flash-generated SWF it would be vector-based, so reducing or
enlarging it should be okay ... unlike Captivate SWFs which are
raster-based (bit-mapped) and aren't as "scalable" as
Hope this helps somewhat.

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  • Captivate 5 - import swf "double animation" appear in browser.

    When playing a swf file that was imported into Captivate 5, a double animation appears (the file plays twice.)  However, this effect ONLY happens when played in the browser IE 8. If tested in Captivate, the swf plays only once .
    I've made several attempts for correct his problem with no success.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Did you upgrade your projects from Captivate 4 to Captivate 5?
    There may be some objects in there that are AS2 and you need to get rid of them and replace with AS3 equivalents.  Try replacing your Skin, Preloaders, and any AS2 animations.
    Captiate 5 supports ONLY AS3.

  • Help importing SWF / FLA contact form into FLA file.

    I've been trying to import, embed, or load a contact form into a fla flash website (i have the fla and files) however i cant seem to get it to work.
    The form is separate file, I have the fla source file for it as well.
    I'm using Actionscript 3. I would like to have the form dynamical load into my existing project/page -
    Here is the contact form page -
    any suggestions?

    The contact_page.fla page is a template contact file I purchased on the net.
    I spent most of the morning going through the files and I cant seem to pin point why the contact_page is trying to load contact.swf from my local computer.
    I assume it has something to do with the "contact_page" file and the file.
    I have to admit, I'm in over my head...
    package as3{
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        public class ContactPage extends Sprite {
            public var itemsPath:String='';
            private var xmlCOLORS_DFT:String = 'colors.xml';
            private var colorStatus:Boolean=false;
            public var color_dfr:Object=new Object();
            private var xmMAIN_XML_PATH:String = 'cgal.xml';
            private var mainXMLStatus:Boolean=false;
            public var xmlDate:Array = [];
            private var mainTitle:String='';
            private var bg:BG;
            private var monitor:Monitor;
            public var footerMenu:FooterMenu;
            private var b_colorOut:uint;
            private var b_colorOver:uint;
            public var container:MovieClip;
            public var closeF:Function;
            public var monitorHeight:int=0;
            public var monitorWidth:int=0;
            public var email_for_contact_form:String;
            public function ContactPage() {
                addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, aplLoading);
                addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, remove);
            private function remove(e:Event):void {
                removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, aplLoading);
                removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, appResizeHandler);
            private function aplLoading(e:Event):void {
                var bytesTotal = stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
                var bytesLoaded = stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
                var percentLoaded : Number = Math.floor(Math.round( bytesLoaded/bytesTotal ));
                if (percentLoaded==1) {
                    if (parent!=stage) {
                        closeF= Object(parent).goBG;
                        container = Object(parent).div;
                        xmlCOLORS_DFT =  Object(parent).xmlCOLORS_DFT;
                        xmMAIN_XML_PATH = Object(parent).xmMAIN_XML_PATH;
                    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, aplLoading);
            public function init() {
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, appResizeHandler);
                footerMenu = new FooterMenu();
                monitor = new Monitor();
                bg = new BG();
                var mainLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                mainLoader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onMainXMLLoad );
                mainLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorTrace);
                mainLoader.load( new URLRequest(xmMAIN_XML_PATH) );
                var colorLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                colorLoader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onColorXMLLoad );
                colorLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorTrace);
                colorLoader.load( new URLRequest(xmlCOLORS_DFT) );
            public function colorCgange(obj:Object, color:uint):void {
                var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                colorTransform.color = color;
                obj.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
            private function onColorXMLLoad( event:Event ):void {
                try {
                    var mainData:XML = new XML( );
                    for (var i:int; i<mainData.elements().length(); i++) {
                        var attribCol:Object = {};
                        for each (var attribute:XML in mainData.elements()[i].attributes()) {
                            attribCol[] = attribute.valueOf().toString();
                        color_dfr[mainData.elements()[i].name().toString()] = attribCol;
                    colorStatus = true;
                    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
                } catch (e:Error) {
                    errorTrace("Couldn't load the Color XML file.<br/>"+e.message);
                    trace( 'Color XML Loading Error: ' + e.message );
            private function onMainXMLLoad( event:Event ):void {
                try {
                    var mainData:XML = new XML( );
                    mainTitle = [email protected]();
                    if (Boolean([email protected]())) {
                        monitorWidth = parseInt([email protected]());
                    if (Boolean([email protected]())) {
                        monitorHeight = parseInt([email protected]());
                    if (Boolean(mainData.@email_for_contact_form.toString())) {
                        email_for_contact_form = mainData.@email_for_contact_form.toString();
                    } else {
                        errorTrace("There is no e-mail address.");
                        trace( "There is no e-mail address.");
                    for (var i:int=0; i<mainData.elements().length(); i++) {
                        xmlDate[i] = {title:mainData.elements()[i][email protected](), cont:mainData.elements()[i]};
                    mainXMLStatus = true;
                    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
                } catch (e:Error) {
                    errorTrace("Couldn't load the Main XML file.<br/>"+e.message);
                    trace( 'Main XML Loading Error: ' + e.message );
            private function loading(e:Event):void {
                if (mainXMLStatus && colorStatus) {
                    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
                    if (Boolean(color_dfr.background.color.length)) {
                        Tweener.addTween(bg,{_color:color_dfr.background.color, alpha:1, time:1});
                    } else {
                    monitor.alpha = 0;
                    footerMenu.alpha= 0;
                    colorCgange(monitor.txt, color_dfr.mainTitle.textColor);
                    monitor.txt.text = mainTitle;
                    b_colorOver = uint(color_dfr.buttons.mouseOver);
                    b_colorOut = uint(color_dfr.buttons.mouseOut);
                    Tweener.addTween(footerMenu,{alpha:1,time:1, delay:.7});
            function buttonRoll(e:MouseEvent):void {
                var button = e.currentTarget;
                switch (e.type) {
                    case "mouseOut" :
                    case "mouseOver" :
            public function errorTrace(txt:String):void {
                var err_txt:TextField= new TextField();
                err_txt.width = 300;
                err_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                err_txt.wordWrap = true;
                err_txt.htmlText = '<p align = "center"><font color="#ff0000" size="24">' + txt+ '</font></p>';
                err_txt.x = (stage.stageWidth-err_txt.width)/2;
                err_txt.y = (stage.stageHeight-err_txt.height)/2;
            private function appResizeHandler(e:Event=null):void {
                if (container) {
                    bg.width = container.width;
                    bg.height = container.height;
                } else if(stage) {
                    bg.width = stage.stageWidth;
                    bg.height = stage.stageHeight;
    package as3{
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        import flash.display.BitmapData;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        public class Monitor extends MovieClip {
            private var itemsPath:String;
            private var mainObj:Object;
            private var b_colorOver:uint;
            private var b_colorOut:uint;
            private var mainTitle:uint;
            private var itemTitle:uint;
            private var itemDescription:uint;
            private var xmlData:Array;
            private var container:MovieClip;
            private var mail:String;
            private var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            private var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contactPro.php");
            private var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
            private var senderRpl:String="No";
            private var form_field_arr:Array=['txt_name', 'txt_phone','txt_email', 'txt_message'];
            private var form_def_cont_arr:Array=[];
            private var form_err_arr:Array=["Username Required","","Missing Field/Invalid E-mail", "Message Required"];
            public function Monitor() {
                addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, toStage);
            private function toStage(e:Event):void {
                mainObj = parent;
                container = mainObj.container;
                if (container) {
                    itemsPath = mainObj.itemsPath;
                    req = new URLRequest(itemsPath+"/contactPro.php");
                    Tweener.addTween(b_close, {alpha:1, time:1});
                xmlData = mainObj.xmlDate;
                mail = mainObj.email_for_contact_form;
                b_colorOver = uint(mainObj.color_dfr.buttons.mouseOver);
                b_colorOut = uint(mainObj.color_dfr.buttons.mouseOut);
                mainTitle = uint(mainObj.color_dfr.mainTitle.textColor);
                itemTitle= uint(mainObj.color_dfr.itemTitle.textColor);
                itemDescription= uint(mainObj.color_dfr.itemDescription.textColor);
                var contactFtextColor:uint = uint(mainObj.color_dfr.inoutTextField.textColor);
                var contactFbgColor:uint = uint(mainObj.color_dfr.inoutTextField.bgColor);
                var contactFbrColor:uint = uint(mainObj.color_dfr.inoutTextField.borderColor);
                ///mainObj.colorCgange(b_close.img, b_colorOut);
                mainObj.colorCgange(contactForm.mc_buttons.b_clear.img, b_colorOut);
                mainObj.colorCgange(contactForm.mc_buttons.b_submit.img, b_colorOut);
                b_close.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fClose);
                item_1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                item_2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                item_3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                textFieldFormat(item_1, itemDescription);
                textFieldFormat(item_2, itemDescription);
                textFieldFormat(item_3, itemDescription);
                textFieldFormat(title_1, itemTitle);
                textFieldFormat(title_2, itemTitle);
                textFieldFormat(contactForm.txError, itemTitle);
                contactForm.txt_name.borderColor = contactFbrColor;
                contactForm.txt_name.backgroundColor = contactFbgColor;
                contactForm.txt_phone.borderColor = contactFbrColor;
                contactForm.txt_phone.backgroundColor = contactFbgColor;
                contactForm.txt_email.borderColor = contactFbrColor;
                contactForm.txt_email.backgroundColor = contactFbgColor;
                contactForm.txt_message.borderColor = contactFbrColor;
                contactForm.txt_message.backgroundColor = contactFbgColor;
                textFieldFormat(contactForm.txt_name, contactFtextColor);
                textFieldFormat(contactForm.txt_phone, contactFtextColor);
                textFieldFormat(contactForm.txt_email, contactFtextColor);
                textFieldFormat(contactForm.txt_message, contactFtextColor);
                stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, appResizeHandler);
            private function textFieldFormat(tField:TextField, color:uint):void {
                var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                format.color = color;
                tField.defaultTextFormat = format;
            function buttonRoll(e:MouseEvent):void {
                var button = e.currentTarget;
                switch (e.type) {
                    case "mouseOut" :
                        if( == "b_close"){
                            button.img.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                            mainObj.colorCgange(button.img, b_colorOut);
                    case "mouseOver" :
                        mainObj.colorCgange(button.img, b_colorOver);
            private function fClose(e:MouseEvent):void {
            public function init():void {
                var i:int=0;
                title_1.text = xmlData[0].title;
                title_2.text = xmlData[1].title;
                for (i=0; i<xmlData[0].cont.elements().length(); i++) {
                    this['item_'+(i+1)].htmlText = xmlData[0].cont.elements()[i];
                for (i=0; i<xmlData[1].cont.elements().length(); i++) {
                loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
                req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                contactForm.mc_buttons.b_clear.buttonMode = true;
                contactForm.mc_buttons.b_submit.buttonMode = true;
                contactForm.mc_buttons.b_clear.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, text_field_clear);
                contactForm.mc_buttons.b_submit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sendForm);
                for (i=0; i<form_field_arr.length; i++) {
                    contactForm[form_field_arr[i]].tabIndex = i;
                    contactForm[form_field_arr[i]].text= form_def_cont_arr[i] ;
                    contactForm[form_field_arr[i]].addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocus);
                    contactForm[form_field_arr[i]].addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, outFocus);
                    contactForm[form_field_arr[i]].addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, txErrorCheck);
            private function txErrorCheck(event:Event):void {
                if (contactForm.txError.text.length>0) {
                    contactForm.txError.text = "";
            private function onFocus(event:FocusEvent):void {
                for (var i:int=0; i<form_field_arr.length; i++) {
                    if ([i]) {
                        var text_field_index = i;
                if (contactForm[form_field_arr[text_field_index]].text==form_def_cont_arr[text_field_index]) {
            private function outFocus(event:FocusEvent):void {
                for (var i:int=0; i<form_field_arr.length; i++) {
                    if ([i]) {
                        var text_field_index = i;
                if (contactForm[form_field_arr[text_field_index]].text=='') {
            private function text_field_clear(event:Event=null):void {
                for (var i:int=0; i<form_field_arr.length; i++) {
                    contactForm[form_field_arr[i]].text= form_def_cont_arr[i] ;
            private function sendForm(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                if (contactForm[form_field_arr[0]].text<=0 || contactForm[form_field_arr[0]].text==form_def_cont_arr[0]) {
                    contactForm.txError.text =form_err_arr[0];
                } else if (!isValidEmail(contactForm[form_field_arr[2]].text)) {
                    contactForm.txError.text = form_err_arr[2];
                } else if (contactForm[form_field_arr[3]].text<=0 || contactForm[form_field_arr[3]].text==form_def_cont_arr[3]) {
                    contactForm.txError.text =form_err_arr[3];
                } else {
                    variables.to_mail = mail;
                    variables.senderName = contactForm[form_field_arr[0]].text;
                    variables.senderPhone = contactForm[form_field_arr[1]].text;
                    variables.senderEmail = contactForm[form_field_arr[2]].text;
                    variables.senderMsg = contactForm[form_field_arr[3]].text;
           = variables;
                    loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, phpError);
                    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, receiveLoad);
                    contactForm.txError.text = 'Submitting form.';
            private function phpError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
                contactForm.txError.text = e.text;
            private function receiveLoad(evt:Event):void {
                if ( == 1) {
                    contactForm.txError.text ="Form submitted.";
                    Tweener.addTween(contactForm, {delay:2, onStart:text_field_clear});
                } else {
                    contactForm.txError.text="**  ERROR SENDING MAIL **";
            private function isValidEmail(email:String):Boolean {
                var emailExpression:RegExp = /^[a-z][\w.-]+@\w[\w.-]+\.[\w.-]*[a-z][a-z]$/i;
                return emailExpression.test(email);
            private function appResizeHandler(e:Event=null):void {
                if (stage) {
                    var oWidth:Number = stage.stageWidth;
                    var oHeight:Number = stage.stageHeight;
                    if (container) {
                        oWidth = container.width;
                        oHeight = container.height;
                    if (mainObj.monitorHeight>0) {
                        bg.height =  mainObj.monitorHeight;
                    } else {
                        bg.height = oHeight-20;
                    if (mainObj.monitorWidth>0) {
                        bg.width = mainObj.monitorWidth;
                    } else {
                        !container?bg.width = oWidth-20:bg.width = oWidth-140;
                    b_close.x = bg.x+bg.width+5;
                    txt.width = bg.width - 50;
                    header_bg.width =bg.width-6;
                    this.y =Math.round((oHeight-bg.height)/2);
                    this.x =Math.round((oWidth-bg.width)/2);
                    mainObj.footerMenu.x= bg.width-13;
                    mainObj.footerMenu.y= bg.height-13;
                    title_1.width = bg.width-40;
                    item_1.width = bg.width-40;
                    item_2.width = bg.width/2-30;
                    item_3.width = item_2.width;
                    item_3.x = item_2.x+item_2.width+20;
                    title_2.width = bg.width-40;
                    contactForm.txt_name.width = item_2.width;
                    contactForm.txt_phone.width = item_2.width;
                    contactForm.txt_email.width = item_2.width;
                    contactForm.txError.width = item_2.width;
                    contactForm.txt_message.width = item_2.width;
                    contactForm.mc_buttons.x = Math.round(contactForm.txt_message.x+contactForm.txt_message.width-contactForm.mc_buttons .width);
                    item_1.y = title_1.y+title_1.height+10;
                    item_2.y = item_1.y+item_1.height+10;
                    item_3.y = item_1.y+item_1.height+10;
                    if (item_2.y+item_2.height>item_3.y+item_3.height) {
                        title_2.y = item_2.y+item_2.height+10;
                    } else {
                        title_2.y = item_3.y+item_3.height+10;
                    contactForm.y = Math.round(title_2.y+title_2.height+10);

  • Import a .swf 3D animation in Java

    Dear all,
    I would like to import an .swf 3D animation, which was built in Adobe Flash.
    Is it possible? Is any way to tranform this in Java like type? I have read about the JavaSWF2, I have downloaded some samples, but I cannot transform a .swf 3D animation into e.g. into Java Frames.
    Otherwise, do I have to build this 3D animation as a Java 3D object, writing code from scratch?
    I would like also to ask if anyone has constructed a 3D animation using JavaFX. I read very few things, but I did not find something related to 3D.
    I really appreciate any help.

    Change the frame rate of the animation after you remove the unwanted section.

  • Loss of animation when importing .swf to AE

    I've made an animation in Flash (CS3) of a character who raises it's arm with a duration of 4 seconds.  I'm trying to add this animation over live movie footage by importing it to AE (CC 2014).  However, the animation is static after importing it.  The character is imported, but the animation is lost.

    from After Effects Help regarding SWF import:
    "Interactive content and scripted animation are not retained. Animation defined by keyframes in the main, top-level movie is retained."

  • Import SWF or FLV Jobs

    Hi, I search a way to import FLV-jobs, created with Flash
    Problem: I don't find any way to export a Flash as a FLV-file
    - it takes lot of options, but nut a FLV-suffix.
    Secend Question: Who can I import SWF-files into Captivate?
    The only option I find is "Insert/Animation", which is used for
    animated buttons.
    Thanks a lot for any advice, Wolvo

    Hi Wolvo
    Insert > Animation is what you are looking for. It should
    allow you to insert the following file types:
    * SWF
    * GIF
    * AVI
    * FLA (.FLA is the Flash source file format)
    Seems odd that Flash doesn't have the capability to create
    .FLV format. I'm wondering if you maybe just need some sort of an
    additional file you can install to make it do this.
    Cheers... Rick

  • How do I import my edge animation in indesign so that it can play within a PDF file

    how do I import my edge animation in indesign so that it can play within a PDF file??
    Plz help.

    Hi there,
      Have you tried reading this tutorial on exporting Edge Animate files to be used in InDesign?
      Edge Animate files can be played in DPS folios. PDFs are not capable of playing Edge Animate files at this time. I did find a work around to get SWF files to play in PDF documents:
      I hope this helps!

  • HELP my imported SWF

    I have created an animation of a superman like character flying with the animation being his cape flapping, his eye moving occasionally, and he moves up and down slightly to imitate the movement of flight.
    I exported that animation as a SWF movie.
    I then opened a new document and then imported that SWF file into the library to use, but when I place it on the stage, the functionality doesn't work. The only animation that has carried over from the original file is the cape flapping. The moving eye doesn't work, and he doesn't move up and down anymore.
    I'm quite new to animation in flash, so maybe I'm exporting and importing too many times or something, or I'm just not going about it the right way.
    Should multiple animations be done in the same document? or should they be done individually and then all imported into a new document where they all come together?
    All help and advice most welcome.
    Thank you.

    First of all I done all the artwork in Illustrator, then I imported the pieces into Flash and set them in position, putting on seperate layers the parts that were to to move, eg. the pupil in the eye moving within the eyeball.
    For the cape, I had done what you said not to do, but it's the only thing that's working, ironically. I made the flapping cape animation in a separate flash document using 5 different images and changing to each along the timeline every 1 second. I then exported the flapping cape as a SWF movie and then imported it into the flash file where the body of the character was and positioned it where it should be.
    The eyeball moving occasionally was done using a motion tween, as was the gentle moving up and down of the man flying.
    Then I exported ALL that as another SWF movie so that it was one animation (which actually included 3 different animations. 2 done in the document, and one imported SWF), but it's only the flapping cape that continues to work even if I copy all the layers across instead of importing the SWF.
    I know that all sounds a bit of a mess to people who know how it should be done, but I'm a bit lost at the moment as I'm not sure which steps I should be taking and in which order.
    Thanks for your help with this.

  • Imported swf problem (CP4)

    Hi there,
    I imported a swf file containing an embedded FLV, and put it in the third slide of the project. When I publish/preview, the swf starts playing immediately – I hear the sound and when by the time I go to the third slide the movie is somewhere in the middle.
    Also, the movie runs slowly even though it has the same frame rate as the project, and slows down and even jams the entire project. (The swf size is 4.47 MB. Is it too heavy?)
    Can someone help me figure out these two problems? I have another swf (simple animation, no sounds) and this one works just fine.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Manoj,
    Indeed, looks like it was the _root issue. However, the "fix" widget didn't solve the problem. I already put a "fix" widget in another slide - perhaps you can't use it twice in the same project?
    Anyway, I changed the programming to avoid using _root, and now it works just fine. Thanks!

  • Imported swf

    I am hoping someone will be able to help here. I have a
    10-slide presentation in Captivate 3 and the first slide is a flash
    animation I created in Flash CS3. When I test the project using the
    preview option - In Web Browser everything works fine and as
    My problems start when I publish my project. I have tried
    swf, exe, with and without preloaders; I add a blank slide in right
    at the start to see if that was the problem again with and without
    a preloader. The imported swf does not play no matter what I do.
    After a while though the click button become active and when I
    click it moves on to the next slide. I just need to work out why my
    first slide does not play correct, as this is a key slide.
    I would appreciate any help in resolving this issue.
    Kind regards

    Hi Dave
    I know you have already found your answer, but I have a
    question and/or comment.
    When you published, were you certain to include the
    additional .SWF among the files on the server? If not, that
    probably explains why it failed. By changing to Flash 6, you caused
    the .SWF to be embedded inside the main Captivate movie, hence no
    additional file to ensure you distribute.
    Cheers... Rick

  • How to insert AS to fix audio in imported swf ?

    Thanks to Whyves... This previous post seems to have a solution, Im just not sure where i create layers in my Captivate 4 file? As I go into Project > Actions >???
    5. Mar 31, 2010 4:23 PM in response to: Whyves_
    Re: Captivate 4, interaction SWF using XML and the Reviewer tool Problem
    Part 1:
    Found a way to stop the imported SWF audio when a user switches slides. The following AS3 code was inserted into the imported swf:
    My actions layer:
    root.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkSlideInfo);
    My functions layer:
    function checkSlideInfo(e:Event):void {
        /* if user moves to next or previous slide in Captivate, stops the interaction audio */
        if(root.cpInfoCurrentSlide == 4) {
        } else {
            /* stops audio */
            if (savedChannel!=null) {
            /* resets interaction */
            loadContentToBox(contentBox.contentText, instructions);
    So, for those trying to find a way to stop their audio from imported swfs, there's one piece to the puzzle!!! You CAN stop your imported swf audios or animation audios using the above function in AS3!
    BTW, it would be nice if Adobe would create a book on Essentials to Advanced Actions, just a suggestion since it is somewhat of a programming language and it would be nice to have samples and more informative tutorials to use.
    NOTE: The above function calls on other variables and functions are specific to the interaction. The main piece to focus on is the roo.cpInfoCurrentSlide. It had to equal slide 4 in order to allow the interaction swf audio to play. If the user switched, I stopped the savedChannel (named soundChannel variable in AS3) from playing.

    About your suggestion for a book on essentials for advanced actions. Rick Stone has such a book, for Captivate 4 (Goober Guide).  I have been blogging a lot about advanced actions, with links to tutorials published with Adobe Publishing Application. It is not a book, but could perhaps help you if you did not yet visited the blog. The feedback from readers is pretty positive. Here is a link to a post that has a list with the published articles, a lot of other blog posts explain use cases and principles:
    Articles on Advanced Actions

  • Actions not working to imported swf files in Flash Catalyst

    I have a problem with manipulating my imported swf files (created in Flash professional) in Flash Catalyst CS5. Whenever I add any of the swf control actions to a swf file in the timeline such as 'stop', the animation ignores it and keeps replaying. I tried to add action sequence when a certain button is pressed, and also tried to create 'On application Start' and added 'stop' so that the animation stops immediately when the application opens. No matter what I do, the animation refuses to perform the actions and simply replays. The animation is a simple shape tween between 2 states with no action script attached to it. I published the animation as an swf and exported it to Flash Catalyst. Is there any suggestions whatsoever on why this is happening? Is it something to do with setting up my flash file prior to import? The only way I figured out to stop the animation from playing is adding action script to the flash file in Flash Professional however this is not what I want because I would like the animation to be controlled by components in my flash Catalyst document.

    You can make you swf a custom component with 2 states.
    The first state will be empty and rename it "OFF" the second state will have your swf file and name it ON.
    Then go back to your artboard/project, add your 2 buttons ON & OFF.
    For the ON button add interaction "play transition to custom component ON"
    For the OFF button add interaction "play transition to custom component OFF"
    Here is an example swf_control

  • Slidelet causing imported SWF to advance

    I'm seeing some strange slidelet behavior. I have an imported
    SWF on the slide, consisting of 8 frames. On the same slide are 2
    slidelets. When rolling OFF either slidelet the imported SWF
    advances 1 frame. The slidelets have their own screen real estate
    and don't overlap or interact with the SWF in any way (other than
    this advancing feature/bug ;-) I have tried adding movie stops to
    each frame of the animation, but they seem to be ignored.
    I have also tried various order combinations in the timeline
    of the SWF and slidelets to no avail.
    Ideas anyone?

    Thanks for the suggestion, I think I understand what you are
    trying to achieve. The thing is that the user is asked to interact
    with the .swf and then roll over the answer(s) to question(s) about
    the .swf. Although the .swf and slidelets could be on seperate
    slides, I would prefer not having to switch back and forth between
    slides in order to answer the questions. Before anyone asks 'why
    not just use buttons with captions?', I have tried that, but
    buttons (clickboxes and questions) don't reset

  • Unable to open or import .swf into flash CC IDE

    hello, since I installed flash CC yesterday, I am unable to import .swf file into my .fla neither open .swf file in flash IDE. SWF extension is even not listed in list of supported files (I did all this normally in CS6 and before). When I try to open swf file in flash (because I got some assets in swf and need to edit it and put it to fla) it says something like "one or more files  were not imported because there were problems to read them." Shall I reinstall flash CC again or any other suggestion please ? thank you

    Maýbe you can install the trial CS6 from the product page and then sign in with your cloud ID? It has worked for me before when I had to re-install. After installed it should ask if you want trial or has a license, sign in to license and it should work again I hope. You may have to update CS6 after through the cc manager.
    Adobe should have put a full list of dropped features to read in one place before updating. It´s very poor customer management not to. But wise to all previous updates of Flash I keep every version, for ever if possible.

  • Cannot import SWF with document class (AS3)

    When I try to import a SWF-file (published from a FLA-file with a as3 document class) via the mx:SWFLoader into Flash Builder, the imported SWF is not showing up (as3 build a cube from papervision3d). Which way do you have to import such a SWF-file?
    Regards, Sjoerd

    Attempting to launch and connect to Player using URL preloader.swf
    [SWF] preloader.swf - 9591 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] big.swf - 1785015 bytes after decompression
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at DocumentlClass()
    Cannot display source code at this location.
    My document class (simplyfied):
    package {
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import fl.transitions.Tween;
        import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
        import fl.transitions.easing.*;
        public class CarouselClass extends MovieClip {
            private vars...
            public function CarouselClass() {
                trace("document class triggered");
            private function init(evt:Event):void{
                 texts = new Texts();
                carouselSprite = new Sprite();
                topContainer = new Sprite();
                hitBar = new HitBar();
                hitBar.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - hitBar.width /2;
                hitBar.y = 245;
                downContent = new DownContent();
                downContent.y = 325;
                downContent.title_txt.text = "Learning Carousel";
                downContent.description_txt.text = "Click on one of images above to view further details";
            } ... (more functions)

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