ImportToFlow(...) Broken?

I recompiled my project using the new library packages as
recommended in the other topic I started earlier. Suddenly,
creating my TextFlow object by way of import is no longer working.
This happens both using TLF builds 4648 and the packages contained
within the SDK nightly 4635. Code in question:
// Create a text flow
var markup:XML =
theTextFlow = TextFilter.importToFlow(markup,
This worked fine with the TLF version distributed on Adobe
Labs from November. With the new nightly builds, importToFlow(...)
is returning a null value.
I do have an account on the Adobe Bug Tracking System/JIRA
but I'm not sure if I hit a bug or constructing a text flow has
changed in the past 2 months. Any ideas?

It's requiring the namespace now. Add xmlns=''
to the TextFlow tag.

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    Hi friends! I'm trying to pass my electric guitar via any rack/effects (like Guitarix or Creox) with no luck. I've got this sound card:
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    01:06.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs [SB Live! Value] Input device controller
    I try with QJackCtl and invoking jackd from the terminal with any luck.
    jackd -d alsa -C -P
    jackd 0.121.3
    Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others.
    jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
    could not open driver .so '/usr/lib/jack/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    could not open driver .so '/usr/lib/jack/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
    loading driver ..
    creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
    control device hw:0
    configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods
    ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
    ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
    ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 16bit little-endian
    ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
    jackd watchdog: timeout - killing jackd
    [gabo@machina ~]$
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    00:12:07.126 Client deactivated.
    00:12:07.130 JACK is being forced...
    cannot read server event (Success)
    cannot continue execution of the processing graph (Bad file descriptor)
    zombified - calling shutdown handler
    cannot send request type 7 to server
    cannot read result for request type 7 from server (Broken pipe)
    cannot send request type 7 to server
    cannot read result for request type 7 from server (Broken pipe)
    00:12:07.339 JACK was stopped with exit status=1.
    I can hear my guitar and record with Audacity, but when jackd enter into the escenario everything blows up. I read that nowadays almost any sound card will work with QJackCtl with the default options. I play with the parameters and sometimes jack refuse to start. With the default options on i can make it run, but i get no sound of the racks or guitar effects processors neither the guitar tuners that use jack takes the sound from the guitar. My line input is in capture via alsamixer, but still no luck. Any clue on this? I'm skipping steps?
    Thanks in advance.

    groups && cat /proc/asound/cards && cat ~/.asoundrc && cat '/etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf' && jackd -v
    adm disk lp wheel http network video audio optical storage power users polkitd vboxusers wireshark kismet
    0 [Live ]: EMU10K1X - Dell Sound Blaster Live!
    Dell Sound Blaster Live! at 0xcc00 irq 17
    #pcm.upmix71 {
    #type upmix
    #slave.pcm "surround71"
    #delay 15
    #channels 8
    pcm.!default {
    type hw
    card 0
    ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0
    # convert alsa API over jack API
    # use it with
    # % aplay foo.wav
    # use this as default
    pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave { pcm "jack" }
    ctl.mixer0 {
    type hw
    card 1
    # pcm type jack
    pcm.jack {
    type jack
    playback_ports {
    0 system:playback_1
    1 system:playback_2
    capture_ports {
    0 system:capture_1
    1 system:capture_2
    cat: /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf: No such file or directory
    I have a file called 99-audio.conf
    cat /etc/security/limits.d/99-audio.conf
    @audio - rtprio 99
    @audio - memlock unlimited
    Also i've seen some guys changing this file too:
    cat /etc/security/limits.conf
    # /etc/security/limits.conf
    #Each line describes a limit for a user in the form:
    #<domain> <type> <item> <value>
    #<domain> can be:
    # - an user name
    # - a group name, with @group syntax
    # - the wildcard *, for default entry
    # - the wildcard %, can be also used with %group syntax,
    # for maxlogin limit
    #<type> can have the two values:
    # - "soft" for enforcing the soft limits
    # - "hard" for enforcing hard limits
    #<item> can be one of the following:
    # - core - limits the core file size (KB)
    # - data - max data size (KB)
    # - fsize - maximum filesize (KB)
    # - memlock - max locked-in-memory address space (KB)
    # - nofile - max number of open files
    # - rss - max resident set size (KB)
    # - stack - max stack size (KB)
    # - cpu - max CPU time (MIN)
    # - nproc - max number of processes
    # - as - address space limit (KB)
    # - maxlogins - max number of logins for this user
    # - maxsyslogins - max number of logins on the system
    # - priority - the priority to run user process with
    # - locks - max number of file locks the user can hold
    # - sigpending - max number of pending signals
    # - msgqueue - max memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes)
    # - nice - max nice priority allowed to raise to values: [-20, 19]
    # - rtprio - max realtime priority
    #<domain> <type> <item> <value>
    #* soft core 0
    #* hard rss 10000
    #@student hard nproc 20
    #@faculty soft nproc 20
    #@faculty hard nproc 50
    #ftp hard nproc 0
    #@student - maxlogins 4
    * - rtprio 0
    * - nice 0
    @audio - rtprio 65
    @audio - nice -10
    @audio - memlock unlimited
    jackd 0.121.3
    There are the snaps for QJackCtl
    Also, checkout this stuff that i've recorded with audacity, only from the line and nothing else
    Last edited by iamgabo (2012-12-15 02:21:08)

  • HT1688 I have a damaged I-Phone and I need the contents of my calendar off of it. I did not have Mobile me at the time.  Can I swap out the sim card from the broken phone to a new phone and recover this calendar?

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    Nothing is stored on the sim card on an iPhone.  If you backed up to your computer the backup will contain your calendar events.  Otherwise, if your phone isn't functioning there is no way to back up or extract your calendar at this point.

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    If you power off the iPod, it will turn back on if you connect it to a charger like a wall charger or a computer. I just checked with a charging source to confirm. I knew it did it with a computer.

  • Error during 10.8.2 Update - Appstore and iTunes Broken

    Hi Guys,
    I hope you can help me with this one.
    I just installed the 10.8.2 update trough App Store, then it asked me to restart my computer... During the restart some error message appeared saying that the installation could not be completed due to an unexpected error, and then restarted my computer automatically.
    The problem is, now both my App Store and iTunes are broken, here are the details of the error message I get when I try to launch App Store either normally or using the Apple > Software Update menu option:
    Process:         App Store [419]
    Path:            /Applications/App Store
    Version:         1.2.1 (129.7)
    Build Info:      Firenze-129007000000000~2
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [157]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2012-09-20 15:09:21.308 -0300
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.1 (12B19)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          1063564 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           1
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   8
    Anonymous UUID:                      877BB7B8-8322-4C71-BEFF-67D640D02852
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreRecognition.framework/Versions/A/CoreReco gnition
      Referenced from: /Applications/App Store
      Reason: image not found
    Binary Images:
           0x107a22000 -        0x107aa2fff (1.2.1 - 129.7) <31AAF1C2-2BE9-393B-ABFD-6D869F72E909> /Applications/App Store
        0x7fff67622000 -     0x7fff6765693f  dyld (210.2.3) <A40597AA-5529-3337-8C09-D8A014EB1578> /usr/lib/dyld
    Model: MacBook6,1, BootROM MB61.00C8.B00, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.26 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.51f53
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x0198, 0x393930353432382D3032302E4130304C4620
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x0198, 0x393930353432382D3032302E4130304C4620
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x93), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.0.9f8 10405, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: KINGSTON SV100S264G, 64,02 GB
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545025B9SA02, 250,06 GB
    USB Device: Samsung S2 Portable, 0x04e8  (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.), 0x1f05, 0x24100000 / 3
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, apple_vendor_id, 0x8507, 0x24400000 / 2
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000 / 2
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8218, 0x06130000 / 5
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x0236, 0x04600000 / 2
    I appreciate if you could help me,
    Best Regards,
    Dante Araujo

    I had this problem too.
    Go to
    Download the update manually and install. Worked on my MBP15 retina.

  • How do i transfer my musiclibrary from my iphone to a new computer since the computer the iphone is synct with is broken and no longer works

    if the computer your music library is synct with  is broken how do y transfer your music on your iphone to a new itunes on a new computer

    1. Disable automatic syncing on connection:  iTunes Prefs > Devices > Disable....
    2. Connect phone.
    3. Right-click the device tab on left border of iTunes window and select "Transfer Purchases."  This will transfer all iTunes store purchased music, media and apps to the iTunes library on the computer. 
    It won't transfer non-iTunes store music/media (i.e. CD's you ripped  yourself) and these will get deleted from the phone when you sync.  There are 3rd party apps for your computer which may be able to backup non-iTunes media on your phone.  Google.

  • [LaserJet Pro 200 color MFP M276nw] only vertical lines when scanning, scanner broken?

    Hi all! I have a problem with the scanner in my HP all in one. If I scan (using the printer function or apples ImageCapture: same result) the output is just a lot of vertical stripes (in colors when in color mode). Not a trace of the image I try to scan. The lines are there even if i scan an empty white page. I see the stripes both when doing a preview scan and an actual scan. The problems are very similar regardless of if I use the flatbed or the feeder scanner (they are separate scanner hardware, yes?). I have updated to the latest software for the printer/scanner and I am connecting over bonjour via wireless. I am on Os X 10.9.1. Anybody having similar problems or is my scanner just plain broken? Thanks in advance!Jon

    , , I understand that both of you are seeing vertical lines when scanning from your Laserjet M276nw. First, make sure the printer is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not a surge protector. Now, so I know where to begin I'd need to know the following:If you are seeing the vertical lines when you copy as well as scan?Are you seeing the vertical lines when you copy from the flatbed? The document feeder? both?If you are seeing the lines from both the flatbed and the feeder are they in the same place?Once I know this I'll be better able to assist you.

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    My 2006 MacBook Pro has broken. There is a little bit of drive noise when I turn it on, but then nothing happens. It is no big deal. Most of my files were backed up. There are a few files I would like to recover if possible, but nothing worth a major effort.
    I have seen that broken MacBook Pro's go for about $300 on eBay for parts, so I would like to sell the MacBook Pro. However, I only want to do that after I am sure that my personal data is wiped out. Does anyone know how I can accomplish that? Does anyone know of an easy way to search the old hard drive for some of the data that I lost? Can a Genius Bar take care of this stuff for me (and how much do they charge?)?
    Thank you for your help.
    - Eric

    EricNY wrote:
    I only want to do that after I am sure that my personal data is wiped out. Does anyone know how I can accomplish that?
    The ONLY real secure way to be sure that noone may recover data from your drive is, to remove the drive, and drill one or two 1" holes thru the disk.
    A bit less secure but useful way is, to wipe out the data with a tool that's overwrite all sectors of the drive with randomized data in multiple runs.
    For example: Permanent Ereaser
    Independent tests bring out, that even specialized recovery companies with forensic tools are unable to find useful data after such a run.
    EricNY wrote:
    Does anyone know of an easy way to search the old hard drive for some of the data that I lost?
    There are some recovery tools out there to fit your needs, e.g. MacKeeper

  • I need to install the HP drivers on a laptop with a broken screen in order to get VGA port to work.

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
    Hewlett Packard Model: 2000 2a20ca Notebook
    Oh my god please give me some insight here, it is so hard to find the right answers and I refuse to lose to this technical box that's driving me nuts! So here's the run down:
    My screen broke on laptop...fine. It was connected via HDMI to TV and working fine. Until one day it decided to not turn on. I think due to Windows updates and hubby had no patience so kept restarting
    I tried to reload Windows on it, not thinking about the drivers, and I'm pretty sure I managed to reload Windows. Now I need the drivers to install chipset, networking etc. (which I have a disc for)
    The problem is I cannot see the screen in order to click "install", I can't see the BIOS or the boot sequence. Ugh! And even if I could, the drivers are not installed to use the CD ROM or VGA port.
    I can HEAR Windows start up and turn on! Doo-DO-Doo-DO lol the darn thing is working!
    The monitor works in my other laptop.
    Would/Should the VGA monitor work if I could get it to start in safe mode?
    I've heard of a program that can streamline the driver's into a Windows installation disc so everything is installed altogether but how can I reinstall Windows if the drivers aren't loaded for the CD ROM?
    Is there a way to get the necessary drivers installed? or is this notebook now garbage?

    RocknRoll77 wrote:
    1.  The model number is the first thing at the top aside from the OS.
    2.  In my explanation it states:  "I have the drivers on a disk"
    Thanks for all your help!
    Getting the drivers is not the problem.  Getting the drivers installed on a laptop with a broken the problem.
    Ok, well sometimes you can't use external monitor to see what is happening in some laptops and the only real way to fix this is to fix the broken screen so you can reformat and resinstall the system again. Those are you only options at this point in time.
    I am a Volunteer to help others on here-not a HP employee.
    Replies aren't online 24/7 because of Time Zone differences.
    Remember in this Day and Age of Computing the Internet is Knowledge at your fingertips if you choose understand it. -2015-

  • In an eMail message, when I attempt to save two photos by clicking the 'Save 2 Images' link, not the 'Save Image' link, the images are not saved. (I use I I apologize for the late notice, butOS7 on IPhone5). Is this feature broken?

    In an eMail message, when I attempt to save two photos by clicking the 'Save 2 Images' link, not the 'Save Image' link, the images are not saved. (I use I I apologize for the late notice, butOS7 on IPhone5). Is this feature broken?

    Please don't post the same question multiple times!

  • PDF Portfolio, broken in 9.4.6 also...... not funny Adobe...

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    as per Joel's recommendation, used 4.5 instead - that worked just fine

  • Datagrid Image Renderer Broken in CS SDK but not Flex project

    Within a Photoshop Extension, I have a DataGrid which has an inline custom image renderer whose dataprovider is an ArrayCollection called "photos"  representing a list of photos and some metadata properties.  One of the properties "fileName" is concatenated with a path to a thumbnail image such as source="{'LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}".
    The dataprovider is bound to a LCDS DataService. When the extension is first launched, the dataservice initializes the dataprovider with the existing values for the "photos" arraycollection.  The thumbnail images are correctly shown.
    However, when the DataService receives a new row and updates the photos dataprovider, the datagrid's new row shows a broken image for the thumbnail even though the path is correct.  I have dumped the photos dataprovider and verified that all information is correct.  When I close Photoshop and relaunch it from Flash Builder, once again LCDS initializes the photos ArrayCollection and THEN the thumbnail that previously showed as broken show up correctly.
    I have a ColdFusion Directory Watcher Gateway that watches a directory where Lightroom auto-imports images from a tethered capture session.  When the camera sends Lightroom a new image, the new image is processed by Lightroom and moved to a target directory, and since ColdFusion's Directory Watcher is watching that targeted directory, ColdFusion will create a thumbnail image in a subfolder and notifiy LCDS that of the new image and related metadata.
    *** This is the interesting part *** When Lightroom places new images in the target directory, this is propogated to the Photoshop Extension's datagrid, and the new row shows up as described earlier, showing a broken image for the thumbnail.  BUT, instead of Lightroom, if I manually copy images to the folder where ColdFusion is watching, then exact same code path is exectuted and in the Photoshop Datagrid the new row appears and THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE shows up correctly.
    The difference seems to be only in how the images are put in the original target location.  The problem is when Lightroom puts them there, but it works when I put them there as a user.
    *** More Interesting Info *** I have the Flex code for the Photoshop Extension duplicated in a standalone, non-CSSDK project using Flex 3.4 which I launch in a browser.  I have mirrored the code in the Photoshop extension, but in this manner, the problem does not exist.  With plain Flex 3.4 in a browser, whenever LCDS notifies the datagrid of a new photo record, the datagrid's new row ALWAYS shows the thumbnail correctly.
    A primary difference in how the thumbnail image is rendered is that in a browser, the Flex 3.4 project accesses the image assets over the network, however, in the Photoshop Extension, the image asset WITH THE SAME RELATIVE PATH is accessed over the local file system.
    source="{'LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}"
    So in the case of the browser, this path is a relative URL and the image is retrieved over HTTP, however, in the PS Extension, the same path represents a file system path relative to the project folder.
    Unfortunately, because the Flash Player (including APE) cannot access BOTH the network and the local filesystem, so I cannot change the Extension to use network access.
    ** The important part to remember is that when I stop the Flash Builder debug session and close Photoshop, then relaunch the debug with Photoshop, then all the images show up correctly in the Extension.
    Your advice is appreciated.
    Thank you!
    Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.01 x32
    Flash Builder 4
    CS SDK 1.02
    Extension Builder SDK 3.4
    MacBook Pro / OS X 10.5 / Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz / Procs: 1 / Cores: 2 / Memory: 8 GB
    App configured for Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Extended
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*"
                    horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" verticalGap="0"
                    layout="vertical" horizontalAlign="left"  backgroundColor="#353535"
                public function handlePhotoClick(data:Object):void {
                    this.PreviewImageWindow = PreviewImage(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,PreviewImage,true));
                    var filePath:String = data.dirPath + data.fileName;
                    PreviewImageWindow.y = 0;
                    PreviewImageWindow.x = 0;
        <mx:ArrayCollection id="photos"/>
        <mx:DataService id="ds" destination="NewsAgencyPhotos" autoSyncEnabled="true" autoCommit="true" conflict="conflictHandler(event)"/>
        <mx:Label text="News Agency Photos" fontSize="20" paddingBottom="30"/>
        <mx:Label text="Available Images" fontSize="15"/>
        <mx:DataGrid id="photoIPTC" dataProvider="{photos}" editable="true" width="220" rowCount="5" rowHeight="75" wordWrap="true">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="id" dataField="fileName" width="40" editable="false" sortDescending="true"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="psLock" width="65" headerText="Status" editable="false" editorDataField="value">
                            <mx:ComboBox editable="false">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Photo" dataField="fileName" width="80" editable="false">
                            <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
                                <mx:Image click="outerDocument.handlePhotoClick(data);" source="{'LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}" width="75" height="75"/>
    in this case, one array item existed when launched, then a second was added
    while running.  The first has its thumbnail show, the second item has broken image
      filterFunction = (null)
      length = 2
      list = (
        fillParameters = (Array)#2
        length = 2
        localItems = (Array)#3
          [0] (
            aperture = "F10"
            cameraLens = "EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM"
            cameraModel = "Canon EOS 7D"
            city = ""
            copyrightNotice = "¬© Steven Erat 2011"
            country = ""
            creator = "Steven Erat"
            description = ""
            dirPath = "/Users/stevenerat/LR_AUTO/imported/"
            fileName = "ERAT_STEVEN_20110122_162.jpg"
            focalLen = "42.0 mm"
            headline = ""
            id = 1
            iso = "100"
            keywords = "Alt, Dramatic, Fashion, Girl, Glamorous, Glamour, Inked, Model, Portrait, SOPHA"
            psLock = "New"
            shutterSpeed = "1/128 sec"
            state = ""
          [1] (
            aperture = "F10"
            cameraLens = "EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM"
            cameraModel = "Canon EOS 7D"
            city = ""
            copyrightNotice = "¬© Steven Erat 2011"
            country = ""
            creator = "Steven Erat"
            description = ""
            dirPath = "/Users/stevenerat/LR_AUTO/imported/"
            fileName = "ERAT_STEVEN_20110122_163.jpg"
            focalLen = "42.0 mm"
            headline = ""
            id = 2
            iso = "100"
            keywords = "Alt, Dramatic, Fashion, Girl, Glamorous, Glamour, Inked, Model, Portrait, SOPHA"
            psLock = "New"
            shutterSpeed = "1/128 sec"
            state = ""
        uid = "8BAC025E-60D1-11F1-3654-44BDB0D218CE"
        view = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#6
          filterFunction = (null)
          length = 2
          list = (
          sort = (null)
          source = (null)
      sort = (null)
      source = (null)

    I expected that if my extension uses the local filesystem AND the network that I would get a Security Sandbox Exception as I recently described in this thread:
    However, I just tried changing my datagrid image renderer to access the thumbnail via HTTP and the thumbnail issue after Lightroom export does not happen.
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Photo" dataField="fileName" width="80" editable="false">
                            <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
                                <mx:Image click="outerDocument.handlePhotoClick(data);" source="{'http://localhost:8500/LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}" width="75" height="75"/>
    Furthermore, I can also open the image via the Photoshop DOM, and it does open correctly.  It seems that I do have a solution now, although I'm not certain as to why I'm not getting a Security Sandbox Exception as I described in the other post.
    Thanks for reading.

  • Reporting Services - All Datasets Broken

    Hello there.
    We’re having some problems with Reporting Services on a prod site and I was hoping someone might be able to offer a suggestion.
    Here are the facts :
    We have a SP Server 2010 (not foundation) farm which uses Reporting Services. There is 1 web / application server and 1 SQL server. Reporting Services 2008 R2 is installed on the SQL box.
    Sometime in the last 2 weeks the reports all stopped working (last known report run 2 weeks ago). This was picked up yesterday. I'm not aware of anything being manually changed in the farm to cause this.
    The reports report directly on SP lists using datasets with SharePoint data connections. There is one dataset per list.
    The SQL / Reporting Services box has previously had SP installed on it (Ouch! Inherited system – not sure why SP was installed on SQL box).
    A few weeks ago we stopped all SP services on the SQL box but did not uninstall SP from it. This did not affect reporting at the time.
    When a report fails, we see this message in the UI :
    Looking in the reporting services log messages are like the following, one per dataset :
    Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. ---> System.ArgumentException: Feature '22d91f57-00d1-4e0b-9c04-863a82deaa07' for list template '10001' is not installed in this farm. 
    The operation could not be completed.
    This happens for all datasets for all reports. All datasets are complaining that the feature for the list the data set uses is missing. These are features with list definitions / instances for the lists used in the reports.
    The initial thought was that someone had renamed a field or similar, but this would only impact that one dataset. What we are seeing is that
    all datasets simultaneously broke.
    The features Reporting Services are complaining about are indeed activated in SP in the relevant webs.
    On the SQL box the folders for the features Reporting Services are complaining about are not present in the 14 hive at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES, but then as far as I know they never were. On
    our dev environment we deleted these feature folders but this didn't reproduce the same error.
    We modified an unrelated SP list view yesterday via the SP UI. It’s unlikely but I wonder if there is some kind of list definition XML / voodoo behind the scenes that was interrupted by this.
    If you open the broken report in Report Builder directly from SP (via the list context menu), you can run the datasets OK, and do a test connection for the data source - but if you run the report itself you get the usual error. If I use Report Builder on
    my local machine to try to save to the web where the reports are stored, I get one of the “feature…is not installed in this farm” errors. I can’t even browse to that web in Report Builder without getting the error.
    Things I've tried so far (my infrastructure experience amounts to restart things until they work):
    App pool recycle web server.
    IISReset web server.
    Restart reporting service on SQL box.
    Delete the view I thought might have been somehow related.
    In summary I have no idea what the root cause is here or what has changed recently. I’m a 
    programmer and someone else who is no longer available set up this environment so I’m a bit stuck!
    Thanks for reading.

    We've resolved this.
    It turns out the features it was complaining about really were missing on the Reporting Services box and needed to be present. I wrongly concluded this wasn't the problem initially when we deleted these features on a dev box, restarted a few things and reports
    didn't break. I guess something was still being cached somewhere.
    Best  guess as to why the features went away is that when we disabled all of the SP services on the reporting services box via Central Admin, one of these (probably SharePoint Foundation Web Application), all custom features / solutions were removed
    from the box.
    Moral of the story I think is make sure your reporting services box is a valid part of the SP farm and has all required features present.

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