Impossible d'installer PPCS5

Je dispose d'un nouveau PC sous Windows 7 je ne peu plus installer PPCS5 car il me demande utiliser la version d'évaluation(30 jours) ou de l'acheter alors que je dispose du numéro de serie valide
Lorsque j'indique  le numéro de serie qui est valide il me demande de sélectionner un logiciel Adobes sur le PC
Avant CS5 je possédais PPCS3

If your CS5 is an upgrade from CS3 you need to fill in two serial numbers.
One for Premiere CS3 and then the one for CS5.

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    vous devez cliquer sur installer lion. quand vous êtes dans la partition de récupération.C'est ce que cela ressemble à votre problème est.

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    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
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    Unable to find bootable device, please insert and press any key.
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    That is NOT a Mac OS X message.

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    Hi There,
    I would recommend you to try the below mentioned steps :
    1. Restart Windows
    2. Download Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool
    3. Run Creative Cloud Cleaner tool and choose option 3 and then option 1 to complete the cleaning process.
    4. Once done please rename OOBE folder from these locations:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe
    5. Restart Windows
    6. Download Creative Cloud
    7. Run Creative Cloud file (CreativeCloudSet-Up.exe).
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    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info and other technical details.

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    Moving this discussion to the Acrobat Installation & Update Issues forum.

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    Hi Benoit ,
    Could you please explain more about the issue?
    Why are you unable to install Acrobat XI ?
    Do you get any error message ?If yes please share the screen shot of the same.
    You may try downloading Acrobat with the help of following link and see if that works for you.
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    if there were a widespread problem with compatibility between dw cs6 and win 7 64bit, there would probably be more people posting about the problem.
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    if you get this resolved, please post the solution.

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    Code 6 & Code 7
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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