I have been resisting the conversion from Powerpoint to Keynote due to Powerpoint being the corporate standard and a few problems with the initial release of Keynote. However, I decided to give it a more serious try and I am glad I did. On balance - Powerpoint will see little, if any, additional use.
Another evolution I have just gone through is to dump virtually all of the provided themes - they tend to detract from the visual impact and message. The work I am now doing in Photoshop CS2 and importing high resolution tiff images and true 1080p HD (within the next week as Flip4mac delivers) renders stock themes of little value.
Glad I finally converted - well worth it

It just keeps getting better!
Glad to hear you like it.

Similar Messages

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    Gostaria de saber como faço para incluir um novo dado em um layout padrão do SAP B1, por exemplo: Fluxo de Caixa.
    Toda vez que tento incluir ou alterar qualquer campo o layout traz informações que não tem nada a ver ou repete em todas as linhas.
    Eu queria alterar por exemplo, no Fluxo de Caixa, que ele traga o Nome do PN e não o código do PN.
    Agradeço desde já.
    Antonio Melo

    A questão é que os campos demonstrados no layout de impressão do fluxo de caixa não demonstram de quais tabelas sao os campos.
    Criei um novo campo e o relacionei ao campo Código do PN. Ele me trouxe como resultado o nome do meu primeiro PN cadastrado no sistema para todas as linhas, ou seja, trouxe errado.
    Continuo na mesma.

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    Ricardo Vieira

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  • Impressão do DANFE quando em processo de contingencia

    Boa tarde!
    Estamos implementando a NFe em conjunto com o GRC NFe na versão do ERP 6.0 e SP 15.
    Pesquisei todas as notas de correção do componente XX-CSC-BR-NFE que estão acima do SP e apliquei no ambiente de desenvolvimento. O objetivo é ter a instalação o mais atualizada possivel.
    Ao gerar uma nota fiscal tanto por J1B1N quanto por uma transação de MM (no cenario desse cliente, os processos que geram as notas modelo 1/1A não estão no SD), o documento já é visualizado na J1BNFE aguardando a determinação do nro e envio a SEFAZ (configurei o flag callrfc com o valor 1).
    O sistema esta enviando o documento para o GRC e fica aguardando o retorno. Ainda não estamos com o certificado digital definitivo e com isso não recebo o status de autorizado.
    Até esse ponto conclui que o fluxo esta correto.
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    Ja tentei todas as alternativas... mudei o status para contingencia, cancelei o documento e criei outro, tentei utilizar o docto que esta aguardando autorização.
    Mas ate agora não encontrei uma forma de imprimir a nota ou o DANFE.
    Alguem ja passou por essa situação? Como faço para imprimir o DANFE enquanto não autorização da SEFAZ? Tentei a J1B1N e recebo uma mensagem: "Problema com intervalo de numeração 01 e com objeto J_1BNFNUMB".
    Ja procurei na documentação alguma informação que desse um fluxo de como executar a impressao ou como imprimir em contingencia ou como devo cancelar os documentos...
    toda ajuda será benvinda
    se alguem possuir algum procedimento pratico de como utilizar a NFe com o GRC NFe e puder passar seria de grande valia.
    obrigada a todos
    Márcia Verro

    Bom dia!
    posso resumir o fluxo a ser adotada para a geração da NFe assim:
    1. A partir de uma transação no ERP é gerada uma nota fiscal e nesse caso só e criado o registro nas tabelas somente com o DOCNUM.
    2. Atraves da J1BNFE visualizamos o documento criado e a partir dai geramos o nro da nota fiscal e enviamos ao SEFAZ correspondente. Nesse ponto se toda a configuração entre o ERP e o GRC NFe esta correta, o documento fica aguardando autorização.
    3. Uma vez autorizada, o ERP ira receber automaticamente o retorno do GRC NFe e ai o DANFE pode ser impresso.
    Podemos dizer que essa é uma perna do fluxo onde tudo esta normal e dentro dos tempos aceitaveis pelo negocio?
    Se sim, ai vem uma das questões que ainda não consegui resolver: A impressão do DANFE é automatica? Se não for, qual é o procedimento? Utilizo a J1B3N e executo a impressão da mesma forma que executamos quando a nota é gerada pelo metodo convencional?
    4. Agora se o sistema tem algum problema de retorno, e o negocio da empresa não permite esperar, devemos usar a alternativa de contingencia e imprimir em formulario de segurança, certo?
    Nesse ponto, tenho mais essa questão que não consigo resolver:
    Para imprimir em contingencia, é necessario mudar o status do documento?
    Apos mudar o status, devo cancelar esse documento?
    Para cancelar esse documento, tenho que usar sempre a opção que esta na J1BNFE - solicitar estorno? Esse processo funcionaria para documentos gerados com J1B1N (writer), por MM como MB1B ou por SD (fluxo de venda)
    Ou existem procedimentos para cancelar NFe
    5.Uma vez cancelada a NFe eu tenho que criar um outro documento similar. Esse documento deve estar atrelado a nota cancelada? Ou ficam independentes? Pelo que entendi, para usar a contingencia o segundo documento deve estar associado ao que foi cancelado para que o sistema entenda que é uma contingencia?
    6. Ai faço a impressão via J1B3N
    7. E qdo o sistema estiver disponivel novamente tenho que solicitar o cancelamento no SEFAZ da mesma
    Esse é o fluxo da impressão normal caso a resposta seja dentro dos padroes e se for contigencia uso os passos do 4 a 7?
    Para fechar o meu entendimento dos procedimentos: existe a obrigatoriedade de implementar os metodos da BADI CL-NFE_PRINT ou é opcional em cada projeto de NFE.
    agradeço a atenção
    Márcia Verro

  • SMARTFORMS - Impressão de imagem dinâmica

    Olá senhores, bom dia.
    Estou participando de um projeto no qual devo fazer a impressão de um objeto de imagem  dinâmico, alguém saberia me informar qual a melhor forma de se fazer isso.
    Se possível não gostaria de usar a SE78, o carregamento da imagem será feito pela CV01N.
    Desde já agradeço a colaboração.

    Movendo para o forum correto.
    Equipe de Moderação SAP Community Network

  • Erro impressão DANFE - IE e ST da J_1BSTAST

    Estou com um problema um pouco crítico... será que alguém pode me ajudar?
    O programa de impressão da DANFE não está extraindo a informação de Inscrição Estadual de Substituição Tributária da tabela de customizing (J_1BSTAST).
    Precisamos fazer um novo cadastro para o estado de Santa Catarina (SC) e o programa trouxe informação em branco.
    Antes esta informação era fixa no programa, após solicitação da área usuária, deixamos isso para busca no customizing.
    Já revistei aqui.. mas não estou achando nada.. alguém tem uma luz?

    Obrigada pela respota, o erro estava no smartforms!!
    Impressão do Danfe:
    Área de header, campo C_INSCEST_ST.
    Se estado de destino da NF = u2018MGu2019, a inscrição estadual ST é 001.102628.0044.
    Se estado de destino da NF = u2018RSu2019, a inscrição estadual ST é 096/3339141.
    Senão, inscrição estadual ST é vazia.

  • Flag de NFe impressa no monitor

    Bom dia!
    ao analisar os campos do monitor, verifiquei que o campo Imprimida fica em branco, mesmo que a nota ja tenha sido impressa.
    Verifiquei que esse campo fica na tabela j_1bnfe_active e não é o mesmo campo que esta na J_1BNFDOC-PRINTD.
    Portanto depois de ser autorizada e impressa, ao consultar a nota na J1B3N é possivel ver o flag assinalado, enquanto no monitor fica em branco.
    Alguem ja passou por essa situação?
    Porque esse campo não é atualizado.
    Estou usando a 6.0 SP. Ja apliquei todas as notas com xx-csc-br-nfe que estavam disponiveis na SAP. Portanto acho que o sistema está no ultimo nivel de atualização.
    Agradeço imensamente qualquer dica ou informação sobre esse assunto.
    Márcia Verro

    Boa tarde!
    inclui o comando conforme sua orientação. Veja codigo abaixo.
    Mas não funcionou.
    O monitor ainda não mostra que a nota foi impressa.
    Esse flag não deveria ser atualizado no mesmo momento em que o flag da J_1BNFDOC é atualizado?
    Márcia Verro
    METHOD if_ex_cl_nfe_print~call_rsnast00.
      DATA vl_prnter TYPE RSPONAME.
      IF      i_active-code EQ '100'.         "NF-e autorizada
        AND i_active-printd IS INITIAL     "só imprimir automaticamente se ainda não foi impressa
        AND i_active-cancel IS INITIAL     "não faz sentido imprimir autom. se ela foi cancelada
        AND i_active-conting_s IS INITIAL. "não faz sentido imprimir autom. se ela foi alternada p/conting.
        "pois deverá ser cancelada
        SELECT SINGLE prnter
          INTO vl_prnter
          FROM j_1bb2
          WHERE bukrs = i_active-bukrs
            AND branch = i_active-branch
            AND form = i_active-form.
        IF vl_prnter IS INITIAL.
          vl_prnter = 'LOCL'.
            i_active   = i_active
            i_printer  = vl_prnter
            no_printer = 1
            OTHERS     = 3.
        COMMIT WORK.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              i_docnum = i_active-docnum.

  • A Success Story & First Impressions of New Features

    Like many of you I was plagued with some of the serious problems with updating my Domain file: disappearing photos, missing blog comments, missing link bars at the top of the page etc. I tried the various tip and tricks sugested here with no luck. When the 2.01 update to iWeb appeared last Friday I downloaded it but I held off using it. I had already lost about 6 hours out of my life playing around with iWeb 2.0 with nothing to show for it. After reading many posts saying it didn't help I was going to hold off.
    Don't ask me why, but I changed my mind. Monday I started working on my site. Creating 10 album pages to replace my homegrown versions, adding some navigation aids, relinking etc. I also moved the photo I wanted to show as the album preview to the first position on each photo page. All in all I spent about 8 hours working on the site. I would save every 10 minutes or so and duplicate the domain file and keep several generations of these around. There were no missing photos, crashes or hiccups of any kind.
    This morning I uploaded the site. The first thing I noticed is this version of iWeb seems to be faster creating the files to be uploaded. Much faster. I'm not sure if this is an improvement to the code or a result of the smaller domain files created in iWeb 2. Instead of 15 minutes or so it took 5. The first upload of the files to .mac took just as long as ever, nearly 45 minutes on a high speed cable modem connection. As the upload was completing the first hiccup occured-the upload failed with a message saying there was an error creating a file. I was not optomistic at this point. I figured I was having the upload problem others have reported. All my page icons were back to red and I figured it was back to square 1. At least all the content was still in the Domain file.
    When I hit the upload button the second time it took the same 5 minutes to create the files, but the upload to 30 seconds. It evidently just repaced the file that had the problem. I have since made edits to my site several times and iWeb seems to be much faster uploading the pages. I get the impression it doesn't reupload the whole page content but merely uploads the changed portion. I added a text box to 30 pages and the changes uploaded to .mac in about a minute. I am very pleased with this increase in speed.
    As for the site itself I love the new features. I love the picture gallery where clicking on a picture opens up a larger copy and gives you thumbs of the other pages. I tried my site in 3 different Mac browsers with no issues and also the latest IE for Windows running under Parallels 3. Unlike what others have reported, my slideshows appear normal size on the PC. I like the new album pages and the automatic linking they provide. In iWeb itself I like being able to collapse the album folder to reduce the clutter in the navigation sidebar. I like the fact you can create a blank page now. You don't have to strip another page type to get a blank page. The skimming effect on album pages works equally well on the Mac or PC side. One interesting thing I have noticed is the picture captions are in a different font on the PC side. I use the Freestyle template for my site and the picture captions are in a handwritten style font (Handwritten-Dakota). In the past these would be converted to .png image files so they would display correctly on the PC. In this version the fonts are rendered in a serif font that looks like times. I imagine this may make the page load faster but I'm not surre if I like this feature or not. The page does look drastically different.
    Speaking of dislikes there are a couple. I wish iWeb would ask you before it goes and downsamples your photos while converting to the 2.0 format. I don't like the idea that if you want to use the high quality hi res versions you have to reinsert and recaption them. Like many others I would like to be able to turn off the download button when viewing the photo galleries.
    While I think Apple deserve a spanking for the initial release of iWeb 2.0, now that the patch seems to be working for me I feel it is a worthy upgrade. I am 90 percent happy with the new features and I think the other 10 percent can be tweaked by Apple in response to user feedback. If you'd care to stop by and visit my site here is the address:
    I hope those of you still having trouble will get your sites up and runing soon. If you held off on the 2.01 upgrade, you might want to give it a shot (after backing up your Domain file). I was pleasantly surprised.
    Jim Mahoney

    Thanks for your account and experience with the new iWeb.
    Nice site now, although vegetarians better skip it
    I personally got rather hungry viewing it. And it is only 13.30 here.

  • FiOS TV: First Impressions of a New Customer

    I’ve been a DirecTV customer for about 10 years. D* has been my primary provider except for 2 years when Dish Network was. I had switched to E* because D* had something like 12 HD channels while E* had the VOOM Network channels. I dropped E* like a hot potato when they dropped VOOM, and D* took the lead in HD content.
    I’ve had DVRs for the past 10 years. I have a 55” Hitachi plasma HDTV, as well as HD DVD and Blu-ray players. So basically, I’m a well-educated consumer with lots of grounds for comparison.
    I just had FiOS installed over the weekend. I switched for 3 reasons: to save money, get more HD content, and to get better HD quality. Here’s how I think that FiOS TV measures up to D* and E*:
    HD Quality: D* and E* both have very good HD quality, E* probably a little better than D*. FiOS is better than both though; it simply has the best HDTV picture that I have seen – the colors are more vivid and the picture sharper. It is very near Blu-ray quality. It’s beautiful, really.
    HD Content: I’m a big fan of premium movie channels; yes, good old fashioned linear movie channels. I use NetFlix too but sometimes I just want to channel surf. As I write this I’m watching “Shooter” with Mark Wahlberg. I never would have rented this movie, or watched it on demand, but it’s pretty good.
    Including East and West Coast feeds, FiOS has 42 HD premium movie channels compared to 15 on D*, and for just $30/month. There’s no comparison really.
    Pricing: Bundling my phone, Internet and TV with FiOS will save me $90/month for the first 3 months and $50/month for 9 months after that, for a total savings of approximately $720. Plus my Internet speed went from 3 mbps with DSL to 20 mbps with FiOS.
    DVR: The best DVR that I’ve had was an UltimateTV DirecTV receiver that I bought 10 years ago – that box rocked, it had PIP, a great guide, and it was very responsive.
    When I upgraded to HD I got the original DirecTivo – {please keep your posts courteous}  No PIP, a super-slow guide, no video or audio when viewing the guide or menus, etc. This crappy D* HD DVR was part of my motivation for switching to E*.
    Dish Network’s DVR was very good, almost as good as UltimateTV. It had PIP, a true 16:9 guide, and was easily extendable via a USB hard drive.
    When I went back to D* I upgraded to their HR2* series DVR and it was pretty good, much better than the old DirecTivo. It had a big hard drive. The guide was OK, 4:3 stretched to 16:9. It was hard to change Favorite lists though. It was also a little sluggish, and it didn’t have PIP.
    The best thing about FiOS’s DVR is that it is very responsive; when changing channels, the channels come up quickly. The DVR controls are also quick. I like the idea of the guide – different colors for different types of shows (red for movies, green for sports, etc.) but the non-stretched 4:3 aspect ratio is TERRIBLE; I don’t need a true 16:9 guide but at least stretch the 4:3 guide to 16:9!
    The hard drive is tiny – only 20 hours of HD content. However, I’ve seen rumors on the Internet that Verizon will be adding external hard drive support in ’09.
    No PIP currently but the box has DLB and technically will support PIP; Verizon just has to do the work on the software side. And they should!
    Installation: The install went OK. The installer was an older guy and he was very good. The only bummer was that when another contractor previously ran the fiber to my house he cut it for some reason. So the installer had to call in his boss to splice it. I don’t know if this affects the quality or not but it freaks me out a little bit.
    Customer service: Poor so far. I was supposed to have the Extreme HD package but only had the Essentials package when the box was activated. I had to talk to literally a dozen people before I got to someone who could actually help me. With D* and E* I usually got someone who could help right away, and they could push the signal immediately. With FiOS, it took hours to upgrade the service.
    Every system has its warts and FiOS has a few. However, all in all FiOS seems like a darn good deal! IMHO, it’s a keeper!
    Message Edited by KaLin on 12-15-2008 10:35 PM

    Welcome to the forums!
    I had DirecTV before I made the switch to Fios.  We had plenty of issues with DirecTV that made my wife and I so frustrated that we had to switch to something else.  DTVs hardware was a joke and we would always lose our satellite signal during your average rain shower, even though our sat signal always showed high 90s during clear days.  Their DVRs were the worse and we found ourselves resetting them several times a week just because they frequently locked up or started behaving strangely.
    Fios definitely has their issues, especially their DVR.  I'm crossing my fingers that most of their issues will be resolved with this upcoming major firmware release.  You should report back to us in a month and give us an update on your impressions after having Fios for a while.

  • First Impressions: New MacBook Air 13" - 128GB HD - 2GB RAM

    Thought I'd post some initial impressions here for those who are asking questions about memory, heat issues, noise, hinges, hard drive space etc.
    This week I purchased the 13" MacBook Air, 128GB HD, 2GB RAM config in Apple Retail store. Ultimately a couple days later I ended up returning it and ordering the 2.13GHz upgrade, 256GB HD and 4GB RAM via Apple Store online. I'll tell you why at the end of this post.
    Initial impressions:
    - Gorgeous, well-designed machine. Feels great to use. Very solid.
    - I chose the 13" over the 11" because the resolution seemed slightly higher, it was easier on my eyes and the 11" tended to bounce a bit when used in my lap while the 13" did not.
    - I used Dropbox as my drive in the cloud for Documents, Photos and Videos (have been doing that for a while) as it allows you to get away with a smaller drive footprint.
    - I did NOT yet have MS Office installed.
    - For a mobile laptop, the new MBA cannot be beat. It's sleek and solid. No heat issues. Fan rarely came on if at all.
    - I was using about 38GB of the 128GB drive. So I was glad I did not buy the 64GB 11", although I really, really wanted to like that smaller one.
    - I installed a RAM monitoring app in it to see how much of the 2GB would be used under normal use (is there even such a thing anymore?). Without using MS Office, just surfing the web and using default OS apps, the lowest amount of RAM I had available was 700MB, so roughly 1.3GB was being used up in the worst scenarios. Despite this, it zipped along with multiple browser tabs open, uber-fast bootup and shutdown and really long battery life.
    - I appreciated the fact that the 13" has 2 hours longer battery life than the 11". Ultimately that 7 hours played a big factor in why I bought the 13" instead of the 11".
    - Bottom line? Definitely rate this a BUY. In spite of the omission of the backlit keyboard, it's a good machine; though I would NOT recommend it as a replacement for a MacBook Pro. It is a mobile computer. Fully functional, but I would not do heavy video editing or graphics work on it. For everything else it's superb and feels wonderful in your hands.
    Why I ultimately took it back to the store.
    I liked using it so much that I figured I may be using it more than my MacBook Pro, and as such wanted to max out the chip speed, RAM and HD space on it. Currently as of this post date you cannot get the higher performance MBAs in-store. You can only order them direct through Apple.
    I ordered the 2.13GHz MBA with 4GB RAM and 256GB HD. It takes 2-3 bus days for them to configure it at Apple and another 2-3 bus days to ship to you so should get it next week.
    For anyone considering buying this machine, I give it a strong thumbs up. For most users, the 13" 128GB and 2GB RAM should be fine. If you're looking to replace an existing MBP (wouldn't recommend it), you probably want to order through Apple and get the upgrades.

    After calling the customer service they told me I should receive before the 8 of November that makes 18 days!
    Adam, that's nothing. When Apple introduced the liquid-cooled PM G5s, we had to wait over 2 months before Apple shipped them! They may halted production to fix the apparent video flaws a lot of people are experiencing. The longer you wait, the less chance you may get a lemon.
    Check out the new remodeled MacOSG website! 24-hour Apple-related news & support.
     MacOSG: An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast  Follow us on Twitter: MacOSG

  • Not impressed with Mail/iCal in Leopard

    Just upgraded to Leopard, so far the few new changes are outweighed by the problems and shortcomings.
    First, my signatures are messed up, in particular the logos used. Help file provides little if any help in setting up logos in sigs.
    In iCal, when a note was attached to an event, I could view the note immediately in the sidebar.
    Now in Leopard, one must double click the event to show notes...not impressed.
    I think these are excellent applications, but have a long way to go before becoming really useful.

    Relying on mail applications for logos in signatures is not a good idea. Support for inlined images by mail client is so disparate in standards by each client, some people may see the logo, others will not. Furthermore, attachments received are frequently blocked by those fearing viruses. Regardless of Mail's supported features, I would not get annoyed at the logo support changing as it is non-standard to begin with, and will always be as long as viruses masquerade into spam people receive.
    is where you can offer Apple both Mail and iCal feedback respectively. You can also submit bug reports here:

  • First 'impression' of Safari 3.0 Beta in the first 5 minuites of use.

    I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium and just downloaded Safari 3.0 for Windows Public Beta (Not included Quicktime)
    The installation is processed smoothly.
    I used it 5 minuites and my first impression is nothing but BUGs BUGs BUGs.
    Alway Crash:
    1. When click anything concerning Bookmarks, Safari crashes. (In other word, cannot use Bookmarks.)
    2. When fill in any form, Safari crashes.
    3. When access any pages with Javascript, Safari crashes.
    Sometime Crash:
    1. When access some pages, Safari randomly crashes. Ordinary pages such as this website itself. The symtom is both CPU core work reach 100% and needed to restart computer.
    2. Randomly show message like "file not found, need reinstall." in any page, of course, even this page.
    1. Cannot click on the button on the taskbar to minimize.
    2. When minimize and restore, the Safari window going in restore down state.
    3. Memory leak as I monitering RAM usage: increases more than 100MB when open Safari.
    4. Font smoothing shows almost illegible.
    Let down function:
    1. Safari 3.0 for Windows Public Beta is the slowest web browser among all of browsers in my notebook. (IE7, Firefox, Opera, Cameleon Browser.)
    STOP! saying "This is just a BETA!".
    I love to test beta software and report bugs. I'm not a techical geeks so my testing method is to use them just as I always use in everyday life. No tweak or special use I squeesh to the program. I understand the BETA is not FINAL and of course, have more bugs than FINAL.
    But this is not what I call bugs. I call "cannot be used."
    How can you guy call this "PUBLIC" Beta? Have your programmer even see it in action in Windows before release to public?
    This application is the second Apple application I experienced. (The first is iTunes.) It totally let me down because when compare with Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1 I tested last year, Safari 3.0 Public Beta is not in my sight.
    How can you apply guy convince me that Apple is better than Microsoft since I compare just an essential small program and found no pros, even both are in beta state?
    Hope to see Beta 2 with no major crash in the first 5 minuites usage.
    ASUS W7F   Windows Vista   Intel Centrino Duo 2.00GHz 1.5GB DDRII Ram

    Downgrading via Archive and install is notoriously unreliable. It is much safer to simply retrieve your backup you made before you installed the update after an erase and install. Of course you make at least two backups. Selective file recovery may be in order, such as found in migrating from PowerPC to Intel Macs:

  • I received a pre owned iPad. I have verified my account. When I try to install app it says I have not verified my account. I even did the 2nd step and it still says account not verified. This is my 1st experience with Apple and so far I am not impressed.

    Received iPad from relative as Christmas gift as they upgraded to mini. I have registered and verified my account. When I try to download apps I
    And I put in my password it say I have not verified my account. Apple wants to charge me 19.00 to help me. This is my 1st apple product. So far I am not impressed with the customer service. Can someone please help. I have even done the 2nd step verification and still the same thing. Please help this was a gift for my child and he cannot even use it! Please help!!!

    but cannot do this because I cannot access Mac App Store
    If you can't access the App Store from the Apple menu, Dock, or Applications folder installing the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo will reinstall the App Store for you.
    It's ok to do this even you are already running v10.6.8.
    Plants vs. Zombies, and that is all for additional software on here
    FYI:  Some third party software can cause issues with the App Store >   Mac App Store: Sign in sheet does not appear, or does not accept typed text
    Apple is not responsible for incompatibility isssues with third party software.

  • My "regular guy" impressions of using the Apple Watch for a few days

    I was asked by friends to give my impressions of owning an Apple Watch. I guess it all comes down to:
    Is the Apple watch worth about a dollar a day for the first year, and free thereafter? 
    I guess that depends on how much value you put on being able to leave your phone on silent, remaining in your pocket most of the day.
    Because of the Taptic notifications, which are distinct "taps" on the wrist by the Watch for different things, I no longer have to keep my phone volume on all day (iPhone vibrations weren't strong enough in my pocket to notify me reliably) leading to a much nicer all day experience. On top of that, when I do get a notification, I can quickly flick my wrist to see what it is instead of digging my phone out. Much nicer to quickly glance at the latest 20% off offer from "YouNeedThis!.com" and dismiss it than dig the phone out, unlock it, click on mail, ...grumble.
    The ease of notifications alone makes it worth it to me. It is easy to quickly respond most of the time, too. I find myself using my phone WAY less, which is refreshing (and I am sure appreciated by those around me.)
    And the chirps, pings, whistles that used to emanate from my pocket all day are gone. Ahhhhh.
    A few other things I have found convenient:
    Actually knowing the time, date, weather etc. easily.  Sure, I could have been wearing a wrist watch for some of that, but for the last few years I have used my Smartphone for these things. They are just so much simpler on the wrist.
    Answering the phone easily when doing something.  I am not one to wear a Bluetooth headset around like a Borg, so being able to easily answer when my wife calls as I am fixing lunch for the kid is really convenient.
    Having the next thing on my daily calendar right there visible when I look at the Watch. I use the Mickey Mouse watch face normally (hey, I have an 18 month old daughter who loves pushing and seeing Mickey "dancing") and right there on the bottom it tells me the next thing on the list. I don't know how other folks do things on their phones, but I always had trouble sifting through notifications on the phone seeing what was on the agenda for the day. Yeah I could go to the calendar several times during the day on the phone, but it wasn't convenient. It is simple on the Watch seeing what is coming up during the week. And I say "week" because the Watch only shows you what is coming up in the NEAR future. To me that makes sense. Again, it is all about quick information and what works best in a glance. On the Watch it makes sense to quickly see what is coming soon. On the phone it makes sense to meander over months and make full edits in a more convenient manner.
    Setting quick timers, reminders or alarms is a breeze using Siri on the Watch.  So much more convenient than digging out the phone.
    Getting a quick overview on the Watch on how active I have been (or not been) has already spurred me to get up and move more often. Yes there are other devices that help with this (I had a Fitbit previously) but having it all self contained within the Watch is nice and (here I go again) convenient.
    A few things that are not perfect on the watch:
    The speaker is pretty quiet when trying to have a hands free "Dick Tracy" conversation. Any kind of louder noise in the room and you will have trouble.
    Apple is synonymous with consistency. Their entire platform is built on making a consistent experience for everyone that just works.  On the Watch, however, there are some inconsistent uses of actions to do certain things. For example, sometimes when I get a notification and I want to dismiss it off the watch I can "Force press" which brings up a "Clear All" button to tap. Other times I have to scroll to the bottom of the notification to "dismiss." I like the "Force press" thing... let's make it happen consistently.
    Most apps now are really pretty useless on the watch.  For one thing, the screen times out too quickly for them. For another, anything in which one needs more than a glance to get the information is MUCH easier to do on the phone. Of all the apps in the Watch App store, the only things I have downloaded and find I actually use are a quick note dictation app, a "what is nearby me" type app, and a sports scores app. That being said, I am perfectly OK with that because that is really not what the Watch is for in my opinion. We aren't SUPPOSED to be doing things on the Watch that are more easily done on the phone. Things that are designed to be quick (check time, check weather, check who just sent a message) are great on the Watch. Things like searching for the best item on Amazon are just ridiculously silly on the Watch (really, Amazon?)
    Conspicuously missing from the core apps on the Watch is Apple's "Notes" app. A perfect use for the Watch is to quickly take a note of something you need to remember later. I was forced to download a 3rd party app, Evernote, for this. The Evernote app works well, but I am very surprised that this was missed by Apple as a perfect example of what would be helpful to use the Watch to do.
    There is no way to set the "screen on" time to a custom time period. Six seconds or so is default and unchangeable. This makes the Watch worthless for anyone in a health profession. Nurses and EMTs still take pulses using their watch to time the heart rate. Often, with irregular heart rates, a full 60 seconds must be observed. One just can't do this with the Watch. This is quite surprising as the Watch has actually been marketed to health workers with apps even designed solely to assist health workers in their daily planning. Apple clearly wanted to be able to control battery life with such a quick screen off "feature" but allowing us to decide for ourselves the tradeoff of battery life vs. usability would be a much better choice.
    There are ways to make Tweets, Facebook status updates and the like on the Watch, but it really doesn't make sense to try to do it "all" socially on the Watch.  It is so much easier on the phone to actually interact socially, that it really only makes sense to do so on the Watch in more of a "one off" way. When you just have to share something quickly, but don't really have time for give and take.
    Finally, some things work a bit slow or wonky right now. I expect this to improve greatly over time with future versions of the software. Stuff like this ALWAYS gets better.
    So for me, the Watch is working as I expect it should. There are certainly improvements that Apple can and will be able to make, but it is saving me time, adding ease of use to many actions I do every day, and is kind of fun to use. I am enjoying it because I am not expecting it to do things for which ANY wearable would not be well suited. The things it is best for, it does pretty well.
    That is worth a dollar a day... to me at least.

    To put the iPod into forced disk mode, this is what you should be doing.
    Press and hold the Menu and Select buttons for at least 6 seconds until the Apple logo appears.
    When the Apple logo appears, release the Menu and Select buttons and immediately press and hold the Select and the Play/Pause buttons until the Disk Mode screen appears.
    Have you also seen this?
    iPod shows only an Apple logo and doesn't start up.

  • HELP! Without any prompting for such a download, Firefox tells me 'Thank You for choosing Firefox 4', & I have lost ALL of my bookmarks! I absolutely need to restore them, please please help. Not impressed at all!

    I am shellshocked.... so far I am not happy with Firefox's latest effort. When I first got this version, my 'saved tabs' function did not work, which I use regularly, and I lost vital site information with the update. I figured out how to fix this by changing a setting, and figured my problems were over.
    But NOW without any prompting from me, Firefox re-opened, having lost the tabs I had, yet again, and instead opened up two new tabs, 'Welcome to FireFox' (ty for choosing firefox4), and 'Mozilla Firefox Start Page', AND I have lost all my bookmarks!, WTF! Please help me to restore them, I have tried the help info provided, but they are still not restored :( Some of those treasured bookmarks, an extensive list, I will never get again, unless I can restore the ones I had. :( NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL.

    Ok this is bizzare!
    Thank you for your response, I went throught each and every step without any luck, even got the recovery programme, and painstakingly tried to sift through all that mumbojumbo to find what i needed. finally found the bookmark bit, but it had been fully overwritten :(, so on reading about previous ff versions, found the sqlite thingys, and they were relatively unscathed(partly written over, but saveable apparently TG), saved them to adiff drive, amongst other possibly good folders. Then looked up how to install them, and it said to close FF, and install to profile folder.
    So i tried to close FF, and the original problem from a few days ago, where it asked me if 'i was sure i wanted to close this window as it has X tabs open', popped up again. This is where 'open blank page' selection was set, over 'open previous tabs'. Wanting to save that info on how to sort out these friggin files, I reset the Option to 'open previous tabs', and closed FF. After unsucessfully searching for the profile folder on my laptop, i opened FF intending to search online for where i could find said folder.
    AND BANG, surprise surprise, the FF I had just closed with only tabs open about finding out what the heck to do, had disappeared, and instead my original saved tabs were up, and my bookmarks are there..... I am gobsmacked! what the heck just happened there???
    I have made 3 back up in different folders now, of those friggin bookmarks. I am weary now tho of shutting it all down.... what if its back to the other pages I had with no bookmarks, tomorrow :(

  • S10-3t First impressions and hands on review

    Hello everyone!
    I got my s10-3t yesterday as expected from  They had the best all around deal that should cost me about $460 after Bing Cashback.  I got the 8 cell battery and the 250GB HD....nice setup. 
    I ordered a 2GB memory upgrade from for $35 shipped.  It should arrive tomorrow.
    I also ordered a Targus netbook case from Amazon, but am sad to say that this thing with the battery installed is too wide to fit the case.  It was the best selling choice for 10.1" netbooks, but it just doesn't fit this one.  I've ordered a replacement case...I'll post my success when it arrives.
    So, onto the review:
    Out of the box, this took only about 5 minutes to power on and setup.  Lenovo tries to get you to pull the trigger on several add-on apps upon booting the first time, but you can skip it.  These are programs like ID vault and other useful but unnecessary programs. After skipping that, I setup a few things for Windows, and we're in!  My wireless network detected without a hitch.  I'm using a Zyxel 550N router...great signal and reception. 
    Touch screen:
    I was anxious to try the touch screen, so I dove in and tried the lenovo installed stuff 1st. Lenovo Natural Touch is the app that appears to be much like the U1 interface shown at CES.  Very "Iphone-like".  It runs a little laggy at first, but when you get a feel for the touch speed, it is actually quite responsive.  I tried playing with pictures and the multi-touch works great!  IT DOES WORK without having to upgrade windows to a higher version than starter edition...but, using lenovo's custom software.  I played the sample video which ran pretty smooth and looked just fine.  I then tried the notes app and recorded a video of myself which worked as expected.  I was able to write on sticky notes witout a problem using my fingertip.  I also bought a Pogo which I think works fine for the touch points and just okay for actual writing. 
    So, I had a license for Win7 Pro and decided to install it since it added full support for tablets.  I got a student deal for $29 a while back...couldn't resist.  So, I did the anytime upgrade and it took about 20 minutes total.  Whalla...Win7 Pro.
    I quickly installed Office 2007 including OneNote.  They all work fine and multi-touch works to zoom in Word and powerpoint.  OneNote is super for this tablet!!!  You can take documents and use a highliter on screen or scribble notes on top of text documents...VERY COOL and will be quite useful!
    LCD quality
    The screen is beautiful--very clear and while reflective/glossy, the quality is excellent, bright and easy to look at.
    The screen of course can be viewed vertically or normally.  In portrait mode, I found the picture to be a little less sharp and it puts a slight strain on the eye.  I'm not sure if its the refresh rate or what, but there is a slight metallic sheen to images and a little bit of a contrast issue.  Nothing major, but definitely noticeable.  By default, the accelerometer is turned off
    Web tests:
    It of course has IE, but I downloaded Firefox for security and personal preference reasons.  Both run fine.  They both seem to respond to the multitouch and the spread gesture zooms in, while swiping scrolls.  You can easily navigate like you would on an Iphone.  Speed was good. 
    I played a few flash games and they played full speed.  My 3 yr old daughter even played some games at and used the touch screen to control them with ease! 
    I then tried streaming movies on netflix....perfect playback although the screen size and format can waste a little screen real estate.  I played a 4:3 movie and it wasted a lot of space until I went full screen...the small browser window made it so you had to scroll up or down a bit in order to see the whole picture.  Going full-screen fixed it.
    So, flash and silverlight work just fine.  I plan to try some other games soon to push this a little....I'll report back as I get time.
    I have no experience with other units that have the RF pens, but I can say that the inking/writing is not overly intuitive.  Windows Journal and other tablet apps work great though.  One I train myself and calibrate this to my writing, I think it'll improve a lot.  The pen/highlighter that I can use in other Office apps is going to be useful for research and school work.  The handwriting recognition is not super and almost a waste for inputting a lot of text, even with the Pogo stylus I bought.  Plan to use this for drawing and less detailed writing...
    Misc. Stuff:
    SD card reader works great and you can flip through pictures on the card via the Lenovo Natural touch app.  The speakers and sound quality are not good at all.  It is very "tin-ny" and not loud, though in a quiet room I guess it would be ok.  Voices in a movie are audible, but the EQ is bad.  I didn't try headphones, but I'm positive that they'd improve the listening experience.  A program called "Bumptop" is included an pretty cool to show off touch features.  It creates a 3-D environment for files and pictures that you can move around and stick on walls, stack up or sort.  A brief tutorial shows you how...pretty cool.  Like many other Lenovo products, this too has the facial recognition which works okay.  It came with McAfee security suite on it, which I promptly removed since I'm not a fan.  I am just using MS Security Suite and Malicious SW fine for me.  I won't do any risky browsing anyway on this.  I haven't tried an eBook, but I think this won't look any different than a regular notebook.  The screen is certainly not e-ink though I think it'll serve the purpose for those of us who want the capability, but don't plan to buy a kindle or even the iPad.
    The 8-cell battery works great as a grip when using this in portrait/tablet modes.  The keyboard has a nice feel to it, though fast touch-typists like myself are going to struggle when trying to type a lot.  The left-hand side of the KB is slightly smaller for shift/tab/caps keys, but still very useable.  Full sized keys, but the layout is just slightly off. The SD slot is in the front and covered when not in use...
    Final Thoughts:
    I bought this because I wanted something to travel with and Apple didn't really announce what I needed in January.  So, I wanted something new and cool...which this is.  I thought the idea of a touch interface was in line with progress and I'm happy I got this.  For the price, this is a sound solution for a netbook that gives you just enough "shiny and new" to keep interest.  The touch is not a gimmick and I will make use of it for sure.  The build quality is solid and the look/finish is beautiful, though a finger print magnet for sure.   Overall, I must say that I am quite happy with this purchase.  As a Mac user, I often have a less than stellar outlook on PC machines, though Win7 is a huge improvment.  Not without the issues that plauge all Windows machines, this Lenovo is exactly what I wanted and will prove to be a great 2nd laptop and travel companion.

    My review will be very brief, i just received it, so didn't experience a lot of features but on the whole am very happy with it and share the impressions posted below.  I purchased the DAGi stylus for 25$  to write on quick notes and Windows journal and it completes my finger quite well. So the lack of a built-in stylus shouldn't demotivate anyone from purchasing this  and Lenovo technical support has been very friendly and helpful in the one issue i had  due to my lack of experience. It's a perfect device for travelling and to use as a second laptop.

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