Incongruous sightings of LabVIEW/NI

After a busy week at work trying to make headway on an automated product test system, I'd gone back to my parents' for a belated Thanksgiving meal (no public holidays for us in the UK, even as an expat :/ ) and woke up this morning with nothing to do but read the papers.
Flick to the Sports section in the Telegraph, and there's an article on Christian Eriksen, one of Tottenham Hotspurs' new signings this year. The interviewer caught up with him at an education day for a demo of the club's future UTC. Part way through, I read the following line:
"The 21-year-old joined prospective students in trying out Haptic robot arms and a myRIO power helmet, the new wave of technology designed for sport and the medical arena."
Curiosity piqued, a quick Google takes me here:
Remember, that's Eriksen - not Altenbach
Nice bit of free publicity!
Anyone else had any incongruous NI/LabVIEW sightings recently?

Ben wrote:
I am a member of Sigma Pi Sigma so I get updates from Physics Today including job listings. I review them just to keep up but I found a interesting job listed...
A LabVIEW Developer.
This is the URL,3913B,H9XCHI,BMXQ2,1
May be one of Y'all can make use of this info.
Otherwise take it as sign that LV has become a part of the physics world.
"Document software, including requirements, design, code, user manuals, and online help"
That responsibility should narrow the field a bit

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  • Open and close multisim contact with LabVIEW

    Can I open and close multisim contact with labview and read the receptor estatus (p.e. lamp)?
    Dibujo.JPG ‏13 KB

    Hi Guddan,
    I created a RFC having a query which is taking a long time to execute. So i want to close RFC connection with portals which is via java connector(JCO) before that query and open the connction again after that query.
    I guess i will need to understand your requirement a little more in detail, as i understand you have an RFC which has a query within to fetch some data and is taking a long time to do so. In the meantime you don't want to keep the connection open?
    My question would be, Is the role of this RFC to only execute the query and fetch the data or does it do something else?
    If it does other things and these are independent of the query execution, then you can span a parallel call within the RFC to execute the query and in the meantime the RFC does the other things (or vice versa) hence reducing the overall time taken.
    If the sole purpose of this RFC is to execute the query, then you will not be able(i mean to say there is no simple and direct way of doing this) to close the connection after the Query is started and re-establish the connection after its execution, for a simple reason that - how will you know if the query has completed it's execution, so that you can establish the connection back.
    Alternate solutions, make this a two way asynchronous call, 1) You invoke the RFC asynchronously and close the connection, the RFC in turn will execute the query and transfer the data to JCO via another RFC call.
    If this needs to be a synchronous call, then you will need to optimize the query to its best.

  • LabView Exe Applicatio​n file not launch Excel applicatio​n for report generation

    Dear All,
    I created one LabVIEW application file for report generation (using Excel Template).
    While I run the program in programming mode it works well and create the report file in the specified path.
    After creation of the application file(exe), it gives the correct path of where the excel template is placed. The same path is given to New, but it gives the error 'File Not Found'.
    Tell me, is any other configuration required for generating Excel reports? (During exe application mode)
    Give me the solution.
    Thank You

    Most likely you are encountering a problem of stripping and/or building paths.  Probably the easiest thing to do is put a couple indicators on your front panel for the path or paths you care about, build your exe, and make sure you are really using the path you'd like.  If you always put the report at some deterministic place relative to the exe (that is, even it the exe is moved, it will go with the exe and remain in the same relative path location, then you can use the Current VIs Path funtion found in the ... File I/O -> File Constants palette as a start path (where you will want to strip at least the exe name off of course).
    I think this will bring some clarity to the issue!
    Best Regards,

  • Error involving Report Generation Toolkit and Labview Run Time Engine

    Developed an application using LabVIEW 6.1 and LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.0.1. From there, tried to build a shared application for use with the LabVIEW Run Time Engine. The Run Time version functions properly until "New" is called and then an error is generated, code 7, calling out "Open VI Reference in New" could not be found. When building the application, I did include the "NI Reports Support" in the advanced installer options. The machine used for original development and application build is running Windows XP Pro and Office XP. Any suggestions??

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    I am building on MY COMPUTER on F: Drive on a network and transporting files to the real Tester.
    I displayed my App.Property of APP.DI
    R at start up and it is C:\TESTER\ ! How would my application know that "" and "" are actually inside the _wordsub.llb?
    Any ideas ?
    Greg Klocek

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    Hi Taf,
    Given the broad scope of your application, it may be best to try and isolate the problem down by taking out parts of your application and simplifying it down as much as possible until you can get a consistent version that throws this exception. I would first try to take out either the GPIB or database connectivity portions of the application to narrow down our problem. This error generally occurs when accessing DLLs and external applications, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the GPIB or database. Let's try to see exactly which one it is and then we can dig deeper into that part of the code. Thanks for your cooperation!
    Jeremy L.
    National Instruments
    Jeremy L.
    National Instruments

  • How to run downloaded drivers on Fresh Install of Labview 6.1 on a Mac G4 OS 9

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    I really have little experience with macs so I am not really sure what my options are or what could be the problem so any assistance would be much appreciated.

    Hmmm. I wonder if NI-VISA isn't installed correctly on this machine.
    When LabVIEW loads a VI that uses a VISA name control on the front panel, it queries VISA for the installed devices. Sometimes this takes a few seconds, but maybe in your case, something has been corrupted and it's hanging.
    To try to narrow this down, first run the separate program "VISAConfig". This should list your devices. If this works, this means it's pretty likely that VISA is installed correctly.
    Next, run LabVIEW. On an empty front panel, select the "Controls->I/O->VISA Resource Name" and place it on the front panel. When you click on the arrow on this control, you should see a list of your devices. If this works, then that indicates that LabVIEW is successfully talking
    to the VISA software.
    If both of those succeeded, then we have to take a closer look at this particular instrument driver. Can you drop other VIs (say, Initialize or Close) without hanging?
    If either of the first two steps fail, I'd suggest that you reinstall the VISA software. You may want to try the latest version of NI-VISA (from, but first confirm that it supports LabVIEW 6.1.
    I hope this helps.

  • Convert PXIe-8135 controller to dual-boot Windows 7 and LabVIEW RT

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    I have created a FAT32 partition on the hard drive of the controller. Now, I’m trying to install the real-time OS with a USB flash drive made using the MAX utility, but I cannot boot using the USB drive for some reason. I keep getting the message “waiting for USB device to initialize”.  
    In BIOS, legacy USB support is [ENABLED] and boot configuration is set to [Windows/other OS]. I’ve tried removing the drive, waiting, and reinserting. I’ve tried two different USB drives (both 8 GB, different brands).
    I’m not sure what to do next. Apart from the USB boot issue, is converting the PXIe-8135 even possible?  I read about SATA/PATA hard drive issues with older controllers, but I don't know about this one.
    Thanks, in advance, for your help!
    Go to Solution.

    Per Siana's licensing comment, more information on purchasing a deployment license if you do not have one for this target can be found here.
    The RT Utility USB key is used to set up non-NI hardware with LabVIEW Real-Time, but you should not need it in this situation to convert to dual-boot (*). Try this:
    1. Since you already have a FAT32 partion created, go into BIOS setup and change to booting 'LabVIEW RT'.
    2. The system will attempt to boot LabVIEW RT, see that the partition is empty, and switch over into LabVIEW RT Safe Mode. (this safemode is built into the firmware, which is why you don't really need the USB key).
    3. The system should come up correctly and be detectable from MAX, and you can proceed with installing software.
    4. To switch back to Windows, go back to BIOS setup and choose 'Windows/Other OS'
    (*) One area where the USB key is helpful on a dual boot system is with formatting the disk. If you want to convert from FAT32 to Reliance on the partition designated for LabVIEW RT, the USB key lets you attempt to format a single parition and leave the rest of the disk untouched. If you format from MAX, the standard behavior is to format only one RT partition if found, but if not found, it will format the entire disk.  Formatting from MAX on a dual boot system is consequently riskier and you could lose your Windows partition.

  • Some fonts are not shown correctly in LabVIEW 2012

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    - When I select NI7SEG in font selection dialog, right font is not shown in the example box.
    - Draw text at shows same problem for some fonts while other fonts are working.
    I reported it to Korean NI. As far as I know, this was not reported in previous versions and I couldn't find any related documents in Google. 
    So, here I would like to know whether it is related with only Korean version. Please let me know if English version is OK. 
    * OS: Windows 7 32bit KR

    Just now, I installed LabVIEW 2012 f3 (32-bit, English) and checked for the issue. But the font(NI7SEG) was not shown properly in VI either.
    - Both of Korea and English version of LabVIEW 2012 on Win 7 Korea OS shows wrong results. It is same on 64-bit OS.
    - LabVIEW 2010 but on same PC shows correct fonts.
    Is there a limit of number of fonts in LabVIEW? There are more than 100 fonts are shown in the "Selection Font" dialog and I can divide them into 3 groups by sequential order. I find that all fonts in the 3rd group are not applied correctly.
    (1st group)
    Arial Unicode MS...
    Bookshelf Symbol 3....
    Windings 3
    (2nd group)
    @Arial Unicode MS...
    (3rd group)
    Licida Console... 

  • Comunicação entre Labview e ANSI's.

    Estou definindo Projeto de Graduação e estou interessado em trabalhar na integração entre Labview e ANSI's na análise de elementos finitos. Gostaria de saber se alguém possui alguma informação sobre o tema.

    Voce poderia ser mais especifico com relacao a informacao que voce esta precisando?
    Filipe A.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Implementar protocolo de comunicação serial UART no LabVIEW

    Boa Tarde,
    Estou querendo implementar o protocolo de comunicação serial UART no LabVIEW.
    A descrição do projeto é mais ou menos essa:
    - Uma Interface no LabVIEW para receber o dados enviados pela serial UART;
    - Uma DAQ NI USB-6212 irá receber o dado por um pino digital ou analógico (a princípio estou usando um pino analógico);
    - Um microcontrolador que envia dados através da serial UART;
    - Sistema operacional Windows 7;
    Estou querendo implementar o protocolo de comunicação pelos motivos:
    - Usei o Visa da comunicação serial e um cabo USB-Serial genérico, mas não consegui taxas de recepção rápidas como eu preciso, quando eu tentava transmitir dados de forma mais rápida, eles chegavam corrompidos;
    - O exemplos que encontrei do protocolo implementado usam o LabVIEW FPGA, e pelo que eu li minha placa de aquisição (NI USB-6212) não suporta FPGA.
    Tem algum exemplo ou sugestão de como devo proceder.
    Desde já agradeço.
    Fernando Esquírio Torres

    Good morning,  Fernando,
    Here are some links to help in its implementation. Any questions please contact us.
    What Is the Basic Architecture for Serial Communication?
    Can I Do 9-bit Serial Communication Instead of 7 or 8 bits?
    9-Bit Serial Writing in LabVIEW
    Serial Communication Starting Point
    Serial Communication - Basic Serial Write and Read
    Enviar ou Receber Dados Binários / Hexadecimais Utilizando NI-VISA no LabVIEW
    Sending and receiving serial commands using VISA
    Mauro Vera
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Como controlar um motor de passo com labview?

    Olá, espero estar perguntando na categoria correta.
    Sou iniciante em LabVIEW e preciso construir um programa que controle um motor de passo conforme digito quantos passos ele deve andar. Daí gostaria de uma luz sobre como fazer isso.
    Na verdade, o plano total é, para cada quantidade de passos, verificar a posição do equipamento (através de um outro software conectado ao LabVIEW) e, assim, traçar gráficos passos x posição, mas isso fica para depois; primeiro gostaria de um tutorial, alguma coisa que me ajudasse a controlar o motor.

    Bom dia,
    Esses dois termos são um pouco parecidos com o dilema dos termos sensores e transdutores, isso porque as pessoas às vezes acabam usando ambos como sinônimos e isso gera uma grande discussão sobre as pequenas diferenças de significado. No entanto, se você trocar a palavra sensor por transdutor ou vice-versa, muito provavelmente você será entendido.
    O significado exato do termo controlador ou driver vai depender muito do contexto que você o está usando, por exemplo, se eu estou falando de controlador no contexto sistemas de controle, ele provavelmente entendido como "compensador" (exemplo um compensador PI, PID, entre outros). No entanto, em algumas áreas os termos podem se confundir, como é o caso de quando estamos falando sobre um equipamento que aciona algum motor ou equipamento. A pequena diferença nesse último contexto é que quando se fala em driver, entendo como um dispositivo que tem além de um compensador (seja ele de malha fechado ou não), tem uma eletrônica de potência para o acionamento do dispositivo.
    Espero ter ajudado a esclarecer um pouco mais sua dúvida.
    Plínio Costa
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments Brazil

  • Seeking Labview Developer in Nothern Illinois

    LabVIEW Developer
    Company: Tecnova
    Tecnova is a National Instruments Alliance Member with a growing LabVIEW Department.
    Come join our expert team!
    We are looking for a self motivated LabVIEW Developer who will own their projects, complete tasks on schedule and on budget while building a relationship with the customer.
    Must have broad experience in the following areas:
    * Program and document robust LabVIEW applications which include user Interface, database, test sequencing, instrument communication, data acquisition and PID control
    * Design and execute software test plans
    * Prepare end user documentation and help file content
    * Develop automated test, data acquisition, and control systems
    * Contribute to multiple projects, and help develop pushing-the-envelope technology
    * National Instruments hardware (PXI, cRIO, Field Point, etc.) experience desired
    * Contribute to system design and specifications
    * Involves extensive customer contact and moderate travel within Chicagoland area
    * Must be intelligent, creative, and self-motivated
    * BS in Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences or Engineering
    * 3 years of practical experience in LabVIEW programming
    * High comfort level with scientific and technical terminology and the willingness to learn
    * Test and measurement experience
    * Must be self directed and able to meet objectives as directed
    * The ability to effectively work independently in a fast paced environment, with experience adapting to changing requirements and to rapidly absorb new concepts and apply them effectively is essential.
    * You must also have good communications skills. Presentation and communication skills, as well as being able to work in a team, are crucial.
    Preference will be given to applicants with the following skills:
    * Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (or better)
    * National Instruments hardware (PXI, cRIO, Field Point, etc.)
    * Communication protocol (RS-232, GPIB, TCP I/P, USB, Bluetooth, etc.)
    * Motion control
    * Vision control
    * PLC (Allen-Bradley, Honeywell, Modicon, Siemens, etc.)
    * Schematic capture (OrCAD, AutoCAD, etc.)
    * Database connectivity
    * Application and instrument driver layers
    * Experience with National Instruments PC based DAQ devices
    * Experience with various sensors and transducer signal conditioning (microphones, accelerometers, temperature sensors, etc.)
    * Actively involved in the LabVIEW community
    Additional Requirements:
    * Local Candidates Only
    * Location: Gurnee, Illinois (Northern Chicago Suburb)
    * No 3rd party resumes accepted. Principals only, no agencies or contractors
    * Must be a Citizen or Permanent US resident, authorized to work in this country for any employer
    * Because of the immediacy of this position, we are unable to sponsor people at this time.
    About Tecnova:
    Tecnova is a leading electronic product development and engineering firm that provides custom electronic hardware, mechanical, and software solutions. We offer exciting professional challenges, variety, and plenty of opportunity to roll up your sleeves and make a difference. Located far north of Chicago in Gurnee, Illinois, we offer excellent salary/benefit package with 401K. We are looking for innovative, creative, results-oriented people that desire a wide variety of projects in a challenging, fast-paced environment.
    For more information about Tecnova see our website at
    Contacting Tecnova:
    For immediate consideration, please send resumes to [email protected]

    I am writing to put myself forward. As you can see from my CV, I have many skills pertinent to this role gained for less than 1 year as a successful Research Assistant. I am having very good knowledge in mathematics.I wish to move into this sector because it is a fast-moving environment and I am also interested in new technology.  The skills that I have and believe to be highly relevant to this job and your company which include: Analytical thinking, Self motivated, Fast learner and staying calm under pressure. Additionally, I have undertaken CLAD course and qualified with 80% and believe my unique blend of skills can offer a great deal.I am confident that I possess the attributes you’re looking for and that my experiences gained in Research Assistant would provide invaluable insight and capability to your organization. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application in person.
    Resume.doc ‏44 KB

  • Unable to send email from my server to internet mail address. Labview.

    I have had great success sending mail when I SMTP to the actual mail server that the email address is on. But when I try to send from my server to some other email address I get an unable to relay "email address" server response. If someone has any ideas on this I would appreciate it. I have included some information that may aid in this endeavor. (I do not want to use Active X thanks to Outlook's dislike of that)
    [email protected] email to works fine. [email protected] email to works fine. [email protected] from gives unable to relay message. (Vice Versa)
    Exact server response from from developer zone: (
    220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.5329 ready at Fri, 23 Jan 2004 10:27:22 -0600
    250 Hello []
    250 2.1.0 [email protected]...Sender OK
    550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]
    554 5.5.2 No valid recipients
    500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command

    I agree, it is ususual for an SMTP server to check the validity of the reverse-path address, because mailers could just use a invalid address on a valid domain, e.g. [email protected] The address in the "MAIL FROM:" command gives the reverse path to communicate errors and can be different from the actual sender address.
    In any case, this is quite irrelevant for the current discussion, because address verification has nothing to do with relaying.
    The error message:
    550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]
    is completely unrelated to your:
    450 Unable to find
    Just to clarify, I was talking about address in the FROM: field of the message header, and not what is
    communicated in the "MAIL FROM:" SMTP command. (Similarly, the TO: field in the header is not used for message targeting and can be anything, it can even be missing and the SMTP server still does not care. Targeting is done entirely with the RCPT TO: SMTP command which not contained in the header (the mail header is part of the message DATA). Refer to RFC 821 for further details.
    You probably won't find a legitimate SMTP server that allows relaying, so the solution is to use the designated SMTP server for the particular location.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Improving load times in Linux LabVIEW executable

    I'm looking for (simple) ways to improve the loading times in a Linux LabVIEW executable. We're using a low performance, low cost CPU board, and loading times are terrible. The CPU is capable of doing everything after the application is loaded, but takes forever to get there.
    One of the problems is the size of the executable, that grows everytime you just look at it. Are there ways to create smaller executables? It runs from a Compact Flash card, which is ofcourse much slower than hard disk.
    Another problem is a dynamic vi, that is started for every TCP connection that connects to the application. It takes a long time to load, and connecting too fast can even effectively hang up the system. Starting a handler task takes about half a second, up to a few seconds for the first task.
    We're using the LabVIEW 7.1 runtime, system is a 300 MHz cyrix SBC, running from a Compact Flash.

    Dennisvr wrote:
    I'm looking for
    (simple) ways to improve the loading times in a Linux LabVIEW
    executable. We're using a low performance, low cost CPU board, and
    loading times are terrible. The CPU is capable of doing everything
    after the application is loaded, but takes forever to get there.   One
    of the problems is the size of the executable, that grows everytime you
    just look at it. Are there ways to create smaller executables? It runs
    from a Compact Flash card, which is ofcourse much slower than hard disk.   Another
    problem is a dynamic vi, that is started for every TCP connection that
    connects to the application. It takes a long time to load, and
    connecting too fast can even effectively hang up the system. Starting a
    handler task takes about half a second, up to a few seconds for the
    first task.   We're using the LabVIEW 7.1 runtime, system is a 300 MHz cyrix SBC, running from a Compact Flash.
    not sure about the first part of your question. LabVIEW is highly
    binary and does a lot of memory allocations before even one VI is ready
    to be started. So maybe the memory manager is a problem. Another issue
    is that the Macintosh like resource file format that is used by LabVIEW to store its VIs etc. results in
    lots and lots of individual disk accesses with a rther random like
    character inside a single file. So if you can configure the read
    caching of your disk to use more memory this may significantly increase
    the speed of loading LabVIEW VIs or applications.
    And finally spawning VIs through VI server is a rather costly operation
    especially on low resoruce systems. A VI is more like an executable in
    many ways as far as resource consumption is concerned rather than a
    thread. A much better way would be to avoid spawning subVIs altogether
    and implement a queued TCP/IP server similar to the Date Time Server
    example. It is a little extra work to work with this shift register
    architecture but it will not have the issues of long load times for
    every new TCP/IP connection coming in.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 03-07-2006 06:33 PM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • How can I supress a Windows dialog box programmatically in LabView?

    I am trying to automatically supress or close a windows dialog box that appears when a LabView program crashes. I have a restart program that will automatically reopen the program and I don't want to have to click on the program error window that results from the crash. Does anyone know how to do this?
    Thanks so much for your time!

    The program rarely crashes - it is running in the background for the entire day and we just want to ensure that it is monitored and restarted in case of a crash. We also don't want the user to be bothered with the program error messagebox that pops up saying that an error log is being created. The program crashes when too many programs are running at the same time - so the problem isn't a huge one. I was just wondering if it was possible to stop this program error message from appearing by programmatically selecting the okay button or by suppressing the message entirely?

Maybe you are looking for