InDesign CS のA4サイズ以外の用紙設定

InDesign CS のA4サイズ以外の用紙設定が出来ずに困っています。
InDesign2.0.2 では、できるのですが.....
環境:MacOS 10.3.3、 InDesign 3.0.1、Epson PM4000PX(ドライバー1.81)

 今回の用紙サイズの変更が出来なかったのは、ドキュメント設定の「用紙サイズ」の設定に関係なくプリント項目の「セットアップ」のデフォルト用紙サイズが「A4」になってしまうため、ドライ バ側でいくら変更しても無効になってしまっていたようです。
 「InDesign v2.02」では、「セットアップ」のデフォルト用紙サイズが、「プリンタドライバで定義」になっていたので混乱してしまったようです。

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    Did you try resetting preferences? While pressing Shift+Option+Command+Control, start InDesign. Click Yes when asked if you want to delete preference files. If you don't get the message about deleting preferences, you weren't fast enough. 01ea8cb3f-6d1e.html

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    How do you create another user account?
    I am having a similar problem - have deleted preferences which did not  solve - this is since I  installed the latest update - it is very slow - and  cannot close - says background task running  - but when I open background task  window - shows nothing - only way to close is to use Windows task manager and end program
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    Intel CPU - 2.93 Ghz
    Ram - 8 Gb
    AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series

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    Pat Doyle

    Hi Michael,
    I'll give it a go.  Don't really like messing with the registry on Windows boxes.  Yes you can do it, but it can end up being a case of the operation was a success, but the patient died.
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    Pat Doyle

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    You can look into InCopy for text changes and put the InDesign file in a
    dropbox folder.

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    Yes, effectively I would like to catalogue the files into one collection so i can save as one PDF and Print as one.:)
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    HI this is good. But i have already seen this.
    Its very informative but somehow i felt it lacks the punch and fun factor in a video. I need something which captivates and entrances the audience, not a speech kind of a thing.
    Anything else??

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    Screw it?
    I sent you a link as to how to use Calendar Wizard (free) to make a calendar with interfaith holidays.
    If you just want ordinary holidays, Calendar Wizard ( does everything you want?
    What more do you want?

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    Try to place the file to the following folder: YourUserFolder\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Color\Settings
    (This is for Mac)
    How can I load a csf file into indesign from a path?
    By script you can do this like so:
    var myPath = "~/Desktop/MySettings.csf";
    var myFile = new File (myPath);
    if (myFile.exists) {
        app.colorSettings.cmsSettingsPath = myFile;
    else {
        alert("File \""+ myPath + "\" can't be found.");

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    At the bottom of the print dialog box is a button labeled Printer. That will lead you to the printer-specific options like paper weight.

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    What I want to have as the end result is:
    Table of contents
    1. <Title>. <Author> (<Creation Date>). Retrieved <Date Placed> through <Description>
    The captions display correctly, as shown above in the body of the table of contents. The table of contents itself however, shows only the numbering in front of it, and not the variables.
    I already tried converting the live captions to static captions, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

    Hello everyone,
    I recently started to use InDesign CS5 to work on school projects. These projects regularly require us to have a list of sources, not only for citations and referenced work, but also for images. As I sometimes make quite long documents, keeping track of what image is where, and where I got it from, gets tedious.
    I had the idea of generating a caption based on EXIF data, which I'd move to the pasteboard, and group it with the image. The text in the caption has a seperate, numbered paragraph style. On one of the last pages, I generate a table of contents, which the numbered paragraph style selected. I chose to display it using another paragraph style, without page numbers.
    What I want to have as the end result is:
    Table of contents
    1. <Title>. <Author> (<Creation Date>). Retrieved <Date Placed> through <Description>
    The captions display correctly, as shown above in the body of the table of contents. The table of contents itself however, shows only the numbering in front of it, and not the variables.
    I already tried converting the live captions to static captions, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

  • I am trying to run my registered CS6 Design Standard programs for the first time after install. InDesign runs OK, but Illustrator and Photoshop will only run in trail mode. How do I activate those two?

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    Demons1 in the future please only migrate your documents and settings.
    Please use the uninstallers to remove your current installation.  They are located in the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers folder.  Once the uninstall is complete you will also want to run the CC Cleaner Tool.  You can find more details at Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 -
    If you need to download a fresh copy of the installation files for Creative Suite 6 you can do so at Download CS6 products.

  • I downloaded the new InDesign 2014 and now it won't open on my computer. i run on a Windows machine. Has anyone had this happen?

    I really just need to know how to get it to open. I have created files in CC that now won't open, saying they were created in a newer version... which they weren't. i thought the remedy would be to download InDesign 2014, but i can't even get it to open on my computer.  Any advise is welcomed.

    The CC installers often fail to set permissions correctly on the preference folders. Are you getting an error message to that effect?
    If so, find the folders -- they're hidden so you need to set Explorer to show hidden files, then see Replace Your Preferences for the locations of the TWO folders you need to fix. Start at the Adobe level and make sure both your user and System have full control, and apply it to subfolders as well.

  • I have downloaded Indesign CC2014 and installed 3-4 times but it doesn't run. I have installed on  Windows 7 64 bit ,  HP laptop i7

    I have downloaded Indesign CC2014 and installed 3-4 times but it doesn't run /work. I have installed on  Windows 7 64 bit ,  HP laptop i7.

    sign out and then sign back in to your cc desktop app.
    then install cc 2014.

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