Index/Search Question

Hello all,
Can someone tell me how I would go about and set up my Index OR search criteria so that whenever I perform a search that only file names are searched and not the actual contents of the documents?
For example, as it is setup right now, if I do a search on the word "Dog", I not only get returns for documents that have the word "Dog" in the title, but also documents that have the word "Dog" within the actual document.
I do not require a search with that degree of granularity so I was wondering where I could modify that.
I'm wondering if the fact that the Index performs at this level (searching within documents) would cause the Index to timeout if there are over 1,000 documents in the Index? I'm also having a timeout issue when I Index, but I've opened a call for that particular issue.
I'm using TREX 6.1, EP60 SP12 running on Windows 2003. EP and TREX are on separate servers.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Martin,
my quote is the easy way of putting it, really.
It works by representing entire documents, or text snippets, or groups of documents as vectors and comparing angles between them.
Mathematical principles that deal with the area of vector-based document classification can easily be found on the Web, although usually these principles are used in combination and modified to specific task. Some examples:
Should provide enough starting points for reading )
But do note:
This is for your background interest.
You will not be able to access or even modify the actual algorithms used by the TREX engine.

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    Thank you very much!

    Hi beap,
    we are facing a similar problem. I filed bug report 6296005.
    Do you use JRE 1.5? Our workaround is to use JRE 1.4.2, the bug does not occur with any JRE < 1.5.
    When we detect that the user is running JRE 1.5, we just hide the Index tab. In our implementation of BasicHelpUI we do something like this:
         public void addNavigator(JHelpNavigator nav) {
            if(nav instanceof JHelpIndexNavigator) {
                final String java_version = System.getProperty("java.version");
                if (java_version.startsWith("1.5")){
    }It's an ugly hack but better than a customer who loses important data because our application freezes.
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    they're 100% correct:
    After I reported this issue to Adobe, they worked on the
    problem for several days. They even sent me a new
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    correct in the CHM file at the same time, namely:
    Index compiled in correct alphabetical order accdg to the
    language of the help project.
    Correctly translated help title showing in the caption,
    regardless of the user's Windows regional settings. (For example,
    we wanted "FORMS-Hilfe zu FORMS 5-3" to appear as the caption of
    the German version of FORMS help, even if our regional settings
    were set to English.)
    I think we'd all agree that the index has to be in
    alphabetical order. So from what I've seen, this is what we have to
    do when compiling a non-English version of help using RH7:
    1. Set up the project with the foreign name.
    2. Set the language in the project settings. And in the
    Project Settings dialog, click Advanced and check out the LNG File
    tab to make sure it's using a translated version.
    3. Ensure that the Window Caption setting is correct in each
    window included in the project. (On RoboHelp's Project tab, open
    the Windows folder, double-click each window in turn, and check the
    4. Set the Language setting in the HHP file to Language=[hex
    value for that language]. I found a bunch of them listed on this
    web page. Someone else might be able to find a better source:
    5. Change your Windows regional settings to the same language
    as the help project. (Reboot if prompted.)
    6. Recommended, for safety's sake: Delete the CPD file.
    7. Open the project and compile using RH7.
    8. Check the index's sort order -- is it in alphabetical
    order according to the language of the project?
    9. Check the help caption -- make sure it's not "HTML Help".
    Note: Any customized buttons in your CHM should appear
    correctly translated, but other buttons (Contents, Index, Search)
    still appear in English -- at least they do on my PC, even though I
    did step 2 above. We need to check whether those buttons appear
    correctly when the PC is actually running a true foreign version of
    Windows, and not just with temporarily adjusted Windows settings.
    OR -- is anyone else able to get these to appear translated in the
    CHM file?
    Does anyone have anything to add? Other solutions? Easier
    procedures? Better results to report?
    Thank you

  • Diff between index , search help , match code

    wht is Diff between index , search help , match code

    There is no difference between Search helps and match code objects.
    Search helps are the Advanced concept of Match codes.
    SAP Converted match codes to Search helps.
    Index :
    An Index is a copy of database table having few numbers of fields. This copy is always in sorted form. As we know, Sorted data would always have a speed access from a database table. Hence, we use an index for the table while reading the database records. Index also contains a pointer pointing towards actual database table so that it can access fields that are not contained in the Index
    For More Information About Index :
    Message was edited by:

  • Full text index searching in large document sets

    I have been placed in charge of a digital PDF document library for a small biotech company. The library consists of about 1000 100-300 page .pdf documents which have been scanned and OCRed. In order to facilitate the full text searching of the documents a PDX catalog has been created. In theory, the PDX catalog would seem to be an excellent means of quickly accessing the data, but due the sheer volume of text that is contained in the documents this does not seem to be the case.
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    I do not know exactly how the index searches work, but from what I gather they somehow search within each document in turn and return to you all the instances in all the documents that contain a certain term. If this is the case, than it would make sense that the searches would take a long time because the search would have to search each of the 1000 documents in sequence.
    The thing is: we really do not need to know the context and placement of every instance that a word appears in a document. All we need to know is IF it appears, and perhaps how many times. Is there a way to make an index that will simply give us this information without having to search the actual document?
    Heres an example of what I am trying to achieve:
    Note: I know almost nothing about full text indexes so please forgive me if any of this sounds insane
    Lets say we have a document called "word count.pdf" which contained the following text:
    "blah blah yadda yadda text Recombinant human insulin more text still texting and so on"
    And another called "word count 2.pdf" with the following text
    "Recombinant human insulin and la la la dee do"
    The indexes for these files could be condensed and stored like this:
    "Word count.pdf"
    Blah 2
    yadda 2
    recombinant 1
    human 1
    insulin 1
    text 2
    texting 1
    and 1
    so 1
    on 1
    "Word count 2.pdf"
    recombinant 1
    human 1
    insulin 1
    and 1
    la 3
    dee 1
    do 1
    In this example, if we were to run a search on "text" the index would return "word count.pdf, 3 instances (2 of text and 1 of texting" whereas if we were to search for "recombinant" it would return both "word count.pdf, 1 instance" and "word count 2.pdf, 1 instance".
    This way, I could quickly weed out all documents that do not have the word that I am looking for and get an idea about which documents should be searched more in depth without scanning every single instance of the term in every document.
    Is there any way to accomplish something similar to this using acrobat? (Or anything else, for that matter)
    My specifications: (similar to specs of all computers searching the pdx):
    Windows XP,
    intel celeron CPU 2.6GHz, 1G of ram
    Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

    Look at dTSearch. We used the publisher version for a CD with large files sets (with hundreds of pages per file/thousands of PDF pages of multicolumn index data - text heavy), and it does a great job. The desktop version would provide the type of searching you are looking for. Indexing is also very fast. Our customer complained, like yourself, about the speed of searches in Acrobat 6 and higher - most of the delay is due to the population of the results window.

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    I want all the tabs to display with their words and on a blue
    background at the same time. Can any of you help me? Thanks!

    Welcome to the forum.
    If you are using a skin, it is as simple as double clicking
    the skin and setting the colours and text to what you want.
    As described, there will no difference between the tab with
    focus and the other tabs. Some small difference does assist

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    This is what I'm looking for

    I have edited the topic title. The idea is to spell out the problem in the body.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Un-indexed searches killing server

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    [23/May/2008:09:26:10 -0600] conn=3794491 op=26699 msgId=216518 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=14 etime=0 notes=U
    [23/May/2008:09:26:30 -0600] conn=3927871 op=1 msgId=2 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=1 notes=U
    [23/May/2008:09:26:30 -0600] conn=3927871 op=2 msgId=3 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 notes=U
    [23/May/2008:09:28:39 -0600] conn=3794491 op=26739 msgId=216709 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=46 etime=0 notes=U
    [23/May/2008:09:30:46 -0600] conn=3794492 op=1515 msgId=216909 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=64 etime=1 notes=U
    [23/May/2008:09:30:52 -0600] conn=3794493 op=254 msgId=216926 - RESULT err=4 tag=101 nentries=50 etime=0 notes=U
    [23/May/2008:09:33:46 -0600] conn=3794492 op=1532 msgId=217165 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=3 etime=0 notes=U
    m1ldap:root bash /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-m1ldap/logs #
    If I look at one of these searches in more depth I see the following (from the access log)
    m1ldap:root bash /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-m1ldap/logs # cat access | grep 217165
    [23/May/2008:09:33:46 -0600] conn=3794492 op=1532 msgId=217165 - SRCH base="pipstoreowner=s0237271,,o=piserverdb" scope=2 filter="(&(&(&(displayName=*)(memberOfPIBook=e11a076dda8d9f))(|(objectClass=PITYPEPERSON)(objectClass=PITYPEGROUP)))(objectClass=*))" attrs="displayName piEntryID piEntryID displayName displayName memberOfPIBook memberOfPIBook memberOfPIGroup memberOfPIGroup piEmail1CN piEmail1TransType piEmail1Type piEmail1 piEmail2CN piEmail2TransType piEmail2Type piEmail2 piEmail3CN piEmail3TransType piEmail3Type piEmail3 piEmail1 piPhone1Type piPhone1 piPhone2Type piPhone2 piPhone3Type piPhone3 piPhone4Type piPhone4 piPhone5Type piPhone5 piPhone6Type piPhone6 piPhone7Type piPhone7 piPhone8Type piPhone8 piPhone9Type piPhone9 piPhone10Type piPhone10 piPhone11Type piPhone11 piPhone12Type piPhone12 piPhone13Type piPhone13 piPhone14Type piPhone14 piPhone15Type piPhone15 piPhone16Type piPhone16 piPhone17Type piPhone17 piPhone18Type piPhone18 piPhone19Type piPhone19 piPhone20Type piPhone20 db:expr:db:officelocation||db:campu db:officelocation||db:campu db:campu db:buildin db:floo db:officenumber objectClass"
    [23/May/2008:09:33:46 -0600] conn=3794492 op=1532 msgId=217165 - SORT displayName (3)
    [23/May/2008:09:33:46 -0600] conn=3794492 op=1532 msgId=217165 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=3 etime=0 notes=U
    If I look at this filter in more depth:
    base="pipstoreowner=s0237271,,o=piserverdb" scope=2 filter="(&(&(&(displayName=*)(memberOfPIBook=e11a076dda8d9f))(|(objectClass=PITYPEPERSON)(objectClass=PITYPEGROUP)))(objectClass=*))"
    and I check our indexes.. they all seem to be there. What am I missing? How do I go about finding what is not indexed..then indexing it?
    Any help would be great.

    I think it is related to (objectClass=*) which I believe is not indexed when part of sub searches. May I suggest that you write a test script to try the 2 filters that follow, and see what turns up in the log.
    (&(&(displayName=*)(memberOfPIBook=e11a076dda8d9f))(|(objectClass=PITYPEPERSON)(objectClass=PITYPEGROUP)))Both should return the same details, as you are filtering on objectclasses that are either PITYPEPERSON or PITYPEGROUP.
    Also check out [|] which has a similair issue, and seems to be related to having searches with multiple similar attributes in a filter.
    Edited by: nirving on May 27, 2008 1:24 PM
    Edited by: nirving on May 27, 2008 1:26 PM

  • Use TREX to index /search archive on IXOS?

    I wonder whether TREX can index/search archives on IXOS.
    Could anybody share experience here?

    Hi Eric,
    Using SAP Netweaver Enterprise Search you can search content from ERP, BI, KM, File Search, Business Object Search, Search in Webservice etc., for more information please go through this URL
    Please provide points if this helps you

  • A spotlight search question...(How to index a sever volume)

    I am hopping someone can help me with this...
    When using the spotlight, content search to search a local volume, it can find almost anything.
    However, it doesn't work on a server volume.
    Is there a way to indexing the server volume??

    I am experiencing the same issue, hopefully help will come!

  • ToC, Index, Search appearing blank in RH8 Webhelp

    Hello - I have been reviewing the forum questions and answers for about a year now - some great advice - but I can't seem to find an answer to my current problem, so I need to post it here.
    I have recently upgraded our help system from RH7 to RH8. I generated Webhelp this week and all was well on my local system in both IE7 and FF3. The long list of every possible number and letter which was appearing in FF in the search column had disappeared and search was behaving exactly as I hoped. Nothing else looked anything other than perfect.
    I made the submission to our engineering team and when it was integrated, I tested again. IE remains fine, but in FF, we get the "welcome" page, but an empty column where the ToC should appear. Same with the index - I can enter a keyword, but I get no results. Ditto for search.
    Our test and production environments are different, obviously, than my local environment - I put the Webhelp output on an Apache server and all was well. It only breaks when it goes into the production environment.
    I was told to tell you that our Apache server does a rewrite rule to Weblogic (9.2.3) - where, with the exception of the UGLY search results in FF from the RH7 Webhelp, all worked well with RH7 output. Our environment hasn't changed, so we believe that we may need to change something in a config file to accommodate changes in RH8. ( We made the changes to UTF-8 as recommended in earlier posts some months ago.)
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi again
    For the Adobe forums search, I find you have to search twice. The first search shouldl bring back some results. What you want is to get to the initial results page.
    Click the image below to see at full size.
    Now you see a different page.
    Again, click the image to see at full size.
    Hopefully this helps... Rick
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 within the day - $24.95!
    Click here for Adobe Certified Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Outlook Index search not Work

    I am trying to do a search inside of Outlook 2010.  When I go to type in my search field, a box pops up and says that
    So I click on that and a box pops up that says:
     So then I go to OPTIONS and I look under the tab called SEARCH.... and then I go to INDEXING OPTIONS... it says

    Here are some resolution you can refer to :
    1. check if the pst-file or mailbox has been marked to be indexed:
    File-> Options-> section Search-> button Indexing Options…-> button Modify-> expand Microsoft Outlook
    In the list that is shown under Microsoft Outlook, make sure that pst-file or mailbox is displayed and selected. If it is not listed, we can recreate the profile. If it’s listed, we can check if the pst file is corrupted.
    2. Rebuild the index: Control Panel-> Indexing Options-> Advanced-> button Rebuild
    For more information, you can refer to the following article:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Does Spotlight index/search Aperture keywords?

    I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere:
    Does Spotlight (OS X 10.5) index and search keywords that are assigned in Aperture? IOW: is the Aperture library indexed?
    I recently bought Aperture and have imported thousands of photos into various Projects. I've been adding new keywords (all my files are referenced to their original place on the filesystem) but when I go to do a Spotlight search or create a SavedSearch/Smart Folder none of the images I've tagged in Aperture appear in the results.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks--
    Message was edited by: ppmax

    This is a simple question that can be answered with one word: either yes or no
    Thanks much--

  • Error using index search field in flash help

    Hello again,
    Hopefully this will be an easy question. In Flash help, when
    on the Index tab, if I use the search box to search for an index
    word, the following error displays: "A script in this movie is
    causing Adobe Flash Player 9 to run slowly. If it continues to run,
    your computer may become unresponsive. Do you wish to abort
    the script?" Note: It usually works the first time I search for a
    word, but if I search for a second word it gives the error.
    If I tell it NOT to abort the script, the computer still runs
    slowly. If I tell it to go ahead and abort the script, Internet
    Explorer freezes up.
    Is there something that I can change in the code anywhere to
    prevent that from happening in the first place? Alternately, is
    there a way to change the skin to completely remove that input
    field? It's not necessary to our process to have it there, so long
    as the index entries are there with the scroll bar.

    I tried to modify the skin, and what ends up happening is
    that if I remove the input field, the entire index disappears. I've
    tried modifying the xml file to simply remove the single line of
    code that calls the input field for the index, and again... the
    index displays as empty at that point, and unusable. This may be
    due to my ruidmentary (at best) skills with flash, xml, etc.
    I asked our in-house web team and Flash team to look at the
    index issue, and they discovered something strange. The index only
    breaks if the index word entered starts with the letter A. Has that
    ever happened to anyone else? We’ve tried multiple help
    projects on multiple boxes (computers), and the results have been
    very inconsistent. Sometimes the index breaks, sometimes not, but
    ONLY when the index entry starts with an A.

Maybe you are looking for

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