Indicated mailbox usage and shared folders

Hi All,
Wondering whether someone may be able to explain to me how groupwise figures out its mailbox usage in the following scenario-
user1 has 0b usage in their mailbox (brand new).
user1 created folder and shares it with user2.
user2 drops mail item of 10MB into shared folder owned by user1
both users see no difference in the size of their mailboxes, even though the 10mb email has been moved to a folder that belongs to someone else.

Worth mentioning is this single object reference for GroupWise only works with users who are in the same post office. That's why if you have a number of POs it makes sense to put people who always email each other in the same post office as their sent item counts only once in raw disk usage (not mailbox quotas). If they are in seperate POs then it's stored on disk twice (their sent items, and the recipiants inbox are in different POs and hence disk locations).
This efficiency multiplies when people email the entire GroupWise address book asking who last seen their lost umbrella!
This is, IMHO, one of the GREAT features of GroupWise and I believe the document library took this to the next level (a document attachement shared in the document library always referenced the latest version of the file so no looking back to find emails with "stale" documents in it).

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    "My folders" and "Shared Folders" are not appearing after integrating with BI server( Any help?
    Kishore P

    Tgara wrote:
    There are plenty of apps in the App Store that can do what you want, and many are free. 
    There are not currently (or at least I haven't found any) any weather apps that will appear in the Notifications Center the way the included app does on the iPhone. It's not a big deal for me but I can understand the people who want it.

  • Hi, I have a PPC Running OSX 10.5.4 and I want to delete the User "Guest"and "Shared"Folders on my HD, they won't let me change the permissions and I keep getting errors that say the permissions should be 0 and are 501 and having files i can't delete that

    Hi, I have a PPC Running OSX 10.5.4 and I want to delete the User "Guest"and "Shared"Folders on my HD, they won't let me change the permissions and I keep getting errors that say the permissions should be 0 and are 501 and having files i can't delete that go on and on ad infinitum... I think it's a virus or a corruption? Can anyone tell me or help me and let me know what I'm dealing with here or wether I'm mistaken and should leave it alone?
    I'd appreciate it.

    mattmakesvidiots wrote:
    Hi, I have a PPC Running OSX 10.5.4 and I want to delete the User "Guest"and "Shared"Folders on my HD
    Why do you want to delete those?  What have you done so far to do that?
    I doubt that Mac has a virus.  On the other hand, your attempts to deleted those folders may have caused corruption.
    Two other comments:
    1) Is there a reason that Mac hasn't been updated to OS X 10.5.8?
    2) You've been misled by the poor field labeling on this Web site into trying to type your entire post into the "subject" field.  In the future, just put a short summary of your post into that field.

  • How do the User and Shared Folders relate to the main drive? Can we delete?

    I'm curious how the User and Shared folders relate to the main hard drive and if there is duplicate files in these folders and the main hard drive. Some software programs I have seemed to have loaded content/info into these folders and I'm wondering why they put files in there instead of just the regular main hard drive pathing. These 2 folders are more confusing than anything. I can see that might be of use to a family and each family member wants to keep files in a personal file, but when I'm the only one using my computer, it seems like I should have the option to remove these folders completely, but I don't because I feel like I would be deleting some important files that I wasn't aware were in these folders.
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    stikygum wrote:
    Yeah, I'm really low on space, so I'm going about a bunch of different consolidating options. But I mainly posted my main question to help me understand what 'stuff' is in the User and Shared folders and whether or not they act like an Alias, in order to help me make an informed decision what is best for my needs.
    They are not aliases; it is a hierarchy, and there is intentional duplication at different levels. This is a feature.
    First thing is that Users and Shared are at different levels. Users is at the top level, but Shared is one level inside Users, at the same level as any other user account you have created.
    Therefore, if you delete the Users folder, you delete all user accounts, which means you delete all personal data. OS X probably won't even let you delete the Users folder unless you start up from a different hard drive, because you can't delete your user account while you are running in it.
    Now, more about the hierarchy. The intentional duplication is so that documents and software can exist for individual users or all users. For example, there are multiple Applications folders:
    Hard Drive\Applications - applications any user can see, installed at the system level
    Hard Drive\Users\username1\Applications = applications only that user can see
    Hard Drive\Users\username2\Applications = applications only that user can see
    In the same way, there are multiple Preferences, Cookies, Application Support, etc. folders at different levels, for the same reasons.
    If you do not know what you are doing and you delete one of these folders that "looks like a duplicate" you could cripple some essential part of your system or your account. That is why people are telling you not to do this.
    The Shared folder is there because if you are in one user account you are prevented from seeing the files inside other user accounts. (Because you don't want other accounts to be able to see your personal data.) If you want to share files with others in your house using the same Mac, that's a problem. But the Shared folder solves this. if you want some files to be accessible to all users, like some photos or music, just put them in the Shared folder and now anyone with an account on that computer can see those shared files.
    The reason shared files are not simply stored at the top level is because everything above the Users folder is supposed to be reserved for the system. User-specific are supposed to stay in the Users folder. That is why they put the Shared folder in there.
    If you are not using the Shared folder and are just eyeing it because you want to free up some disk space, well, it probably won't help to delete it. Because if you are not using the Shared folder, it is probably not taking up much space, even though you see stuff in there. And if there is stuff in there taking up space, first figure out if someone put it there for a reason before you delete it.

  • Proper way to delete 10.5 mail accounts and shared folders

    I have always used the procedure written by Ben Masters that is available at for my 10.4 servers, but I have a 10.5.8 server that needs some spring cleaning and I am wondering if this is safe for a 10.5.8 box as well?
    I also have several Shared Folders that are the same on all users of my mail server that I didn't put there. 1. How do these get there. 2. How do I delete them. 3. How do I set these up for a client if requested.
    Thanks for your help in Advance.

    Yes, this will work on 10.5.x as well. Although using SirAdmin is much easier.
    SirAdmin can also be used to manage Shared Folders.

  • Ubuntu and Shared folders, I need help

    Installed Ubuntu 14.04 Guest and updated and all good.
    Followed instructions on this page and almost all good
    Ran this command and it shows the drives and folders that I defined as Shared-Folders
    Ran this and it put shortcuts on the desktop
    ln -s /mnt/hgfs/shared-directory ~/Desktop/Name-of-the-folder  {edit} Yes, I used the real Shared Folder names
    If I double click on the shortcut OR try to copy a file to it from Ubuntu, I get
    This link cannot be used because its target “/mnt/hgfs/shared-directory” doesn't exist.
    Where am I going wrong?
    And, how do I make it work?
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    VMware Workstation 10 Documentation Center
    .host:/ /mnt/hgfs vmhgfs defaults 0 0
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    I skipped.

    Ran this command and it shows the drives and folders that I defined as Shared-Folders
    Ran this and it put shortcuts on the desktop
    ln -s /mnt/hgfs/shared-directory ~/Desktop/Name-of-the-folder  {edit} Yes, I used the real Shared Folder names
    If I double click on the shortcut OR try to copy a file to it from Ubuntu, I get
    This link cannot be used because its target “/mnt/hgfs/shared-directory” doesn't exist.
    Where am I going wrong?
    And, how do I make it work?
    Also /mnt/hgfs is empty even with Ctrl-H
    If /mnt/hgfs is empty the share isn't being set up correctly.  If the shared folders output in the vmware hgfsclient command appears all I can think is possibly the second command creating desktop shortcuts is in error.  I'm confused about what is actually "shared-directory" and "Name-of-the-folder".  They should be the same.  That particular step shouldn't even be be necessary if the share was actually established.  Normally all you need to do is create a desktop link to the shared folders once they are visible in the /mnt/hgfs directory.  You could try everything again. leaving that part out and going directly to /mnt/hgfs to see if it might be the source of the problem.
    Another option is to take a look at the links posted in this message two days ago - Re: complete, total and utter failure to get shared folders working in VM Player - host W7, guest Lubuntu (various versions)  The patch script is backward compatible with numerous Linux kernels so it should work on Ubuntu 14.04 which uses 3.13.  If for some reason it doesn't, you can rerun the unpatched VMware Tools distribution and be back where you are now, none the worse for wear.
    Good luck,

  • IMS 5.2, Pocket Outlook, and shared folders

    When the messaging server was first installed and I setup my Dell Axim x30 running Pocket PC Mobile 2003 Second Edition and Pocket Outlook to check my email account using IMAP everything seemed to work wonderfully. As a matter of fact, I eventually setup my Pocket Outlook to check several different IMAP accounts on the server and they all worked well. Things ran smoothly for many months.
    Then something changed. And I am not sure what. For some reason (I can't remember now) I removed one of the email accounts from my Pocket Outlook. I eventually setup Pocket Outlook to check that account again but from that point forward it seemed to take FOREVER to "download folders." It took me some time to figure-out why Pocket Outlook was behaving that way--it was enumerating EVERY folder for EVERY user in our system (at the time there were approx. 3,000 users). It was enumerating them and putting them under "Shared Folders" in the "Manage Folders" area of Pocket Outlook.
    In Outlook and Outlook Express there is a setting to prevent this sort of behavior from happening (select the "show only subscribed folders" setting) but that is not an option in Pocket Outlook. The checkbox to the left of the "Shared Folders" selection under the "Manage Folders" area of Pocket Outlook is cleared... but it seems that Pocket Outlook feels like it must first enumerate ALL the folders of ALL the users before it will honor my cleared-checkbox choice.
    The completely INSANE part of this whole issue is that I know for a fact that only 10 or fewer users have designated any of their IMAP/HTTP email folders as "shared." Why in the world is the messaging server advertising to every Outlook, Outlook Express, and Pocket Outlook that EVERY user has "potentially" shared EVERY folder? The messaging server did not behave that way when it was first installed and configured and I can think of no major changes in the messaging server's configuration that has changed since that time.
    Furthermore, while any account on this server I now configure within Pocket Outlook will behave this same exact way, the accounts that I had previously setup are behaving "the right way" (i.e. the way they behaved when they were first configured--they do NOT take FOREVER to attempt to download EVERYBODY's folders). Just to make things even crazier I reconfigured one of the "well-behaved" accounts in Pocket Outlook to check a different account (all I did was change the login name and password--left all other settings exactly the same), this previously well-behaved account is NOW misbehaving and attempting to download every-frickin'-folder on the email system!
    I know... computers do what you tell them to do--NOT what you want them to do. While I cannot think of any messaging server configuration changes that would explain this behavior there has obviously been some change or changes. But I'll be a monkey's uncle if I can figure it out!

    Well, if nothing has changed on the server, it's hard to know what to say.
    You can eliminate the server's response to the search, most likely. If the search is something like an imap "list%" command, then
    configutil -o store.sharedfolders -v off
    will stop the server from responding to that. This will also prevent any imap client from getting a response from that imap command. It does not prevent sharing or subscribing to folders, but you have to go through webmail to do it.
    Yes, you have to restart the imap daemon
    stop-msg imap
    start-msg imap

  • Content server and shared folders on win2003

    I am new to DMS server.
    Is content server show the files in  the shared folder ? is there any option to  trying this ?
    In cv02n can we move the documents in shared folder to database ?
    need help

    Is content server show the files in the shared folder ? is there any option to trying this ?
    The CS files are stored in maxdb database hence this option is not possible. You may try web server based vault.
    Also regarding second query you may store files in database or vault. Those additional options available apart from CS.

  • What happens to shared folders/mail when I disable/remove a mailbox in Exch2010 and which is better to get space back?

    We have a number of old mailboxes taking up room.  The users are long gone and I looked into removing them.  The clients of these users have been moved to others.  The users had shared folders that held this info.  I have a few questions
    about the removal.
    1. Is there a difference in time before space is given back if I disable versus remove the user in EMC?
    2. If an ex-employee had folders that others are sharing, what happens when I do the remove/disable?  Will the folders still be out there on the people who had it shared or will it vanish from them too?
    Thanks for your help.

    "Best practice" is going to be defined by each company.  I worked for Microsoft for 13.5 years, assisting over 100 large companies deploy either Windows or Exchange, and none had the same definition for their "best practice". 
    If you need access to a mailbox for a time period, you figure out a way to keep it.  If you want any terminated employee's mailbox gone tomorrow, it is gone tomorrow.
    I am a fan of having some sort of process that runs periodically to clear out unnecessary mailboxes and accounts, but if there are business reasons for keeping them around, that needs to be defined into the process.  In my current company, terminated
    accounts are kept for 30 days, mailbox included.  We give mailbox access to a different employee if required and tell them that if they need anything, they need to pull it into their own mailbox.  Then, when the account disappears, the mailbox goes
    into the dumpster.  So, if someone forgot to pull a message, they tell their boss and live with the consequences.
    But again, that's just another example of how it might be handled.  You get to define what will work for you, including pulling your business units in to help with the definition.

  • Outlook 2013 shared mailbox indexing and search issue

    I have 2 Outlook 2013 clients running in Cached Mode, with Download Shared Folders checked and a delegated mailbox opened via the Account Settings Advanced tab. Both clients are accessing the same delegated mailbox. According to this article (,
    they should be able to search the Current Folder via WDS, but in both cases, changing the Search Scope to Current Folder causes Outlook to hang for 10-20 minutes.
    This makes searching the delegate mailbox completely unworkable, which is a problem for the 2 P.A.s concerned, as they spend a lot of the day searching for correspondence.
    I have tried rebuilding the search index, with no change in the search behavior. It seems that WDS is not indexing the cached delegate mailbox - how can I correct this?

    Please try to add the following registry key and then restart Outlook to check the issue again:
    Note: Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. For added protection,
    back up the registrybefore you modify it.
    Registry data to index shared mailboxes:   
    Key: HKLM\software\policies\Microsoft\windows\windows search   
    DWORD: EnableIndexingDelegateMailboxes   
    Value: 1
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook 2010 Problem opening shared mailbox "the set of folders cannot be opened. Microsoft Exchange is not available"

    Hi, I have a number of mailboxes configured for sharing.
    For those users who have full access rights (given via EMC) the mailboxes automatically appear in Outlook 2010.
    However for one of those mailboxes the users recieve the following error when they try to access it:
    "The Set of Folders cannot be opened. Microsoft Exchange is not available. Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance."
    Meanwhile the users' primary mailboxes continue to work as normal, as do the other mailboxes that have been shared with them.
    The output of get-mailboxpermissions for the problematic mailbox is the same as the output for a full working one.
    If I add the mailbox to my account (as though I was using Outlook 2003) it allows me access, however I then have the situation of having the mailbox listed twice, one working the other not.
    How do I get this mailbox to behave as expected?
    Many thanks

    So the problem returns. I'm not sure what we did to work around it, the users who were having the problem have left and the new batch are now encountering it.
    I have issued the following command on the Exchange Server (one site, one server, all roles, only a default throttling policy exists):
    $a = Get-ThrottlingPolicy | where-object {$_.IsDefault -eq $true}
    $a | Set-ThrottlingPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency 40
    The result of Get-ThrottleingPolicy is:
    RunspaceId                                : 8bc47cdf-a695-47f0-b31e-e6ffba6aed66
    IsDefault                                 : True
    AnonymousMaxConcurrency                   : 1
    AnonymousPercentTimeInAD                  :
    AnonymousPercentTimeInCAS                 :
    AnonymousPercentTimeInMailboxRPC          :
    EASMaxConcurrency                         : 10
    EASPercentTimeInAD                        :
    EASPercentTimeInCAS                       :
    EASPercentTimeInMailboxRPC                :
    EASMaxDevices                             : 10
    EASMaxDeviceDeletesPerMonth               :
    EWSMaxConcurrency                         : 10
    EWSPercentTimeInAD                        : 50
    EWSPercentTimeInCAS                       : 90
    EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC                : 60
    EWSMaxSubscriptions                       : 5000
    EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds             : 60
    EWSFindCountLimit                         : 1000
    IMAPMaxConcurrency                        :
    IMAPPercentTimeInAD                       :
    IMAPPercentTimeInCAS                      :
    IMAPPercentTimeInMailboxRPC               :
    OWAMaxConcurrency                         : 5
    OWAPercentTimeInAD                        : 30
    OWAPercentTimeInCAS                       : 150
    OWAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC                : 150
    POPMaxConcurrency                         : 20
    POPPercentTimeInAD                        :
    POPPercentTimeInCAS                       :
    POPPercentTimeInMailboxRPC                :
    PowerShellMaxConcurrency                  : 18
    PowerShellMaxTenantConcurrency            :
    PowerShellMaxCmdlets                      :
    PowerShellMaxCmdletsTimePeriod            :
    ExchangeMaxCmdlets                        :
    PowerShellMaxCmdletQueueDepth             :
    PowerShellMaxDestructiveCmdlets           :
    PowerShellMaxDestructiveCmdletsTimePeriod :
    RCAMaxConcurrency                         : 40
    RCAPercentTimeInAD                        : 5
    RCAPercentTimeInCAS                       : 205
    RCAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC                : 200
    CPAMaxConcurrency                         : 20
    CPAPercentTimeInCAS                       : 205
    CPAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC                : 200
    MessageRateLimit                          :
    RecipientRateLimit                        :
    ForwardeeLimit                            :
    CPUStartPercent                           : 75
    AdminDisplayName                          :
    ExchangeVersion                           : 0.10 (
    Name                                      : DefaultThrottlingPolicy_eccf5379-4fb6-4e97-8b47-37b1dc58a9
    DistinguishedName                         : CN=DefaultThrottlingPolicy_eccf5379-4fb6-4e97-8b47-37b1dc5
    ettings,CN=Our Org Name,CN=Microsoft Exchange
    Identity                                  : DefaultThrottlingPolicy_eccf5379-4fb6-4e97-8b47-37b1dc58a9
    Guid                                      : a274d3ec-f2f8-43c3-ad26-6b960924ef0e
    ObjectCategory                            : domain.internal/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Throttling-Polic
    ObjectClass                               : {top, msExchGenericPolicy, msExchThrottlingPolicy}
    WhenChanged                               : 07/06/2011 10:24:47
    WhenCreated                               : 07/06/2011 10:24:41
    WhenChangedUTC                            : 07/06/2011 09:24:47
    WhenCreatedUTC                            : 07/06/2011 09:24:41
    OrganizationId                            :
    OriginatingServer                         : OneOfTheDCs.domain.internal
    IsValid                                   : True
    But the problem remains. Do I need to adjust anything else for this value (40) to become active? The documentation implies that the above is required on a CAS, however there is mention of registry settings but no guidance on whether these are required if
    the above is used.
    When I create a second profile via Mail (in control panel) for the shared mailbox and then start outlook using this profile I am able to access the mailbox as expected. This is running in the context of the user who cannot access it from her
    default Outlook profile.
    Many thanks

  • Shared mailboxes / shared folders

    Is anyone working with shared IMAP mailboxes (ie. mailboxes shared betwen several users) within Mail?
    I have some nested mailboxes on the server which I an trying to share between a few reps:
    Only mailboxA will show in Mail. But all mailboxes show correctly in Thunderbird and webmail.
    Is there a trick to getting this working in mail 10.4?
    (fwiw, i'm sure I had this working under 10.3 a few years back in a previous position)

    Both KB2817630 and KB2817347 apply to Office 2013, they shouldn't apply to Office 2010 per my knowledge.
    We can try this on this issue:
    Go to File tab -> Account Settings ->
    Account Settings -> E-mail tab, select your account and press
    Change button -> More Settings ->
    Advanced tab -> Cached Exchange Mode Settings section, untick
    Download shared folders -> OK.
    Or you can have a user create a new profile to setup the account, test if this issue persists:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • My Macbook Air does not show up on my network to any of my other computers, Other computers on my network appear and disappear, some shared folders are not accessible

    My Macbook Air with Lion does not show up on my network to any of my other computers (PC's) , even though it is connected to my wifi and does access the Internet. In addition, my other computers sometimes show up in Finder and sometimes they're not there. Sometimes they do show in Finder and when I click on them, I get "Connection Failed", other times, they connect. Also some shared folders on those other computers, which are PC's are not accessible, even though fully shared. My network is Apple Airport Extreme and works perfectly otherwise, including all PC's being able to see each other. Help would be much appreciated

    I got the same problem. I want to access my shared folder on my home windows7 from my MBA. Tried many suggestions on the web but all to no avail. I thought that should be very trivial. Maybe a Lion bug?

  • Shared folders (Windows file shares) show access denied and do not prompt for credentials

    Like other admins, I log on and work as a 'standard user' (usera) with no admin rights anywhere in the domain, to perform admin tasks I have another account (userb) which I authenticate with as and when required. userb has been allocated/delegated permissions
    as required.
    When trying to connect to shared folders on servers (2008 R2) using a UNC patch via Windows Explorer (Win 7 Ent.), I see an access denied error and do not get an option to supply alternative credentials.
    If I try to connect to the admin shares on the same server (\\server\C$ or \\server\e$) I get an access denied message AND get prompted for credentials. I supply my admin account and gain access as expected.
    If I check share and storage management when attempting to connect, I see that Windows is trying to connect me to each share as usera (which has no access). I understand why I get access denied at this point, but not why it can't just prompt me to supply an
    account that does have access. When trying the admin shares I also see the usera account, but I get a prompt to supply a user who does have access.
    Share permissions on the folders are for example 'Everyone' Full Control.  NTFS permissions are 'userb' has modify (read, execute, list, traverse etc) via a 'Server Admins' AD Universal security group.
    Note: If I do a NET USE from CMD and use the /USER switch, I can access the shares fine. But this is not great for accessing shared folders on the fly from various computers.
    How can I get the other shares on the server to prompt me, rather than just say access denied?
    Many thanks.

    Try to disable guest user from the server
    If you found this post helpful, please give it a "Helpful" vote. If it answered your question, remember to mark it as an "Answer". This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights! Always test ANY
    suggestion in a test environment before implementing!

  • Server 2008R2 mapping to shared folders fails users of Windows 8.1 but seems OK on Windos 8.0 and no problems for Windows 7

    Having read what I could from the related questions, the answers still elude me.  This issue apparently is specific to Windows 8.1.
    First, a little background.
    1:  The server is not on a domain,  The system runs Server 2008-R2 standard with all folders shared across a standard "Workgroup" type network.  They would prefer to
    leave this layout intact. 
    2:  The shared folders are nothing but Data files.  There are no active system folders or anything used in an "active" environment.  They are mostly Word doc, excel
    files, pdf, txt, etc.  However, due to the requirements of the software that needs to access these files, they Must
     reside on a mapped network drive letter. Nothing else works due to the way the SQL database program stores the reference points back to the data.
    I have had some success using what amounts to a “simulated” mapping using  WebDAV to access the server.  But access speed is a lot slower ad file size is limited.
    3:  The system has been configured as-is for the past 3 years with Users all on Windows 7 x64 (mixed OS, some Home Premium, some Professional) and the only problems that come up are when
    access is through an ISP that blocks port 445.  This was the original reason for finding a WebDAV/Cloud method just for those Users since they were unable to Map drives to anything on the Office Servers from their Home Internet even when using a VPN.
    When Windows 8.0 became the only version available, I added a few users whose new laptops came with 8.0 from the vendors.  While there were a very few minor problems, for all practical
    purposes, I was still able to provide access to the mapped folders.
    As the Windows 8.1 roll-out progressed, some users were successfully upgraded while others  are still stuck in Windows 8.0.  The issues with this seem to be hardware related and vary
    depending on the Make and model of the laptop.  I have been assured that eventually all of these will be able to advance to 8.1.  But this delay has given me an excellent mixed OS environment for testing.
    On the users who have not yet purchased new equipment and who are still using Windows 7.  There has been no change.  Their drive mapping is stable and they can always connect as usual. 
    Those blocked from lack of port 445 or still blocked.  Systems inside the Office and those with ISP's who allow port 445 can use all mapped drives as normal.
    Users who had Windows 8.0 and who have not yet been able to upgrade to 8.1 also have been unaffected.  Same results as Windows 7. 
    Users who got the Windows 8.1 upgrade as well as those that came factory loaded with Windows 8.1 seem to be a never-ending list of problems.  The ones that came native with 8.1 are worst
    of all.  The list of error codes runs through everything that has to do with “communication with the server”.  As far as I have seen, this appears to be the issue.
    Whether they are in the office on a wired network connection or at home on a Wi-Fi connection, the issues have the same results but the actual error codes may vary slightly.  All of
    them refer back to an inability to communicate with the server.
    Nothing on the server has changed in any way.  Users with Windows 7 continue to have zero problems,  Users with Windows 8.0 seem to be doing fine as well.  Only those with Windows
    8.1 are affected and their problems are dramatic with everything from a total loss of drive mapping to misdirected data when the maps are active.
    I have tried to make the drives automatically remap on reboot. I have tried registry modifications.  I have done everything I can think of to make a difference but the results are the same
    for every system using 8.1.  The mapped drive letters invariably disappear.  Sometimes while the system is in use ( I think I have been able to trace this to times when the system enters Sleep or Hibernate) but always when the system reboots. 
    One detail that might point to somewhere is that the "time to connect" when mapping the drive is so long that I believe some of the original failures were due to not waiting for a
    minimum of 3 or 4 minutes to give time for the Shares to show-up in order to map them.  Once the mapping is successful, the file access speed seems normal.  But invariably, the drive becomes "unmapped" repeatedly each day.
    I know this was a long question but I have tried to provide every possible detail for anyone who has experienced events like this who may already have a solution.  I would even be glad
    to purchase a 3rd party application if that is what it takes to get this to work.  My next planned effort is to try using Server 2013 but I am afraid that might open another can of worms for those who still use Windows 7.
    I have also been told that this is in some way related to the push to "Cloud" support in Windows 8.1 OS but I do not see where this would come in.  I can say that this was the
    one place where things continued to work as before.  People who had Windows 8.1 and who had to use the CLOUD copies of our data are still able to connect to it with no problems.
    Any suggestions appreciated.  Preferably those that would not need extensive changes to the basic network structure.  This "workgroup" consists of less than 25 users and any
    extreme measures would be hard to justify

    I sugget you try to ping server so that we can verify the connectivity.
    Can windows 8.1 access Windows Server 2008R2?
    Also,please check the event viewer to see if some error log appeared when the issue occurred.
    Kelvin Xu
    TechNet Community Support

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