Information about tablespace

i have window server and oracle 9i
and have three questions
when we create new tempfile
what is different between autoextend and reuse??
if i have a tempfile used now
what will happen if i create new one and drop the old one which is full and take over 10 gigabyte???
when i check the temp tablespace space in my database i found the free space is zero
is there is a problem
what is a code to show the parameter value of tempfile i.e mazsize , next , size , reuse , autoextended
and what is the code to make it autoextended on and maxsize unlimited
i will solve it by create new tempfile
thanks to every one pass to this post

Mohamed wrote:
Mohamed wrote:
window server and oracle 9i
when we create new tempfile
what is different between autoextend and reuse??
if i have a tempfile used now
what will happen if i create new one and drop the old one which is full and take over 10 gigabyte???
when i check the temp tablespace space in my database i found the free space is zero
is there is a problem
what is a code to show the parameter value of tempfile i.e mazsize , next , size , reuse , autoextended
i will solve it by create new tempfile
thanks to every one pass to this posti need help very importantYou asked for an explanation of concepts, which you were given. What do you need help with? We can't read your mind. As for "very important", this is a forum of volunteers.
BTW, free space = zero in a temp TS is normal. Extents are not dropped just be re-allocated. Instead they are marked 'available' and re-used. So if your un-named, un-described "important" problem that you need help with is simply that your temp TS has no freespace, then you have no problem as that is a normal and expected condition.

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    Hi CracKatoA.
    Take a look at the link bellow:
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    Which user account you used for SQL Server service, domain account or local account?
    If it is domain account, are you able to log in to a machine with it?
    Make sure that the password of account is not expired.
    Also, grant the user Allowed to Authenticate permission and see how it helps.
    Refer to the below article:
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

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