Information needed on iMac

I have been using a performa for years. I wasjust given an imac(blue) and have several questions. First I willl tell you about my machine as you may need this info to assist me
imac blue...Model #M5521...DHHS Code CH...Ser#YMO35111JAU
IN/400/64/CD/128P/556K All this info came from the underside of the computer.
This info came from the installed software
Memory overview
Disk cach 2MB Virtual memory 65mb built in memory 64mb
Hardware overview
Processor Power PC G3...speed 400mhz...
About this computer
Built in memory 64mb..Virtual memory 65mb unused on HD
Largest unused block 38.6 mb
Here are my questions
1. I am currently using dial up and plan to switch to DSL next week. DSL requires
64 mb ram...100mb free space...everything else needed seems to check out..Can I use DSL?
2. I may want to add more memory. Can I? one source I looked up mentions 128-DIMMS..another sight says I can add says no. Where would I find this out?
How much ram can I add to this imac if any?
I just mainly surf the email...type letters...
I do not download or the like. Just basic stuff
3.I want to be able to store documents on cd's and be able to access them when needed.. Someone said to use
CD-R disks. They said I could store things on them and then if needed put them into mmy front loading cd rom slot and print them out when needed.. Is this correct?
ANY assistance anyone could lend in these areas would be appreciated
Thank you

1) yes you can use DSL with what you have, but you want more RAM and I would recommend getting OSX.3 or above because the web browsers for OS9, which I assume is what you are running, are a bit dated and not well supported any longer.
2) Yes you can add more RAM. The 64meg stick in there can be removed. You can add up to 1 Gig of RAM via two 512Mb PC100 or PC133 DIMMS.
See here:
I would add at least 512 Mb if you use OSX and no less than 256 mb if you are using OS9
3) No you can not use CD-R or CDRW with the hardware you have. That iMac only has a CDRom drive and can not burn CDs. You can buy an external CD burner if you want to back up to CDRs
PS: You may want to remove your serial number from your post. Granted the warranty has expired but there's no need or reason to list it.

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    Hi John
    If it's like previous years, you can register for as many sessions as you want, providing there are no clashes as you can't register for sessions that conflict or overlap with previosly booked sessions. It's always worth booking for those sessions that are of interest as some often fill and if you're not registered, you're forced to wait in a standby queue and might miss out entirely.
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    There are some highly experienced people here running Sophos free who say it's just fine. A lot of this talk here is urban mythology.
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    Readers here are other Users like you.  You need Apple Customer Service. call them.

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    1) yes you can use DSL with what you have, but you want more RAM and I would recommend getting OSX.3 or above because the web browsers for OS9, which I assume is what you are running, are a bit dated and not well supported any longer.
    2) Yes you can add more RAM. The 64meg stick in there can be removed. You can add up to 1 Gig of RAM via two 512Mb PC100 or PC133 DIMMS.
    See here:
    I would add at least 512 Mb if you use OSX and no less than 256 mb if you are using OS9
    3) No you can not use CD-R or CDRW with the hardware you have. That iMac only has a CDRom drive and can not burn CDs. You can buy an external CD burner if you want to back up to CDRs
    PS: You may want to remove your serial number from your post. Granted the warranty has expired but there's no need or reason to list it.

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    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Power down the cable modem.
    Wait 30 minutes (go and have a cup of tea or something).
    Connect the cable modem to the WAN port of the Airport Extreme Base Station (AEBS).
    Switch on the cable modem.
    Switch on the AEBS.
    Wait five minutes.
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    A D/A converter is a box that you must connect on one side to a firewire port of your Mac (with a firewire cable) and on the other side to your TV with an analogue cable, usually with 3 different "RCA" plugs: yellow for video and red and black (or white) for audio.
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    Gibson123, Welcome to the discussion area!
    You really need to get a router which has these capabilities instead of using the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS).

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    What modem are you attempting to use?  Is it the internal modem card that shipped with your iMac?  If so, the appropriate modem scripts are included in the folder of the same name.  I think you have a choice of using a v.34 or v.90 script, but you won't find a v.92 script for it, because that protocol didn't exist when the G3 iMacs were manufactured.  You select the modem script to use with your PPP connection software.  I always used the third-party "FreePPP" connection software with my pre-OS X Macs, but it used Apple's Modem Script database.  If you're using a third-party external modem, the manufacturer should have included pre-OS X and OS X modem scripts for it.  US Robotics has a good USB mini-modem that I've successfully used with older Macs having a USB port, and the modem scripts were included on the installer disk.  If you want to create your own script, the generic initialization command AT&F or AT&F1 works for many different (hardware controller-based) modems.  Additional commands can be added to fine-tune the modem, such as setting the minimum connection speed.

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    I agree with the "double the size" rule of thumb. You should also consider how much of the 320GB you are actually using and are likely to use in the next year or two. After all, it's the amount of storage you use that matters, not the size of the disk. Disks will very likely be cheaper soon. You should also keep in mind that TM deletes old archive data when it runs out of disk space. So as long as you have more disk space than you have data to back up, TM will work, though you will lose older versions of your data.
    So if your 320GB drive only has 100GB used and you're not the kind of person who eats up disk like there's no tomorrow, the 320GB drive should be fine for now. If you expect that 320GB disk to be full soon then a 750GB TM disk is more like what you need.
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    PS. I travel to Asia ones a year for 4-6 weeks. Otherwise i would have no prb choosing the iMac.
    Thanks in advance

    i would go for imac and add another gb of ram for performance
    macbook pro has only 17" monitor size which would be harder on your eyes for your photo/video stuffs (where did you get the 24" size?) the entry level of macbookpro is 15"
    imac on the other hand has 20" and 24" monitor size

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