Inmage POC

Good day folks,
I'm currently in the process of putting together an Inmage POC and am having a little trouble setting up a protection plan using Offline Export/Import between two VMware clusters. My current setup is as follows:
Customer Site:
Process Server
Master Target Server
Service Provider Site:
CX-CS Server
Master Target Server/vContinuum Server
The following are the steps I've taken thus far:
Select Offline Sync, OfflineSync Export (within vContinuum)
Enter details of vCenter server in customer's site
Select VM to be protected
Enter details of vCenter server (again in customer's site)
Select Master Target server in customer's site
Select process server in customer's site, set retention information, datastore etc (chosen datastore holds VM to be protected and Master Target server)
Run readiness check...passing successfully
Protection status screen reports all OK and the VM protection status changes to differential sync (as expected)
Power down the Master target server on the customer's site and remove it from the inventory
Copy the Master Target and InMage_Offline_Sync_Folder from the customer's site datastore to a datastore on the VMware cluster in the Service Provider's site Select Offline Sync, OfflineSync Import (within vContinuum)
Enter details of vCenter server in Service Provider's site
Select the datastore which holds the files copied above
It's at this point that I'm starting to have issues.  The import job is failing with the following error:
"DRS cannot find a host to power on or migrate the virtual machine"
I'm sure it's something that I'm doing wrong but I'm at a loss as to what that might be, any help you guys can offer would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance...Fixx

Hi there ILikeRecovery,
I resolved this issue by removing the NIC from the customer site Master Target server before exporting it.  I assume it was failing to import (at least in my environment) because the port group didn't exist on the remote vSphere environment.
Being that you've already carried out the import, you should be able to work round this by browsing to the imported Master Target server (remote site), downloading it's .vmx file and deleting the lines corresponding to the NIC.  It should looks something
like this:
<tt abp="346">ethernet0.present = "true"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet"
ethernet0.networkName = "Virtual Machine Network"
ethernet0.addressType = "vpx"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "00"</tt>
<tt abp="346">Then upload the edited .vmx to the same location overwriting the original.  You should now be able to power up the imported Master Target server, add a NIC and configure it.</tt>
I've repeated this process several times now and confirm it works perfectly :)
Good luck<tt abp="346"></tt>

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  • Questions before an internal lab POC (on old underperformant hardware)

    Hello VDI users,
    NB: I initially asked this list of questions to my friends at the
    SunRay-Users mailing list, but then I found this forum as a
    more relevant place.
    It's a bit long and I understand that many questions may have
    already been answered in detail on the forum or VDI wiki. If it's
    not too much a burden - please just reply with a link in this case.
    I'd like this thread to become a reference of sorts to point to our
    management and customers.
    I'm growing an interest to try out a Sun VDI POC in our lab
    with VirtualBox and Sunrays, so I have a number of questions
    popping up. Not all of them are sunray-specific (in fact, most
    are VirtualBox-related), but I humbly hope you won't all flame
    me for that?
    I think I can get most of the answers by experiment, but if
    anyone feels like sharing their experience on these matters
    so I can expect something a'priori - you're welcome to do so ;)
    Some questions involve best practices, however. I understand
    that all mileages vary, but perhaps you can warn me (and others)
    about some known-not-working configurations...
    1) VDI core involves a replicated database (such as MySQL)
    for redundant configuration of its working set storage...
    1.1) What is the typical load on this database? Should it
    just be "available", or should it also have a high mark
    in performance?
    For example, we have a number of old Sun Netra servers
    (UltraSPARC-II 450-650MHz) which even have a shared SCSI
    JBOD (Sun StorEdge S1 with up to 3 disks).
    Would these old horses plow the field well? (Some of them
    do run our SRSS/uttsc tasks okay)
    1.2) This idea seems crippled a bit anyway - if the database
    master node goes down, it seems (but I may be wrong) that
    one of the slave DB nodes should be promoted to a master
    status, and then when the master goes up, their statuses
    should be sorted out again.
    Or the master should be made HA in shared-storage cluster.
    (Wonder question) Why didn't they use Sun DSEE or OpenDS
    with built-in multimaster replication instead?
    2) The documentation I've seen refers to a specific version
    of VirtualBox - 2.0.8, as the supported platform for VDI3.
    It was implied that there were specific features in that
    build made for Sun VDI 3 to work with it. Or so I got it.
    2.1) A few versions rolled out since that one, 3.0 is out
    now. Will they work together okay, work but as unsupported
    config, not work at all?
    2.2) If specifically VirtualBox 2.0.8 is to be used, is there
    some secret build available, or the one from Old Versions
    download page will do?
    3) How much a bad idea is it to roll out a POC deployment
    (up to 10 virtual desktop machines) with VirtualBox VMs
    running on the same server which contains their data
    (such as Sun Fire X4500 with snv_114 or newer)?
    3.1) If this is possible at all, and if the VM data is a
    (cloned) ZFS dataset/volume, should a networked protocol
    (iSCSI) be used for VM data access anyway, or is it
    possible (better?) to use local disk access methods?
    3.2) Is it possible to do a POC deployment (forfeiting such
    features as failover, scalability, etc.) on a single
    machine alltogether?
    3.3) Is it feasible to extend a single-machine deployment
    to a multiple-machine deployment in the future (that
    is, without reinstalling/reconfiguring from scratch)?
    4) Does VBox RDP server and its VDI interaction with SRSS
    have any specific benefits to native Windows RDP, such
    as responsiveness, bandwidth, features (say, microphone
    Am I correct to say that VBox RDP server enables the
    touted 3D acceleration (OpenGL 2.0 and DX8/9), and lets
    connections over RDP to any VM BIOS and OSes, not just
    Windows ones?
    4.1) Does the presence of a graphics accelerator card on
    the VirtualBox server matter for remote use of the VM's
    (such as through a Sun Ray and VDI)?
    4.2) Concerning the microphone input, as the question often
    asked for SRSS+uttsc and replied by RDP protocol limits...
    Is it possible to pass the audio over some virtualized
    device for the virtual machine? Is it (not) implemented
    already? ;)
    5) Are there known DO's and DONT's for VM desktop workloads?
    For example, simply office productivity software users
    and software developers with Java IDEs or ongoing C/C++
    compilations should have different RAM/disk footprints.
    Graphics designers heavy on Adobe Photoshop are another
    breed (which we've seen to crawl miserably in Windows
    RDP regardless of win/mstsc or srss/uttsc clients).
    Can it be predicted that some class of desktops can
    virtualize well and others should remain "physical"?
    NB: I guess this is a double-question - on virtualization
    of remote desktop tasks over X11/RDP/ALP (graphics bound),
    as well as a question on virtualization of whole desktop
    machines (IO/RAM/CPU bound).
    6) Are there any rule-of-thumb values for virtualized
    HDD and networking filesystems (NFS, CIFS) throughput?
    (I've seen the sizing guides on VDI Wiki; anything else
    to consider?)
    For example, the particular users' data (their roaming
    profiles, etc.) should be provisioned off the networked
    storage server, temporary files (browser caches, etc.)
    should only exist in the virtual machine, and home dirs
    with working files may better be served off the network
    share altogether.
    I wonder how well this idea works in real life?
    In particular, how well does a virtualized networked
    or "local" homedir work for typical software compile
    tasks (r/w access to many small files)?
    7) I'm also interested in the scenario of VMs spawned
    from "golden image" and destroyed after logout and/or
    manually (i.e. after "golden image"'s update/patching).
    It would be interesting to enable the cloned machine
    to get an individual hostname, join the Windows domain
    (if applicable), promote the user's login to the VM's
    local Administrators group or assign RBAC profiles or
    sudoer permissions, perhaps download the user's domain
    roaming profile - all prior to the first login on this
    Is there a way to pass some specific parameters to the
    VM cloning method (i.e. the user's login name, machine's
    hostname and VM's OS)?
    If not, perhaps there are some best-practice suggestions
    on similar provisioning of cloned hosts during first boot
    (this problem is not as new as VDI, anyways)?
    8) How great is the overhead (quantitative or subjective)
    of VM desktops overall (if more specific than values in
    sizing guide on Wiki)? I've already asked on HDD/networking
    above. Other aspects involve:
    How much more RAM does a VM-executing process typically
    use than is configured for the VM? In the JavaOne demo
    webinar screenshots I think I've seen a Windows 7 host
    with 512Mb RAM, and a VM process sized about 575Mb.
    The Wiki suggests 1.2 times more. Is this a typical value?
    Are there "hidden costs" in other VBox processes?
    How efficiently is the CPU emulated/provided (if the VBox
    host has the relevant VT-x extensions), especially for
    such CPU-intensive tasks as compilation?
    *) Question from our bookkeeping team:
    Does creating such a POC lab and testing it in office's
    daily work (placing some employees or guests in front of
    virtual desktops instead of real computers or SR Solaris
    desktops) violate some licenses for Sun VDI, VirtualBox,
    Sun Rays, Sun SGD, Solaris, etc? (The SRSS and SSGD are
    licensed; Solaris is, I guess, licensed by the download
    form asking for how many hosts we have).
    Since all of the products involved (sans SGD) don't need
    a proof of license to install and run, and they can be
    downloaded somewhat freely (after quickly clicking thru
    the tomes of license agreements), it's hard for a mere
    admin to reply such questions ;)
    If there are some limits (# of users, connections, VMs,
    CPUs, days of use, whatever) which differentiate a legal
    deployment for demo (or even legal for day-to-day work)
    from a pirated abuse - please let me know.
    Edited by: JimKlimov on Jul 7, 2009 10:59 AM
    Added licensing question

    Hello VDI users,
    NB: I initially asked this list of questions to my friends at the
    SunRay-Users mailing list, but then I found this forum as a
    more relevant place.
    It's a bit long and I understand that many questions may have
    already been answered in detail on the forum or VDI wiki. If it's
    not too much a burden - please just reply with a link in this case.
    I'd like this thread to become a reference of sorts to point to our
    management and customers.
    I'm growing an interest to try out a Sun VDI POC in our lab
    with VirtualBox and Sunrays, so I have a number of questions
    popping up. Not all of them are sunray-specific (in fact, most
    are VirtualBox-related), but I humbly hope you won't all flame
    me for that?
    I think I can get most of the answers by experiment, but if
    anyone feels like sharing their experience on these matters
    so I can expect something a'priori - you're welcome to do so ;)
    Some questions involve best practices, however. I understand
    that all mileages vary, but perhaps you can warn me (and others)
    about some known-not-working configurations...
    1) VDI core involves a replicated database (such as MySQL)
    for redundant configuration of its working set storage...
    1.1) What is the typical load on this database? Should it
    just be "available", or should it also have a high mark
    in performance?
    For example, we have a number of old Sun Netra servers
    (UltraSPARC-II 450-650MHz) which even have a shared SCSI
    JBOD (Sun StorEdge S1 with up to 3 disks).
    Would these old horses plow the field well? (Some of them
    do run our SRSS/uttsc tasks okay)
    1.2) This idea seems crippled a bit anyway - if the database
    master node goes down, it seems (but I may be wrong) that
    one of the slave DB nodes should be promoted to a master
    status, and then when the master goes up, their statuses
    should be sorted out again.
    Or the master should be made HA in shared-storage cluster.
    (Wonder question) Why didn't they use Sun DSEE or OpenDS
    with built-in multimaster replication instead?
    2) The documentation I've seen refers to a specific version
    of VirtualBox - 2.0.8, as the supported platform for VDI3.
    It was implied that there were specific features in that
    build made for Sun VDI 3 to work with it. Or so I got it.
    2.1) A few versions rolled out since that one, 3.0 is out
    now. Will they work together okay, work but as unsupported
    config, not work at all?
    2.2) If specifically VirtualBox 2.0.8 is to be used, is there
    some secret build available, or the one from Old Versions
    download page will do?
    3) How much a bad idea is it to roll out a POC deployment
    (up to 10 virtual desktop machines) with VirtualBox VMs
    running on the same server which contains their data
    (such as Sun Fire X4500 with snv_114 or newer)?
    3.1) If this is possible at all, and if the VM data is a
    (cloned) ZFS dataset/volume, should a networked protocol
    (iSCSI) be used for VM data access anyway, or is it
    possible (better?) to use local disk access methods?
    3.2) Is it possible to do a POC deployment (forfeiting such
    features as failover, scalability, etc.) on a single
    machine alltogether?
    3.3) Is it feasible to extend a single-machine deployment
    to a multiple-machine deployment in the future (that
    is, without reinstalling/reconfiguring from scratch)?
    4) Does VBox RDP server and its VDI interaction with SRSS
    have any specific benefits to native Windows RDP, such
    as responsiveness, bandwidth, features (say, microphone
    Am I correct to say that VBox RDP server enables the
    touted 3D acceleration (OpenGL 2.0 and DX8/9), and lets
    connections over RDP to any VM BIOS and OSes, not just
    Windows ones?
    4.1) Does the presence of a graphics accelerator card on
    the VirtualBox server matter for remote use of the VM's
    (such as through a Sun Ray and VDI)?
    4.2) Concerning the microphone input, as the question often
    asked for SRSS+uttsc and replied by RDP protocol limits...
    Is it possible to pass the audio over some virtualized
    device for the virtual machine? Is it (not) implemented
    already? ;)
    5) Are there known DO's and DONT's for VM desktop workloads?
    For example, simply office productivity software users
    and software developers with Java IDEs or ongoing C/C++
    compilations should have different RAM/disk footprints.
    Graphics designers heavy on Adobe Photoshop are another
    breed (which we've seen to crawl miserably in Windows
    RDP regardless of win/mstsc or srss/uttsc clients).
    Can it be predicted that some class of desktops can
    virtualize well and others should remain "physical"?
    NB: I guess this is a double-question - on virtualization
    of remote desktop tasks over X11/RDP/ALP (graphics bound),
    as well as a question on virtualization of whole desktop
    machines (IO/RAM/CPU bound).
    6) Are there any rule-of-thumb values for virtualized
    HDD and networking filesystems (NFS, CIFS) throughput?
    (I've seen the sizing guides on VDI Wiki; anything else
    to consider?)
    For example, the particular users' data (their roaming
    profiles, etc.) should be provisioned off the networked
    storage server, temporary files (browser caches, etc.)
    should only exist in the virtual machine, and home dirs
    with working files may better be served off the network
    share altogether.
    I wonder how well this idea works in real life?
    In particular, how well does a virtualized networked
    or "local" homedir work for typical software compile
    tasks (r/w access to many small files)?
    7) I'm also interested in the scenario of VMs spawned
    from "golden image" and destroyed after logout and/or
    manually (i.e. after "golden image"'s update/patching).
    It would be interesting to enable the cloned machine
    to get an individual hostname, join the Windows domain
    (if applicable), promote the user's login to the VM's
    local Administrators group or assign RBAC profiles or
    sudoer permissions, perhaps download the user's domain
    roaming profile - all prior to the first login on this
    Is there a way to pass some specific parameters to the
    VM cloning method (i.e. the user's login name, machine's
    hostname and VM's OS)?
    If not, perhaps there are some best-practice suggestions
    on similar provisioning of cloned hosts during first boot
    (this problem is not as new as VDI, anyways)?
    8) How great is the overhead (quantitative or subjective)
    of VM desktops overall (if more specific than values in
    sizing guide on Wiki)? I've already asked on HDD/networking
    above. Other aspects involve:
    How much more RAM does a VM-executing process typically
    use than is configured for the VM? In the JavaOne demo
    webinar screenshots I think I've seen a Windows 7 host
    with 512Mb RAM, and a VM process sized about 575Mb.
    The Wiki suggests 1.2 times more. Is this a typical value?
    Are there "hidden costs" in other VBox processes?
    How efficiently is the CPU emulated/provided (if the VBox
    host has the relevant VT-x extensions), especially for
    such CPU-intensive tasks as compilation?
    *) Question from our bookkeeping team:
    Does creating such a POC lab and testing it in office's
    daily work (placing some employees or guests in front of
    virtual desktops instead of real computers or SR Solaris
    desktops) violate some licenses for Sun VDI, VirtualBox,
    Sun Rays, Sun SGD, Solaris, etc? (The SRSS and SSGD are
    licensed; Solaris is, I guess, licensed by the download
    form asking for how many hosts we have).
    Since all of the products involved (sans SGD) don't need
    a proof of license to install and run, and they can be
    downloaded somewhat freely (after quickly clicking thru
    the tomes of license agreements), it's hard for a mere
    admin to reply such questions ;)
    If there are some limits (# of users, connections, VMs,
    CPUs, days of use, whatever) which differentiate a legal
    deployment for demo (or even legal for day-to-day work)
    from a pirated abuse - please let me know.
    Edited by: JimKlimov on Jul 7, 2009 10:59 AM
    Added licensing question

  • Window 8.1 PoC Hydration Kits - setup errors

    I've downloaded Windows 8.1 PoC Hydration Kit from
    and am running the "setuplab.ps1" with the appropriate command line switches, but I keep on hitting errors. Such as shown below:
     "11 errors and 0 warnings reported" (as shown below)."
     I'm now following step 3.1.3 running the MDT task sequence on client 1 the machine does not boot to the network (as it is supposed to be according to the lab guide). The error below was shown during lab provisioning.
    This is being carried out an 8 core Intel Xeon Dell PowerEdge with 16GB ram, Hyperv is running on Windows 2012 evaluation with the latest updates. I'm following the instructions to the letter and am getting errors already.
    Has anyone come across this?
    IT Support/Everything

    Hydration 6?!?! That's kind of old. Can you upgrade to Hydration 8.1?
    Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -


    Respeced Gurujis,
    While entering the Vendor invoice by f-43 i m getting following error message
    Please help me out.

    Hi Vinod,
    Probably document splitting is activated in your company code.
    So at the following path Assign an item category to your GL account.
    Path: SPRO-Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Business Transaction - Document Splitting - Classify G/L Accounts for Document Splitting..
    Check the item category that is most relevant to your GL from dro-down.
    Manish Gupta

  • A POC in SAP PI

    Hello All,
    I have to do one POC in PI.
    The requirment is....for ex if we have three different mapping ussed in a single scenario and the maaping is either XSLT or JAVA mapping. Then we have to dump the output of every mapping on the file system and then this output will send to other mapping.
    I have found three method.
    1) By using BPM and File adapter
    2) By writing the Java code so that after calling every style sheet a java program runs and we can write the output.....but i donot know hoe to do this...
    3) To find the table in SAP where all the payload get stored and from there picking the data and then writing on to the server....In this the problem is wat is the table name...where i can found it and on what basis i will pick up the data...
    Plz help

    hi hemant,
    I ll suggest to go with BPM...
    for the 3rd option i dont think that this can be possible..
    bez mapping is a java componenet and accessing abap table from java part is not possible.
    if u go through u ll find that SXSPEMAS, SXMSPMAST, SXMSMSTATT, SMPPRE13  are tha main abap table which storing all the info regarding message flow in sxmb_moni.
    but here u ll not find any of the table which storing message pay load. please make a note that XI stores the payload in a hexadecimal format and cant be retrieved just by accessing a table field. u have to fetch the message payload using the XI message MSG_ID. The class CL_XMS_PERSIST provides a method called READ_MSG_ALL which reads a message using the message GUID and version.but this all are not possible in java componenet .
    may be using abap mapping this can be possible, i am not sure..

  • Extra trailing element separators at the end of POC segment

    When running through a 860 EDI file received from the Trading Partner through the Oracle B2B Editor Analyzer Wizard, we are encountering parsing error:
    There are extra trailing element separators at the end of POC segment. Segment POC is defined in the guideline at position 010.
    This error was detected at:
    Segment Count: 23
    Characters: 956 through 957
    The error is possibly occurring due to null elements at the end of the POC segment. However, the Trading Partner mentions that they cannot alter this behaviour in their translator behavior not to insert null elements.
    Is their any way of resolving this issue when we import the document through Oracle B2B?

    Hi Balu,
    We are also facing a similar problem. Can you please detail us on how you were able to resolve it.
    Looking forward for your response!!

  • Interim payment based on PoC

    Hi there
    my client has a requirement to report actual PoC and make payment accordingly.  We are using PS/MM integration, for all external services, we have a PO assigned to the network activity.
    The PS activity invoicing plan is not used because invoicing shall be related to PO and not NWA.
    How do we document in SAP both the % and $$$ for the interim invoice?  Do we have to develop something to book the % to PS and $$$ to MM?
    The invoicing plan is not very useful especially when reported % and reported $$$ has random rounding differences.
    Any suggestions of best practice?

    The project is outsourced to contractors.  We use WBSE to manage budget we could spend.  We use network for scheduling.  All activities are outsouced.
    Each single activity can be multi-months services.  Contractor submits the actual % completed and $$$ periodically.  Note the planned % of completion and $$$ is not applicable.
    We need to book the submitted % and $$$, the $$$ would be an invoice, the % could be a confirmation. 
    The question is, is there an easier way to integrate PS and MM, for example, is it possible to put the actuall % of completion and $$$ into one single document, or any other practices?

  • Display and use Invoice Percentg in POC on Milestones.

    Hi Expert
    Does anyone know is it possible?
    We use PS and POC in Milestones.
    Invoice Percentg is now displaied and triggered by Percentage, like if it is 60%, it is supposed to be chargeable.
    Then, it is possible making it triggered by not percentage but sum of money.

    Hi Shinya,
    in Sales document you can use amount to be billed against milestone confirmation.

  • RA with Valuation Method 7 with POC %ages

    Highly appreciated, if you can detail the steps involved in carrying out RA with Valuation Method 7 with progressive value analysis. Here, we can give a percentage of POC into the system as certified by the Engineers unlike Valuation method 3 where the POC is calculated on the basis of actual costs incurred.
    In the case of valuation method 3, only revenue is analysed by the system with reference to the POC and necessary entries are posted as Revenue surplus or Revenue in excess of billings. Whereas in the case of valuation method 7,  both the revenue and costs are analysed and necessary provisions are made both for revenue and costs.
    Ashok Singh

    check your settings for accounting documents postings

  • EDI Purchase Order Change Import (POCI) Example

    We are using e-Commerce Gateway POI for Order import to create new Sales Order. Now, we are tasked to import order changes and plan to use ecg PO Change Import (POCI). Can anyone share a sample import file? Thanks

    Check it out;jsessionid=pkp0TkhMRhXW0Xn0dNDYJnNmQXQf2QmBNL0X5S62N4DxNvBCJFLX!-630848372?theAction=poprecord&

  • POC calculations of internal activity and service activities

    I need some help regarding POC.
    In the scenario, I am using two activities----Internal and service.
    The internal Activity is used only for scheduling and confirmation of activities. There is a work center attached to it, but there is no cost attached to it.
    The service activity is only related to cost.
    Now, I want to calculate the POC for internal activity similar to the MSP i.e, POC calculated at the activity level will role up to give the POC at the WBS level ( this POC will  be related to the POC as per the confirmation of the work that is the actual % of completion).
    To calculate the EV only the cost from the service activity will work. i.e, the actual cost which is coming from the RA Bill (ML81n) and the planned cost from the services in the service activity. So this POC will be different from the POC calculate in the internal activity confirmation.
    How to map both the scenarios in the same project ?
    Kindly furnish some idea.
    A. Bose

    Hi Abhra,
    You can use both activity types if required but I would recommed you to look up on the three types of activities so that you are able to choose the best option that fits your business requirement:
    1) Internal
    2) External
    3) Service
    You can use confirmations for both service as well as internal activities. This will help you with your POC calculation as the values will be aggregated to the WBS level. I tried to inquire from you which EV method you are using because that may assist you in determining the POC of activities (either service or internal) based on specific requirements.
    Now for EV to work you need to plan cost at the activity level for fair reflection (please note that this is also aggregated at the WBS level therefore if you do not plan cost at activity level, you will however get some estimated value at the WBS) of earned value. Based on your statements, I assume that EV is being calculated for the service activity correctly (as it has planned and probably actual cost) but not for the internal activity. I'm afraid without planned and actual cost, EV cannot be calculated. Have you tried using cost from the work center (which is assigned to a cost center)? You may use activity types in the confirmations as well.
    Please let me know if this is what you were looking for.
    Syed Ammar Zaheer

  • POC Weight on basis of Activity Duration

    Hi Experts,
    I need POC weight to be assigned on the basis of activity duration, can any one tell me which BADI / BAPI should be used for the purpose.
    Thanks & Regards,

    In SPRO the progress version, you can use the POC weighting "4 work, basic" option  that will calculate the Plan and actual POC base on weighting POC work.

  • POC day wise caluation and report

    Is any report that will be showing the day wise Plan POC and Actual POC  progress.I am using the TIME PROP measurement method. please also correct me if measurement method is wrong.

    Hi Nagarajan Sir,
    The above link query is showing a particular date stock status
    but my requirement is different below sample format
    Date     -    Item Code - Item Description - UoM - Warehouse - Item Group - Closing Stock
    15/03/14   F00012       TMT BAR 10 MM     KG        KRY01          FINISHED      230.35
    16/03/14   F00012       TMT BAR 10 MM     KG        KRY01          FINISHED      265.65
    17/03/14   F00012       TMT BAR 10 MM     KG        KRY01          FINISHED      356.35
    Can i get this format
    Selection criteria
    From date
    To Date
    Please think about this format and suggest
    Mukesh Singh

  • S curve, POC

    My client has trunaroun/shoutdown project and has only 20-25 days of total durtion and each days has many activities which is completed hour wise or day wise.I am using TIME PROP measurement method for  progress analysis. but in CNE5 report they only show the current date progress when CNE1 has runned.
    Is it possible can i see plan POC for days wise. i mean i need to get report day wise that showing the each day plan POC and Actual POC of completation as well.
    please give any new idea or other method to cater this requirement. your response will be appreciated.

    Thanks for reply, but my requirement is not that this option only showing the plan and actual poc for at that particular day or time.
    My requirement are mention below
    I need report that will show plan poc for all days like below and actual poc for that date and previous as well.
    Days     14-Jan-09     15-Jan-09     16-Jan-09     17-Jan-09     18-Jan-09     19-Jan-09     20-Jan-09     21-Jan-09
    Planned     2%     7%     15%     25%     36%     46%     56%     64%
    Actual     2%     8%     15%     25%                    
    Your response will be appricated

  • How planned values to be determined in (03) Cost-Based POC RA calculation

    Hi All
    We are implementing (03) Cost-Based POC  in our project . Pls guide me how Planned values flow to KKA2/KKAJ to determine POC %
    Pls help me ASAP

    Hi Srinu
    Thank u very much for ur help. It is working fine . Also ls confirm on these
    Planned cost : CJR2
    Planned revenue :  ??   ( Hope it is from Sales order)
    Actual cost :  ??   (Hope it is From MIGO)
    Actual revenue :  ??
    Pls do the needful

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