Input Combobox LOV as a Navigation List?

when I drag a datasource on a page and drop it as "Navigation - Navigation List" a selectOneChoice is created.
Is there an opportunity to use Input Combobox List of Value as a navigation list? I would really like to use its search and MRU ability.
I tried to drop an attribute as an Input Combobox LOV and change ListOperMode to "navigation" in Bindings - but I get NPE in

Hi all
we are also interested for that feature. It is very usefull when the number of the elements are too many for a selectonechoice

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    Thanks Timo/Bangaram, for prompt replies
    Timo, the link mentioned by you talks about showing IDs (DepartmentId, ManagerId etc.) in the search region. I need to show names in the form of Input box LOV.
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    Expected Behaviour:
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    this my code in jspx
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    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.CareFontType.items}"
    <af:panelHeader text="Details" partialTriggers="nl1"
    <af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1"
    and this in my managed bean
    public void dddsds(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {

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    OK, so the parts you're having problems with are the 'Ride to Canada' links on the Photo Albums page, right? What's happening is that the link is corrupted in each case. If you mouse over either of the hyperlinked images and hold your cursor there for a moment you'll see that the address which is displayed includes Chapter%2520WA-A. This should be Chapter%20WA-A (with %20 replacing the space in your page name). This is beginning to look like an iWeb bug. I've experienced something similar when attempting to link to an URL which already contains a special character, and have reported it to Apple.
    How did you link to Canada_Trip.html and CanadaTrip_inBlack.html? Did you use the Link Inspector and choose the relevant page from the 'One of My Pages' list? (I'm pretty sure this is what you did; just trying to narrow down where things might have gone wrong.)

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    IModifiableSimpleValueSet valueSet = modinfoBus.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
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    catch (WDDynamicRFCExecuteException d)
         manager.reportException(d.getMessage(), false);
    thanks in advance

    To populate a NavigationList, bind the "itemSource" property to a context node and bind the other "item*" attributes to attributes inside that node. The item source may be a recursive node.
    Say the item source node is named "NavItems" with attributes "FullName" and "PayCode". Then you may use code like
      for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeZteamviewers().size(); i++)
        IZteamviewersElement e = wdContext.nodeZteamviewers().getZteamviewersElementAt(i);
        INavItemsElement navItem = wdContext.nodeNavItems().createNavItemsElement();
    catch (WDDynamicRFCExecuteException d)
      manager.reportException(d.getMessage(), false);
    Bind NavigationList.itemText property to "FullName" to get  the full name displayed as item text.

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    Thanks in advance !!

    Hmm.. on the last APEX SIG day in Belgium Oracle was very dark about that (as usual).
    They even were not sure what features would definitely be present in the new version.
    They did however expect it to be somewhere in october / november
    again. you can mimic by using a report-region looking like a list

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    Need some help please!
    I am trying to build two dependable selectOnechoice list boxes. i adopt Frank's method and built the top level list box as navigation list.
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    Is there anyway that I can fix this?
    Thanks a lot

    this is because a navigation list is based on an iterator and the iterator always has a selected row.

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    here is the picture:
    the Info Query Navigation list in the bottom the border has excess lines..

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    Additionally your sample image contains other visible glitches on the buttons. This may indicate that the problem is in your browser rather than the APEX CSS. Which browser(s)/version(s) exhibit the problem?
    Please also always provide basic information relevant to your problem that will help others to understand or replicate it, generally:
    - APEX version
    - DB version and edition
    - Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener)
    - Browser(s)/versions(s) used
    - Theme
    - Template(s)
    - Region type(s)

  • Substitution syntax in tabbed navigation list. Smart or Lucky?

    I've got a tabbed navigation list that I use on two separate pages.
    The list entry points back to the current page but sets a page item value based on the list item value.
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    OK easy enough. Except that I use the same list on multiple pages. Rather than create a list for each page, I made it more generic...
    So I set the item target as follows:
    Target type: Page in this application
    Page: &APP_PAGE_ID.
    Set these items: P&APP_PAGE_ID._ALIAS_REGION
    With these values: ADDRESS
    Notice that I've got substitution type syntax for the target page and the NAME of the item whose value I want to set. For example if the list is rendered on page 2 the target page becomes 2 and the item name becomes P2_ALIAS_REGION. On page 7, they are 7 and P7_ALIAS_REGION respectively.
    I also use this same syntax in the "Current List Entry" with a query like:
    select 1 from dual where :P&APP_PAGE_ID._ALIAS_REGION = 'ACTIVE'
    Now, I thought I was being clever in doing this, since it lets me use the same list on several similar pages. However the Apex Essentials Advisor is complaining about my syntax, and as awesome as that tool is, it got me thinking that I might be too clever for my own good.
    Is it valid to use this substitution syntax in this context? I mean it works, but is it supposed to work this way? If this is by happy coincidence then Apex developers please don't change how this works. If this is by design, then you guys/girls are awesome!

    Is it valid to use this substitution syntax in this context?Yes.
    I mean it works, but is it supposed to work this way?Yes.
    If this is by happy coincidence then Apex developers please don't change how this works.It is very unlikely that we would change any of the core substitution logic in ways that adversely affect behavior like this.
    If this is by design, then you guys/girls are awesome!Aw, shucks.

  • #TAB_LINK# value not set for tabbed navigation list

    I'm a big supporter of searching the threads for an answer before posting. My apologies if I've overlooked this in the threads.
    Like many others, I'm leveraging lists to mimic third level tab functionality. I'm trying to use the tabbed navigation list template. My targets for the list entries are pages within the application. When clicking the links however, #TAB_LINK# is not being interpreted within the link URL. #TAB_LINK# is simply appended to the end of the URL instead of being replaced with the actual link value, for example I would expect to see a typical htmldb page link with the target page value.
    As a result, no navigation occurs to the target page. If I change the list template to horitzontal link list, the links function as expected, however I prefer the look of the tabbed navigation template.
    Any suggestions?

    I took a hint from my own post and checked the template that was working for me and noticed that the horizontal list template uses #LINK# instead of #TAB_LINK#.
    I altered the tabbed navigation list template, replacing #TAB_LINK# with #LINK#, and now the tab links function as expected. I'm not sure if this fix will bite me later, or if this is a known issue. If there is a "proper" solution out there, I would still like to hear it. For now I'll assume my fix is a hack.

  • LOV in a Navigation

    Is it possible to use LOV in a navigation region to navigate in a specific page

    Are you trying to have the drop-down contain links to page anchors? Here's some possible help:
    Re: HTML DB - Anchor Tag
    One thing to consider: If your pages are extremely long, the users spend more time navigating the page than using the app, ie. productivity goes down. You might consider making individual pages for things since it is nearly the same as using anchors. Also, the more stuff your page has on it, the longer it will take to load.

  • Change of Color on Tabbed Navigation List (Apex 4.1)

    Dear Friends,
    I am using apex 4.1
    I have a list on page 0 which is "Tabbed Navigation List" and there are three pages running on it.
    I want to change the color of the button when i click on the specific button.
    Can any1 help me in this regards. I will be obliged.

    I have a list on page 0 which is "Tabbed Navigation List" and there are three pages running on it.
    I want to change the color of the button when i click on the specific button.
    Not clear enough.
    Different Themes render Tabbed navigation lists in different way. Take a look at the Tabbed Navigation List template on Page 0. You will need to customize this template to achieve what you want.

  • Dynamic Navigation List

    Is there a way to have a dynamic Navigation List i.e. based on a SELECT statement?

    You can make a standard report output as a HTML list fairly easily. Just follow these steps:
    1) Create a classic report based on a simple sql statement. You'll need to query what you want to display in the list, and whatever else you may need on the row (say the ID of the row so as to be able to provision a link for example). On EMP, this could be just:
    select empno, ename
      from emp2) Change some the report attributes for this report:
    - Specify a report template of 'template: xx. One Column Unordered List'.
    - Hide the empno column by unchecking 'Show' in the column attributes.
    - Other properties to suit your needs.
    3) If you wish your list item to be a link, then just edit it's link properties available in the edit column attribute page.
    Hope it helps.

  • Tabbed Navigation List Session State

    I converted regular tabs to a tabbed navigation list because the user wanted the tabs on the left side, on a region, not on the top of a page. Now when I navigate between pages using the tabbed navigation list the session state is not saved. For example: the user changes something in a field on page 1 without submitting the change, navigates to page 2, then back to page 1; the change they made on page 1 is gone. How can I prevent this from happening?
    I've checked all of the branches and navigation list targets to make sure I'm not clearing the session state.
    Thanks, Elizabeth

    First, I added Personal_Page under Action/Request.No, that sets the request value in the branch URL.
    so I added Personal_Page in Expression1 under Conditions and set the Condition Type to Request=Expression1That will work. Maybe you have a branch that fires before it so it never evaluated this branch. Anyway, my suggestion was to use an application process, not branches. The firing point of the process should be after-submit, before computations and validations. The process would contain a block like:
    declare l_page varchar2(30);
        when :request = 'Personal_Page' then
          l_page := '3';
        when :request = 'some other value' then
          l_page := '4';
        -- etc.
      end case;
      apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
      owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=' || :APP_ID || ':' || l_page || ':' || :APP_SESSION);

Maybe you are looking for