Input/Output Arrays

I am new to Java, and have just recently started learning it. I am student working with a math prof, and I need help with a program that would help our research.
First of all, is it possilbe to input numbers from a textfile which just contains numbers like so:
Into an 2x3 array, like [1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
Could someone help me with the code? Once I have these saved into an array then I am able (with my limited Java knowledge) to do what I need to do with the arrays, it is just a question of transfering the numbers in the first place.
Thanks to anyone who could help, as you'd save me a great deal of time.
Mike Lukas

Mike this is not a problem that is specific to Java, nor any other language really, but rather is a type of problem that would be assigned in an introductory programming class.
In my time at college I took my options in Math, and I assure you that there are many Math students that know how to solve this problem and then implement it in Java.
Take a look at basic loops and how they work and indexing methods. That is about all the help I will render for you, until you get your own code and post it.

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    Use Toast:
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    (easiest to compile using mac ports)

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    import*;       //Imports the Java library
    class progB                    //Defines class
        public static void main (String[] arguments) throws IOException
            BufferedReader keyboard;                                  //<-
            InputStreamReader reader;                                 //  Allows the program to
            reader = new InputStreamReader (;               //  read the the keyboard
            keyboard = new BufferedReader (reader);                  //<-
            String name;                 //Assigns the name variable which will be parsed into...
            int newnames;               //...the integer variable for the amount of names.
            int order = 0;              //The integer variable that will be used to set the array size
            String[] array;             //Dynamic array (empty)
            System.out.println (" How many names do you want to input?");   //This will get the number that will later define the array
            name = keyboard.readLine ();
            newnames = Integer.parseInt (name);                                         // Converts the String into the Integer variable
            array = new String [newnames];                                               //This defines the size of the array
            DataInput Imp = new DataInputStream (;       //Allows data to be input into the array
            String temp;                                       
            int length;                                                                  //Defines the length of the array for a loop later on
                for (order = 0 ; order < newnames ; order++)                                //<-
                {                                                                           //  Takes the inputed names and
                    System.out.println (" Please input name ");                            //  gives them a number according to
                    temp = keyboard.readLine ();                                           //  the order they were inputed in
                    array [order] = temp;                                                  //<-
                for (order = newnames - 1 ; order >= 0 ; order--)                                //<-
                {                                                                                //  Outputs the names in the reverse 
                    System.out.print (" \n ");                                                   //  order that they were inputed
                    System.out.println (" Name " + order + " is " + array [order]);             //<-
                for (order = 0 ; order < newnames ; order++)                                  //<-
                    if (array [order].startsWith ("M") || array [order].startsWith ("m"))     //  Finds and outputs any and all
                    {                                                                         //  names that begin with M or m
                        System.out.print (" \n ");                                            //
                        System.out.println (array [order] + (" starts with M or m"));         //
                    }                                                                         //<-
                for (order = 0 ; order < newnames ; order++)                                            //<-
                    length = array [order].length ();                                                   //
                    if (length >= 5)                                                                    //  Finds and outputs names
                    {                                                                                  //  with 5 or more letters
                        System.out.print (" \n ");                                                      //
                        System.out.println ("Name " + array [order] + " have 5 or more letters ");      //<-
    }The notepad file contains the following names:
    I have tried various methods but the one thing that really gets me is the fact that i can't find a way to connect the names to the arrays. Opening the file with FileInputStream is easy enough but using the names and then outputing them is quite hard. (unless i'm thinking too hard and there really is a simple method)

    By "connect", do you just mean you want to put the names into an array?
    array[0] = "jim"
    array[1] = "laruie"
    and so on?
    That shouldn't be difficult at all, provided you know how to open a file for reading, and how to read a line of text from it. You can just read the line of text, put it in the array position you want, until the file is exhausted. Then open a file for writing, loop through the array, and write a line.
    What part of all that do you need help with?

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  • Input/Output And Method Not Found Problem

    Ok so firstly I think I should apologise on two fronts.
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    To the problem at hand.
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    Here's the code thus far:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    class CaseStudy {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              GUI maininterface = new GUI();
    class GUI {
         //for the actionlisteners
         int whatframe = 0;
         //creates mainframe and border content panel
         JFrame mainframe = new JFrame("Survey Client");
         JPanel borderpanel = new JPanel(), bottompanel = new JPanel();
         JButton quizbutton = new JButton("Take the quiz"), tallybutton = new JButton("Show Results"), submitbutton = new JButton("Submit Results"), menubutton = new JButton("Return To Menu");
         QuizQuestions toppanel = new QuizQuestions();
         QuizResults toppanel2 = new QuizResults();
         GUI() {
              //sets border in borderpanel, this spaces the main content in from the sides of the window
              //sets up the frame and panels and adds on borders
              mainframe.setDefaultCloseOperation(mainframe.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // exits java when clicking on close on main frame
              mainframe.getContentPane().add(borderpanel); // adds the panel as a component to the frame, the panel can hold stuffs
              borderpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(borderpanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));// page_axis means it'll layout vertically
              bottompanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(bottompanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));// line_axis means it'll layout horizontally
              //gives button an action
              quizbutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
              tallybutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
                        if(whatframe == 1) setupResults();
                        else {
                             int rusure = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you sure you wish to show results? Any current quiz answers won't be saved.", "Please Choose One", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                             if(rusure == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) setupResults();
              menubutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
              submitbutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
         public void setupMenu() {
              if(whatframe == 3) {
              whatframe = 1;
              //adds components and lays them out
              bottompanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,10)));
         public void setupQuiz() {
              bottompanel.remove(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,10)));
              whatframe = 2;
              bottompanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,10)));
         public void setupResults() {
              if(whatframe == 1) {
                   bottompanel.remove(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,10)));
              else {
                   bottompanel.remove(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,10)));
              whatframe = 3;
         public void display() {
              //sets the size of the frame around it's components and then shows it
              mainframe.validate(); //makes referenced container relayout it's components
    class QuizQuestions extends JPanel {
         LoadingSaving loadsave = new LoadingSaving();
         JPanel popm = new JPanel(), pop1 = new JPanel(), pop2 = new JPanel(), pop3 = new JPanel(), pop4 = new JPanel();
         JFormattedTextField ques = new JFormattedTextField(), op1 = new JFormattedTextField(), op2 = new JFormattedTextField(), op3 = new JFormattedTextField(), op4 = new JFormattedTextField();
         JButton bop1 = new JButton("1"), bop2 = new JButton("2"), bop3 = new JButton("3"), bop4 = new JButton("4");
         char answer;
         QuizQuestions() {
              popm.setLayout(new BoxLayout(popm, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
              pop1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pop1, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
              pop2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pop2, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
              pop3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pop3, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
              pop4.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pop4, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
              //sets up question text fields
              bop1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
                        answer = 'a';
              bop2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
                        answer = 'b';
              bop3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
                        answer = 'c';
              bop4.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) {
                        answer = 'd';
         public void doQuiz() {
         public void Question1() {
              ques.setValue("Who's your favourite X-Men character?");
    class QuizResults extends JPanel {
         LoadingSaving loadsave = new LoadingSaving();
         JPanel popm = new JPanel();
         JFormattedTextField op1 = new JFormattedTextField(), op2 = new JFormattedTextField(), op3 = new JFormattedTextField(), op4 = new JFormattedTextField();
         int[] answerarray = new int[4];
         QuizResults() {
              popm.setLayout(new BoxLayout(popm, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
              answerarray = loadsave.load();
    class LoadingSaving {
         public void save(char answer) {
              FileReader fr;
              FileWriter fw;
              BufferedReader br;
              String s;
              try {
                   fr = new FileReader("casestudyoutput.txt");
                   fw = new FileWriter("casestudyoutput.txt");
                   br = new BufferedReader(fr);
                   if (br.readLine() == null) s = "x";
                   else s = br.readLine();
                   s = s + answer;
              catch(FileNotFoundException exc) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "File not found.");
              catch(IOException exc) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Something bad happened.");
         public int[] load() {
              FileReader fr;
              BufferedReader br;
              int[] answerarray = new int[3];
              String s;
              long length;
              int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
              answerarray[0] = 0;
              answerarray[1] = 0;
              answerarray[2] = 0;
              answerarray[3] = 0;
              try {
                   fr = new FileReader("casestudyoutput.txt");
                   br = new BufferedReader(fr);
                   if (br.readLine() == null) return answerarray;
                   else s = br.readLine();
                   length = s.length();
                   for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                        switch(ch) {
                             case 'a':
                             case 'b':
                             case 'c':
                             case 'd':
                   answerarray[0] = a;
                   answerarray[1] = b;
                   answerarray[2] = c;
                   answerarray[3] = d;
              catch(FileNotFoundException exc) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "File not found.");
                   return answerarray;
              catch(IOException exc) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Something bad happened.");
                   return answerarray;
         return answerarray;
    }Any pointers/tips/solutions/angry posts to tell me to stop trying to learn Java would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!
    Oh, and in trying to work with it a bit further I realised I'm having a few problems with runtime errors due to exceptions. The first was due to the array being assigned out of bounds (fixed in the above code). But the second reads the following:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Loadingsaving.load(
         at QuizResults.(init)(
         at GUI.(init)(
         at CaseStudy.main( quite sure what this one means or how to handle it. =\
    Edited by: ThePermster on May 19, 2008 8:08 AM

    A NullPointerException means a method has been called on a null object, or a variable that isn't pointing to any object. Your Exception points to line 330, which is:
    length = s.length();A NPE on that line means that s is null. So let's look at where s is set:
    if (br.readLine() == null) return answerarray;
    else s = br.readLine();s gets it's value from br.readLine(), so that method must be returning null. You have a logical error here. Look at your If-Else. It reads a line, makes sure it isn't null...then it reads another line. Well what if that line is null? You are performing 2 reads here instead of 1.
    Since your If condition returns a value, there's no need for an Else. The code will continue on until it reaches another return. Try this:
    s = br.readLine();
    if (s == null) return answerarray;

  • Output Array Binding

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    // execute the cmd
    //print out the parameter's values
    Console.WriteLine("parameter values after executing the PL/SQL block");
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("Param2[{0}] = {1} ", i,
    (cmd.Parameters[1].Value as Array).GetValue(i));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("Param3[{0}] = {1} ", i,
    (cmd.Parameters[2].Value as Array).GetValue(i));

  • How to loop an output array and pass each index to the next VI in the sequence in TestSTAND?

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    How do I do this in TestStand without creating an intermediate VI.
    Your help is greatly appreciated folks!

    What you could do is set the second step to loop.
    Then use as one of the parameters to VI YY the string array using RunState.LoopIndex as the array index.
    eg. Locals.MyStringArray[RunState.LoopIndex]
    Hope this helps
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • External Hard Drive Input/Output error

    I recently started having problems with an external hard drive setup that I did not have problems with prior to upgrading to 10.5.5 and trying to setup the drive to be compatible with Time Machine.
    The hard drive enclosure that I have has 2 bays for two SATA drives. I have used this enclosure without any problems until I tried to get 1 drive to act as the backup drive for Time Machine and the other to be storage. I formatted them using Drive Genius. I used the option for GUILD or GUIL which it said was the better format for using with Time Machine.
    The first problem I ran into since upgrading and reformatting the drives is I got an "input/output" error the first couple times I connected the drive via USB to my Mac. I could still use the drives but I got weird errors every once in a while like "input/output error" or "device was not ejected properly" even though the device had not been unplugged.
    Now the drives will not mount using OS 10.5.5. The drives show up when I open Disk Utility, but I cannot get them to mount. I have ran Disk Utility First Aid, and it says the drives are fine. There is one error that shows up when I run the "Repair Disk" feature. It reads "Invalid content in Journal". But Disk Utility also says "The volume was repaired successfully".
    I have seen some posts when I do a search in google about this issue and it seems this is a known issue. Every suggestion I see says to insert your Tiger DVD and reformat the drive using that and the problem will be solved. The only problem with that is I have a lot of important files on the drive that I cannot lose. I had the files backed up until I moved them to the new drive a while back. Now I do not have a backup because I was in the process of switching to bigger drives and erased the old drives after doing so because everything was working fine.
    I am hoping someone out there may have some suggestions (other than erasing the drive) to get my dives to mount so I can transfer the data off to another drive and reformat after.
    Paul Rugg

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Do you think that would work better than Drive Genius? I bought Drive Genius 2 and it does not even see the drives when they are plugged in unlike Disc Utility which can see the drives but cannot mount either one.
    Maybe this following post I made to a different questions may help. The data on the drive is other buying another program for if it will work. I think my next step may be to go over to a friends place and try to mount the drives on his computer and transfer stuff off if they connect.
    text below posted to other question relating to external hard drive problem.
    I have recently had the same mounting issue with my new external hard drive. I just purchased a new 750Gb Western Digital Sata drive and got everything transfered over to it. Immediately, I got an error saying that the drive had been ejected incorrectly even though it was still plugged in. I was a little curious. I restarted the computer (hard drive still plugged in via USB 2.0) and the drive showed up just fine. I plugged another 250Gb drive into the same case (2 bays) and the 250GB drive showed up just fine.
    Well, I then noticed there was an OS upgrade available when I ran Software update so i ran it and when I rebooted the drives were gone. I can see the drives in Disc Utility, but they will not mount. Drive Genius cannot see either disc. Disc Utility says I need to repair the drives, but when I do it says they are fixed but they don not mount.
    The problem really seems to be related to mounting USB external drives. I got ahold of 2 seperate external firewire hard drives and one shows up just fine while the other has the same problem (both work on other systems. I would try wiping the drives and reformatting but ALL MY stuff is on them and not everything has been backed up. Yuck! I have not tried connecting my hard drive to another Mac yet.
    The drives being used are #1 Maxtor Maxline Plus II 250GB SATA/150 HDD 1.5b/s 7Y250m00654ra
    and #2 Western Digital WD7500AACS WD Caviar GP Green Power drive.
    I have another post similar to this and I have not received any feedback, but I have been doing my own searching and have found similar posts on the net.
    Anybody have any clue what might be going on here? It really seems to be related to my upgrade.

  • Text Input/Output

    I have downloaded the text input/output widget found here: 021
    I inserted the input animation on one slide and the output
    animation on another.
    When I preview, the input box doesn't show up. What am I
    doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance for help or advice!

    Hi there
    Likely you are using Captivate 3 and you have upgraded your
    Flash Player to version 10.
    here to read a thread where I believe one of he Adobe Captivate
    team sheds a bit of light on the issue
    Click here for an Article
    and link for uninstalling Flash Player/Plug In:
    Click here for an Article
    and link for installing and older version of the Flash Player/Plug
    Version 9 should allow things to work okay with Captivate 3
    Cheers... Rick

  • I am in mavericks disk utility recovery mode as my mac book will not boot up & stays only on the grey apple screen. When I verify the disk I get open error5 :input /output error on Syst stuck on 1 minute pouring out over 50 error messages & still counting

    I am in Mavericks disk utility recovery mode as my mac book pro will not boot up &amp; stays on the Apple grey screen . When I verify disk permissions I get
    Open error 5:"input/ output error" on syst with over 50 of this messages &amp; still counting . Disk Utility says 1 minute
    But this has been going on for over 10 mins .
    I can not verify disk or repair disk .
    I have tried to reinstall mavericks operating system but it says my hard drive is locked which is very strange .
    Does anyone know what is going on here ?
    My system looks like it has been totally corrupted . Thanks Andrew

    Could be. The "lock" isn't actually looking for a password.
    WARNING: This will completely erase the ENTIRE hard drive.
    What you would need to do is boot to recovery > disk utility > select the MAIN drive on the left side > partition > change partition layout from CURRENT to 1 PARTITION > ensure on the right side it says Format : Mac OSX Extended (Journaled) then push APPLY.
    Then if it will allow us, close the windows until you see the 4 options popup again and select "Reinstall Mac OS X" select the Mac HD and you should be good to go!

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    When you use an external device for input, GB often automatically selects that same device for output. It's an ease-of-use feature for most external devices. If your device doesn't give you the option to output to speakers/headphones, you don't want GB to do that.
    Within GB, go to GB>Preferences, Select the Audio/Midi tab. In the Drop-down under output, choose "Built-in Output" and connect your external speakers/headphones to the Mac's headphone port (Alternately, you could use system preferences to direct your Mac's audio-output to your speakers and select "System Setting" in GB Prefs. The Mac's own speakers aren't going to be nearly as much fun as running it to your big speakers/headphones).
    Hope that makes sense...

  • How to get center alignment of Input/Output field in Module Pool

    Hi Friends,
    I am using Input/Output field in my Module pool program. Dynamically i am submitting the text to Input/Output field. What i want is i want to display the submitted text as center. By default It is displaying left aligned.
    Thank U in advance.

    Use syntax "Centered".
    take one variable push into the field
    write w_variable1 to w_variable2 centered.
    next push the varaible to Destination screen input/output Field .
    Make sure the Field the Character Type.

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    With great respect, S.A.

    Try to use: - InBitRate - OutBitRate - ifDescription

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    Could be so many things, Input/Output errors are generally loosing contact with a device for a variety of reasons, do you get any error # with that?
    Open Console in Utilities & watch for more info whn you try to burn, or open the Disk Utility Log if there.

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    While I can make an image of the Install disc to my desktop fine, the Audio Content 1 disc reports an "input/output error".
    This means I'm unable to copy the disc and then successfully install my Logic Studio.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your answer.
    Yes, I thought that might be the case - but I'd taken my Mac and Logic disks to a Genius bar, and the 'Genius' had said he'd fixed the issue. I just wish he'd explained what he did and why he didn't replace the faulty disk(s)!
    But is there any way around having the claim a disk, now I'm living abroad and my 'warrantee' has run out? It's going to be a pain in the fundament trying to claim a replacement set.

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