Inserting the Comma Separated Strings into Table

Hi Seniors,
i had two string and i want to insert the records in the Table COMMENT . In this way.
would u please give some programe to insert the records.
The Data and the Table
( 901,902,903,904 )
( 'hai','nice','good & mail is [email protected] ','excellent and the phone 011-235323' )
comm_id loc_id company_name comments
1      10 901      Hai
2      10 902      nice
3 10      903      good & mail is [email protected]
4      10 904      excellent and the phone 011-235323

Hi, Seenu,
In Oracle 10 (and up) you can easily split a comma-delimited list using REGEXP_SUBSTR.
INSTR and SUBSTR can do the same thing in any version, but it's more complicated.
See the general instructions below:
/*     How to Split a Delimited String
This shows how to take a single row with a delimited string, such as
     Animal     amoeba,bat,cedusa,dodo
and transform it into multiple rows:
     Animal     1     amoeba
     Animal     2     bat
     Animal     3     cedusa
     Animal     4     dodo
PROMPT     ==========  -1. sep_char parameter  ==========
VARIABLE     sep_char     VARCHAR2 (10)
EXECUTE     :sep_char := ',';
SELECT     :sep_char     AS sep_char
FROM     dual;
PROMPT     ==========  0. string_test table  ==========
DROP TABLE     string_test;
CREATE TABLE     string_test
(     grp_name     VARCHAR2 (10)
,     list_txt     VARCHAR2 (50)
INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Animal',     'amoeba,bat,cedusa,dodo');
INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Date',     '15-Oct-1582,16-Oct-2008');
INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Nothing',     NULL);
INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Place',     'New York');
INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Skip',     'Hop,,Jump');
SELECT     *
FROM     string_test
ORDER BY     grp_name;
PROMPT     ==========  Q1.  Oracle 11 Query  ==========
WITH     cntr     AS          -- Requires Oracle 9
(     -- Begin sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
     SELECT     LEVEL     AS n     -- Requires Oracle 9
     FROM     dual
     CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 1 +     (
                         SELECT     MAX ( REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char) )     -- Requires Oracle 11
                         FROM     string_test
)     -- End sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
SELECT     grp_name
,     n
,     REGEXP_SUBSTR     ( list_txt     -- Requires Oracle 10
               , '[^' || :sep_char || ']'     -- Anything except sep_char ...
                    || '+'               -- ... one or more times
               , 1
               , n
               )     AS item_txt
FROM     string_test
JOIN     cntr                                   -- Requires Oracle 9
ON     n     <= 1 + REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char)     -- Requires Oracle 11
ORDER BY     grp_name
,          n;
/*     Notes:
     REGEXP_SUBSTR (s, '[^,]+', 1, n)
returns the n-th item in a comma-delimited list s.
If there are fewer than n items, it returns NULL.
One or more consecutive characters other than comma make an item, so
'Hop,,Jump' has two items, the second one being 'Jump'.
The sub-query cntr produces a list of integers 1, 2, 3, ..., w
where w is the worst-case (the largest number of items in any list).
This actually counts separators, not items, (e.g., it counts both
commas in 'Hop,,Jump', even though), so the w it produces may be
larger than is really necessary.  No real harm is done.
PROMPT     ==========  Q2. Possible Problems Fixed  ==========
WITH     cntr     AS
(     -- Begin sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
     SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
     FROM     dual
     CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 1 +     (
                         SELECT     MAX ( REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char) )
                         FROM     string_test
)     -- End sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
SELECT     grp_name
,     n
,     REGEXP_SUBSTR     ( list_txt
               , '[^' || :sep_char || ']'     -- Anything except sep_char ...
                    || '+'               -- ... one or more times
               , 1
               , n
               )     AS item_txt
FROM     string_test
JOIN     cntr          ON n     <= 1 + NVL     ( REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char)     -- Problem (1)
                              , 0
WHERE     REGEXP_SUBSTR     ( list_txt     -- Problem (2)
               , '[^' || :sep_char || ']'     -- Anything except sep_char ...
                    || '+'               -- ... one or more times
               , 1
               , n
               )     IS NOT NULL
OR     list_txt     IS NULL          -- Problems (1) and (2) together
ORDER BY     grp_name
,          n;
     (Possible) Problems and Fixes
(1) If list_txt IS NULL, then REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char)
     returns NULL, the join condition fails, and the output
     contains nothing corresponding to the row from string_test.
     If you want a NULL item to appear in the results, use
     NVL to make sure the expression returns 0 instead of NULL.
(2) If list_txt contains multiple consecutive sep_chars (or if it
     begins or ends with sep_char, then the original query
     will return NULL items.  To suppress these, add a WHERE
     clause to test that the item_txt to be displayed IS NOT NULL.
PROMPT     ==========  Q3. Oracle 8.1 Query  ===========
SELECT     grp_name
,     n
,     SUBSTR     ( list_txt
          , begin_pos
          , end_pos - begin_pos
          )     AS item_txt
FROM     (     -- Begin sub-query to compute begin_pos and end_pos
     SELECT     grp_name
     ,     n
     ,     list_txt
     ,     INSTR     ( :sep_char || list_txt
               , :sep_char
               , 1
               , n
               )     AS begin_pos
     ,     INSTR     ( list_txt || :sep_char
               , :sep_char
               , 1
               , n
               )     AS end_pos
     FROM     string_test
     ,     (     -- Begin sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
          SELECT     ROWNUM     AS n
          FROM     all_objects
          WHERE     ROWNUM     <= 1 +     (
                         SELECT     MAX     ( LENGTH (list_txt)
                                   - LENGTH (REPLACE (list_txt, :sep_char))
                         FROM     string_test
          )     -- End sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
     WHERE     n     <= 1 +     ( LENGTH (list_txt)
                    - LENGTH (REPLACE (list_txt, :sep_char))
     )     -- End sub-query to compute begin_pos and end_pos
ORDER BY     grp_name
,          n;
/*     Version-Dependent Features and Work-Arounds
The code above, Q3, runs in Oracle 8.1.
The following changes were made to Q1:
(11) REGEXP_COUNT was introduced in Oracle 11.
     In earlier versions, to find the number of sep_chars in list_txt,
     see how much the LENGTH changes when sep_chars are removed.
(10) REGEXP_SUBSTR was introduced in Oracle 10.
     In earlier versions, use INSTR to find where the sep_chars are,
     and use SUBSTR to get the sub-strings between them.
     (Using this technique, 'Hop,,Jump' still contains three items,
     but now item 2 IS NULL and item 3 is 'Jump'.)
(9.a) The WITH-clause was introduced in Oracle 9
     In earlier versions, use in-line views.
(9.b) "CONNECT BY LEVEL < constant" doesn't work in Oracle 8.
     Use ROWNUM from any sufficiently large table or view instead.
(9.c) ANSII join notation (JOIN table_name ON ...) was introduced in Oracle 9
     In earlier versions, join condition go in a WHERE-clause.

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    Below method will create table when data is inserted from one table to another table. Its useful when you need exactly same datatype as source table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Insert data using SELECT INTO
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    INTO BothellAddresses
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
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  • Converting comma separated string into rows

    for my procedure  varchar2 is i/p paramter. i will get this i/p from java. this string value is like  'VTP,VR','VM'.
    i want to split taht string into rows  ie o/p will be
    how to do this.

    As always, the solution depends on your data, your requirements, and you Oracle version.
    Here's one way:
    -- Simulating Java input with a bind variable:
    VARIABLE  str VARCHAR2 (100)
    EXEC     :str := 'VTP,VR,VM';
    ,       REGEXP_SUBSTR ( :str
                          , '[^,]+'
                          , 1
                          , LEVEL
                          ) AS str_part
    FROM     dual
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1 + REGEXP_COUNT (:str, ',')
    I'm just guessing that your original string doesn't include single-quotes after VR or before VM.  If it does, you can use TRIM to remove them from the string passed back by REGEXP_SUBSTR.

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    'DEF GHI'
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    select id, substr( concat_string, 2 ) as string
    from (select 1 id, 'ABC' string from dual union all select 1, 'DEF GHI' from dual union all select 1, 'JKL' from dual)
    return updated rows
    partition by ( id )
    dimension by ( row_number() over (partition by id order by string) as position )
    measures ( cast(string as varchar2(4000) ) as concat_string )
    iterate( 1000 )
    until ( presentv(concat_string[iteration_number+2],1,0) = 0 )
    ( concat_string[0] = concat_string[0] || ',' || concat_string[iteration_number+1] )
    order by id;
    Can anyone give me some pointers how to parse the comma separated string using regexp and create as many rows as needed using the MODEL clause?

    Yes, you could do it without using ITERATE, but FOR ... INCREMENT is pretty much same loop. Couple of improvements:
    a) there is no need for CHAINE measure
    b) there is no need for CASE in RULES clause
    c) NVL can be applies on measures level
    with t as (select 1 id, 'ABC,DEF GHI,JKL,DEF GHI,JKL,DEF GHI,JKL,DEF,GHI,JKL' string from dual
       union all
        select 2,'MNO' string from dual
        union all
       select 3,null string from dual
    SELECT  id,
      FROM   T
        partition by (id)
                 NVL(LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(string,'[^,]+','')),0)+1 NB_MOT
         string[FOR POSITION FROM  1 TO NB_MOT[0] INCREMENT 1] = REGEXP_SUBSTR(string[0],'[^,]+',1,CV(POSITION))
    SQL> with t as (select 1 id, 'ABC,DEF GHI,JKL,DEF GHI,JKL,DEF GHI,JKL,DEF,GHI,JKL' string from dual
      2     union all
      3      select 2,'MNO' string from dual
      4      union all
      5     select 3,null string from dual
      6      )
      7   SELECT  id,
      8           string
      9    FROM   T
    10     MODEL
    12      partition by (id)
    14      MEASURES(
    15               string,
    16               NVL(LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(string,'[^,]+','')),0)+1 NB_MOT
    17              )
    18      RULES
    19      (
    20       string[FOR POSITION FROM  1 TO NB_MOT[0] INCREMENT 1] = REGEXP_SUBSTR(string[0],'[^,]+',1,CV(POSITION))
    21      )
    22  /
            ID STRING
             1 ABC
             1 DEF GHI
             1 JKL
             1 DEF GHI
             1 JKL
             1 DEF GHI
             1 JKL
             1 DEF
             1 GHI
             1 JKL
             2 MNO
            ID STRING
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

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    mt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyTable>(jsonStr.ToString());
    The class is OK (no error), but when I try to add the Assembly in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, it has error :
    Assembly 'newtonsoft.json, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed.' was not found in the SQL catalog.
    (I have Newtonsoft.Json in the Reference)
    Please help !

    Hi Bob
    Could you elaborate a bit more?
    I think the code is ok. The problem is when I deploy the Visual Studio creates/alters the assembly, and get the error
    Error:  SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 6503, Level 16, State 12, Line 1 Assembly 'newtonsoft.json, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed.' was not found in the SQL catalog.
    ALTER ASSEMBLY [Database1]
        FROM 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
    An error occurred while the batch was being executed.
    Done building project "Database1.sqlproj" -- FAILED.
    This is my FillRow function. Without the bold line, the everything is fine. I can create the assembly, then create the SQL function. Done. When I call select from the SQL function, it returns 10 rows as expected.
    public static IEnumerable getTable(SqlString jsonStr)
            ArrayList resultCollection = new ArrayList();
            MyTable mt;
            //mt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyTable>(jsonStr.ToString());
            int c = 1;
            while (c < 10)
                mt = new MyTable();
                mt.GlobalId = c.ToString();
                mt.DateSet = "DS=!=" + c.ToString();
                mt.Timestamp = "TS==" + c.ToString();
                mt.PartnerId = "PI==" + c.ToString();
                mt.PartnerUserId = "PUI=" + c.ToString();
                mt.UserIP = "UIP=" + c.ToString();
                mt.UserAgent = "UG=" + c.ToString();
                mt.Referer = "R=" + c.ToString();
            return resultCollection;

  • How to insert the image or logo into the table as a field in webdynpro abap

    Hi Friends,
    Please tell me how to insert the image or logo into the table as a field in webdynpro abap.........

    Hi Alagappan ,
          In your view layout you take table UI element and then you bind it with some context nodes.
    The attributes of your nodes comes as a field.
    Now in these fields you can set various properties and image is one of them.
    Go to ->
    2. Right click on table -> Create Binding.
       Here you have to bind it with the appropriate context node.
    You will get two properties here
    a- Standard Cell Editor :- ( make it image )
    b- Standard properties :- ( If required set image properties ).
    3. If you want put image from out side then import it as a mime object and set the source of your table field ( used as a image )
    also have a look :-
    [Image Properties|]
    Hope this will solve your problem.
    Reply if any case of any issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Monishankar C

  • [solved] inserting the same rows again into that table

    i have a table with some rows now i want to insert the same rows again into that table
    please tell me how to do it?
    not using export please only sql query please
    Message was edited by:

    i m expecting that u commented on me (may be i m wrong). Only once, which we had already dealt with further up. My comment was continuing along another 'off topic' re: code graffitti. Sorry I you felt I was continuing to get at you.
    (If you look at the 'In Response to' part of ant post you can see which post any p[ost is intended to reply to)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • [svn:osmf:] 15983: Updating VideoQoSPluginMetadataSynthesizer to create comma separated string values for all of the available keys .

    Revision: 15983
    Revision: 15983
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-05-10 04:47:46 -0700 (Mon, 10 May 2010)
    Log Message:
    Updating VideoQoSPluginMetadataSynthesizer to create comma separated string values for all of the available keys.
    Modified Paths:

    "but the sad thing is, that managers will most likely respond with a "This used to be fast in MSSQL, but now it isn't any more in Oracle. Oracle is so slow ...""
    On the bright side, it sounds like most of the database calls are implemented as stored procedures, so there is an opportunity to do it right (in Oracle terms) in the stored procedures.
    I did a similar conversion a while back, converting bad SQLServer procedures to good Oracle procedures. Everyone said "Oracle is much faster that SQLServer"

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    Can anyone please tell me how can I insert a very long string into a column of datatype 'LONG'?
    I get the error, ORA-01704: string literal too long when I try to insert the value into the table.
    Since it is an old database, I cannot change the datatype of the column. And I see that the this column already contains strings which are very long.
    I know this can be done using bind variables but dont know how to use it in a simple query.
    Also is there any other way to do it?

    To preserve formatting in this forum, please enclose your code output between \ tags. And when executing you code as a pl/sql or sql script
    include following lineset define off;
         Your code or output goes here

  • Comma separated column into rows for each value

    I have a two column table. The second column has comma separated string values. How can I put the values separate for each comma separated and make one row for each value?
    column1 |   StringColumn
    s1          |   test, joy, happy
    s2          |  USA, England, India
    I want the result to be like below
    column1   |     StringColumn
    s1            |      test
    s1            |      joy
    s1            |      happy
    s2            |     USA
    s2            |     England
    s2            |     India
    thanks in advance

    Hello ebro,
    See the following for a possible solution:
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Convert comma separated string in rows

    Dear Gurus,
    I want to convert comma separated string in rows so as to insert in collection.
    e.g. string 1234,2323,23232,2343,34234
    Above string should be converted in rows so as to insert in table or collection
    Thanks in advance

    Or slight variation...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select '1234,2323,23232,2343,34234' as txt from dual)
      2  --
      3  select REGEXP_SUBSTR (txt, '[^,]+', 1, level)
      4  from t
      5* connect by REGEXP_SUBSTR (txt, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
      6  /
    34234... so it doesn't have to work out how many levels it needs to do, it just keeps going until it get's a no-value (of course that assumes that there is always a value between each comma)

  • Look Up For Comma Separated Strings

    How to look up for comma separated string from livecycle forms manager ??
    Plz gimme an idea on this.
    Raghava Kumar V.S.S.

    My point is that the more detailed you ask your question, the more likely you are to get an answer.
    Those of us who monitor these newsgroups also appreciate you doing as much of your own research as possible, before asking us for help - we're more likely to spend our own (personal and valuable) time helping you, if we know that you've spent your own time doing research, and you've still not been able to solve the problem.
    I look forward to your next question :-)

  • Passing comma separated string to stored procedure

    There is thread with same query I created earlier and that was answered. That solution worked if I pass comma separated string containing IDs. But due to changes in the logic, I have to pass usernames instead of userIDs. I tried to modify the solution provided to use with this.
    Following the link to previous post :
    Re: Passing comma separated string to stored procedure
    TYPE refcurPubs IS REF CURSOR;
    procedure GetAllPersonalQueue (p_user_name in nvarchar2, TestQID OUT Test.refcurQID
    , TestPubs OUT Test.refcurPubs);
    ------Package Body-------
    PROCEDURE GetAllPersonalQueue (p_user_name in nvarchar2, TestQID OUT Test.refcurQID, TestPubs OUT Test.refcurPubs) as
    Open TestQID for
    select id from cfq where name in (p_user_name);
    Open TestPubs for
    SELECT qid FROM queues WHERE qid in(
    select id from cfq where name in (p_user_name));
    END GetAllPersonalQueue;
    ------Package Body-------
    Thanks in advance

    I modified the query as per the solution provided by isotope, after which the logic changed and I am passing username instead of userID in comma separated string.
    Following is the changes SP, which does not throw any error, but no data is returned.
    PROCEDURE GetAllPersonalQueue (p_user_name in nvarchar2, TestQID OUT Test.refcurQID, TestPubs OUT Test.refcurPubs
    ) is
    --local variable
    strFilter varchar2(100);
    Open TestQID for
    select id, name from cfq where name in
    select regexp_substr(p_user_name||',','[a-z]+[0-9]+',1,level)
    from dual
    connect by level <= (select max(length(p_user_name)-length(replace(p_user_name,',')))+1
    from dual)
    Open TestPubs for
    SELECT qid FROM queues WHERE qid in(
    select id from cfq where name in
    select regexp_substr(p_user_name||',','[a-z]+[0-9]+',1,level)
    from dual
    connect by level <= (select max(length(p_user_name)-length(replace(p_user_name,',')))+1
    from dual)
    END GetAllPersonalQueue;
    Edited by: adityapawar on Feb 27, 2009 8:38 AM

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    Best Regards,

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    Thank you for your help! The "abc" is a constant string, it isn't a column. And I use concat function to solve the problem. like this
    INFILE data.txt
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    Hey folks! My name is Marc-Andre. I just signed up on this forum because I thought it would be very informati've were I just purchased a SB Li've external for my laptop. I had to get this because the audigy PCI-CIA card does not fit in my new dell we

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    I hope somebody can help me out with a problem i'm having with sound on my satellite 1710/windows ME nd I really don't know much about comuters!! I have only had this machine for a few weeks (second hand)and the only sound I can get fromm the machine

  • Essbase.sec corruption issues

    Hello experts I am currently running Version 9.3.1 on a 64 bit platform. Twice now in the last month my essbase.sec file has corrupted. Has anyone else had experience with this? why does it happen? ORACLE tells us to back the file up, but the problem