Install another distribution besides Arch.

I am trying to install Elementary OS besides Arch Linux.
My SSD is partitioned as listed below:
* /dev/sda
    - /dev/sda1 ( / of my Arch system)
    - /dev/sda2 ( /home of both systems)
    - /dev/sda3 ( swap partition)
    - /dev/sda4 ( new partition - should be root of elementary OS)
I started the elementaryos installation and chose
/dev/sda2 as /home
/dev/sda4 as /
/dev/sda3 as swap
For the bootloader I chose "/dev/sda4" - maybe this is the problem already?
After the successfull installation I restarted my system. But there was no reference to the new system in my grub boot menu.
So I edited the file "/etc/grub.d/40_custom" as proposed in the wiki:
exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
menuentry "Elementary OS" {
set root=(hd0,4)
linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-34-generic
initrd /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-34-generic
Then I ran
I restarted and was happy to see "Elementary OS" in my grub menu. But when I select elementary I get stuck anywhere in the initram shell (or how this is called). Nothing happens, I am able to type some stuff - but I do not get to the "normal" login window.
What do I have to do, to make this work?
Thanks in advance
Last edited by i3 (2015-05-14 18:34:20)

First, please use code tags when posting configs and command output.
Second, post the actual error messages received.  If these are arch/grub errors we can help, but if they are - as it sounds - elementary errors, you'll have to ask on the elementary forums as these are for arch linux support only.
Third, sharing your home partition is a very bad idea.  Share a data partition if you want, or documents, but not the home partition.
Mod note: moved to N.C.

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    Did you check your user manual?
    Usually the user manual provides already such infos.
    Im not quite sure if an second HDD could be possible. Check bottom of the unit.
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    3. install OS X copy 3
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    already answered by PS CL above
    One more question about what happens after you install another Exchange 2010 with Edge role in production enviroment? Does installation effects a production enviroment, let's say we do just a clean installation of Exchange + ran updates?
    No it does not as long you don't make any changes on send/receive connector and do the EdgeSubscription. As soon as you do the Edge subscription there will be send/receive connector created, so pay attention how to setup the Edge Server.
    Which roles do you need to install on Exchange 2010 to achive Edge role? Do you need to have all the roles install for having Edge server (mailbox, hub,cas?).
    Just install the Edge Transport Server and make sure you install ADLDS services.
    as you have mentioned you are doing to install both Mailbox and Edge server on the same VMware - it is a single point of failure.
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