Install Logic on multiple Macs?

Now I've bought a MacBook Pro, so I can also work on location. My Logic Studio is updated from 7 (with the dongle). Do I need to buy a another Logic (I don't hope so), or can I install the same upgrade on my Mac Book as on my main Mac Pro?

The licence agreement allows you to install L8 on both your computers but it prohibits to use them at the same time. If the two mashines are linked via a network the copy booted last will automatically shut down. If they're not connected you can run them both at the same time but by doing so you will violate the licence agreement.

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    Upgrading to OS X 10.7 FAQ
    Backup your user files and folders manually (drag and drop) from all partitions/OS's installed to a external powered drive and disconnect this drive, before proceeding in addition to TimeMachine, Bootable Clones etc.
    You need to make sure you're running the latest version of Snow Leopard10.6.8
    Click the "Apple" symbol in the top left corner of your screen and select "About This Mac."
    Make sure you're running version 10.6.8.
    If not, click "Software Update" from the same Apple menu and update your system.
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    This brings you to the app page for Lion. It costs $29.99 -- click the price, then click "Buy App."
    Free Lion? check here
    You'll be prompted to sign in with your iTunes ID. After that, yourdownload / upgrade begins.
    Check Apple's license details throughly before usingorinstalling Lion.
    This is what binds you legally, notwhat users say or sites suggest you can do.
    Other Lion FAQ's answered.
    No"Rosetta" sorry. 
    Someof your older programs (like Appleworks) that depend upon it will notwork.
    OS X Lion cannot be installed on these Macs:
    1:Any PowerPC processor Mac (G3, G4, G5)
    2:Any Intel Mac on this list:
    iMac4,1Early(Jan-Sept) 2006 17"
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    Look under the Apple Menu > About this Mac > More information for you rmachine details.
    (there are reports of hacking Lion to work on 32 bit Intel Core DuoMac's, it's unsupported by Apple and not advised)
    Didn't get Lion?
    These are user to user support forums and Apple doesn't respond here,
    We users can't speak for Apple about your free Lion status or problems downloading, reissuing a download.
    It's possible Apple could be spacing out the downloads as not to knock theservers offline. So be patient.
    If after a week or so when the initial rush is over, and you still haven't gotten your Lion, I suggest you contact Apple.
    Mission critical
    If your using Mac's in a mission critical type environment or have third party hardware or software you must rely upon working correctly. It's advised to wait until all the bugs, driver updates, third party software and other issues are resolved before upgrading. This might take several months. Then if you do so, do one machine at a time andcarefully test everything before full deployment.

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    The Logic 9 Upgrade is identical to the full retail version...
    Same number of Discs, same content...
    Well it was when I got it...
    Just make sure you have your Logic 8 Serial Number handy for when you are asked for it...
    Also, if your New Mac ships with lion, you will need to run Software Update to get the latest version of Logic 9 for Lion...
    Or you can Download it from Here
    Logic for Lion

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    if you buy the Studio Upgrade, just install this onto your new Mac. However, you must own and keep all the old versions with their serial numbers, because they belong to your upgrade chain, but you mustn't install them onto a new mac before upgrading.

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    Thank you chorleyman! I just need a cheap platform for Logic to run, I'm not an advanced user, just to play for my soul. I'm usually using Windows based platforms, that's why I was confused about this particular model.
    So if it looks good I think I will order this hardware next week.
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    Yes, just copy the Lion installer app to the other Macs and run it from there.
    Unfortunately, the Lion installer self destructs after running it the first time. So if you didn't make a backup copy of it before installing, you'll have to download it again. As long as you log in to the Mac App Store with the same account you used the preivious time, you shouldn't be charged again.

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    For now, Windows 7 is free RC download. And there are hints in the EULA that a Family Pack could be in the offering.
    I usually buy System Builder, and you can buy Vista SP1 with $9.95 or free upgrade to 7 - retail, Ultimate to Ultimate.

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    This is what Macworld say... it is pretty detailed but I don't know if it's 100% accurate:
    _*Licenses and copy protection*_
    *Can I buy an app on one Mac for use on all my computers?*
    Yes, you can install apps bought from the Mac App Store on any and every Mac that you personally own and use.
    *What about the five-Mac restriction that I have with videos I bought from iTunes? Does that work for Apps too?*
    No. Apps don't check to see if you've using an iTunes-authorized Mac. They can ask you to verify your Apple ID and password, but that's a single check and it's just to verify you are who you say you are. Once your identity is verified, that's it. There's no authorizing or deauthorizing or counting of different Macs.
    *Does that mean I could buy one copy of an app and install it on every Mac in my business?*
    No, the license you agree to when you enter the Mac App Store says that app downloads are for Macs that you personally own, and that's a license for personal use. Apps that are intended for professional use are licensed for you or for a single computer used by several people. While there's no technical impediment to you installing them on multiple Macs at work, you'll be violating the license agreement. It's the same scenario as if you buy a single-user copy of iWork and install it on ten Macs at work—you can do it, but you're violating the license agreement, making the act ethically questionable.
    *Are there family pack licensing options in the App Store?*
    No, apps are purchased for and owned by a user linked to a single Apple ID. But if you log in with that ID on all the Macs in your household, you can download and install your apps on each one.
    *How does the Mac App Store handle volume licenses? How about educational discounts? Are those offered in the App Store, or do I have to go straight to the software vendor for that kind of discount pricing?*
    As far as we know, there is no volume licensing for Mac App Store apps. However, according to Ken Case at The Omni Group, educational discounts are available, but only on a volume licensing basis. For that, you’ll have to contact Apple.
    *Is there any DRM that would prevent me from using a Mac App Store purchase on another computer?*
    Some apps allow you to freely copy to other Macs and they’ll run without a hitch (though this seems to be a technical oversight, and not an intentional design). Other apps will require the purchaser of the app to log into the Mac App Store. When you launch such an app, a login window appears, displaying the purchaser’s account name; you then have to enter that account’s password. If you enter a different account, the app doesn’t work.
    *Say I migrate to a new Mac. Will I be able to take my App Store purchases with me?*
    As mentioned above, when you move an app to another Mac, you might have to enter in the login information of the purchaser. If you have that info, you’re all set. You can also just re-download all your apps straight from the Mac App Store (as long as they’re still available) by logging in on the new Mac and checking the Purchases tab.

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    Yes you can. (Sorry. The other post with the answer popped up as soon as I posted.

  • I have Logic on my iMac and want to install it on my new mac book but my mac book doesn't have a dvd drive. I tried to download the upgrade but it looks for an older version. How do I get Logic on the Mac book ?

    I would like to install logic on my new mac book but there is no dvd drive. I tried to downlaod the upgrade but that didn't work. How do I download it for the first time?

    You can only use the App Store version to reinstall on your new Mac if you bought Logic via the App Store in the first place.... and then it will appear under the Purchases tab in the Mac App Store App so long as you are signed in using the same Apple ID you used to purchase Logic via the App store in the first place.
    If you bought the DVD edition of Logic Studio then you must initially install using those original DVDs to begin with and then update to the latest version of your version of Logic via software updates.
    No DVD drive? Buy an external one.. Amazon do a very cheap basic one that works well..
    Use Remote Disk if you still have your older Mac which has a built in DVD drive...

  • Old Logic + a new Mac = can't open old projects anymore. De/re-install?

    Hi everybody,
    maybe someone can advise me with this problem:
    I bought a new Mac recently, did install a fresh OSX 10.5 and then used migration assistant to transfer my old user account from my old Mac (10.4), incl. all files. It did take a night, but it worked - or so I thought. Actually all applications work as they should, except for Logic. I had to re-authorize a few plug-ins, but then all seemed to be cool. I can open a new project, record audio, midi, add plug-ins, all cool. But I ended up with 3 problems, which are really annoying:
    1) EXS24 couldn't find most of the samples anymore. Most, not all. I have 4 internal HDs, one for the system, one for audio recordings, one for samples, one for "other stuff". 2 of these disks came from the old Mac, 2 new ones, content copied from old Mac. In the EXS prefs I set "search for samples" to "all volumes", but it still didn't work perfectly. Finally I bought EXSManager Pro and now it seems to work again. I didn't try ALL samples yet, but the +/- 20 EXS instruments I tried, did load all samples.
    2) Space Designer doesn't load impulse responses for the presets anymore. They're there and at the right place. I can load SD and import an existing impulse file, no problem. But the presets don't find the required files anymore.
    3) Now - and this is the worst one - I can't open old projects anymore. I just can't. It starts loading, I see the rainbow thing (don't know the right word), it turns black & white and that's it. You can watch this forever and nothing happens.
    Regarding all 3 issues:
    I don't get any error messages. Logic doesn't crash, I can't click 'apple-.' to stop loading/searching. It just doesn't open the file. I had a coffee, a pizza, I let it try for 2 hrs+, but neither did it load a SD preset or an old song file. All I can do is manually quit Logic.
    But when I open Logic with the CTRL-button down and click "no" to core audio I can open all songs. Of course I can not hear a tone then, but it's all there. Opening a song takes 3 secs then. I tried to safe a song then with a different name, re-started Logic with core audio but same result. It get's "stuck".
    Of course I checked user permissions and all the usual trouble shooting clicks, but still Logic has a mind of it's own. I installed a 2nd user with admin rights, though still the same, plus all the 3rd party plug-ins refusing to work.
    Now I was thinking, should I de-install Logic and re-install from the original CDs maybe. And if so, is there anything special I have to take care of? Like manually removing any prefs or cache files?
    Or completely re-install the whole Mac? (pleeease no....)...
    If anybody has any idea, it'd be highly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance and for the energy to read my little novel here,

    Ok, either my question was too long or nobody seems to have an answer. Sad, either way
    Here's something I found out in the meantime, maybe this is interesting for somebody or maybe - problem's not totally solved - enough info for any of you to give me further advice.
    When I start Logic Core Audio driver de-activated, I can open old songs. Then I save them in a new folder with all audio files and a new name. And I remove all EXS24 instruments as well as the Space Designer. I quit Logic, re-open with Core Audio activated and I can open the song.
    Problem no.1: EXS24 instruments don't find the appropriate samples, but EXSMananger Pro did help me with this. Same problem with Space Designer, which doesn't find the impulse responses, connected to a certain preset.
    Two questions, every idea would be great!
    - Is there any way to teach Space Designer Presets where to look for impulse respones. I can load IR samples directly and create a new preset, but I can't use my old ones.
    - Is it possible to install Logic from scratch over an existing version? Or how should I de-install everything connected with Logic and then install a fresh version from CD?
    Thank you again,

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