Installation not possible on company network!

Well as of right now I can not use Adobe CC.
Our firewalls are blocking something so my Cloud control panel is unable to connect.
I have asked our IT department if they can fix it so I can install creative cloud on my computer, but they refused and said we can't use it because it's a security risk with the external storage.
Obviously you can choose not to use it at a user level. But that is not good enough. It has to be controlled at a network/firewall level, because they can't risk it if it's up to individual users to control this.
I bought the subscription myself on behalf of my own department, it is not something I got through our IT department, and IT is currently not supporting it, so if I can't resolve this myself I have to cancel my subscription.
I have talked to Adobes support to find out if the creative cloud storage can be blocked on a network/firewall level without blocking the entire application. I was hoping to get some information I could bring forward to our IT department. After chatting with 3 different people in the online chat support, I was reffered to their technical support phone line in denmark because this was too technical for them.
The guy on the phone said it wasn't possible to block cloud filesync access without blocking the whole thing. Maybe he didn't understand it correctly or didn't have enough knowledge, but what can you do when you've tried all options with support?
I'm hoping someone else has information that suggests otherwise, and I would be more than happy to know so I can forward it to our IT department!
Otherwise I have to cancel my subscription and go back to CS5.5 (annyoyingly CS5.5 doesn't support my new canon 6D raw files)

Hi Markus,
Please forward the ports and address to be added on company's network/firewall, it might help or might not. Here is the list:

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    30 years, huh? Me too... have you restarted your Mac? (I know, maybe a dumb question)
    Verify your current setup - OSX version etc.
    What may have changed just prior to your travails? any software added, updated, upgraded?
    have you visited the Adobe forums?

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    brendonx wrote:
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    Best regards

    The command which you are using is correct but the path which you have mentioned in the command have some space in the folder name. So would recoomend try to add double codes in the path like "c:\temp\Adobe Photoshop CS6.msi".
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    solution i found
    quit SugarSync
    You just needed to quit it ,
    install and restart Sugarsync.

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  • Transaction type 100 not possible (posting to affiliated company)

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    I am trying to post asset acquisition through F-90
    Asset Dr Transcation Type 100
    To, Vendor Cr
    while saving the above document  i am getting an error Transcation type 100 is not possible (Posting to Affiliated Company)
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    Edited by: sreenivasulu VAS on Feb 26, 2009 1:57 PM

    When there's a trading partner in the document, you need to use a different transaction type for external acquisition.
    Have you tried this? (I've used this one. without chaging document type setting)
    150     Acquisition from an affiliated company
    Difference from Transaction type 100 is posting type. 150 has a posting type of 'Post to affiliated company' whereas 100 has not.
    Check with IMG (T-code: AO73)

  • Transaction type ZGC not possible (posting to affiliated company) in ABSO

    Hi all,
    We have depreciation areas 01, 30, 31, 32 .
    dep area 30, 31, 32  inherits the values from 01.
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    Transaction type ZGC not possible (posting to affiliated company)
    Message no. AA390
    For the current document, you specified either implicitly (via the customer/vendor), or explicitly (with a manual entry), that this posting is to an affiliated company. In this case, Asset Accounting requires you to use special transaction types.  This enables the system to separately identify such transactions.
    Check the line items that you have already entered, and the transaction type you entered.
    Not sure why it is asking for affliated company .
    It will be great if any one help on this why we are getting this issue.

    Hi Daya,
    Please try to choose Trans.Type 100 in AO73 transaction code and select the radio button  Post to affiliated company under Posting type.

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    Please help me solving this issue.

    Hi Raj,
    If in OBY6, no company ID is defined for company codes,  they are NOT affiliated companies and the opposite.
    Please check also via OBA7 (document type), if the field "Enter trading partner" is flagged
    If yes -> you need to use a transaction type (AO74) which post to affiliatedcompany
    If no  -> you need to use a transaction type which does NOT post to affiliated
    Best regards Bernhard

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    While I am posting transaction through ABT1N i am getting an error message
    Transaction type 230 not possible (no affiliated company specified)
    Message no. AA389
    I checked in the transaction type 230 but here posting to affiliated co tick is their.Please advice at an earliest.

         Refer this thread Problum in ABT1N

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    Hi Experts,
    At the time of posting asset acquisition in F-90 I am getting following error
    Transaction type 100 not possible (no affiliated company specified)
    Message no. AA389
    I checked transaction type 100 config. there, "Post to affiliated company" is selected
    Awaiting your valuable reply.

    check SAPNET note 127650.
    Best regards

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