Installed app .... invisible or hidden ???

I have an app that is installed but not visible anywhere .... is there hidden app option somewhere tha tmight be hiding the icon?
Tablet SGPT121CA/S (APR 2013), eReader PRS-T1(APR 2012), Bluetooth Headphones DR-BTN200(SEP 2013), Blu-ray Receiver BDV-E3100(DEC2013)
Go to Solution.

Oops ... false alarm ... the icon it installed didn't match its name so I didn't notice it .... its there.
The whole reason for this though, was my wifi not waking up .... I thought the app was corrupted because it wouldn't work so I completely uninstalled it. Later when I realized the wifi was off I re-booted and re-installed. Doh!
Tablet SGPT121CA/S (APR 2013), eReader PRS-T1(APR 2012), Bluetooth Headphones DR-BTN200(SEP 2013), Blu-ray Receiver BDV-E3100(DEC2013)

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    Try these steps:
    The following steps will recreate the SC Info folder if it is unusable.
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    8. Restart the computer.

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    stanleyoowa wrote:
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    I'd ask in the
    Windows 8.1 forum on Microsoft Community.
    As the Microsoft Community is on a different platform, we cannot move the question for you.
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    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
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    What iOS is on the iPod
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