Installed leopard on problem

right after installing jaguar, i used the camera, it worked...
the next day: not anymore.
Message was edited by: chinawhite

I think you meant Leopard, as it says 10.5.* on you profile.....
try this:

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    No. It is not possible to install an older version of OS X then the one that shipped with the Mac.

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    I do not recall it being a G5
    There was never a laptop from Apple with a G5 processor.
    so it must be a G4 unless that designation is not used for the Core 2's.
    "PowerBook" and "G4" only applied to the earlier laptops from Apple that contained the PowerPC G4 processor. Neither term applies to the current Intel-based Mac laptops of which the MacBook and MacBook Pro are examples. It's not a "technicality"; it's critical to identify correctly what model of Mac you have so that people give you appropriate advice. What works on one model of Mac doesn't always work on a different model.
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    Wf5ve wrote:
    My son has a Macbook 15" white that I wish to upgrade to Leopard. The drive on his Macbook is broken and we don't feel there is a need to fix (USB Sticks and downloads are more than enough these days). I would prefer to format the Macbook and install Leopard clean because I am thinking of passing it on to his younger sister and buying him a new Macbook. I have the firewire and factory OSX Leopard. How should I proceed?
    Boot the MacBook with the "T" pressed. Soon you should see a yellow FireWire icon moving around the screen. Connect the MacBook and the iMac with a FireWire cable. Run the OS X installer on the iMac and tell it to install onto the MacBook.
    One possible wrinkle: Is your Leopard disc black (retail) or gray (machine-specific)?

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    You didn't mention what OS you were running. If 10.7 or above, boot into the Recovery Partition (command - R on a restart) and run Disk Utility/Repair Disk/Repair permissions until you get no error. Reboot normally and see if the installation will finish.
    If you were running10.6, boot off the DVD and do the above.

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    I would be really grateful for any other ideas? ; o (

    Did you do an upgrade? If so I would make a clone of your hard drive and do a erase and install. If that does not work then bring it in to the apple store to see if they can help.

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         So I decided to reinstall the OS X 10.6 with a CD ordered from Apple with the MacBook Pro, but the installation stopped and reported failure after a few minutes. Then, I tried to format the hard disk (Toshiba 250G), but it reported either "Input/output error" or "Could not allocate memory".  I thought my hard disk may be broken, I bought a new one (Hitachi 750G) but still can not format the disk with same errors.
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       "Panic CPU0 Caller", "Unable to find driver for this platform", "SourceCache Debugger Called", etc.
         What shall I do next,
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          2 Get the hard disk (Hitachi 750G) out and mount as USB external again and update to higher version of OS X (but which version?).
          3 Other suggestions?
    Thank you!

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    Disk Erase Failed with the error:
    POSIX reports. The operation couldn't be completed.
    Cannot allocate Memory?
    Help please?

    Here's how it should be done:
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Boot from your OS X Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.

  • Can't Install Leopard on MacBook Pro

    I've got 2 MacBookPros:
    MBP 1:
    Bought 2007
    Model: MacBookPro 2.2
    2.33 GHz
    System: 10.4.11
    MBP 2:
    Bought 2008
    Model: MacBookPro 3.1
    2.4 GHz
    System: 10.5.5
    I want to install OS 10.5 on MBP1 using the installation disks that came with MBP2. However, it won't let me do it. It tells me something like "System 10.5 cannot be installed on this computer."
    Any ideas what could be causing this?

    Paul Seymour1 wrote:
    I've got 2 MacBookPros:
    MBP 1:
    Bought 2007
    Model: MacBookPro 2.2
    2.33 GHz
    System: 10.4.11
    MBP 2:
    Bought 2008
    Model: MacBookPro 3.1
    2.4 GHz
    System: 10.5.5
    I want to install OS 10.5 on MBP1 using the installation disks that came with MBP2. However, it won't let me do it. It tells me something like "System 10.5 cannot be installed on this computer."
    Any ideas what could be causing this?
    First, it violates your license with Apple.
    Second, all disks are keyed to machines they ship with.
    You need to buy a copy of Leopard 10.5.4 for the other machine.

  • Can't install Leopard on MacBook Pro - Screen goes very dark

    Need help!!
    Screen is alright at first during boot, Apple logo is fine. Then there is like a Video mode switch upon booting CD and the screen is really, like if the backlight was off or really low brightness set. Special Fs keys on keyboard do not change anything on this, other keys are responsive but I don't want to start install when I can't even see the mouse pointer.
    Anybody experienced this? All was fine just before the install, never had a screen issue before. Being able to eject the CD from the superdrive would be nice too...

    Same problem on my MBP.
    How I solved it:
    Step 1: Aim lots of bright light sources at your screen.
    Step 2: Realize how dirty your screen is. Clean it before moving to step three.
    Step 3: If you tilt the screen at just the right angle and squint really hard, you can kinda read the screen.
    Step 4: Place finger on trackpad and wiggle like crazy until you manage to see the cursor.
    Step 5: Proceed (slowly, so you don't lose the cursor or the only angle that makes the screen barely visible) with install.
    Step 6: Go take some medicine for the migrain you just developed squinting at the dark screen.
    Step 7: Enjoy Leopard. (Step 7 is optional).

  • How do I install Leopard on MacBook Pro Retina Partition

    I am trying to install either Leopard or Snow Leopard on a partition of my MBP Retina. I can set up the partition but how do I load a new OS on that Partition with an external Super Drive.
    I also have VMWare Fusion and am trying to do it that way or with boot camp

    Consider installing Snow Leopard (with Rosetta) into Parallels 7 in Lion ($29 + $79):
                                  [click on image to enlarge]
    Full Snow Leopard installation instructions:
    Parallels 7 news release regarding Retina:,31008

  • Installing flash on macbook "relaunch" problems

    hello, after going through all the suggestions here to eliminate any previous flash programs on my computer, and rebooting etc, i continue to have problems installing flash - when i click on the installation application i get the following message: "the application Install Adobe Flash Player quit unexpectedly - click relaunch to launch the application again"....
    doing so only brings me back once more to the same message...
    any thoughts?

    Download the FULL installer:  Flash Player (Mac OS X)
    Save it to your Downkloads folder and quit your browser.
    Run it as a COCOA install:
    Double click the DMG to mount it.
    DO NOT run the installer - right click (Ctrl+click) it to "Show Package Contents".
    In Contents/Resources, double click the Adobe Flash Player.pkg file.
    The COCOA installer will open.
    Follow the steps to install.

  • Installing Leopard on old macbook using the disk of a Macbook Pro

    I want to install leopard on my old macbook using the disc i got by my Macbook Pro
    specs of macbook wich i can't install leopard on:
    Modelnaam: MacBook
    Modelaanduiding: MacBook1,1
    Processornaam: Intel Core Duo
    Processorsnelheid: 2 GHz
    Aantal processors: 1
    Totaal aantal cores: 2
    L2-cache (per processor): 2 MB
    Geheugen: 1 GB
    Bussnelheid: 667 MHz
    Opstart-ROM-versie: MB11.0061.B03
    SMC-versie: 1.4f12
    Serienummer: 4H627A89VMM
    Btw the format of hardisk in macbook is Journaled HFS+ and Tiger 10.4.11 installed
    specs of macbook pro wich leopard installdisc i'm using to install leopard
    Modelnaam: MacBook Pro
    Modelaanduiding: MacBookPro3,1
    Processornaam: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processorsnelheid: 2.2 GHz
    Aantal processors: 1
    Totaal aantal cores: 2
    L2-cache: 4 MB
    Geheugen: 2 GB
    Bussnelheid: 800 MHz
    Opstart-ROM-versie: MBP31.0070.B05
    SMC-versie: 1.16f10
    Serienummer: W88037KYX91
    (on macbook pro leopard succesfully installed)
    I don't see the problem and can't find it anywhere, hopefully you know it.
    Message was edited by: Klapschaats

    Unfortunately, the installation media that comes with your Mac will only work with that particular machine. These installation discs are not the same as a retail copy of Leopard. The retail installation disc can be installed on any supported machine. The installation media that came with your Macbook Pro for example has data on it meant only for that machine. Think of it also as something like an "OEM" disc for Windows when you purchase a machine from Dell. That particular installation disc is licensed only for that machine and contains files specifically for that machine.

  • Trying to install Leopard...

    Hi there,
    I just bought a new macbook 13" so decided to give my older iMac G5 to my sister for christmas and at the same time to update it to Leopard. Since the iMac was unable to read from Leopard's double-layer dvd, I decided to try installing it from my macbook and found like many others that it won't let you install it since it asks to format the hd to GUID even if the cpu is an apple one. I kinda found a way to make it work:
    I started my macbook as an external drive with the Leopard DVD in and booted the iMac (that i had previously erased).
    The iMac then starts from the dvd that's in the Macbook (Leopard).
    I started installing Leopard, looked like it was working fine until I got this error telling me that there was an error with BaseSystem.
    I tried again twice, same problem.
    Tried reinstalling Mac OS 10.4 and also 10.3.5, still the same kind of problem during the installation but not confirming or not that it has something to do with Base System anything else.
    Now, I'm stuck with an iMac that is not even 3 years old on which I can't install a system. I've tried re-formatting everytime I re-installed for every OS. Still the same problem. Everything seems alright hardware wise, I had no problem before trying this. Smart is verified for the HD.
    One thing I need to say, before I found out the whole GUID thing between Intel-based and PPC, I installed Leopard from the Macbook to the iMac with no problem, worked perfect and even booted it from the Macbook, it was working perfect, so I doubt it is a problem with my cd's/dvd's.
    I have no idea of what to do now...

    It doesn't work with a USB ext. drive, can't boot from it.
    Installing Leopard from Macbook as an ext. drive to iMac: error.
    Installing Tiger from Macbook as an ext. drive to iMac: error, please retry/restart.
    Installing Tiger from iMac: error, please retry/restart.
    Installing Panther from iMac: error.
    I have no idea what to do now, I can't install Leopard on an ext. drive from my Macbook since it wants me to format it as GUID and I need it to be formatted as APM for it to work on my iMac.
    Solutions I thought of:
    1- Buy an external dvd drive to plug in my iMac. Don't know if it would work though, because that's pretty much what my Macbook does when I try installing Leopard from it while it runs as an external drive plugged into my iMac.
    2- Buy an external firewire HD drive and find an old iMac (not intel) that reads double-layer dvd (or just plug it in my macbook again to use it as an external dvd drive) and try installing Leopard on that ext. HD drive (which should work, I wouldn't see why not). Then, I could try to restore Leopard from the ext. drive to my iMac, or just try installing Leopard from the ext. drive to my iMac.
    Can it be a memory problem, i've seen that somewhere else, but I don't get the same kind of problem. Others have their computer crash, or get a blue screen after succesful installation.
    Any further help would be greatly appreciated,
    Message was edited by: François Grégoire

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