Installing an application through Powershell with SCCM 2012 r2 is not working as expected

I am trying to install a VOIP client using a powershell script. When I run the powershell script on the client in a administrative powershell prompt the script runs fine and it installs the application as expected. When I try to do the same thing through
the SCCM client using an application it does not install.
I am not a Powershell Guru so the script below is my simple understanding of installations through powershell as of this moment
Installatiescript CIC Client SU6 32 bit (kantoor)
Versie 1.3
17 april 2015 - Uitbreiding logfile. Fix opschonen startmenu
16 april 2015 - Aanpassing verwijderen oude client, logfile aanmaken in TEMP
13 maart 2015 - Eerste versie
# Bepaal installatiebron
$SourceDir = "\\VSC0501\SetupShare\APP_IC_Client_SU6\x86"
# Bepaal logvariabelen
$logfile = "$env:TEMP\cic_su6-install.txt"
$Logdate = get-date -f yyyyMMdd-HHmm
# Controleer of oude CIC client aanwezig is (versie 4.04.316) en deinstalleer deze indien nodig
If (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6}")
$val = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6}").DisplayVersion
if($val -eq "4.04.316") {
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {3F20671C-9CA2-41FA-B94A-C7C7FD95C7B4} /QN" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client has been succesfully removed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client cannot be succesfully removed" | out-file $logfile -Append
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6} /QN" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client has been succesfully removed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client cannot be succesfully removed - " $process.ExitCode | out-file $logfile -Append
#(Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {3F20671C-9CA2-41FA-B94A-C7C7FD95C7B4} /QN" -Wait -Passthru).exitcode
#(Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6} /QN" -Wait -Passthru).exitcode
Get-ChildItem "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Abvakabo FNV\Interactive Intelligence" | Remove-Item -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Abvakabo FNV\Interactive Intelligence" -Recurse -Force
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client not present" | out-file $logfile -Append
# Installeer CIC Client SU6
$Arguments = "/i `"$SourceDir\ICUserApps_32bit.msi`" /l*vx `"$env:TEMP\cic_su6.log`" TRANSFORMS=`"$SourceDir\Kantoor.mst`" PATCH=`"$SourceDir\ICUserApps_32bit_SU6.msp`" ICSERVERNAME=cic.abvakabofnv.local /QN /norestart"
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "$Arguments" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 (kantoor) has been succesfully installed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 (kantoor) cannot be succesfully installed - " $process.ExitCode | out-file $logfile -Append
# Installeer CIC Client SU6 NL Language Plugin
$Arguments = "/i `"$SourceDir\LanguagePlugins\ICUserApps_LanguagePlugin_nl.msi`" /l*vx `"$env:TEMP\cic_su6_nl.log`" PATCH=`"$SourceDir\LanguagePlugins\ICUserApps_LanguagePlugin_nl_SU6.msp`" /QN /norestart"
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "$Arguments" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 Languagepack NL has been succesfully installed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 Languagepack NL cannot be succesfully installed - " $process.ExitCode | out-file $logfile -Append
# Opschonen Desktop en Start menu
Remove-Item -Path "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop\Interaction Fax.lnk"
Remove-Item -Path "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop\Interaction Voicemail Player.lnk"
Move-Item -Path "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Interactive Intelligence" "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Abvakabo FNV" -force
The uninstall part works fine, but the installation (2 parts) do not. As I mentioned before... when I run the script manually it all works fine.
The application is installed using a script. The commandline is
powershell.exe -excecutionpolicy bypass -file Install_UserApps_SU6_Kantoor.ps1
The application runs hidden in the context of the system wether or not the user is logged on. The maximum allowed run time is sufficient (30 minutes).
There is no installation log from the msiexec command so the line were the application should be installed is not executed at all. There is also no mention in my own little log ($logfile = "$env:TEMP\cic_su6-install.txt") mentioning the result
of the installation.
The appenforce.log says...
+++ Starting Install enforcement for App DT "Interaction Client - Standaard SU6" ApplicationDeliveryType - ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, Revision - 7, ContentPath - C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\13, Execution Context - System AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
A user is logged on to the system. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Performing detection of app deployment type Interaction Client - Standaard SU6(ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, revision 7) for system. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
+++ Application not discovered. [AppDT Id: ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, Revision: 7] AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
App enforcement environment:
Context: Machine
Command line: Powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file Install_UserApps_SU6_Kantoor.ps1
Allow user interaction: No
UI mode: 0
User token: null
Session Id: 1
Content path: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\13
Working directory: AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Prepared working directory: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\13 AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Found executable file Powershell.exe with complete path C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Prepared command line: "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -executionpolicy bypass -file Install_UserApps_SU6_Kantoor.ps1 AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Executing Command line: "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -executionpolicy bypass -file Install_UserApps_SU6_Kantoor.ps1 with user context AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Working directory C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\13 AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Post install behavior is BasedOnExitCode AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Waiting for process 2916 to finish. Timeout = 30 minutes. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:05 640 (0x0280)
Process 2916 terminated with exitcode: 0 AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
Looking for exit code 0 in exit codes table... AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
Matched exit code 0 to a Success entry in exit codes table. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
Performing detection of app deployment type Interaction Client - Standaard SU6(ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, revision 7) for system. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
+++ Application not discovered. [AppDT Id: ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, Revision: 7] AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
++++++ App enforcement completed (3 seconds) for App DT "Interaction Client - Standaard SU6" [ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4], Revision: 7, User SID: ] ++++++ AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
I'm thinking of going back to a batchfile because that seems to do the job, but Powershell is much more powerfull.
Anybody got any answers on what is going wrong are some suggestions for a better script? 

You have a number of problems here.
1.  As mentioned you have UNC paths ... which means there's no reason for a package at all.  f you want SCCM to use the package it just downloaded you should use $PSScriptRoot (PS equivelant of %~0dp).  If the client is using v2 or earlier
... fix that quick by starting your script with:
If (!$PSScriptRoot) {
$PSSCriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
Now you can call your install easy enough with a $PSScriptRoot+"\app.exe"
2.  your discovery is failing after install.  This will always make SCCM report an installation failed even when the exit code is 0.  You can see it at the end of your log:
Matched exit code 0 to a Success entry in exit codes table. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
Performing detection of app deployment type Interaction Client - Standaard SU6(ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, revision 7) for system. AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
+++ Application not discovered. [AppDT Id: ScopeId_2EC1E80A-D73E-4152-A94F-546E7827CCB6/DeploymentType_720b132a-5626-4055-9555-18b4775724c4, Revision: 7] AppEnforce 17-4-2015 16:31:08 640 (0x0280)
So either your installation script is spitting out a exit code 0 regardless of the event OR your detection is wrong.
EDIT:  you have exit statemetns after failed installs ... but no exit code (simply exit).  Change those to exit 1 so sccm knows it's a failed exit and not just a generic exit.  That's probably your problem (unc can't be reached as system, you're
getting an exit  .... not defining exit 1).
Something like this (warning this is a fast change so review it):
Installatiescript CIC Client SU6 32 bit (kantoor)
Versie 1.3
17 april 2015 - Uitbreiding logfile. Fix opschonen startmenu
16 april 2015 - Aanpassing verwijderen oude client, logfile aanmaken in TEMP
13 maart 2015 - Eerste versie
If (!$PSScriptRoot) {
$PSSCriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
# Bepaal installatiebron
#$SourceDir = "\\VSC0501\SetupShare\APP_IC_Client_SU6\x86"
$SourceDir = $PSScriptRoot
# Bepaal logvariabelen
$logfile = "$env:TEMP\cic_su6-install.txt"
$Logdate = get-date -f yyyyMMdd-HHmm
# Controleer of oude CIC client aanwezig is (versie 4.04.316) en deinstalleer deze indien nodig
If (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6}")
$val = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6}").DisplayVersion
if($val -eq "4.04.316") {
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {3F20671C-9CA2-41FA-B94A-C7C7FD95C7B4} /QN" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client has been succesfully removed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client cannot be succesfully removed" | out-file $logfile -Append
exit 1
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6} /QN" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client has been succesfully removed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client cannot be succesfully removed - " $process.ExitCode | out-file $logfile -Append
exit 1
#(Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {3F20671C-9CA2-41FA-B94A-C7C7FD95C7B4} /QN" -Wait -Passthru).exitcode
#(Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "/x {543BE3AC-426D-4FDD-8160-ECEEC2E211B6} /QN" -Wait -Passthru).exitcode
Get-ChildItem "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Abvakabo FNV\Interactive Intelligence" | Remove-Item -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Abvakabo FNV\Interactive Intelligence" -Recurse -Force
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - Client not present" | out-file $logfile -Append
# Installeer CIC Client SU6
$Arguments = "/i `"$SourceDir\ICUserApps_32bit.msi`" /l*vx `"$env:TEMP\cic_su6.log`" TRANSFORMS=`"$SourceDir\Kantoor.mst`" PATCH=`"$SourceDir\ICUserApps_32bit_SU6.msp`" ICSERVERNAME=cic.abvakabofnv.local /QN /norestart"
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "$Arguments" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 (kantoor) has been succesfully installed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 (kantoor) cannot be succesfully installed - " $process.ExitCode | out-file $logfile -Append
exit 1
# Installeer CIC Client SU6 NL Language Plugin
$Arguments = "/i `"$SourceDir\LanguagePlugins\ICUserApps_LanguagePlugin_nl.msi`" /l*vx `"$env:TEMP\cic_su6_nl.log`" PATCH=`"$SourceDir\LanguagePlugins\ICUserApps_LanguagePlugin_nl_SU6.msp`" /QN /norestart"
$process = Start-Process -Filepath "msiexec.exe" -Argumentlist "$Arguments" -Wait -Passthru
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 Languagepack NL has been succesfully installed" | out-file $logfile -Append
else {
Write-Output "$logdate - CIC Client SU6 Languagepack NL cannot be succesfully installed - " $process.ExitCode | out-file $logfile -Append
exit 1
# Opschonen Desktop en Start menu
Remove-Item -Path "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop\Interaction Fax.lnk"
Remove-Item -Path "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop\Interaction Voicemail Player.lnk"
Move-Item -Path "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Interactive Intelligence" "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Abvakabo FNV" -force
Exit 0

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    CExecutionRequestManager::OnServiceWindowEvent for START    execmgr    9/12/2014 10:00:01 PM    21788 (0x551C)
    Auto Install is set to false. Do Nothing.    execmgr    9/12/2014 10:00:02 PM    21788 (0x551C)
    CServiceWindowEventHandler::Execute - Received SERVICEWINDOWEVENT : END Event    execmgr    9/13/2014 12:00:00 AM    22452 (0x57B4)
    CServiceWindowEventHandler::Execute - Received SERVICEWINDOWEVENT : START Event    execmgr    9/13/2014 12:00:00 AM    22452 (0x57B4)
    CExecutionRequestManager::OnServiceWindowEvent for START    execmgr    9/13/2014 12:00:00 AM    22452 (0x57B4)
    Auto Install is set to false. Do Nothing.    execmgr    9/13/2014 12:00:00 AM    22452 (0x57B4)
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    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="172.XXX.XXX.0" Address="172.XXX.XXX.6"/>
    ']LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="4584" file="siteinfo.cpp:96">
    <![LOG[Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{D3D8AA78-3B63-4E8E-92FD-43064FD1B1B3}</ID><SourceHost>CLIENTPC</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:CLIENTPC:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost>HTTPS://</TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-09-27T02:21:45Z</SentTime><Body
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1082"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>']LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="4584" file="siteinfo.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[CCM_POST 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Begin searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:3833">
    <![LOG[Completed searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:3992">
    <![LOG[Begin to select client certificate]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:4073">
    <![LOG[The 'Certificate Selection Criteria' was not specified, counting number of certificates present in 'MY' store of 'Local Computer'.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="0" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:4109">
    <![LOG[There are no certificates in the 'MY' store.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:4131">
    <![LOG[GetSSLCertificateContext failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="4584" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6025">
    <![LOG[GetHttpRequestObjects failed for verb: 'CCM_POST', url: 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3"
    thread="4584" file="httphelper.cpp:947">
    <![LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="4584" file="siteinfo.cpp:532">
    <![LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'HTTPS://'. Error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="2" thread="4584" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10926">
    <![LOG[Failed to find DP locations from MP 'HTTPS://' with error 0x87d00280, status code 200. Check next MP.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="2" thread="4584" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10782">
    <![LOG[Only one MP HTTPS:// is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9745">
    <![LOG[Have already tried all MPs. Couldn't find DP locations.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="4584" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10811">
    <![LOG[GET 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Begin searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:3833">
    <![LOG[Completed searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:3992">
    <![LOG[Begin to select client certificate]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:4073">
    <![LOG[The 'Certificate Selection Criteria' was not specified, counting number of certificates present in 'MY' store of 'Local Computer'.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="0" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:4109">
    <![LOG[There are no certificates in the 'MY' store.]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="4584" file="ccmcert.cpp:4131">
    <![LOG[GetSSLCertificateContext failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="4584" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6025">
    <![LOG[GetHttpRequestObjects failed for verb: 'GET', url: 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3"
    thread="4584" file="httphelper.cpp:947">
    <![LOG[DownloadFileByWinHTTP failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.792+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="4584" file="httphelper.cpp:1081">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="22:21:45.808+240" date="09-26-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2552" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10544">

    This system is something I inherited from another system admin who set this up so I was unsure of how this was deployed.  I did go in and see that it had been set to deploy using ONLY HTTPS.  I have changed it to use either HTTPS or HTTP now. 
    Unfortunately I'm still getting the same result of ccmsetup.exe running on the client machine but it is not installing.  I see in the log that I'm still getting the 0x87d00280 error, but that should matter since it is now set to use HTTPS or HTTP correct?
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="172.XXX.XXX.0" Address="172.XXX.XXX.6"/>
    ']LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="5032" file="siteinfo.cpp:96">
    <![LOG[Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{AB0BE041-48D1-4BA3-8B1C-167DB7899CF3}</ID><SourceHost>CLIENTPC</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:CLIENTPC:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost>HTTPS://</TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-09-27T13:57:13Z</SentTime><Body
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1082"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>']LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="5032" file="siteinfo.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[CCM_POST 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Begin searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:3833">
    <![LOG[Completed searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:3992">
    <![LOG[Begin to select client certificate]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:4073">
    <![LOG[The 'Certificate Selection Criteria' was not specified, counting number of certificates present in 'MY' store of 'Local Computer'.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="0" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:4109">
    <![LOG[There are no certificates in the 'MY' store.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:4131">
    <![LOG[GetSSLCertificateContext failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="5032" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6025">
    <![LOG[GetHttpRequestObjects failed for verb: 'CCM_POST', url: 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3"
    thread="5032" file="httphelper.cpp:947">
    <![LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="5032" file="siteinfo.cpp:532">
    <![LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'HTTPS://'. Error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2"
    thread="5032" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10926">
    <![LOG[Failed to find DP locations from MP 'HTTPS://' with error 0x87d00280, status code 200. Check next MP.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="2" thread="5032" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10782">
    <![LOG[Only one MP HTTPS:// is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1"
    thread="5032" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9745">
    <![LOG[Have already tried all MPs. Couldn't find DP locations.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="5032" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10811">
    <![LOG[GET 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Begin searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:3833">
    <![LOG[Completed searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:3992">
    <![LOG[Begin to select client certificate]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:4073">
    <![LOG[The 'Certificate Selection Criteria' was not specified, counting number of certificates present in 'MY' store of 'Local Computer'.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context=""
    type="0" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:4109">
    <![LOG[There are no certificates in the 'MY' store.]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="5032" file="ccmcert.cpp:4131">
    <![LOG[GetSSLCertificateContext failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.404+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="5032" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6025">
    <![LOG[GetHttpRequestObjects failed for verb: 'GET', url: 'HTTPS://']LOG]!><time="09:57:13.420+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3"
    thread="5032" file="httphelper.cpp:947">
    <![LOG[DownloadFileByWinHTTP failed with error 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.420+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="5032" file="httphelper.cpp:1081">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x87d00280]LOG]!><time="09:57:13.420+240" date="09-27-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="960" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10544">

  • How to find using SQL query application deployed on win 7 machines with SCCM 2012 server or user installed manually.

    how to find using SCCM SQL query,  application deployed on win 7 machines with SCCM 2012 server or user/technician installed manually. Please let me know.

    Thanks, is it not possible via any script also?
    Like Torsten said, how can you tell the difference between CM12 installed applications and locally installed? Once you can answer that, then you can write report.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • Deploying CC Enterprise Applications With SCCM 2012

    Hi all,
    We are using CC Packager to package up individual applications (Photoshop, InDesign etc) and are having trouble deploying the applications once packaged. To deploy, we are using SCCM 2012 and are deploying to Windows 7 x64 clients. It appears that the install begins on the client, then hangs, never to finish.
    We are running the MSI with the REBOOT=ReallySuppress and MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable commands, but with no luck.
    This has us really stumped. The applications seem to package fine, yet just won't install. If we manually run the installer, we can see it begin installing, then the progress bar goes backwards and the installation ends without displaying any sort of message.
    Also, as an FYI, we have followed this guide closely in our attempts:
    Has anyone experienced a similar problem? Any ideas?
    Thank you in advance.

    Windows 7 x64 Clients
    Deploying with SCCM 2012
    I have called Adobe before and was told that the application package needs to be on a local drive on the computer. The package cannot be installed if the package is sitting on the network. My installation for a adobe creative cloud  package fails to install when I try to install the application from the software center. At some moment the installation searches to ensure it is on a local disk. Not sure how this happends. If you place the installation package on a drive on your computer the package will install, although it will take time depending on how many applications you have packaged.
    Another problem that you might have is having users log out of the applications without admin previlages.
    I have yet to find a solution for these two problems, I could really use some help from someone who has sucessfully deployed a creative cloud package to a user.
    Thank you

  • I heard some promote use of "Terminal Services(RDS)", rather than App-V application with SCCM 2012 even if you have SCCM licens.

    I heard some promote use of "Terminal Services(RDS)", rather than App-V application with SCCM 2012 even if you have SCCM licens. The reason you dont need to repackage\test the application on an client OS...
    I don't agree and I have not Heard this Before, just that you use TS for some scenario.
    Or is it more likely that "Terminal Services(RDS)", take over the applikation administration?

    Surely this all depends on your environment. There's nothing wrong with creating RemoteApps to push to client devices. Maybe you have an environment where RDS is widely used. 
    Why not leverage both solutions and target App-V's at RDS servers and then create App-V based RemoteApps that users can run at home as part of a home working solution via RDWeb.
    Creating apps via RDS will be an admin overhead yes but then so is creating App-V packages in SCCM.
    I don't agree with the arguement re: 'you dont need to repackage\test the application on an client OS...' as
    App-V allows you to run on multple O/S types. 
    To be honest both technologies have their pros and cons. 
    Paul |

  • Does Powershell 3.0 / Wmf 3 runs flawlessly with SCCM 2012 SP1

    Hi the title says it all:
    Does Powershell 3.0 / Wmf 3 runs flawlessly with SCCM 2012
    Thanks, Rob

    Hi Rob,
    WMF3 is required for ConfigMgr 2012 SP1:
    (I posted the same link in your thread in the PowerShell forum).
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,575+ strong and growing)

  • AMT 3.2.10 Clients with SCCM 2012 on Windows 2012

    I have a couple of HP dc7800 computers with Intel's AMT/vPro that I'd like to provision with SCCM 2012. The installed firmware version is 3.2.10 which is a supported version according to the documentation [1]. Provisioning of newer clients (5.2.x upwards)
    is successful, so I can rule out all the usual suspects like the provisioning certificate from GoDaddy, our internal CA, DHCP options, etc. Provisioning with SCCM 2007 of both 3.2.x and 5.x AMT devices is also still successful. 
    The amtopmgr.log repeatedly shows the following entries:
    Provision target is indicated with SMS resource id. (MachineId = 16777325
    Found valid basic machine property for machine id = 16777325.
    Warning: Currently we don't support mutual auth. Change to TLS server auth mode.
    The provision mode for device is 1.
    The IP addresses of the host are x.x.x.x.
    Root hash of provisioning certificate is 2796BAE63F1801E277261BA0D77770028F20EEE4.
    Attempting to establish connection with target device using SOAP.
    Create provisionHelper with (Hash: 74B7792EDBD64EBB01E2E3A0B27FAFA04C2D3BCB)
    Set credential on provisionHelper...
    Try to use provisioning account to connect target machine
    Error 0x80090304 returned by InitializeSecurityContext during follow up TLS handshaking with server.
    **** Error 0x37f2b370 returned by ApplyControlToken
    Fail to connect and get core version of machine using provisioning account #0.
    Try to use default factory account to connect target machine
    Error 0x80090304 returned by InitializeSecurityContext during follow up TLS handshaking with server.
    **** Error 0x37f2b370 returned by ApplyControlToken
    Fail to connect and get core version of machine using default factory account.
    Try to use provisioned account (random generated password) to connect target machine
    Error 0x80090304 returned by InitializeSecurityContext during follow up TLS handshaking with server.
    **** Error 0x37f2b370 returned by ApplyControlToken
    Fail to connect and get core version of machine using provisioned account (random generated password).
    Error: Device internal error. This may be caused by: 1. blabla...
    Error: Can NOT establish connection with target device. (MachineId = 16777325)
    After some investigation with Wireshark, I've found out that SCCM tries connect with TLSv1 to the AMT device. The response from the device is immediately an SSL alert (internal error). Using OpenSSL, I could connect to the device if I explicitly told it
    to use SSLv3. This leads me to believe that the 3.2.x firmware cannot handle TLSv1 correctly and SCCM never tries to connect with SSLv3 after a failure.
    So the question is: How can I get SCCM 2012 to provision these devices?

    Since no one has answer this post, I recommend opening  a support case with CSS as they can work with you to solve this problem.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • Remote WSUS integration with SCCM 2012

    We are currently having WSUS already in place for Patching , but not used at all its just installed.
    can remote WSUS be integrated with SCCM 2012 server which is on different server ? what is the best practice ? is it to have WSUS on same server as Primary server?
    or I decommission it and install a new WSUS on same server as SCCM server.
    what steps have to be taken care if remote WSUS is integrated ? any documents or steps to be taken care .
    Thanks in Advance

    When you install SUPs, they automatically configure the underlying WSUS instance to sync from an upstream server based upon your ConfigMgr hierarchy.
    A couple of notes here though:
    - You generally shouldn't use an existing instance of WSUS for ConfigMgr. Once integrated into ConfigMgr, WSUS should no longer manage approvals, update binary downloads, or update binary distribution as these are all handled by ConfigMgr separate from WSUS.
    Using an existing WSUS instance where this was the case can be problematic at best and will cause unexpected behavior and results.
    - Clients do not choose SUPs based upon boundaries or location so using a remote SUP is typically not beneficial and in many cases will cause additional network load. The exception to this is if the SUP is within a secondary site.
    Jason | | @jasonsandys

  • How to manage Forefront Endpoint Prorection Security Client 2010 with SCCM 2012

    I've sucessfully installed System Center Configuration Manager 2012
    and now I 'd like to push/deploy Forefront Endpoint Protection Client 2010 on client machines.I also know that Microsoft embedded Forefront Endpoint Protection in SCCM 2012 so that you can manage FEP from single SCCM 2012 console.Now
    when I try to push FEP client on client machines using Default Client Settings
    then I've found that all Endpoint Protection settings are greyed out !
    Do I need to install Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 or 2012 Server (which is beta) with SCCM 2012, in order to deploy FEP client or is there a workaround or solution to resolve this ?

    Endpoint Protection 2012 is builtin in SCCM 2012, you simply add the Site Role called Endpoint Protection either on your CAS if you have one of those or on your Primary site Server. FEP is no longer a standalone installer and it is a released product and
    no longer Beta.
    Then the Endpoint Protection Client Settings will no longer be greyed out and you can deploy the System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection client.
    -- My System Center blog -- Twitter

  • WSUS on Server 2012 Standard R2 with SCCM 2012 Standard R2 Proper Setup

    What is the proper setup (best practice) on setting up WSUS using Server 2012 Standard R2 to work properly with SCCM 2012 R2 Standard using Server 2012 Standard R2 on separate box?
    1. Is it using WID or database during the setup of WSUS using Server 2012 Standard R2?
    2. Once it setup properly on WSUS using Server 2012 Standard R2 either WID or database (using SQL 2012 Standard SP1), how do I connect with SCCM 2012 R2 Standard using Server 2012 Standard R2 on separate box?
    3. On SCCM 2012 R2 Standard using Server 2012 Standard R2 just need to add WSUS Role, right? Is it using WID or database?

    1. Generally, using the SQL instance you use for ConfigMgr is preferred.
    2. The Software Update Point connects ConfigMgr to a WSUS instance.
    3. See 2.
    Jason |
    It's just as Jason said. The SUP role in SCCM basically "sits on top" of the WSUS role, whether it is local or remote is up to you. You basically install WSUS on a server like you normally would WITHOUT configuring it. I have used both WID and SQL. It's
    always nicer to put it on your SQL server since that is (should be) backed up regularly and maintained.
    Once you have WSUS installed you just point SCCMs SUP role at the installation and it takes over the rest.
    Dustin Estes - MCP |

Maybe you are looking for