Integrating Muse into an existing website

Hi There
i currently use muse to add landing pages to our existing website but i have come across a few problem regarding integration and was wondering if anyone could help. The way i integrate muse into our website is to host all of the files on our server then re-link the html to point to the files. the HTML for the landing pages are actually inserted into a a div tag basically its a website within a website but the html has to be pasted into our cms system for it to work. I have come across a few problems out line below:
The muse code interferes with the main website code and changes all of the menu font etc.
an error message appears saying files are missing etc (if i remove the warning code this disapears but im presuming there is a warning for a reason)
when i remove the error message the light box function disapears
the main website has a drop down feature on the tabs above the muse page but this doesnt respond on the page.
If you could advise on integrating this i would be very grateful. an example of what i mean can be found at and the html code i use is below:
<div style="width:996px; margin:-10px -10px 0 -10px;">
font-family: Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif;
text-align: left;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 17px;
word-wrap: break-word;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;/* kerning, primarily */
  <script type="text/javascript">
   if(typeof Muse == "undefined") window.Muse = {}; window.Muse.assets = {"required":["jquery-1.8.3.min.js", "museutils.js", "", "index.css"], "outOfDate":[]};
  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
  <meta name="generator" content="2014.2.1.284"/>
  <!-- CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/css/site_global.css?365011649"/>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/css/index.css?3932596327" id="pagesheet"/>
  <!-- Other scripts -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
   document.documentElement.className += ' js';
  <div class="clearfix" id="page"><!-- column -->
   <div class="position_content" id="page_position_content">
    <div class="colelem" id="u193"><!-- custom html -->
<iframe class="actAsDiv" width="996" height="364" src=" &theme=dark&color=red&controls=0&modestbranding=1&start=0&fs=0&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=tran sparent&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <div class="clearfix colelem" id="u354-12"><!-- content -->
     <p id="u354-2">Introducing ArcoPro</p>
     <p id="u354-3"> </p>
     <p id="u354-5">To demonstrate our commitment to providing products to the most demanding safety standards we have created ArcoPro. All ArcoPro PPE and hazardwear offer multi&#45;norm protection and satisfy Category III of the European PPE Directive. The ArcoPro range of flame retardant garments has been designed with meticulous detail, using fabrics of the highest quality and technical specification. The range comprises base layers, mid layers and outer layers, which when worn in combination can offer ultimate protection.</p>
     <p id="u354-6"> </p>
     <p id="u354-8">Our Arco design service can provide a bespoke or customer designed garment to meet your specific requirements, we can work with you to remove or add features to our standard garments for example radio loops or pockets.</p>
     <p id="u354-9"> </p>
     <p> </p>
    <div class="clearfix colelem" id="u195"><!-- group -->
     <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u304"><!-- group -->
      <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u183-7"><!-- content -->
       <p id="u183-2">Layering Garments</p>
       <p> </p>
       <p id="u183-5">We have conducted two sets of tests on our ArcoPro garments both on individual garments and combinations of garments. The test results clearly show the benefits of layering the garments to achieve a higher level of FR protection for the wearer.</p>
      <div class="grpelem" id="u186"><!-- custom html -->
<iframe class="actAsDiv" width="595" height="302" src=" &controls=1&modestbranding=1&start=0&fs=1&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=transparent&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <div class="clearfix colelem" id="pu318-8"><!-- group -->
     <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u318-8"><!-- content -->
      <p id="u318-2">Maximise Your Protection</p>
      <p id="u318-3"> </p>
      <p id="u318-5">Use our ArcoPro app to calculate the level of protection offered from different combinations of ArcoPro garments.</p>
      <p> </p>
     <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u320"><!-- group -->
      <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u321-4"><!-- content -->
       <p>See below to configure your protection</p>
     <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u311"><!-- image -->
      <img class="block" id="u311_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/macbook.png" alt="" width="415" height="483"/>
     <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u328" data-mu-ie-matrix="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0,M12=-1,M21=1,M22=0,Sizi ngMethod='auto expand')" data-mu-ie-matrix-dx="0" data-mu-ie-matrix-dy="0"><!-- image -->
      <img class="block" id="u328_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/arrow.png" alt="" width="41" height="41"/>
    <div class="colelem" id="u256"><!-- custom html -->
     <iframe src="//" name="myframe" width="997" height="1200" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    <div class="clearfix colelem" id="pu341"><!-- group -->
     <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u341"><!-- image -->
      <img class="block" id="u341_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/screen%20shot%202014-12-04%20at%20094513 .jpg" alt="" width="996" height="399"/>
     <a class="nonblock nontext clearfix grpelem" id="u348" href=""><!-- group --><div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u349-5"><!-- content --><p id="u349-3"><span id="u349">Buy now from our ArcoPro range</span><span id="u349-2"></span></p></div></a>
     <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u350"><!-- image -->
      <img class="block" id="u350_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/arrow.png" alt="" width="41" height="41"/>
    <div class="verticalspacer"></div>
  <!-- JS includes -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
   if (document.location.protocol != 'https:') document.write('\x3Cscript src="" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
  <script type="text/javascript">
   window.jQuery || document.write('\x3Cscript src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/scripts/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
  <script src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/scripts/museutils.js?3777594392" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/scripts/" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <!-- Other scripts -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function() { try {
(function(){var a={},b=function(a){if(a.match(/^rgb/))return a=a.replace(/\s+/g,"").match(/([\d\,]+)/gi)[0].split(","),(parseInt(a[0])<<16)+(parseInt( a[1])<<8)+parseInt(a[2]);if(a.match(/^\#/))return parseInt(a.substr(1),16);return 0};(function(){$('link[type="text/css"]').each(function(){var b=($(this).attr("href")||"").match(/\/?css\/([\w\-]+\.css)\?(\d+)/);b&&b[1]&&b[2]&&(a[b[1 ]]=b[2])})})();(function(){$("body").append('<div class="version" style="display:none; width:1px; height:1px;"></div>');
for(var c=$(".version"),d=0;d<Muse.assets.required.length;){var f=Muse.assets.required[d],g=f.match(/([\w\-\.]+)\.(\w+)$/),k=g&&g[1]?g[1]:null,g=g&&g[2]? g[2]:null;switch(g.toLowerCase()){case "css":k=k.replace(/\W/gi,"_").replace(/^([^a-z])/gi,"_$1");c.addClass(k);var g=b(c.css("color")),h=b(c.css("background-color"));g!=0||h!=0?(Muse.assets.required.splic e(d,1),"undefined"!=typeof a[f]&&(g!=a[f]>>>24||h!=(a[f]&16777215))&&Muse.assets.outOfDate.push(f)):d++;c.removeClas s(k);break;case "js":k.match(/^jquery-[\d\.]+/gi)&&
typeof $!="undefined"?Muse.assets.required.splice(d,1):d++;break;default:throw Error("Unsupported file type: "+g);}}c.remove();if(Muse.assets.outOfDate.length||Muse.assets.required.length)c="Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect. Clear browser cache and try again. If the problem persists please contact website author.",(d=location&& _debug/gi))&&Muse.assets.outOfDate.length&&(c+="\nOut of date: "+Muse.assets.outOfDate.join(",")),d&&Muse.assets.required.length&&(c+="\nMissing: "+Muse.assets.required.join(",")),alert(c)})()})();
/* body */
Muse.Utils.transformMarkupToFixBrowserProblemsPreInit();/* body */
Muse.Utils.prepHyperlinks(true);/* body */
Muse.Utils.fullPage('#page');/* 100% height page */
Muse.Utils.showWidgetsWhenReady();/* body */
Muse.Utils.transformMarkupToFixBrowserProblems();/* body */
} catch(e) { if (e && 'function' == typeof e.notify) e.notify(); else'Error calling selector function:' + e); }});

Please go through the following links I believe it would be helpful.

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    I am ready to give up.  This really can't be this difficult. 
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    I just want something easy.
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    On the Gallery page, I want to include a simple photo gallery where I can showcase paintings.  I would like a simple (theres that word again) grid that shows the photos as thumbnails.  When you click on the thumbnail, it shows the image in a larger size with a small caption.
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    I just want to make a simple gallery that I can integrate into an existing website.
    Can anyone suggest the easiest program to use?

    You can use Adobe Bridge (it is built into Dreamweaver) and Adobe Fireworks.  Once you have Dreamweaver open, go to File and you will see "Browse in Bridge".  Adobe Fireworks is a separate program and must be installed to make this work.  The instructions below are step by step and I was able to follow them even though I am not overly experienced in Dreamweaver.  I created these with Dreamweaver CS4 but the instructions below should work for CS5 as well.
    The first address here is to create a photo gallery with the Adobe Output Module which you open in Bridge.
    The second address explains how to incorporate the gallery into a Dreamweaver page.
    Here is my wife's website for her art:
    You may want to look at the galleries there first to see if they are what you are looking for. 
    There are two disadvantages to these galleries.  One is that to add or subract images requires creating a new gallery.  The good side is that this can be done fairly quickly once you become accustomed to how they are created.  I can do a new one now in a half hour or less.  To make it easier, you can go to split screen once you have the new gallery made and substitute the html for the new gallery in place of the old one without recreating your page parameters for the gallery.
    Secondly, the galleries created in Fireworks use flash technology so they will not work on Iphones or Ipads.  To correct this on my wife's website, I upgraded to CS5.5 in order to use HTML5.  I am going through the tutorials for creating HTML5 web pages now.  Once I have completed them, I will be re-doing my wife's site.  I haven't yet figured out how I will create and install the galleries yet.  I have posed a question about albums for HTML5 on this forum.  Using HTML5 appears to be more complex than what I have experienced in the past, but we will see.
    Hope this helps.  Don't get too frustrated when you go through the tutorials above.  Take your time and you will be able to figure it out.  If I could do it, so can you.  I am a 65 year old retiree who only began working with Dreamweaver about three years ago.  My work experience was not in the computer field although we bought our first computer, an Apple IIE, in 1980.

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    One way to do it is put each gallery in its own subdirectory of your main page (you can use multiple sub galleries) and then have the main page in the root that links to the index.html files in each subdirectory. If your main page is not in the root you have to add the appropriate structure in the return link in the lightroom created gallery "Web or Mail Link" setting.
    In the main page the link to my NATURE page would be   ../nature/index.html
    Then in the Lightroom created NATURE page you can use the "Contact Info" or "Identity Plate" (This can be graphical as shown on my page)     "Web or Mail Link" setting to return to the main page using      ../index.html
    To see and example see my site

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    Printing_Services wrote:
    Why exactly does Muse not support HTML import?
    Muse and HTML generators like it only deal with HTML at the very end of production... at export. These generators have their own system (not based on HTML) of arranging text & graphics and structuring page relationships.  These kinds of apps have never been able to import HTML. As the world moves to more dynamic web sites (database driven and server-side scripted), it becomes even more unlikely that an HTML generator will ever import HTML.

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    Thanks in advance,

    The reason you are getting red x's is because the code cannot find the images associated with them. To view the code, you should export the HTML instead of viewing the source in the browser.
    To successfully copy the widget you're going to need to copy all of the enccessary assets, not just the HTML.
    This includes all of the: HTML, CSS, Javascript and images
    Hope this helps,

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    Are you planning to have separate URLs for desktops, tablets and mobile devices?  That seems like a logistic nightmare to maintain.
    Why haven't you re-built your desktop site with FluidGrid Layouts or CSS Media Queries in DW?  One site that works in all devices makes more sense.
    Example with FluidGrid Layout (re-size viewport):
    Introduction to CSS Media Queries
    CS6 Fluid Grid Layouts (6 min video) youts-in-dreamweaver-cs6/
    Nancy O.

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    there are at least two ways.
    The one is that you can configure an access by means of DW, the other is carrying out in an external FTP program. I personally prefer the latter.
    So I use to upload my files and sometimes for the opposite way, for a necessary download from my server, by using filezilla. It simply looks easier for me to keep track of all operations precisely and generate or reflect easily the desired tree structure.
    Above all, FileZilla has a feature (translation from my German FileZilla) called "compare file list". Here it's possible to use file size or modification time as a criterion. There is also the possibility to "hide identical files", so that only these files which you want to redact remain visible.
    And even if it means you have to install a new program, I am convinced that there is an advantage. Here is the link to get it and where you can read informations about how it works: and
    Mac: Mac OS X
    Of course, you also need all the access data to reach your server.

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    When a form is embedded the submission is protected with SSL. You shouldn't collect credit card information using FormsCentral because the service is not PCI compliant. You should instead use our new integration with PayPal - it supports credit cards and paypal account payments. The credit card info is processed by paypal and they are PCI compliant.
    Here is a tutorial on the new payments features:

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    Thanks much in advance for your help!

    Thanks! The only file I see on the server to pull down is muse_manifest.xml.
    I checked in all the folders too. See image below.

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    Hello friends!
    I have a new question: It is possible, to transfer an existing website (with all the HTML and CSS documents with the help of the FTP server) to Adobe Muse? Or do I must create all the website again?

    Hi Otis--
    No, it's not possible, and yes, you'll need to recreate. I suppose the upside is that you should already have all of your assets ready, but I know it's more work, unfortunately. You can't pull in sites built outside of Muse into it, and you can't open up and edit Muse sites outside of Muse (easily, anyway).
    Good luck!

  • I want to know detail of transferring existing website(live) into Cloud Host site facility.

    Dear Creative Cloud Support,
    Right now I am one of your customer, and already using Adobe web premium product since CS3, right now I am using your CS5 web premium.
    And has intention to subscribe for Adobe Cloud.
    I am interested to know more detail about your host site facility in Adoce Cloud Host Site (5).
    In relation with its features and maximum capacity 20 GB as a member.
    My questions:
    1.Is this facility only for new domain name or can be used for existing website (live)?
    2.Do we transfer a whole website content into this Host Site? Or only a link?
    3.If it a facility similar principle like web hosting, what database engine, and language it support?
    Maybe my questions are not relate at all with your Host Site terminology, if so please explain more detail about it or direct me to read your article of how step by step we can utilize this service.
    Thank you so much for your attention, and I am looking forward to hear from you at my email: [email protected]
    Budhi Suwardi.

    Hi Budhi,
    1.Is this facility only for new domain name or can be used for existing website (live)?
    If you already have a domain you can associate it with 1 of the 5 sites included with the BC web hosting services included with Creative Cloud
    2.Do we transfer a whole website content into this Host Site? Or only a link?
    You can create and publish an entire site, this is typically done with either Dreamweaver or Muse.
    3.If it a facility similar principle like web hosting, what database engine, and language it support?
    The service that does the hosting is Business Catalyst and the included service is webBasics. This FAQ has info about the service.
    These videos might be useful too: tive-cloud/?go=13698
    Dreamweaver lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-what-is-business-catalyst lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-creating-and-publishing-sites/
    Muse lyst-and-muse-what-is-business-catalyst lyst-and-muse-creating-and-publishing-sites
    We also have a forum specifically for Business Catalyst here:
    They should be able to answer any additional questions you might have.

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    You can use their BC login details and use them , which on publish the site will be under their account.
    Please change the BC login from Edit > Preferences > Publish > Switch Accounts , for Mac it would Adobe Muse > Preferences

  • Adding web gallery into existing website

    Does anyone know if you can add/import a lightroom created web gallery into an existing webpage? I am redoing my website (originally created with Frontpage, now considering using Expression Web) and want to create photo galleries using lightroom. I know you can create the same type of gallery using Flash, however I don't want to buy a new program when I have lightroom already. I don't have enough experience with HTML to use Dreamweaver.

    This previews just fine from Dreamweaver but when uploaded non
    of my images load. Please see
    All I get is the circular wait icon. Thanks very much for any help you can give. It seems I am one little step away from making it work.

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    In other words. My client site was build in Dreamweaver or something else. I am not a programer and was going to use muse to make his mobile site. So the question is how do I link a muse made mobile site to his desktop site?
    Thank you.

        as62467 We appreciate your G3 question! Let's see how we can help. What you are able to adjust is the USB connection mode by going to the home screen and selecting'recent apps' (in the touch keys bar), settings,storage, the menu (the 3 tiny dots) and tap usb pc connection. If you do not want the software to try and install choose either the internet connection or camera option. Let us know if this helps.
    Follow us on Twitter

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