Add an existing website to Muse

Hello, I am new to Muse, however, I build sites in Dreamweaver and WordPress so not new to building sites. How do I add an existing website to Muse to work on? Site in question was built by someone and we have access to all the files but not sure how to get the site files into Muse to work on.....??
Thanks much in advance for your help!

Thanks! The only file I see on the server to pull down is muse_manifest.xml.
I checked in all the folders too. See image below.

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    If Google has already indexed your site, it will keep checking your site, but make sure you update sitemap in google webmaster tools, if you have some new pages in new site, google will index them and if you have some pages renamed or removed asked google to remove it. You can check some details here

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    Muse does not support HTML/CSS/Javascript at the moment. You can only open .muse extension in muse, but you can export you Muse site as html.
    Please let me know if you have any other query.

  • Integrating Muse into an existing website

    Hi There
    i currently use muse to add landing pages to our existing website but i have come across a few problem regarding integration and was wondering if anyone could help. The way i integrate muse into our website is to host all of the files on our server then re-link the html to point to the files. the HTML for the landing pages are actually inserted into a a div tag basically its a website within a website but the html has to be pasted into our cms system for it to work. I have come across a few problems out line below:
    The muse code interferes with the main website code and changes all of the menu font etc.
    an error message appears saying files are missing etc (if i remove the warning code this disapears but im presuming there is a warning for a reason)
    when i remove the error message the light box function disapears
    the main website has a drop down feature on the tabs above the muse page but this doesnt respond on the page.
    If you could advise on integrating this i would be very grateful. an example of what i mean can be found at and the html code i use is below:
    <div style="width:996px; margin:-10px -10px 0 -10px;">
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    text-align: left;
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 17px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;/* kerning, primarily */
      <script type="text/javascript">
       if(typeof Muse == "undefined") window.Muse = {}; window.Muse.assets = {"required":["jquery-1.8.3.min.js", "museutils.js", "", "index.css"], "outOfDate":[]};
      <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
      <meta name="generator" content="2014.2.1.284"/>
      <!-- CSS -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/css/site_global.css?365011649"/>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/css/index.css?3932596327" id="pagesheet"/>
      <!-- Other scripts -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
       document.documentElement.className += ' js';
      <div class="clearfix" id="page"><!-- column -->
       <div class="position_content" id="page_position_content">
        <div class="colelem" id="u193"><!-- custom html -->
    <iframe class="actAsDiv" width="996" height="364" src=" &theme=dark&color=red&controls=0&modestbranding=1&start=0&fs=0&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=tran sparent&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
        <div class="clearfix colelem" id="u354-12"><!-- content -->
         <p id="u354-2">Introducing ArcoPro</p>
         <p id="u354-3"> </p>
         <p id="u354-5">To demonstrate our commitment to providing products to the most demanding safety standards we have created ArcoPro. All ArcoPro PPE and hazardwear offer multi&#45;norm protection and satisfy Category III of the European PPE Directive. The ArcoPro range of flame retardant garments has been designed with meticulous detail, using fabrics of the highest quality and technical specification. The range comprises base layers, mid layers and outer layers, which when worn in combination can offer ultimate protection.</p>
         <p id="u354-6"> </p>
         <p id="u354-8">Our Arco design service can provide a bespoke or customer designed garment to meet your specific requirements, we can work with you to remove or add features to our standard garments for example radio loops or pockets.</p>
         <p id="u354-9"> </p>
         <p> </p>
        <div class="clearfix colelem" id="u195"><!-- group -->
         <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u304"><!-- group -->
          <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u183-7"><!-- content -->
           <p id="u183-2">Layering Garments</p>
           <p> </p>
           <p id="u183-5">We have conducted two sets of tests on our ArcoPro garments both on individual garments and combinations of garments. The test results clearly show the benefits of layering the garments to achieve a higher level of FR protection for the wearer.</p>
          <div class="grpelem" id="u186"><!-- custom html -->
    <iframe class="actAsDiv" width="595" height="302" src=" &controls=1&modestbranding=1&start=0&fs=1&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=transparent&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
        <div class="clearfix colelem" id="pu318-8"><!-- group -->
         <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u318-8"><!-- content -->
          <p id="u318-2">Maximise Your Protection</p>
          <p id="u318-3"> </p>
          <p id="u318-5">Use our ArcoPro app to calculate the level of protection offered from different combinations of ArcoPro garments.</p>
          <p> </p>
         <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u320"><!-- group -->
          <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u321-4"><!-- content -->
           <p>See below to configure your protection</p>
         <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u311"><!-- image -->
          <img class="block" id="u311_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/macbook.png" alt="" width="415" height="483"/>
         <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u328" data-mu-ie-matrix="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0,M12=-1,M21=1,M22=0,Sizi ngMethod='auto expand')" data-mu-ie-matrix-dx="0" data-mu-ie-matrix-dy="0"><!-- image -->
          <img class="block" id="u328_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/arrow.png" alt="" width="41" height="41"/>
        <div class="colelem" id="u256"><!-- custom html -->
         <iframe src="//" name="myframe" width="997" height="1200" scrolling="no"></iframe>
        <div class="clearfix colelem" id="pu341"><!-- group -->
         <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u341"><!-- image -->
          <img class="block" id="u341_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/screen%20shot%202014-12-04%20at%20094513 .jpg" alt="" width="996" height="399"/>
         <a class="nonblock nontext clearfix grpelem" id="u348" href=""><!-- group --><div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u349-5"><!-- content --><p id="u349-3"><span id="u349">Buy now from our ArcoPro range</span><span id="u349-2"></span></p></div></a>
         <div class="clip_frame grpelem" id="u350"><!-- image -->
          <img class="block" id="u350_img" src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/images/arrow.png" alt="" width="41" height="41"/>
        <div class="verticalspacer"></div>
      <!-- JS includes -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
       if (document.location.protocol != 'https:') document.write('\x3Cscript src="" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
      <script type="text/javascript">
       window.jQuery || document.write('\x3Cscript src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/scripts/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
      <script src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/scripts/museutils.js?3777594392" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script src="103/content/landing_page/vinniestest/scripts/" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <!-- Other scripts -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
       $(document).ready(function() { try {
    (function(){var a={},b=function(a){if(a.match(/^rgb/))return a=a.replace(/\s+/g,"").match(/([\d\,]+)/gi)[0].split(","),(parseInt(a[0])<<16)+(parseInt( a[1])<<8)+parseInt(a[2]);if(a.match(/^\#/))return parseInt(a.substr(1),16);return 0};(function(){$('link[type="text/css"]').each(function(){var b=($(this).attr("href")||"").match(/\/?css\/([\w\-]+\.css)\?(\d+)/);b&&b[1]&&b[2]&&(a[b[1 ]]=b[2])})})();(function(){$("body").append('<div class="version" style="display:none; width:1px; height:1px;"></div>');
    for(var c=$(".version"),d=0;d<Muse.assets.required.length;){var f=Muse.assets.required[d],g=f.match(/([\w\-\.]+)\.(\w+)$/),k=g&&g[1]?g[1]:null,g=g&&g[2]? g[2]:null;switch(g.toLowerCase()){case "css":k=k.replace(/\W/gi,"_").replace(/^([^a-z])/gi,"_$1");c.addClass(k);var g=b(c.css("color")),h=b(c.css("background-color"));g!=0||h!=0?(Muse.assets.required.splic e(d,1),"undefined"!=typeof a[f]&&(g!=a[f]>>>24||h!=(a[f]&16777215))&&Muse.assets.outOfDate.push(f)):d++;c.removeClas s(k);break;case "js":k.match(/^jquery-[\d\.]+/gi)&&
    typeof $!="undefined"?Muse.assets.required.splice(d,1):d++;break;default:throw Error("Unsupported file type: "+g);}}c.remove();if(Muse.assets.outOfDate.length||Muse.assets.required.length)c="Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect. Clear browser cache and try again. If the problem persists please contact website author.",(d=location&& _debug/gi))&&Muse.assets.outOfDate.length&&(c+="\nOut of date: "+Muse.assets.outOfDate.join(",")),d&&Muse.assets.required.length&&(c+="\nMissing: "+Muse.assets.required.join(",")),alert(c)})()})();
    /* body */
    Muse.Utils.transformMarkupToFixBrowserProblemsPreInit();/* body */
    Muse.Utils.prepHyperlinks(true);/* body */
    Muse.Utils.fullPage('#page');/* 100% height page */
    Muse.Utils.showWidgetsWhenReady();/* body */
    Muse.Utils.transformMarkupToFixBrowserProblems();/* body */
    } catch(e) { if (e && 'function' == typeof e.notify) e.notify(); else'Error calling selector function:' + e); }});

    Please go through the following links I believe it would be helpful.

  • How do I replace existing website with one created with muse and hosted by business catalyst

    My client has a website / URL in use.  I have designed a new website using adobe Muse that will replace their existing website, and I would like to use business catalyst to host the new site.  What do I need to do to transfer the URL to business catalyst, and post the new site live?

    You can use their BC login details and use them , which on publish the site will be under their account.
    Please change the BC login from Edit > Preferences > Publish > Switch Accounts , for Mac it would Adobe Muse > Preferences

  • Transfer an existing Website to Adobe Muse

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    I have a new question: It is possible, to transfer an existing website (with all the HTML and CSS documents with the help of the FTP server) to Adobe Muse? Or do I must create all the website again?

    Hi Otis--
    No, it's not possible, and yes, you'll need to recreate. I suppose the upside is that you should already have all of your assets ready, but I know it's more work, unfortunately. You can't pull in sites built outside of Muse into it, and you can't open up and edit Muse sites outside of Muse (easily, anyway).
    Good luck!

  • Can I use Muse with an existing website?*

    I have several existing websites. A couple have more than 40,000 files already. Can I use Muse with an existing website?

    Printing_Services wrote:
    Why exactly does Muse not support HTML import?
    Muse and HTML generators like it only deal with HTML at the very end of production... at export. These generators have their own system (not based on HTML) of arranging text & graphics and structuring page relationships.  These kinds of apps have never been able to import HTML. As the world moves to more dynamic web sites (database driven and server-side scripted), it becomes even more unlikely that an HTML generator will ever import HTML.

  • Does anyone know how to add a dateline in the website using muse?

    Does anyone know how to add a dateline in the website using muse?

    You cannot.
    You would have to add it to the mail server ( if you have an IMAP account), then it will appear on the ipad.

  • How do I update an existing website.

    I need to add additional buttons to an existing website.
    I just started using flash and am lost.
    I want to add a link button and page and all pages are in
    mini movie form.
    Just need a walk through..
    Im not totally computer illiterate.
    Please help.
    Is the site...

    We need a lot more information than that, Kelly. Where is it hosted? Was it originally done in Muse? If so, the easiest way is to get the Muse file from whoever did the site in the first place.

  • Pls help - How can I add a typekit font to muse?

    As Muse doesn't come with all typekit fonts already included in the dropdown list of webfonts, I'd like to know how I can add a typekit font to the dropdown menu so I can use it for my website. I have Adobe creative cloud membership.
    I've searched the whole of the web and can't find anything about this at all - only about adding one of the existing muse typekit fonts which I already know how to do.
    Why doesn't Adobe include all typekit fonts with Muse when you're already a full creative cloud subscriber?

    Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 03:13:17 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Pls help - How can I add a typekit font to muse?
        Re: Pls help - How can I add a typekit font to muse?
        created by morgan_in_london in Help with using Adobe Muse - View the full discussion
    You're very welcome - can I be cheeky and ask for a "correct answer" to be noted? :^D
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         Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse by email or at Adobe Community
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  • Adding a single page to pre-existing website

    I currently have a website running on Amazon S3 and want to add a page to the domain using Muse and do not want to replace the pre-existing website.
    Current web address:
    Desired address of Muse-created site: does not need to be modified in any way—my clients just need to be able to access musesite.html via a link using my brand's domain. Can this be accomplished using BusinessCatalyst provided hosting? If so, how can I accomplish this?

    Hi Joseph,
    You need to create the page in Muse and then export the html to a local folder on your computer and then upload the exported content on the root folder of your existing business catalyst site. You will not be able to use the web forms with this approach.
    If you can host the site in a sub directory, then you can create the page in the Muse and then publish directly to a sub-directory on the root, this way you will be able to use the web forms.
    - Abhishek Maurya

  • How do I add a blog to my Muse site?

    Is there a widget or something I can throw onto a page and have people post comments?
    Or more importantly, can I just allow my customer to post "News" through In-Browser editing? (Do I just throw a text block on a page and title it, "News" and let them add to it)?
    What if they wanted to add photos to their "News" or "Blog" page?

    You can absolutely insert a blog into your Adobe Muse site. Most instructions for doing this involve creating a WordPress hosted blog, then embedding that into a Muse page with 'Insert HTML', which creates an iframe with your blog inside.
    While embedding an existing blog with an iframe within a Muse page works, it isolates the blog's content from being considered in the main site's SEO, since it's pages are not actually on the site's server.
    The simplest way, and it's very simple, is to install a WordPress, or any other, blog into a folder in your site named 'blog'. Pick a theme that enables you to mimic your main as closely as you care to. Then create a link in your main site's menu to link to the blog folder. Here's an example...
    You can also use a blank WordPress theme with no header or footer at all - only the blog posts and sidebar(for categories and recent posts, etc.). Use that theme with a locally installed WordPress blog, them embed that blog in an iframe, and you'd have a very functional blog that can perfectly fit your Muse site's theme, since it's header and footer will actually be the ones on your main site. Plus, since it's actually hosted along with your Muse site's files, it's available for the site's SEO.
    For SEO purposes, you'll need to add your blog folder manually to your sitemap.xml. This is a bit of a hassle, since you'll need to add the blog's entry into your sitemap.xml each time that you re-upload your site, since that actually writes a new version of the sitemap.xml over the existing one. Still, it's a very simple way to add a blog to your Muse site.

  • Can you build a mobile website in Muse and redirect to a desktop website which is not built in Muse?

    I am looking at the idea of extending my photoshop monthly subscription to one that will give me access to Muse and Illustrator etc. 
    I have been building mobile websites on a mobile platform and then redirecting these to clients desktop sites - this is an option for clients who don't want to go the whole hog with new web design.
    Is it possible to build a mobile website using muse and then redirect this mobile website to an existing desktop site that has not been built on Muse?
    Thanks in advance

    You can certainly use Muse for hosting on other hosts as well. You do lose some of the functionality of Business Catalyst such as In Browser Editing. I just saw that you did your current one in Wordpress ... so I assume there is a blog?
    If so, keep in mind that Muse alone does not have a blog feature. You can integrate a Business Catalyst Blog into it with a bit of knowledge on how BC works.
    A couple videos you will want to check out are:
    and especially;

  • Need help adding a page to an existing website

    Hey guys....I'm, as the subject states, a newbie to Dreamweaver.  I am needing to add a page to an existing website.  Simple enough...or so it seems...anyway, I went to the site, copied the source coding, went back to Dreamweaver, pasted into the code box, and up pops the page I copied.  Great!  So then I make my changes so that the page states what I want it to say, link it to what I need to hyperlink it to, then try to upload the page back onto the server....and here's where I get lost...I go to the web to check the site, and the page that I copied and made my own is not there.  The link didn't work and the page is nowhere to be found.  I don't mind whatsoever telling any of the what the site is (not sure if I can do that here), but any help would be very grateful!!!  I'm not sure what I am doing wrong obviously.  Many, many thanks in advance for any help you can give me! 

    At the moment the link you refer to goes to the file ashby.php
    Do you have a page named ashby.php in your site folder?
    If you do copy that and make the changes you require. Save it as whisperer.php
    Now you need to change the link from ashby.php to whisperer.php
    <div class="leftMenu"><a class="menuLeft" href="ashby.php?s=1">Becoming an Alzheimer's Whisperer</a></div>
    So it looks like this:
    <div class="leftMenu"><a class="menuLeft" href="whisperer.php">Becoming an Alzheimer's Whisperer</a></div>
    I'm not sure if it will work because the link has a variable (?s=1) after it but as the links all go to different pages the information probably isn't being fetched from a database. In other words all the pages appear to exist as individual pages. I don't know what 's' the variable refers to.

  • "Add to existing album" is missing in Photos app

    The Photos app on my iPad 2 gives me the option to add photos from the Camera Roll to a new album, but there is no "Add to existing album" option.  I know it should be there because I've used it before, and I can still see it on my iPhone 4.  But it has disappeared from my iPad.
    I'm using iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1.

    You cannot add photos that were synced to to the iPad from iTunes to another album as you have just found out.
    Only photos from your camera roll, which would include photos that you take with the iPad, photos saved from emails or photos saved from websites. Synced photos will stay in the albums that you synced them from on your computer.
    Synced albums cannot be changed and the photos in those albums cannot be deleted from the device without unselecting them in iTunes and then syncing again.

Maybe you are looking for