Integrating SOA and Peoplesoft: Configuring JMSTARGET Connector in IB.

Hi All,
I have created JMS queue/topic in oracle application server. Can anybody idea how can we configure JMS connector of peoplesoft integration broker.
Let me first explain my requirement, I am working in peoplesoft outbound interface design with SOA integration.
So my approach will be creating JMS queue in oracle application Server and then configuring this JMS to any node of peoplesoft IB.
Then extracted information from peoplesoft need to send to the above node so that once the node receive the message it should
populate the JMS queue inturn SOA BPEL will be triggered to write into third party file/database.
Please give your inputs on this approach if you any other suggetion for peoples soft outbound integration with SOA.
Thanks inadvance.

Its published, but somehow you are unable to see it..issues with Meatlink for sure..
Here is its content :
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version: 8.4 - Release: 8.4
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document was previously published as Customer Connection Solution 201077819
Please see below.
Not Applicable
<<Document:664816.1>> E-IB: Configuring Integration Broker with IBM MQ on AIX
SPECIFIC TO: Enterprise, PeopleTools, Integration Broker Release 8.49
How to setup Integration Broker to PUT messages to an IBM MQ Server on a remote machine?
<See attachment for documentation with screenshot examples.>
Configuring Integration Broker with IBM MQ on AIX
The following guide is intended to outline the setup between Peoplesoft Integration Broker and IBMs Websphere MQ version 6 client on AIX. Note: This is not a certification, but a working example, specifically using the MQ client to connect to a remote machine running the MQ server.
Platform Information:
PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.49
IBM Websphere MQ Release 6
1) Install and IBM Websphere MQ (WMQ) client
2) Configure WMQ connection
3) Configure Peoplesoft
4) TEST using PING and a Peoplesoft message to PUT data onto the WMQ server
1) Install and configure Websphere MQ client on AIX where Peoplesoft is located
NOTE: This is one optional architecture. It is also possible to install Peoplesoft and MQ on the same server, which avoids the client software altogether.
a. IBM deliveres an MQ client that is installed on the same box as the Peoplesoft with the following options.
i. Installed to /usr/mqm, all objects owned by local user mqm
ii. Ensure that the MQ Extended Transactional Client is installed
1. This includes file
iii. Mq specific environment variables
1. $MQ_JAVA_DATA_PATH=/usr/mqm
2. $MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/mqm/java
3. $MQ_JAVA_LIB_PATH=/usr/mqm/java/lib
4. jms.jar, fscontext.jar, jndi.jar, providerutil.jar, stcjms.jar
1. Includes the following MQ jar files
ii. providerutil.jar
iv. ldap.jar
v. jta.jar
vi. jndi.jar
vii. jms.jar
viii. connector.jar
2. Example
a. > echo $CLASSPATH
i. echo $CLASSPATH /usr/mqm/java/lib/
3. When setting up Peoplesoft, add these jar files to the classpath setting in the file and reboot PIA
2) Configure WMQ
a. Edit JMSAdmin.config (located in /usr/mqm/java/bin)
ii. Set Initial Context Factory = com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
# The following line specifies which JNDI service provider is in use.
# It currently indicates an LDAP service provider. If a different
# service provider is used, this line should be commented out and the
# appropriate one should be uncommented.
iii. Set PROVIDER_URL=file:/usr/mqm/java
# The following line specifies the URL of the service provider's initial context. It currently refers to an LDAP root context. Examples of a file system URL and WebSphere's JNDI namespace are also shown, commented out.
b. Run JMSAdmin to setup queue and qcf to the MQ server
ii. NOTE: When connecting from a client to a remote server, it is important to specify the hostname, port and transport along with the other values.
iii. def q(PLAS160_Q) queue(PLAS160_Q)
1. Note: The q is a local naming alias, whereas the queue is the physical queue name on the MQ server
iv. Screenshot:
v. This creates a .bindings file
vi. NOTE: It is also possible to use IVTSetup for this, but JMSAdmin is recommended.
vii. NOTE: It is possible to gain a .bindings file from your MQ server administrator. Be sure that this format is correct, and the location on the client is referenced correctly.
viii. JMSAdmin can also be used to determin what connections are available from this machine using command dis ctx as shown
b. Optional: Test the connection to the MQ server using IBM software.
NOTE: Testing the ivtQ and ivt QCF can be accomplished using the IVTRun program, provided that the ivtQ and ivtQCF have been setup in the .bindings file with the same available on the MQ server (some mq administrators do not enable this by default)
i. Example IVTRun, see Appendix 1
ii. Example .bindings file see Appendix 2
3) Configure PeopleSoft
a. Create an external NODE representing the target JMS queue
i. Example node, see appendix 3
b. Setup the connectors properties for the new node
i. Use the connector ID= JMSTARGET
ii. Example properties screenshot, see Appendix 4
1. Notes
a. JMSProvider is MQSeries
b. JMSFactory, JMSQueue are those specified in the .bindings file representing that on the JMS server. In this case, PLAS160_QCF and PLAS160_Q are used for this example.
c. JMSUrl is the location of the working .bindings file on the web server (in this case file:/D:/apps/IBM/WebSphereMQ/Java )
c. Setup Gateway Properties
i. Access the Gateway Properties using PIA and add the JMS information for MQSeries to the file as shown:
## JMS configuration Section
# <the following line is required>
ii. Queue information here is only needed if going to GET message using the JMSListeningConnector. Not needed for the target PUT (or ping)
iii. Example, See appendix 5
4) Test PUT connection from Peoplesoft to WMQ
1. Ping the JMS node from the node definition
b. Setup routings to PUT messages to the MQ node
i. Example using USER_PROFILE
ii. Submit the message and check the Operations Monitor
iii. Verify that the message made it to MQ (this is viewed by browsing the queue on the Websphere MQ Explorer, message browser. A better utility is rfhutil which is included in the MQ windows client development kit)
NOTE: This document is intended for 1 way communication TO Mq from Peoplesoft. Setup for GET using the JMSListeningConnector is a separate topic for documentation.
Appendix 1 IVTRun
Appendix 2 .bindings file.
NOTE: The PLAS160_QCF and PLAS160_Q references are applicable to this example.
#This file is used by the JNDI FSContext.
#Wed Sep 17 11:43:13 PDT 2008
Appendix 3 Node definition
Appendix 4 - Node JMSTarget Connectors Properties
Appendix 5 JMS configuration section
## JMS configuration Section
#The JNDIFactory Classnames for Weblogic, IPlanet, MQSeries.
# Enter the number of Queue listners to instantiate
# For each queue specify the following properties
# Name
# Provider
# JMSFactory name (which is binded to the JNDI)
# MessageSelector (optional Message Filter)
# JNDI System File URL
# JMS User
# JMS Password
# Example :
# ig.jms.Queue1.MessageSelector=
# ig.jms.Queue1.User=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.Queue1.Password=EncryptedPassword
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPassword
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# Enter the number of Topic Subscribers to instantiate
# ig.jms.Topics=1
# For each Topic specify the following properties
# Name
# Provider
# JMSFactory name (which is binded to the JNDI)
# MessageSelector (optional Message Filter)
# JNDI System File Url
# JMS User
# JMS Password
# Example :
# ig.jms.Topic1=ExampleTopic
# ig.jms.Topic1.Provider=MQSeries
# ig.jms.Topic1.JMSFactory=TopicConnectionFactory
# ig.jms.Topic1.MessageSelector=
# ig.jms.Topic1.Url=file:c:/
# ig.jms.Topic1.User=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.Topic1.Password=EncryptedPassword
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPassword
#IBInfo Headers
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
#For sending error either ErrorQueue or ErrorTopic must be configured
#If both exists, errors are only sent to ErrorQueues.
#Configure the Error-Queue configuration
# ig.jms.ErrorQueue=ErrorQ
# ig.jms.ErrorQueue-Provider=Weblogic
# ig.jms.ErrorQueue-User=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.ErrorQueue-Password=sam
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPassword
# ig.jms.ErrorQueue-JMSFactory=TopicConnectionFactory
# ig.jms.ErrorQueue-Url=file:c:/
#Configure the Error-Topic configuration
# ig.jms.ErrorTopic=Error
# ig.jms.ErrorTopic-Provider=IPlanet
# ig.jms.ErrorTopic-User=sam
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
# ig.jms.ErrorTopic-Password=sam
# ig.jms.ErrorTopic-JMSFactory=TopicConnectionFactory
# ig.jms.ErrorTopic-Url=file:c:/
## End of JMS configuration Section
# Profile Information
# Set it to either TRUE or FALSE
#End-Of Profile Information
##EIPTestTool Properties
#Class name of the Gateway Manager to use during processing
#Contains a true or false value.
#True for LoopBack
#Contains the directory path that will be used
#to store request/response files during recording.
# Number of ig.EIPMsgProp.N.propFile's
#Certification root directory
#MessageProperty file names with locations.
#Overrides input directory for an EIP
##End of EIPTestToolProperties
#File connector password.
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
#End of file connector properties.
## Query Access Services (QAS) Configuration Section.
# QAS Repository Home Directory. This is the directory where Query result blocks will be
# temporarily persisted.
# Example:
# Uncomment the following line and replace the value with the actual QAS Repository Home Directory.
## END of QAS Configuration.
## AS2 Connector Properties.
# These Properties need to be set to use either the AS2TargetConnector or the AS2ListeningConnector
# AS2 KeyStore Properties
# Uncomment the following two lines to specify your key keystore path and password.
# Use the PSCipher.bat utility to encrypt the keystore password.
# example:
# ig.AS2.KeyStorePath=C://pt846//webserv//peoplesoft//keystore//pskey
# ig.AS2.KeyStorePassword=GD9klUFw8760HVaqeT4pkg==
# AS2 Log Directory, logs all incoming and outgoing AS2 requests and responses.
# Uncomment and specify the correct directory name to enable logging.
# example:
# ig.AS2.LogDirectory = c://temp//as2//logs
## End of AS2 Connector Properties
## AS2ListeningConnector Only Properties.
# AS2From and AS2To http header parameters are required on all incoming AS2 messages. These parameters must
# map to PeopleSoft node definitions either directly or indirectly via AS2 From & To map specifications.
# AS2 From & To Map
# This map translates incoming AS2From and AS2To http header parameters into PeopleSoft node names.
# This property is not required if your incoming messages use AS2From and AS2To parameters that match
# existing PeopleSoft node definitions.
# ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.From.<AS2From>= Specify the PSFT Source Node Name.
# ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.To.<AS2To>= Specify the PSFT Target Node Name.
# This example translate AS2From from AS2SENDER to PSFT_SRC_NODE, and AS2To from AS2RECEIVER to PSFT_TGT_NODE.
# example:
# ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.From.AS2SENDER=PSFT_SRC_NODE
# AS2 Message name
# Message name used to publish AS2 transactions.
# Use this property if the incoming AS2 Message Name is not in the HTTP Header or the URL.
# Replace <source> and <target> with either the incoming AS2From and AS2To http header parameters .
# when those match existing PeopleSoft node definitions, or with the PeopleSoft nodes names specified in the
# AS2 From & To map above.
# ig.AS2.<source>.<target>.MessageName= Specify the Message Name
# example:
# These Properties need to be set to use either the AS2TargetConnector or the AS2ListeningConnector
# AS2 Certificates
# CertificateAlias is the certificate of the AS2 Listening Node used to decrypt incoming messages.
# SignerCertificateAlias is the certificate of the AS2From trading partner of Listening Node used to verify
# the incoming signature.
# Replace <source> and <target> with either the incoming AS2From and AS2To http header parameters
# when those match existing PeopleSoft node definitions, or with the PeopleSoft nodes names specified in the
# AS2 From & To map above.
# ig.AS2.<source>.<target>.CertificateAlias = Specify the target AS2 Listening Node certificate alias.
# ig.AS2.<source>.<target>.SignerCertificateAlias = Specify the source AS2From trading partner certificate alias.
# example:
# ig.AS2.PSFT_SRC_NODE.PSFT_TGT_NODE.CertificateAlias=<GeneratedAS2certificatealias>
# ig.AS2.PSFT_SRC_NODE.PSFT_TGT_NODE.SignerCertificateAlias=<GeneratedAS2certificatealias>
## End of AS2ListeningConnector Only Properties
## AS2 Target Connector Properties
# These Properties need to be set to use the AS2TargetConnector
# AS2 Original Request Information Log Directory
# This is required for Async MDN only. The Async MDN receiver uses this directory
# to find original request information.
# example:
# ig.AS2.AS2Directory=c://temp//as2
## END of AS2 Target Connector Properties.
#XML dtd lookup flag
# true - enable dtd reference lookup dtd on gateway. this is also the default value.
# false - disable dtd reference lookup on gateway.
# Maximum active connections to be cached on gateway
# These are connections from gateway to peoplesoft application server
# Caching connections will improve integration broker throughput

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    3. At the command prompt type
    to list your BCD entries.
    This will give you an output like:
    Windows Boot Manager
    identifier {bootmgr}
    device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume2
    path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
    description Windows Boot Manager
    locale en-US
    inherit {globalsettings}
    integrityservices Enable
    default {current}
    resumeobject {a329b5cf-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    displayorder {a329b5d0-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}
    timeout 30
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {a329b5d0-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8prowmc01.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description Windows 8
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5d1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8prowmc01.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5cf-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    The section that starts with Windows Boot Manager lists current settings for the boot menu. Here you find what boot entry is chosen by default, this is the one what you will boot into if you do not select any boot entry in the
    boot menu.
    The following record
    default {current}
    indicates that by default my Windows boots into configuration which I use at the moment (currently booted Windows configuration).
    To find out what exactly is current configuration, look into the list of boot entries, records that contain boot loader configuration and are titled as Windows Boot Loader in the bcdedit output.
    For example, the entry shown above is one of my boot configurations. This is one of the boot entries listed on the boot manager screen when I start my PC and it looks like:
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {a329b5d0-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8prowmc01.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description Windows 8
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5d1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8prowmc01.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5cf-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    This record has a unique GUID identifier that can be used to reference this boot entry, which is:
    identifier {a329b5d0-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    If we look at the Windows Boot Manager settings, we'll see this entry is the first in order to be displayed in the boot menu on OS start (I marked the unique bits):
    displayorder {a329b5d0-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    It references my VHD drive, a virtual hard drive where my Windwos 8 setup is residing:
    device vhd=[D:]\win8prowmc01.vhdx
    And it also specifies that the boot manager must use UEFI BIOS extension code to access my Windows boot partition:
    path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
    3. Now locate the current boot entry.
    Current boot entry contains boot settings used to boot into Windows configuration to which you are currently booted. It is referenced in the list of boot entries as a Windows Boot Loader record that has the {current} keyword inside and may
    look like:
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {current}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description Windows 8 Enterprise RTM
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5c3-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    integrityservices Enable
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5c1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
    Because we are more than happy with current configuration and want to base our new boot configuration on these settings, we need to copy this boot entry ({current}) to a new boot entry.
    This is done by running the following command:
    C:\Windows\system32>bcdedit /copy {current} /d "No Driver Signature Check"
    Parameter /d here indicates that the following sequence of characters specifies the display name for the new boot entry that we are creating. The name inside the double quotes will be displayed in the boot menu when you boot your Windows.
    In other words, if you know restart your system, you'll see the new No Driver Signature Check in the boot menu.
    When copied, the entry is automatically given a new GUID identifier, so upon running the command above, you'll see the following line returned (you'll have an other GUID since these are unique identifiers):
    The entry was successfully copied to {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}.
    4. Make sure the entry has been successfully created.
    Run the same bcdedit. (You may specify /enum or /v, or both /enum /v parameters at the prompt to get more detail about boot entries, but simple bcdedit is just enough to see the new entry):
    Windows Boot Manager
    identifier {bootmgr}
    device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume2
    path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
    description Windows Boot Manager
    locale en-US
    inherit {globalsettings}
    integrityservices Enable
    default {current}
    resumeobject {a329b5cf-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    displayorder {a329b5d0-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}
    timeout 30
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {current}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description Windows 8 Enterprise RTM
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5c3-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    integrityservices Enable
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5c1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description No Driver Signature Check
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5c3-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    integrityservices Enable
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5c1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
    The entry has been created and given a unique a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240 ID. It now has exactly same boot settings as the boot entry we used to boot into current configuration of Windows.
    5. Modify created  No Driver Signature Check entry and specify that Windows must have driver integrity checks disabled when booted using this boot entry.
    Any modifications to boot entries are made using /set parameter. To indicate that we modify a specific boot entry, we must specify the GUID for the No Driver Signature Check record, which is:
    identifier {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    In other words, to edit (add or change) an option for the boot entry, we need to use the following command syntax:
    C:\Windows\system32>bcdedit /set GUID <boot_option> [<option_value>]
    First, we must specify that we don't want integrity checks be made. This is done by adding the loadoptions option and setting it to DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS value:
    C:\Windows\system32>bcdedit /set {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240} loadopti
    The operation completed successfully.
    6. Verify that load option has been added.
    Run the bcdedit command:
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {current}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description Windows 8 Enterprise RTM
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5c3-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    integrityservices Enable
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5c1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description No Driver Signature Check
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5c3-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    integrityservices Enable
    recoveryenabled Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5c1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
    7. Add the option that turns on test signing mode and disables checks of driver signature.
    Adding the testsigning option and setting it to ON does the trick for us:
    C:\Windows\system32>bcdedit /set {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240} TESTSIGNING ON
    8. Now we have a boot entry that enables Windows not to do integrity checks and digital signature validation.
    We check it by running bcdedit:
    Windows Boot Loader
    identifier {a329b5d8-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    device vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
    description No Driver Signature Check
    locale en-US
    inherit {bootloadersettings}
    recoverysequence {a329b5c3-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    integrityservices Enable
    recoveryenabled Yes
    testsigning Yes
    isolatedcontext Yes
    allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
    osdevice vhd=[D:]\win8rtm.vhdx
    systemroot \Windows
    resumeobject {a329b5c1-fb29-11e1-a74d-f2c962d62240}
    nx OptIn
    bootmenupolicy Standard
    hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
    9. Type 'exit' without quotes to exit from command prompt, and restart Windows.
    Upon booting you will be present with a new boot option to start Windows in configuration that allows you to install custom non-signed drivers.
    Hope this will help anybody to create their own custom boot configurations.
    Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given...

    Thank you for sharing the solutions & experience here. It will be very beneficial for other community members who have similar questions. 
    Kelvin hsu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Difference between Process integration scenario and configuration scenario.

    Please tell me what is difference between Process integration scenarion and configuration scenarion in SAP PI.
    Is Process integration scenario is BPM concept? also what is the advantages over configuration scenario.

    Hi Manigandan,
    Speaking widely:
    Process integration scenario: there is a ccBPM, like the workflow in ABAP, even when you one inside the PI it's generated a workflow in the ABAP stuck
    Configuration scenario: it is object to link the integration directory and the esr/IR when  you define the logic of your implementation. It isnt mandatory, but you can organize better you develoments if you make an scenario for a "real scenario" like a file to soap integration, you can define it like a configuration scenario.

  • What products to choose for a SOA and  BPM Scenario?

    Hi, i am beggining in this interesting world of SOA and BPM. I am responsible for evaluating to implement a business testing case of SOA and BPM that involves these products: Oracle BPM, Oracle Service Bus, Oracle BPEL, Oracle Weblogic Server.
    So, i decided to install and configured in the same order, the following products (some of them are from the Fussion Middle Ware 11g):
    1- Oracle Database XE
    2- Repository Creation Utility ( to create schemas in database for SOA and BAM
    3- WebLogic Server (10.3.2)
    4- SOA Suite (, that includes BPEL
    5- JDeveloper and Application Development Framework (
    6- Soa-jdev-extension
    7-Oracle BPM Suite
    Next, i tried to follow the running y building tutorial for Fusion Order Demo, according to "e10275-Running y Building an Application with SOA Suite" guide, but i couldn´t deploy the demo because of Ant Module Issue.
    Also, i've noticed, that the service bus included in SOA Suite 11g is not the Oracle Service Bus but Enterprise Service Bus called mediator, and according to documentation in Soa Suite 11g, Oracle Service Bus is available as a separate download with an Oracle SOA Suite license. But revising Oracle Service Bus downloads, there is an only one: Oracle Service Bus 10gR3 ( hat works with Weblogic server 10.3.
    Besides that, there is no integration between Oracle BPM Suite and SOA Suite.
    And after all, i have the following questions:
    1. Is it correct the products choosen (version 11g) to implement Business SOA/BPM evaluation case?
    In case of answer to question 1 be affirmative:
    2. How can i integrate Oracle Service Bus to SOA Suite 11g?
    3. How can i integrate Oracle BPM Suite to SOA SUite 11g?
    In case of answer to question 1 be negative:
    4. What products to install and configure to fulfill the business test case products requeriments: Oracle BPM, Oracle Service Bus, Oracle BPEL, Oracle Weblogic Server?
    I would appreciated your help.

    Hi Roycito,
    And after all, i have the following questions:
    1. Is it correct the products choosen (version 11g) to implement Business SOA/BPM evaluation case?Yes. From technical perspecive it is possible and you have chosen the right combination, however it may differ as per your business requirements and use case.
    In case of answer to question 1 be affirmative:
    2. How can i integrate Oracle Service Bus to SOA Suite 11g?Current version of OSB (10.3.1) does not support 11g resource adapters so direct integration may not be possible but through a transport protocol such as HTTP(S), JMS, File and FTP, you can integrate OSB indirectly with SOA suite 11g. Please refer -
    3. How can i integrate Oracle BPM Suite to SOA SUite 11g?Through BPEL it should possible. Please refer -
    Try to contact your local Oracle Sales Representative for more details and support from Oracle for implementaion of your use case.

  • Issue while integrating  OID and BPEL.

    Issue while integrating OID and BPEL.
    We followed steps mentioned in for integration. WE have two SoA instances, home, oc4j_soa.
    Before running configure_oid.bat script, we changed jazn.xml to include the contents that are available in home\jazn.xml.
    The contents we replaced contain
    <jazn xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" provider="LDAP" location="ldap://myhost:389" default-realm="my-realm" >
         <property name="custom.sso.url.login" value="/jsso/SSOLogin" />
         <property name="ldap.user" value="orclApplicationCommonName=jaznadmin2,cn=JAZNContext,cn=products,cn=OracleContext" />
         <property name="ldap.password" value="{903}dA0r1HydR5qIhjAn2OCLMSWlFXeLdV//sCLFNwSfWhE=" />
         <property name="custom.sso.key.alias" value="ssoSymmetricKey" />
         <property name="idm.token.asserter.class" value="" />
         <property name="idm.token.collector.class" value="" />
         <property name="idm.token.type" value="HTTP_COOKIE" />
         <property name="idm.token.collector.cookie.1" value="ORA_OC4J_SSO" />
         <property name="custom.sso.url.logout" value="/jsso/SSOLogout" />
         <property name="ldap.protocol" value="no-ssl" />
         <property name="" value="JavaSSO" />
    configure_oid.bat ran successfully.
    But when we try restarting SoA, it gives error. If we replace the above to point to XML-based jazn then SoA starts succcessfully.
    Please let us know if we are missing anything.

    *1.) No I am not able to complete step 3 the*
    work list application is showing "authentication fail"
    user look up is showing "unable to find the realm with name my-realm "
    *2.) After step 2, if I try restarting the SOA suite, it throws following error.*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Configuration information
    Running in C:\product\\OracleAS_1
    Operation mode:Startup, App Server, No Enterprise Manager, Single Instance
    Oracle home:C:\product\\OracleAS_1
    Oracle home name:Unnamed
    Instance name:ias_soa.myhost
    Instance type:allProducts
    Uses infrastructure:false
    Not an infrastructure instance, no infrastructure information available
    Components:[j2ee, apache, orabpel, oraesb, owsm, Wsil]
    2009-06-29 04:10:49.962--Begin log output for Mid-tier services (ias_soa.myhost)
    2009-06-29 04:10:49.962--Processing Step: starting OPMN
    2009-06-29 04:10:57.493--Processing Step: starting OPMN managed processes
    2009-06-29 04:11:22.806--End log output for Mid-tier services (ias_soa.myhost)
    An unknown OPMN error has occured
    oracle.appserver.startupconsole.model.ConsoleException: An unknown OPMN error has occured
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.OPMNController.doStart(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.Controller.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.GroupController.doStart(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.Controller.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.view.controller.ControllerAdapter.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.view.Runner.main(
    Caused by: oracle.appserver.startupconsole.model.ConsoleException: There are some errors while stopping the following components. Refer to the generated error report for more details.
    ias-component: default_group
    process-type: oc4j_soa
    process-set: default_group
    Error Message:failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.OPMNController.doStart(
         ... 6 more
    Caused by: oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpticControlException: Error from opmn during process control operation
         at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.AbstractOpmnEntity.runCommand(
         at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.AbstractOpmnEntity.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.OPMNController.doStart(
         ... 6 more
    Exception caused by
    There are some errors while stopping the following components. Refer to the generated error report for more details.
    ias-component: default_group
    process-type: oc4j_soa
    process-set: default_group
    Error Message:failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
    oracle.appserver.startupconsole.model.ConsoleException: There are some errors while stopping the following components. Refer to the generated error report for more details.
    ias-component: default_group
    process-type: oc4j_soa
    process-set: default_group
    Error Message:failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.OPMNController.doStart(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.Controller.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.GroupController.doStart(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.Controller.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.view.controller.ControllerAdapter.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.view.Runner.main(
    Caused by: oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpticControlException: Error from opmn during process control operation
         at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.AbstractOpmnEntity.runCommand(
         at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.AbstractOpmnEntity.start(
         at oracle.appserver.startupconsole.control.OPMNController.doStart(
         ... 6 more
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='WINDOWS-1252'?>
    <msg code="-82" text="Remote request with weak authentication.">
    <opmn id="bg1ws0008:6201" http-status="206" http-response="2 of 3 processes started.">
    <ias-instance id="ias_soa.myhost">
    <ias-component id="default_group">
    <process-type id="home">
    <process-set id="default_group">
    <process id="91427687" pid="4148" status="Alive" index="1" log="C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\logs\\default_group~home~default_group~1.log" operation="request" result="success">
    <msg code="0" text="">
    <process-type id="oc4j_soa">
    <process-set id="default_group">
    <process id="91427688" pid="5856" status="Init" index="1" log="C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\logs\\default_group~oc4j_soa~default_group~1.log" operation="request" result="failure">
    <msg code="-21" text="failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit">
    <ias-component id="HTTP_Server">
    <process-type id="HTTP_Server">
    <process-set id="HTTP_Server">
    <process id="91427686" pid="5140" status="Alive" index="1" log="C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\logs\\HTTP_Server~1.log" operation="request" result="success">
    <msg code="0" text="">
    *3.) opmnctl status -all ?*
    C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\bin>opmnctl status -all
    opmnctl [<scope>] status [<options>] [host port]
    - if host,port is specified, contact opmn on host,port;
    otherwise, contact opmn in local ias instance.
    scope specifies how far to apply the query. To apply the query to
    all known iAS Instances, specify "cluster". To apply the query
    to a specific set of 1 or more iAS Instances, specify
    "instance(:instname(:instname...))". If no names are supplied
    in an instance scope string then the request is applied to the
    "local" instance. In this context, "local" means the instance
    containing the opmn server handling the request.
    Default: local iAS Instance.
    - filter output by ias-component name
    - i.e. filter output by oc4j-group name
    -l - pre-selected long output format:
    -fmt <fmtlist> - output format (see details below)
    Option "-fmt <fmtlist>" and "-l" are mutually exclusive
    -fsep <string> - field separator (default:" | ")
    -rsep <string> - record separator (default:"\n")
    -noheaders - don't print a header
    -c <count> - number of times to print status (default:1)
    -i <nsecs> - seconds between each print (default:5)
    -app [-l] - application status (optional long format)
    -port - opmn "request" host and port (scope
    argument invalid)
    Format String Syntax:
    <fmtlist> - A single string containing one or more statistic
    identifiers concatenated together where each identifier has
    the following format: %<statname>[<width>[<justification>]]
    default: %cmp32%prt18%pid7R%sta8
    <statname> - Must be one of the following:
    ins - iAS Instance Name
    cmp - iAS Component Id
    prt - Process Type Id
    prs - Process Set Id
    idx - Index of process in Process Set
    pid - OS Process Identifier
    uid - Opmn Unique Id
    typ - Name for this kind of process
    sta - Process status
    stm - start time (ms)
    utm - up time (ms)
    cpu - cpu time (ms)
    mem - memory used (Kb)
    pme - private memory (Kb)
    sme - shared memory (Kb)
    hpz - heap size (Kb)
    por - Port List
    <width> - The number of columns to use for this field. Output
    less than this value will receive padding according to the
    specified justification. Output more than this value will
    be truncated and terminated with '~'.
    default: the width of each datum
    <justification> - How to justify output when less than the width.
    Must be L, R, or C (left, right, or center justification).
    default: L
    4.) SOA Suite version ? **
    5.) Did you manually tweak some configuration file or followed the documentation as it is ? I have followed the document as it is.
    I have changed only jazn.xml available in ..j2ee/oc4j_soa suite to have the below section:  This section was copied from jazn.xml of ..j2ee/home directory that has been automatically updated after running configure_oid.bat file
    <jazn xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" provider="LDAP" location="ldap://myhost:389" default-realm="myrealm" >
         <property name="custom.sso.url.login" value="/jsso/SSOLogin" />
         <property name="ldap.user" value="orclApplicationCommonName=jaznadmin2,cn=JAZNContext,cn=products,cn=OracleContext" />
         <property name="ldap.password" value="{903}dA0r1HydR5qIhjAn2OCLMSWlFXeLdV//sCLFNwSfWhE=" />
         <property name="custom.sso.key.alias" value="ssoSymmetricKey" />
         <property name="idm.token.asserter.class" value="" />
         <property name="idm.token.collector.class" value="" />
         <property name="idm.token.type" value="HTTP_COOKIE" />
         <property name="idm.token.collector.cookie.1" value="ORA_OC4J_SSO" />
         <property name="custom.sso.url.logout" value="/jsso/SSOLogout" />
         <property name="ldap.protocol" value="no-ssl" />
         <property name="" value="JavaSSO" />
    instead of
    <jazn xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" provider="XML" location="./system-jazn-data.xml" default-realm="">
    <!-- properties to configure the 3rd party IDM framework -->
         <property name="" value="JavaSSO"/>
         <property name="idm.token.asserter.class" value=""/>
         <property name="idm.token.collector.class" value=""/>
         <property name="idm.token.type" value="HTTP_COOKIE"/>
         <property name="idm.token.collector.cookie.1" value="ORA_OC4J_SSO"/>
    <!-- properties for the out of the box Java SSO -->
         <property name="custom.sso.url.login" value="/jsso/SSOLogin"/>
         <property name="custom.sso.url.logout" value="/jsso/SSOLogout"/>
         <property name="custom.sso.key.alias" value="ssoSymmetricKey"/>

  • Email activity for soa and bam with pre-built virtualbox images

    Dear OTN,
    i am running pre built virtualbox image for soa and bam and want to run with email activity and configure the email inside the virtualbox can anyone help me with email activity in pre-built virtualbox image.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi there
    I have a Technote that shows how the information can be published from EBS to BAM. In addition you could create an end to end visibility across the products e.g. B2B - BPEL - EBS - Financials etc by raising the events to BAM .
    There is no out of the box dashboards available today. However, i have a number of customers who are doing this use case by themselves or through some SI/Oracle consulting.
    can we contact you offline to discuss your requirement?
    There are certified adapters available for EBS to FM as well.
    Edited by: PayalS on May 21, 2010 4:25 PM

  • Difference between soa and esoa

    What is the difference between SOA AND ESOA.

    In a nutshell, ESOA are simply Web services that provide enterprise-level business functionality.They may range from very simple lookup services (like finding a company’s location or product offerings) to more complex and composite services — but what they have in common is that they’re highly integrated into your process or application.Typically ESOA are high-level components that take more granular Web services and aggregate them into reusable elements with business value. For example, take the service Cancel Purchase Order. An elementary Web service like Delete Purchase Order would simply lead to the deletion of a purchase order in the corresponding database. However, if the stated goal is “cancel purchase order,” the service has to become a more far-reaching enterprise service that handles this process end-to-end, and therefore has to trigger a number of follow-up actions, including:
    => Check against production orders
    => Check against a corresponding billing process
    => Update of inventory/warehouse information Or consider the Credit Limit Check
    service, which at first glance seems to be quite simple. Normally, this service is one ingredient of the Order Creation service. But typically, credit checking is
    really a more elaborate composite service.
    5 Key Principles of ESOA
    1. Abstraction — hiding confusing details
    2. Modularity — breaking down complexity, resulting in reusable pieces
    3. Standardized connectivity — enabling flexible composition of services to
    create bigger processes and scenarios
    4. Loose coupling — allowing for separate evolution of the various components
    without breaking any points of integration
    5. Incremental design — enabling changes to composition and configuration
    without affecting the interior of components, and vice versa

  • CRM 5.0 and IPC Configuration

    Hi All,
    we are using CRM 5.0 and want to configure IPC for Internet sales. Can someone give me the IPC configuration guide for CRM 5.0 (as IPC is integrated in it). We are using CRM as standalone without R/3.
    Thanks & Regards,
    [email protected]

    Vikas and Nirmal,
    As IPC is already there with CRM 5.0, you just need to start it...
    See OSS note 854170 for details about starting and some configuration information on IPC...

  • File Adapter Transactional in SOA and OSb

    Hi All,
    Is file adapter transactional in SOA and OSB. I have a requirement where a inbound file adapter polls for a file and it is consumed by a topic.If topic is down,how can I know that the same file will goes to topic when is up(how can I make it transactional).I want to do this both in SOA ans OSB.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Kumar,
    File Adapter itself is NON TRANSACTIONAL...
    4.2.9 Nontransactional
    The Oracle File Adapter picks up a file from an inbound directory, processes the file, and sends the processed file to an output directory. However, during this process if a failover occurs in the Oracle RAC back end or in an SOA managed server, then the file is processed twice because of the nontransactional nature of Oracle File Adapter. As a result, there can be duplicate files in the output directory.

  • New Features for UPK with PeopleTools 8.53 and PeopleSoft 9.2

    does anyone know, where I can find information about the effect or new features PeopleTools 8.53 and PeopleSoft 9.2 have especially for UPK 11.0.0?
    I've searched a lot, but couldn't find any information of new features or changed integration of UPK in PeopleSoft according to the Upgrade.
    Thanks for your help.

    Support for PeopleTools 8.53 and PeopleSoft 9.2 are planned for UPK 11.1 ESP 2.
    Best regards,

  • Reporting Service Integration mode and Key not valid for use in specified state

    I had to uninstall SharePoint Foundation 2013 and reinstall it.
    What I have done:
    I uninstalled SharePoint and after that I removed all databases.
    I reinstalled SharePoint Foundation 2013 and it completed without errors.
    Everything else is working, except SSRS in Sharepoint Integrated Mode.
    If I check Central Administration - Manage services on server, I can found out that SQL Server Reporting Service Service is
    "Started". But if I try to create new service application (SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application), it gives me an error message:
    "Key not valid for use in specified state. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8009000B)"
    I uninstalled SSRS in Sharepoint Integrated Mode and I reinstalled it but problems exists.
    It seems that "Encryption Keys" cause this problem.
    I tried to Re-create Encryption Keys and Delete keys, but its not working either. It gives me only error message that:
    "Unable to locate the Reporting Server Windows service for instance MSSQLSERVER."
    I don't have any reporting server databases, because I removed all
    databases when I uninstalled SharePoint. Also I don't have Encryption
    Keys backups.
    I have found several similar question but no answer, example here:
    Any ideas how I can fix this problem?

    From the Reporting Server Configuration Manager you have to restore the encryption key.
    Please try to delete databases(reportserver & reportservertempdb) and delete the reportserver and reports site on IIS. Then you have to start over the configuration again.
    If the issue still exists, Please check ULS log to see if anything unexpected occurred.
    For SharePoint 2013, by default, ULS log locates in
    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS"
    More information about SQL Reporting services Installation with SharePoint 2013 for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • How to catch the error occurred in Integration Process, and then save it?

    1. how to catch the error occurred in Integration Process, and then save the detailed error message to the file?
    2. there are fault message type for inbound message interface, how to use the fault message type in IR?
    Message was edited by: Spring Tang
    Message was edited by: Spring Tang
    detailed message output
    Message was edited by: Spring Tang
    fault message type

    Hi Spring,
    If u give an exception step along with your Transformation Step, whenever some error occurs in your message mapping, this exception block wil be triggered.
    You can configure your exception block to do all exception processing that you want. This exception handling is like any other java Exceptio n Handler. You can do anything that you want in your exception handler block on the basis of your requirements.
    <i>If an exception is triggered at runtime, the system first searches for the relevant exception handler in surrounding blocks. If it does not find the correct exception handler, it continues the search in the next block in the block hierarchy.
    When the system finds the correct system handler, it stops all active steps in the block in which the exception handler is defined and then continues processing in the exception handler branch. Once the exception handler has finished processing, the process is continued after the block.
    If the system fails to find an exception handler, it terminates the integration process with an error.</i>

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