Every week, on the date the iTune Check for Update Message says check for update a week from now or the next subsequent Friday.
Today, when I checked, since it had always said check on the next Friday, if no update was available I would have expected it to suggest to me to check again on 8/24.
Lo and behold this time it said check on 8/18.
Could this be a hint of something to come on Saturday, 8/18.
I hope!
Message was edited by: mikeab iTunes last did a software update check on the 8/15 and is saying it will check again on 8/22. That is interesting though that your's is checking automatically only 2 days later. I hope you're right, however, i was thinking. When Apple does choose to come out with the "huge" update everyone's all hyped up about, won't they market these new features: rather than show the same, "you'd be surprised what you'll find on your iphone" adds. If I was, lets say, Steve Jobs, I would probably come out with new pre-updated iPhones on the shelves as well as a whole line of new "coming soon" kind of commercials. Why not create another hype about the same product to boost sales. Rather than surprise us randomly on an unannounced date. Idk though. Just rambling

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    Hi sunnychelt,
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    That error sounds like the errors in this article.
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    There you'll find some generic troubleshooting as well as some Windows specific steps.
    Best Regards,

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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
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         As part of my message reads above; I keep getting an i-tunes update message and when I click on the OK to download it, I get an error message saying there was a problem and I need to go to Tools>manual download.  Well, I don't know how to do that even though I gave it my best try. I went to the support sight and it had the following message;
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    Apple Mobile Device Support
    Apple Application Support (iTunes 9 or later)
    Important: Uninstalling these components in a different order, or  only uninstalling some of these components, may have unintended affects.
    If you encounter an error while uninstalling, try repairing the affected component:
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    Christine Bocker
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Let's first try updating using an installer file downloaded from the Apple Website:

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    Hello robertleearmy,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Best of luck,

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    The music sync is one way - computer to iphone.  The only exception is itunes purchases.  File>Transfer Purchases
    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer for just such an occasion.  Use your backup copy to move everything to your new computer.

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    My apple Id is [email protected]

    My Iphone 4 is telling me the same thing and I believe I figured out what the problem is.  I had some fraudulent charges on my itunes account, so I call my bank and disputed the charges.  Right after I did that, I started getting the message "Your apple ID has been disabled."  I just realized today that the charges are not fraudulent, they are "in app purchases."  One of my daughters downloaded the game Top Girl which is FREE, but in the game Top Girl you use money in the game to purchase things.  It just so happens that the money you use to purchase things is real money MY Money!!!.  My daughter thought she was using play money in the game and had no idea she was using real money.  She spent $106.00 buying stuff.  Now I have to call the bank and tell them to release the hold and pay Itunes.  I'm hoping this solves the problem.  Here is the link to learn how to disable "in app purchase" on your iphone or ipad. rn-off-in-app-purchasing.html

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    Yes.  I just solved the problem on my PC.  Here goes...
    Issue:  My Windows7 computer was producing the pop up box with the error text as you described.
    The Problem: You have another application on your computer that uses the like named .DLL file... in this case a DLL supporting SQLite on your local PC.
    1.  You need to use the Windows File search feature to look for the name "SQLite".  This will quickly locate the offending DLL in the other application.
    2. Decide which program you like the most, in my case "Mobile Me", and uninstall the offending application.
    3.  Uninstall Mobile Me.
    4.  Restart your PC.
    5.  Reinstall Mobile Me.
    6.  Mobile Me should sync at this point, but if not, restart the PC once again.
    In my case, the offending program was my Aptana Studio development application.  I had recently the SQLite3 database to my Ruby On Rails configuration...
    This is where the file was located:
    C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Aptana Studio 2.0\plugins\com.aptana.radrails.sqlite3.win32_3.5.7.1278709071\vendor\SQLite3.d ll
    I hope this helps,

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