International filenames using bash

Typing umlauts in the terminal is easily done. Using ls -v one can see filenames with international characters. However how does one enable it so that scripts that are run as other users also can recognized filenames that contain international characters?
i'm havin an issue with a perl/cgi script that outputs the bulk of the content in iso-8859-1 encoding but not the filenames..any international characters in filenames come out wrong. I can change the script so that it outputs the filenames in utf-8 encoding but then the rest of the content comes out wrong.
it's possible this is an issue with perl/cgi, however i'm thinking that since my shell doesnt seem to recognize international characters by default that maybe the issue is there.
i have tried setting LC_ALL=utf-8 to no avail.
Hopefully we have some people out there with experience concerning filenames containing international characters and perhaps with suggestions on what, if any, environment variables should be set etc.

Hi Thomas,
   The syntax I've seen recommended for setting the LC_ALL environment variable was something along the lines of:
export LCALL=enUS.UTF-8
I assume that your language and local aren't English and the US but I'm sure you can change that to something more appropriate. The syntax for setting the LANG variable is the same I believe.
   A "practical joker" deserves applause for his wit according
   to its quality. Bastinado is about right. For exceptional wit
   one might grant keelhauling. But staking him out on an
   anthill should be reserved for the very wittiest.
         -- Lazarus Long

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    Here's what I currently use:
    # fm v1.9.1 by Kiah Morante
    # A very simple file manager.
    # Depends on pycp/pymv, and feh
    # 'source' this file in a BASH shell
    showHidden=0 # Hidden files not shown
    showDetails=0 # ls is replaced with ls -lh if showDetails is 1
    shopt -s autocd # cd to a dir just by typing its name
    PROMPT_COMMAND='[[ ${__new_wd:=$PWD} != $PWD ]] && list; __new_wd=$PWD' # ls after cding
    # Shortcuts
    source ~/.config/fm/shortcuts # Call all custom shortcuts
    alias ..='cd ..'
    alias ...='cd ../..'
    alias ....='cd ../../..'
    alias h='cd ~'
    alias n='cd "$n"'
    # Keybindings
    bind '"\C-l":"list\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-h":"hide\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-o":"details\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-f":"makedir\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-n":"n\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-y":"cpwd\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-p":"cd "$OLDPWD"\C-m"' # Hint: You could also type '~-'
    # FM prompt appearance
    if [[ $(whoami) == 'root' ]]; then
    # So that the user knows if they have root privileges:
    PS1="\[\e[0;32\]mf\[m\e[m\] \[\e[0;31m\]root\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\w \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;31m\]> \[\e[m\]"
    PS1="\[\e[0;32\]mf\[m\e[m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\w \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;31m\]> \[\e[m\]"
    # Functions
    # Usage
    fmhelp () {
    echo "hide - toggle hidden (hidden by default)
    ls - lists contents of dir(s) passed in args.
    lsd - list directories
    cd - changed to directory \$1
    cp \$@ \$2 - copies file from \$1 to \$2
    mv \$@ \$2 - moves file from \$1 to \$2
    rm \$@ - deletes \$@
    sc \$1 \$2 - make a shortcut called \$1 pointing to \$2. If no \$2 is passed, it is evaluated as \$PWD
    cpwd - copy current working directory
    .., ..., .... - cd .. etc.
    o \$1 - opens \$1 with xdg-open
    hm - how many files are in the current directory
    details - show file details (ls -lh)
    fmhelp - this help menu
    n - Intelligent guess of the next dir you wish to cd to. Last $1 in open, list, or makedir; last argument in copy or move; pwd before a cd
    ~- - BASH shortcut for \$OLDPWD
    img - feh frontend with the following usage:
    img -t \$2 - views the dirs/images specified in \$2..\$n as clickable thumbnails
    img -s \$2 \$3 - views the images specified in \$3..\$n as a slideshow with a slide change speed of \$2 seconds
    img \$@ - views the dirs/images specified
    Ctrl-f - mkdir
    Ctrl-h - hide
    Ctrl-l - ls
    Ctrl-n - cd \$n
    Ctrl-o - details
    Ctrl-p - cd \$OLDPWD
    Ctrl-y - cpwd
    Ctrl-u - clear line # urxvt default"
    # Toggle display hidden files
    # If $showHidden is 1, hidden files are shown
    hide () {
    showHidden=$(( 1 - $showHidden ))
    # Toggle display file details
    # If $showDetails is 1, file details are shown
    details () {
    showDetails=$(( 1 - $showDetails ))
    # ls
    listToggle () {
    if [[ $showHidden == 1 && $showDetails == 1 ]]; then
    ls -C --color -A -lh "$dir"
    elif [[ $showHidden == 1 && $showDetails == 0 ]]; then
    ls -C --color -A "$dir"
    elif [[ $showHidden == 0 && $showDetails == 1 ]]; then
    ls -C --color -lh "$dir"
    ls -C --color "$dir"
    list () {
    clear # Unclutter the screen
    # List pwd if no $1
    if [[ $@ == "" ]]; then
    set '.'
    # List multiple folders:
    for dir in "$@"
    n="$1" # See 'n' in fmhelp
    # use feh to view thumbnails/images/slideshow
    img () {
    case "$1" in
    -t) nohup feh --thumbnails "${@:2}" --thumb-height 120 --thumb-width 120 -S filename -d --cache-thumbnails -B black > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    -s) nohup feh "${@:3}" -S filename -d -B black --slideshow-delay "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *) nohup feh "$@" -S filename -d -B black > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    # cp
    copy () {
    if [[ $showHidden == 1 ]]; then
    pycp --interactive --all "$@"
    pycp --interactive "$@"
    n="${@:(-1)}" # n is the last argument (where stuff is moved to)
    # mv
    move () {
    if [[ $showHidden == 1 ]]; then
    pymv --interactive --all "$@"
    pymv --interactive "$@"
    makedir () {
    if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then
    read -e n
    set "$n"
    if mkdir -- "$1"; then
    list # Update pwd to show new dir(s) that have been made.
    # rm
    remove () {
    rm -rfI "$@"
    # open files
    o () {
    # To use xdg-open
    #nohup xdg-open "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
    case "$1" in
    *.tar.bz2) tar xjf "$1" ;;
    *.tar.gz) tar xzf "$1" ;;
    *.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;;
    *.rar) rar x "$1" ;;
    *.gz) gunzip "$1" ;;
    *.tar) tar xf "$1" ;;
    *.tbz2) tar xjf "$1" ;;
    *.tgz) tar xzf "$1" ;;
    *.zip) unzip "$1" ;;
    *.Z) uncompress "$1" ;;
    *.7z) 7z x "$1" ;;
    *.pdf) nohup zathura "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.html) nohup luakit "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.blend) nohup blender "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.avi) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.wmv) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.rmvb) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.mp3) nohup urxvtc -si -sw -sh 30 -e mplayer "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.flv) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.mp4) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.ogg) nohup urxvt -si -sw -sh 30 -e mplayer "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.wav) nohup audacity "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.jpg) img "$1" ;;
    *.jpeg) img "$1" ;;
    *.JPG) img "$1" ;;
    *.png) img "$1" ;;
    *.gif) nohup gpicview "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *) nohup urxvt -si -sw -sh 30 -e vim "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
    # Add shortcuts
    makeShortcut () {
    if [[ $2 == "" ]]; then
    set $1 .
    echo ""$1"=\""$2"\"
    alias "$1"='cd \""$2"\"'
    " >> ~/.config/fm/shortcuts
    source ~/.config/fm/shortcuts
    # Copy pwd to clipboard
    cpwd () {
    echo \"$(pwd)\" | xclip
    # List directories
    lsd () {
    ls -F "$@" | grep \/$
    # Command aliases
    alias mv="move"
    alias sc="makeShortcut"
    alias cp="copy"
    alias ls="list"
    alias rm="remove"
    alias mkdir="makedir"
    alias hm="ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'"
    list # ls when fm starts
    Could all of you fellow file manager-haters post your little tricks, whether just a few lines added to ~/.bashrc or fully fledged files that you source like mine?
    Last edited by greenmanwitch (2011-02-07 19:58:40)

    3]) wrote: once you have video files cluttered all throughout your hard drive and folders all over, thats where the 'bash' filemanager system lacks its use in terms of effectiveness.
    Actually, I found this to be one of the best advantages of using bash is that it forces a user to think about file organization and making useful naming schemes for files.
    For example, instead of having 1000+ media files in one directory I subcategorize theme by genre or whatever, and then probably subcategorize them again.
    Then I usually rename the files to something meaningful, like if I have 50 pictures of my kids birthday, just do a for each loop on the directory and rename all the files donovan_birthdayX.jpg where X is an integer incrementation.
    essentially. just don't "have files cluttered all throughout you hard drive and folders all over". and your life will be much happier regardless of how you manage your files.

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    for i in $(find . -path \*/waiting/* -type f -not -name "SS*" -mmin +120 -print) ; do
    echo "$i"
    let "N= $N + 1"
    Output from above script is as follows:
    And now I want to input this data into database with help of insert.
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    sqlplus $CONNECT <<-EOF
    Counter integer :=1;
    WHILE Counter <= ${no_of_files} LOOP
    INSERT INTO stuck_files(COL_DATE,SER_NAME,TYPE_FILE,FILENAME,FILE_STATUS) VALUES (sysdate,'pqrs','pqrs','pqrs','pqrs');
    Counter := Counter + 1;
    Mapping is as follows:
    any idea how to do that?
    Edited by: user9274197 on Apr 28, 2013 5:09 PM

    user9274197 wrote:
    How to use bash within sqlplus?
    meaning I am doing something like this to look for files within a particular directory with some condition.
    for i in $(find . -path \*/waiting/* -type f -not -name "SS*" -mmin +120 -print) ; do
    echo "$i"
    let "N= $N + 1"
    Output from above script is as follows:
    And now I want to input this data into database with help of insert.
    and here is the little pl/sql block to insert the data with looping thing.
    sqlplus $CONNECT <<-EOF
    Counter integer :=1;
    WHILE Counter <= ${no_of_files} LOOP
    INSERT INTO stuck_files(COL_DATE,SER_NAME,TYPE_FILE,FILENAME,FILE_STATUS) VALUES (sysdate,'pqrs','pqrs','pqrs','pqrs');
    Counter := Counter + 1;
    Mapping is as follows:
    any idea how to do that?
    Edited by: user9274197 on Apr 28, 2013 5:09 PM

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    Please search before posting.
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    I tested the answer you supplied here:
    and it worked.
    Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services

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    Would need to see your NAT configurations.
    There is a possibility that you have a NAT configuration that might be preventing this from working. Then again you are using an extra public IP address for this so it seems strange.
    Could you try the "packet-tracer" command
    packet-tracer input outside tcp 12345 2222
    This should tell us if there is some problem in the ASA configurations.
    - Jouni

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    Ravibabu Adari wrote:
    > Hi,
    > If i go with Option1: what changes i need to do in the file adapter to tell the adapter to pick the filename from XSLT ?
    > If i go with Option2: To which element to the target structure should i map the filename using UDF ? do i have to add additional element to the target structure? what changes i need to do in the file adapter to tell the adapter to pick the filename from Message mapping ?
    > Many thanks
         in both cases you need to enable file adapter specific properties and enable the file name...
    for this you need to use the dynamic configuration properties for the same...
    usage of this option using udf in message mapping is rather easy than to use in XSLT...for this you dont need to change the structure in the message mapping...message mapping is just needed for execution of the udf.. thats it..

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    Thankx in advance

    HI Dinesh,
    Thankq for ur reply
    but i ahve already tried to use the function module.
    When I try to Use the function module RSDRI_INFOPOV_READ
    I get an information message "ERROR GENERATION TEST FRAME".
    can U plz tell me what could be the problem

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      I created dynamic internal table using field symbol. I want to delete some data using where clause.
    for example. i want to use like,
    Like the above statment it won't work. How i can use delete with where clause in field symbols.
    Hope any one can help me.
    Thanks and regards
    Srikanth. S

    hi Srikanth,
    I think you have to LOOP through the whole internal table and check each line and decide to delete or not:
    LOOP at <itab> INTO <wa>.
    CHECK <field> IS ASSIGNED.
    IF <field> EQ WA_KNA1-KUNNR.
    DELETE ...
    UNASSIGN <field>.
    hope this helps

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    I am having the same problem with Rosetta Stone voice recorder/analyzer activity. RS told me to wait before going to the next window in the exercise but this did not help. I had the same experience with an older Mac laptop. I will follow up with Apple under warranty.

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    while debugging i want to view the data stored in it.
    I know the internal tables used by me. Before loading the program sap will load some information into internal table. How to know that.
    Advance Thanks.

    Internal tables, not transparent ones.
    In the old debugger, goto->system areas->internal information and look ITAB_HEADS.  This will show you the name of the tables in the system.  SYMBDATANM will show you all variables in memory.
    In the new debugger, it's even easier.  There's a global tab in the variables area, that tells you all variables in memory.  And you can see the variable type - i.e. if it is a table.

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              I need to know the final internal table used in the MIGO transaction. Why I want to know this is, I need all the records which are there in the table control (GODYNPRO) of the MIGO transaction. I have used the BADI BADI MB_MIGO_BADI to read the values. But since it is a table control the values are getting changed when the user scrolls down the table control. How can I get all the values shown in this table control. Is there any global internal table in the SAPLMIGO program?

    Hi ABAP,
    Check the BADI MB_MIGO_BADI the example class CL_EXM_IM_MB_MIGO_BADI
    In attributes tab variable GT_EXTDATA contains all migo positions.
    Read the internal table to check items.
    in this method the internal table is filled.
    Therefore define your internal table in the class attributes.
    I hope you help.

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    So why MIGO transaction cannot run this transaction?
    Any one who can help to resolve this problem?

    Go to MB1A, enter Mvt type 261, Plant and S.loc.
    Don't click on order tab from the initial screen. This field is for "Production Order" Not for internal order.
    Then in the second screen on account assignment data, give your Internal Order number and enter the data and post the document.
    Or else, In mIGO, Goods Issue- Others.
    Check the configuration for the Order type in transaction code KOT2_OPA.
    Order Category should be 01
    If order belongs to order category 30,system will not allow to do the direct posting through MB1A.
    OR else try to create a reservation for these materials with movement type 261 and then do a goods issue for that reservation.
    Hope it will help you

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    Hi experts,
    I would like to request your guidance in solving the problem of joining the data from three different database tables into one internal table
    Database tables:
    Table Fields:
    Your help much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Pawan,
    please check below codes. hope it can help you.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_xx,
            carrid     TYPE spfli-carrid   ,
            connid     TYPE spfli-connid   ,
            countryfr  TYPE spfli-countryfr,
            cityfrom   TYPE spfli-cityfrom  ,
            countryto  TYPE spfli-countryto,
            cityto     TYPE spfli-cityto   ,
            fldate     TYPE sflight-fldate ,
            seatsmax   TYPE sflight-seatsmax ,
            seatsocc   TYPE sflight-seatsocc ,
            seatsmax_b TYPE sflight-seatsmax_b,
            seatsocc_b TYPE sflight-seatsocc_b,
            seatsmax_f TYPE sflight-seatsmax_f,
            seatsocc_f TYPE sflight-seatsocc_f,
            class      TYPE sbook-class,
          END OF ty_xx,
          t_xx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_xx.
    DATA: it_xx TYPE t_xx.
    SELECT spfli~carrid
      INTO TABLE it_xx
      FROM spfli INNER JOIN sflight
      ON spfli~carrid = sflight~carrid
      AND spfli~connid = sflight~connid
      INNER JOIN sbook
      ON spfli~carrid = sbook~carrid
      AND spfli~connid = sbook~connid.

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