Internet Camera

I'm looking for a dependable wireless outdoor Internet camera that works with both Macs and PCs. We intend to setup two in our community. One will be installed on my home pointing towards one area, the second will be installed on my neighbor's home three blocks away. I have a Mac Pro setup with Airport Extreme. My neighbor probably has a PC with Windows. Any suggestions?

These are a bit pricey, but they work REALLY well. We use them in my office.
Figured it's at least worth mentioning.

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  • Help!  looking for internet camera compatible with Mac

    I need help! I purchased a Mac recently and so far I am very happy with it. However, we just had a baby and I'd like to see and hear my baby from my computer at work. At work we use PCs and at home we havea iBook G4. I bought a D-link wireless G internet camera, the DCS-950G, but I could not install it because it requires you to have a PC for initial installation. I've looked around the web but I've been unable to find an internet camera that works with the Mac. I am desperate and frustrated! Does aynone know of an wireless internet camera that works with the Mac? I'd greatly appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks.

    Hello B Real Brad
    You do not say which DV camcorder you have. The exact answers to your questions depend upon your camcorder's features and user guide instructions. If you experience problems when you try your camcorder, check your camcorder's users guide instructions. That having been said, here are the answers to your posted questions:> Do I need to have a firewire cable to successfully use it through iChat ...
    Firewire will be easiest. If you have a Firewire cable to download your DV Video to iMovie, that one will work fine.
    ... or can I use the normal usb cable?
    Depending upon your camcorder, that may work with additional software and or hardware, but, if your camcorder offers it, Firewire will me much easier.
    .. is the quality ... better using a DV camcorder ... ?
    Usually. This depends on which camcorder you compare with which webcam.
    Some people like the image quality of their camcorders better. See John Kennedy's "Cameras and Image Quality", the Sat - October 30, 2004, blog for a comparison. (John's is a very high quality camcorder.)
    See this link for my reasons for using a webcam when I do not need portability or highest possible quality. Some of the reasons may be of interest to you.For specifics on how to get going, see my recent response to Tony Keogh. Although Tony asks specifically about a particular Sony model, the specific suggestions I made there should apply to your camcorder, too.
    If the above do not get you going, I suggest that you start your own topic and give as many specifics as possible about your system, your problem, and what you have already tried. Your questions deserve the individual attention they will get in a separate topic.
    Here are a couple of other suggestions for your consideration:
    (1) I see from your other posts that you use Miglia TVMini. Be aware that some AV devices and third-party items can cause possible hardware or software conflicts with iChat.
    (2) Also, your system info shows that you are using 10.4.4. I suggest that you update to the latest available version of Tiger using the following method:- Repair permissions.
    - Then download and apply the Mac OS X 10.4.9 Combo Update (PPC).
    - Finish with another Permissions Repair.The latest Combo Update offers several additions and improvements over the older versions.
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)    G5 DP 1.8  External iSight

  • LAN IP keeps changing on my wireless internet camera using Linksys E1200 router

    Although it was working fine for about a month the LAN IP for my wireless internet camera now keeps changing almost on a daily basis for no apparent reason.   I am currently away from home and am unable to access the camera for live coverage until I determine and reset the IP.   Fortunately the camera is working and still sending emails on motion detection which includes a note with the IP which I then can use remotely access my local computer and then to the camera for live coverage but this is a time consuming method.    To be able to get access from my current location I then have to remotely log on to my home E1200 router and change the address in the port forwarding section of the routers setup program in order to use the new IP directly.  
    I know I could have avoided this problem by seting up the camera with a static IP but for some reason I had a problem doing so and due to time limitation I ended up accepting the dynamic IP assignment.
    What could be causing the change and more importantly is there anything I can do to the router setup to minimize the problem?

    There hasn't been a power failure at my house in over 3 weeks at least none that my UPS system has sensed but there have been many camera IP changes during that perioid .    Perhaps there has been some local power interuption to the camera or the router.   I wonder if a local power sag or surge might be sufficient for the camera to restart.   I guess further investigation will have to wait til I return and regardless of what I find I'll switch to a static IP for the futrue.   

  • How to install my WVC210 Wireless-G PTZ Internet Camera so I can view it from any where in the world.

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    WVC210 Wireless-G PTZ Internet Camera
    I need to install it so that I can view it from any where in the world. I have no Idea how to do this.
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    I want to know if it is posible that I can some how configure it so I can view the camera on one of my websites page.
    For exaple:
    If not well I would love to here the options I have.
    Thank you very much in advance!

    I have never seen a router like you have and I wouldn't dare advise you about changing the settings. It appears that it is a router/modem that was provided by your ISP. If this is the case, I recommend that you call your ISP and ask them for Port Forwarding assistance. You need to forward port 80 to the LAN IP address of your camera. The LAN IP address of your camera is the IP address that you use to log into the web interface. You should not need to change any settings on the camera. After you have had the ISP help you forward the port to the camera, go to and you will see your WAN IP address. Write that address down and then go to a remote location and type it into your web browser. You should get the login page of the camera. Note that your WAN IP is subject to change. You can ask your ISP to provide you with a static IP address which will be an additional charge each month but your IP address will not change. Another option is to use a service such as dyndns to create a unique URL that you can use to access the camera remotely even if your WAN IP address changes. We can discuss that after you get access to the camera if you have further questions.

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    Can anyone help me with this. I'm very new to networking and just learning as i go. thx.

    Hi Duane,
    Thank you for your quick response to my post.
    So the WAN side IP address of the AEBS is the same as the Router info, which is the same as the DNS & Gateway info? I went to the Network section in my Systems Preferences, went to TCP/IP for the Airport, and that's where i found the value you mentioned ( under Router. The IP Address has a different value on it.
    Anyway, I tried to enter this value & the IP Address value in the Internet Camera setup software and webpage, it was saying that both attempts were a success, but it still wasn't sending me the info to setup the webpage for the Camera (it mentioned that I will be receiving an introductory email with the instructions to register the camera (if it is able to communicate with my camera.)

  • Help with internet cam and ports

    I have a Linksys WVC54GCA  wireless Internet cam. I have set the IP to a static address. Created a DDNs account and have the address. I can see the site/cam on any computer on my network but cant seem to get it to port forward out . Help from anyone would be great. Thanks

    That is strange, because.
    Earlier when you posted what your domain was, I went to
    and entered that domain name, you where ping-able / traceroute-able / I could find out the correct public IP and ISP address behind that domain.
    But now, I can not see the correct IP address.
    Now I am starting to wonder about what is going on..
    I think know what was going on, why you could not connect to your self by public IP.
    Auth failed, solve that first. Then I will tell you what to do..
    That means...
    While I don't use the same DDNS provider: Make sure that, you:
    #1 Are not running any DDNS client on the computer too. That, I, suspect will cause that issue.
    Run the DDNS client either on the router (if the router supports it) or on a computer behind that router.
    #2 You enter in the correct user name and password ( "password" is not the same as "Password" )
    Message Edited by dslr595148 on 10-21-2008 03:20 PM
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

  • I need a Wireless G Internet Camera for the MAC

    I would like to buy a mac compatible Wireless G Internet Camera. Ive found lots of PC/Windoze ones but no mac ones... I would like it to be under $100 street price like all the PC cams...
    Any help?
    Thanks guys!

    The important factor that I found for compatibility is that the camera's web server needs to be Java based, and not rely on any ActiveX Microsoft technologies. It can then be used by any browser in MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
    About 4 years ago I bought a D-Link DCS-900W for around $200. It worked well out in the barn while my wife was waiting for a mare to foal. Friends all over the web were able to tune in and check out the situation.
    Currently, I've seen that the D-Link DCS-920 Wireless G is available from the usual suspects all over the internet for between $70 to $90.
    We found that the camera's work well if they are in a well lighted area. Low light cameras can get pricey. Don't expect real motion high def, especially if you are pushing the wireless distance limit.

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    How can I connect internet-camera to FME?
    I can just choose from video device's list in FME. But I need
    to get video stream from internet camera. Is there any way to solve
    my problem?

    farby wrote:
    Not too sure if this is causing it.. and also if the same options are available on Nokia N8 as I own a Nokia 5800xm...but have a look at the Camera settings (Camera-->Options-->Settings-->GPS Info...set to OFF)
    For N8 it is Camera > Options > Settings > Save location info - default is No
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

  • Internet went down , does and a screen came up ( internet diagnostic screen) does anyone know if this is real ? said it would diagnose and send info to apple then ask for computer password and a minute after I gave it internet came back up. Real apple sea

    internet went down and a aplle diagnostic screen came up ask for password as soon as I gave it and entered within a minute internet came up again. real or Hacked? Has anyone ever seen this before     ---     internet diagnostic screen      said it was from and going to apple

    No, as I already said, they will not.  They will not repair or replace any Apple device that's even been opened by anyone else.
    In this case, the morons who butchered your phone caused a lot more damage than the broken screen.
    You should have taken it to Apple for service in the first place.

  • Wireless Live Internet Camera

    I am on a Macintosh (OSX) and recently plugged in my wireless camera again. The both the power and wireless lights are illuminated (green). There is not an installer for this product on the Macintosh. Also, the user guide download does not open fro Creative's site.
    Anyone have the first steps they can share for me to start using this?
    I presume I reset the device and plug it into an active ethernet connection for me to administer it....
    Any information would be appreciated.

    Hi Jeffster,
    The Wireless Live Internet Camera (Model number: 73VF0800000) is not going to work in your Mac (OSX) nor it would have an installer. Below is the minimum system specs:[*]Minimum system requirements: Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP; 550 MHz or faster processor; 128 MB RAM; 300 MB free disk space; Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, or other Web browser; cable/DSL connection for Internet viewing; Active-X 8.0 or higher; CD-ROM dri've; available USB port; wired or wireless network adapter with TCP/IP protocol installed.<Cheers.

  • Trying to get a Hawking wireless Internet camera to work

    I tried hooking up the camera to my powerbook thru the Rj-45 cable and the powerbook is on the internet thru AEX. When i type in the address of i get the apache website. I have used Safari 1.3,netscape and IE5.2. I used post of Heng-yee Yong and no luck.
    Thank you for any advice

    I assume you are referring to this discussion:
    Heng-Yee Yong, "How to use Linksys Web-server camera with Airport?", 11:07am Jun 21, 2005 CDT
    The IP address I recommended in that discussion is one that you must configure on the Hawking wireless camera, when the final intent is to have that camera wirelessly "join" the wireless network created by an Airport Base Station or Airport Express.
    To actually configure this camera for the first time, you must follow the instructions provided by Hawking - and from the information you have provided it isn't clear you have done that. You can't just plug the camera into your Mac's ethernet port for the first time, start up a web browser, and type in - that won't get you anywhere.

  • Internet Camera Problems

    I am using a linksys router behind a channelized t1. my port forwarding is turned on and my cameras are set staticly.  nat is turned off and the carrier has the wan ports open.  cameras work fine on the local ip but once im off i cannot access them thru the internet. any help?

    Have you open the same Port on your Router for your camera. To access you camera on the Internet you need to Note down the WAN IP address which you are getting it on your Router. Open your Internet Explorer and type that WAN ip along with the Port which you have opened for your camera after this you will be able to View your camera on the Internet.

  • Creative Internet Camera Live for Remote Monitoring

    I can not get the DDNS domain name feature to install. I get a message that says user name already being used. I have tried numerous versions of names and get the same message. Also, at one point in the install process I get a message that the DDNS site is not responding and try again.

    You can access your camera from the internet by the address of your internet connection. Usually, this is the outside interface on the router connected to your cable modem, or the address of your dsl modem. This should show as the remote IP address on the Home display for your camera. (If it doesn't, something is wrong!)
    Then, provided you have done the dmz thing for your camera, you can go to someplace outside and you should be able to reach your camera by that ip address. For example: And you should get a prompt to login to your camera...
    Took me a few tries but I got both the ip address and the creativeddns to work.

  • Is it safe to download adobe flash drive update from the internet (came via a notice from Adobe)

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    If you are sure it is from Adobe, yes.
    If you have the least little bit of doubt then go to the Adobe site yourself and download from their site and then install it.

  • WVC210 Wireless-G PTZ Internet Camera Audio question

    I cannot get the Audio OUTGOING to work so that someone can hear me while I am viewing them on the camera.
    Is there some trouble shooting that I can do or is there a known problem?
    I have made all the necessary adjustments in the setup of the camera and it still does not work...  I own 4 of them.
    thank you

    Hello Mr Autieri, My name is Eric Moyers. I am a Network Support Engineer in the Cisco Small Business Support Center. Thank you for using the Cisco Community Post Forums.
    There are a couple of places to check in the camera when you have speaker issues. One is like you mentioned, under audio settings and checking the duplex settings. Also check on the main screen, there is a button that is sometimes defaulted to off. It is only visible when the audio is enabled. Once you enable it here then you should get a volume slide to adjust volume as well.
    If this doesn't solve your issue, please call in and let one of our answering agents help troubleshoot this further.
    Eric Moyers
    Cisco Network Support Engineer
    CCNA, CCNA-Wireless

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