Internet Connect opens randomly.

If I connect to the internet by sharing a connection between my iMac and PowerBook no problems at all. When I connect using a wireless router, internet connect opens periodically. It's not really a problem - more a nuissance, a big one after a while. I'm sure it's a setting that I changed at some point in time. It never used to do it when I connected to a wireless router, but now it does. How can I prevent it from opening under it's own will?

I don't know offhand, too many variables, but perhaps using Liitle Snitch...
which has a 30 minute limit on the free version, would tell you exactly what it is calling that box up!?

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  • Random Internet connection drops, Random Internet connection drops

    We are having trouble with the connection holding. Provider is confident that the router is working, they were here when it went down. Do we have a virus?

    Do we have a virus?
    Highly unlikely.
    Is this a wifi connection that drops? Are you fine if you hardwire via Ethernet to the router?
    See this -
    Good luck,

  • Clicking on HTML links in Entourage opens Internet Connect.

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    G4 powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Do you use the Internal Modem on a regular basis for anything such as receiving or sending faxes?
    If not and the Internal Modem Network Port configuration is active, try deactivating the Internal Modem via System Preferences > Network and deactivate any other Network Port configurations that you don't regularly use if active.

  • Losing internet connection randomly (wlan stays connected) - wicd

    Since about a week now I'm running into endless problems with my wlan connection - before that, all worked well (I didn't changed any hardware)
    I'm losing my internet connection in random intervals and I can't track down the reason for this problem. I've a dual-boot setup with win7 on it and there I have constant connection so this can't be any hardware problem.
    I am using wicd to manage my wlan (wicd-kde, wicd-curses).
    always used dhcp and never made any problems -even tried with static IP now which unfortunately didn't help.
    One thing to mention - even if I'm connected, the connection seems very slow, compared to the laptop I'm on (in the same network).
    now some console output:
    lspci | grep -i net
    02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 12)
    05:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
    (both on-board - lan is not used - just wlan)
    sudo tail -1 /etc/rc.conf
    DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng !network !netfs crond wicd postfix sshd)
    iwconfig wlan0
    wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"Schnulli"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:1E:69:9F:22:3F
    Bit Rate=18 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
    Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
    Power Management:off
    Link Quality=44/70 Signal level=-66 dBm
    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:4238 Invalid misc:6580 Missed beacon:0
    ifconfig wlan0
    wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:15:AF:0F:C8:48
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::215:afff:fe0f:c848/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:20308 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:16695 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:24970986 (23.8 Mb) TX bytes:2037458 (1.9 Mb)
    2011/07/18 15:53:39 :: ---------------------------
    2011/07/18 15:53:39 :: wicd initializing...
    2011/07/18 15:53:39 :: ---------------------------
    2011/07/18 15:53:39 :: wicd is version 1.7.0 552
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting backend to external
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: trying to load backend external
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: successfully loaded backend external
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: trying to load backend external
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: successfully loaded backend external
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: Automatically detected wireless interface wlan0
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting wireless interface wlan0
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: automatically detected wired interface eth0
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting wired interface eth0
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting wpa driver wext
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting use global dns to False
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting global dns
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: global dns servers are None None None
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: domain is None
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: search domain is None
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops True
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: Setting dhcp client to 0
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: Wireless configuration file found...
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: Wired configuration file found...
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: chmoding configuration files 0600...
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: chowning configuration files root:root...
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: Using wireless interface...wlan0
    2011/07/18 15:53:40 :: Using wired interface...eth0
    2011/07/18 15:53:44 :: hidden
    2011/07/18 15:53:45 :: Autoconnecting...
    2011/07/18 15:53:47 :: No wired connection present, attempting to autoconnect to wireless network
    2011/07/18 15:53:49 :: hidden
    2011/07/18 15:53:49 :: trying to automatically connect to...Schnulli
    2011/07/18 15:53:49 :: Connecting to wireless network Schnulli
    2011/07/18 15:53:51 :: Putting interface down
    2011/07/18 15:53:51 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
    2011/07/18 15:53:51 :: Setting false IP...
    2011/07/18 15:53:53 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant
    2011/07/18 15:53:53 :: Flushing the routing table...
    2011/07/18 15:53:53 :: Putting interface up...
    2011/07/18 15:53:55 :: Generating psk...
    2011/07/18 15:53:55 :: Attempting to authenticate...
    2011/07/18 15:53:58 :: Running DHCP with hostname blub
    2011/07/18 15:53:58 :: dhcpcd[1333]: version 5.2.12 starting
    2011/07/18 15:53:58 ::
    2011/07/18 15:53:59 :: dhcpcd[1333]: wlan0: rebinding lease of
    2011/07/18 15:53:59 ::
    2011/07/18 15:54:00 :: dhcpcd[1333]: wlan0: acknowledged from
    2011/07/18 15:54:00 ::
    2011/07/18 15:54:00 :: dhcpcd[1333]: wlan0: checking for
    2011/07/18 15:54:00 ::
    2011/07/18 15:54:05 :: dhcpcd[1333]: wlan0: leased for 604800000 seconds
    2011/07/18 15:54:05 ::
    2011/07/18 15:54:06 :: dhcpcd[1333]: forked to background, child pid 1388
    2011/07/18 15:54:06 ::
    2011/07/18 15:54:06 ::
    2011/07/18 15:54:06 :: DHCP connection successful
    2011/07/18 15:54:06 :: not verifying
    2011/07/18 15:54:06 :: Connecting thread exiting.
    2011/07/18 15:54:09 :: Sending connection attempt result Success
    really don't know what to do now - help is very much appreciated!
    thanks in advance

    Thanks for you answer!
    Actually, I tried it with dhclient too and it didn't helped at all.
    I switched to netcfg(2) now and it seems working  - wicd is completely removed from my system - hopefully it will stay like this now.
    the only problem for now is that my connection seems quite slow - any ideas where/how I can track down possible issues?
    still I've no idea what was/is causing those problems since in win7 all works well..

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    Problem started 2 weeks ago
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    I found a temporary, reliable fix - open Network diagnostics and just go thru the dialogue boxes. The first window always shows green lights for Airport, Airport Settings, Network Settings, and ISP, but "Internet - failed" and "Server - failed" and by the time I go thru each window, it's fixed, and the outbox empties and Safari opens the page. The problem is, then, an hour later or so, it's all lost again.
    Please help!

    Just to clear this up so there's no confusion, there are two different things called Airport Extreme. The physical external hardware - wireless router, and then there's the internal wireless card inside the iMac, which is also an Airport Extreme card (you'll see this if you go to "about this mac" and select the hardware button - wireless card). I do not have the Airport Extreme external wireless router. I'm using a Motorola SBG900, and others have had this problem with D-link wireless routers. The recent software update for Airport Extreme has messed with the settings of the internal wireless card. If I go to Airport Utilities, it's looking for the external Airport Extreme router's settings. When you configure yours, are you configuring the external router, or the internal card's settings? My Airport Utilities stays blank when I open it (assuming this is because I use a 3rd party wireless router). Can you confirm that you're using the Apple Airport Extreme wireless router?

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    Message was edited by: Boogie Chillen

    No difference. If you need to keep the connection open, which is what I do, then set the Energy Saver to never sleep.

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    Hi There,
    Kindly try the below link to test the connectivity.
    Link: Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later
    Atul Saini

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    Many Thanks, Kurt.
    I knew I'd seen the solution you've provided somewhere - either in MacWorld or MacFormat - but couldn't remember the Gatekeeper bit!
    I shall save it somewhere VERY safe now in case this happens again …
    You have made an old man very happy and saved me from worrying that senile decay had suddenly set in. (I was 70 last week so you might understand the situation from that.)
    Best wishes

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    I would appreciate help I followed all directions that Orange provided with netgear router

    Something here may help
    pick a subject from left hand panel
    and this

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    Open Sysem Preferences from your Apple () menu top left in your screen then select the Firewall tab.
    Make sure the Firewall is turned off.

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    Is there something else I need to be doing - I am able to see a few open - unlocked WiFi networks even ones named Free Public WiFi at work, but, even with these click - I have no access to internet??

    Have you tried the basic troubleshooting here:
    Is it your router or is it a "free" wifi hot spot. For some free wifi you may have to do something. It depends upon the specific setup.
    Have your :
    - powered of and then back on the router:
    - Reset network settings on the iPod:
    - Have you reset your iPod:
    Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

  • When I open fire fox and try to go into another web site, it tells me that it was unable to connect. I have internet connection and can get into safari because I have a macbook but also need to use firefox. Please help.

    I have a macbook laptop. When I go to open firefox it opens but when I try to get into a website such as or any other, a menu pops up and says it is unable to connect to the server check your internet connection or if u have fire wall check to see if it is set for firefox to connect. I have never had this problem before. All of a sudden it does not want to work and I need firefox to work.

    Hey, Buzz.
    You can download the latest version of iTunes supported on Leopard here:
    I hope that helps.

  • Hi, i have a doubt, i want my pdf files to be sync with the cloud but im afraid they wont open when not connected to the internet so my question basiclly is¿ can i store the documents on my device sd and edit them and when i get a internet connection they

    Hi, i have a doubt, can i have my pdf files on my sd, edit them while in class with no internet connection and when back online they will sync, all i want is to able to open my files without wifi and edit them but when back online sync their changes so i can see them in other device

    You can cache the cloud documents that you most often read by opening them once when the network is available. Edits made to these documents would be automatically synced back to the cloud if the network is available. If for any reason the network is not available, these would be synced the next time network becomes available.

  • I am unable to open my html files saved from mozilla firefox without internet connection...........each time it shows the error message as follows:-

    I have saved some internet pages from mozilla firefox as html pages in F:/ drive....i am using windows7...whenever i open these files without internet connection....then it opens only for a short time and suddenly crashes by displaying the message like that:-
    File not found
    Firefox can't find the file at jar:file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/omni.ja!/chrome/browser/content/browser/undefinedgoogleads.g.doubleclick.netpagead/ads?client=ca-pub-7133395778201029&format=468x60_as&output=html&h=60&w=468&lmt=1346242109&ad_type=image&flash=11.3.300&url=file:///F:/UJJWAL/C%20TUTORIAL/c_arrays.htm&dt=1346323041583&bpp=19&shv=r20120815&jsv=r20110914&correlator=1346323042092&frm=20&adk=4203423324&ga_vid=377128990.1346323043&ga_sid=1346323043&ga_hid=232002736&ga_fc=0&u_tz=330&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_nplug=11&u_nmime=30&dff=helvetica&dfs=12&adx=457&ady=211&biw=1349&bih=664&oid=3&fu=0&ifi=1&dtd=952&xpc=R193iApDeg&p=file://.
    Check the file name for capitalization or other typing errors.
    Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.
    can anyone fix my problem please?

    What extensions do you have installed? To get a full list, do the following:
    In order to be able to find the correct solution to your problem, we require some more non-personal information from you. Please do the following:
    *Click the Firefox button at the top left, then click the ''Help'' menu and select ''Troubleshooting information'' from the submenu. If you don't have a Firefox button, click the Help menu at the top and select ''Troubleshooting information'' from the menu.
    Now, a new tab containing your troubleshooting information should open.
    *At the top of the page, you should see a button that says "Copy all to clipboard''. Click it.
    *Now, go back to your forum post and click inside the reply box. Press Ctrl+V to paste all the information you copied into the forum post.
    If you need further information about the Troubleshooting information page, please read the article [[Using the Troubleshooting Information page]].
    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Internet Connect crash/Software Update won't open

    I have a 500mhz G3 slot loading iMac running 10.3.9
    About 2 weeks ago, after waking FrankenMac up from sleep mode, I noticed the Airport status symbol failed to appear in the menu bar (next to the volume/date&time etc).
    Looking into my Network settings revealed that I was indeed still connected to the internet, via my Airport, all systems go. However, I noticed that "show airport status in menu bar" was unchecked, so I checked the box. Which apparently did jack squat b/c there's still no icon.
    For the last couple weeks, as long as I've been connected to the internet, I could really give a flying flip about whether the airport status icon is there or not. I mean, seriously. I know this computer is a little old so why rock the boat on something trivial?
    Until today. Today I was determined to figure out where the icon is, why it went away and if there are any other underlying problems.
    I started first with Internet connect. Applications->Internet Connect, clicked on the purple IC button, only to have it launch in the dock, bounce once, then quit.
    _A crash log shows:_
    Host Name: Handlevandal's-Computer.local
    Date/Time: 2008-06-18 09:13:15 -0400
    OS Version: 10.3.9 (Build 7W98)
    Report Version: 2
    Command: Internet Connect
    Path: /Applications/Internet Connect
    Version: ??? (???)
    PID: 437
    Thread: Unknown
    Link (dyld) error:
    dyld: /Applications/Internet Connect truncated or malformed library: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InternetConnect.framework/Versions/A/Internet Connect (file is empty)
    I attempted to open Software Update next to see if there was something critical (ha!) I might be missing. Apple menu->software update and it was a repeat performance of Internet Connect, except this time I wouldn't even get so much as the Software Update icon in the dock. The dock would move everything to the left, as if it was going to open, then....nothing.
    *Software update was working as of 6/14*, when I updated (perhaps foolishly) to Quicktime 7.5.
    _Crash log shows:_
    Mac OS X Version 10.3.9 (Build 7W98)
    2008-06-18 13:56:17 -0400
    2008-06-18 13:56:19.213 SystemUIServer[200] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Cli entController.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ClientController for bundle /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/ClientControll er.bundle, error code 1 (link edit error code 1, error number 88 (dyld: /System/Library/CoreServices/ truncated or malformed library: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InternetConnect.framework/Versions/A/Internet Connect (file is empty)
    2008-06-18 13:56:19.214 SystemUIServer[200] Error loading AirPort Menu Extra: Couldn't initialize shared Controller
    2008-06-18 13:56:19.227 SystemUIServer[200] failed to load Menu Extra: NSBundle </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/> (loaded)
    dyld: /Applications/Internet Connect truncated or malformed library: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InternetConnect.framework/Versions/A/Internet Connect (file is empty)
    2008-06-18 13:58:33.684 System Preferences[338] Warning: TIFF image with unknown extra samples assumed to have unassociated alpha. RGB values have been premultiplied. Use tiffutil -cat to fix.
    This ridiculously long post boils down to 2 questions, really.
    • Any ideas why Internet Connect and Software Update won't open and how to fix?
    • Where in the world is my Airport status icon? (not that it matters since I'm connected to the internet, but doggone it!)
    I've run Disk Utility, repaired permissions and the HD checks out fine. I'm just at a loss (not surprising, given my limited amount of fix-it-yerself knowledge)
    Should I just put up, shut up and be grateful that these problems, while aggravating, aren't majorly disrupting my life?

    Okay no worries, can't find where to delete this post...

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